
127 lines
5.2 KiB

const config = require('./config');
const SentryKnexTracingIntegration = require('./SentryKnexTracingIntegration');
const sentryConfig = config.get('sentry');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const {ProfilingIntegration} = require('@sentry/profiling-node');
const beforeSend = function (event, hint) {
try {
const exception = hint.originalException;
const code = (exception && exception.code) ? exception.code : null;
const context = (exception && exception.context) ? exception.context : null;
const errorType = (exception && exception.errorType) ? exception.errorType : null;
const id = (exception && ? : null;
const statusCode = (exception && exception.statusCode) ? exception.statusCode : null;
event.tags = event.tags || {};
if (errors.utils.isGhostError(exception)) {
// Unexpected errors have a generic error message, set it back to context if there is one
if (code === 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR' && context !== null) {
if (event.exception.values && event.exception.values.length > 0) {
event.exception.values[0].type = context;
// This is a mysql2 error — add some additional context
if (exception.sql) {
const sql = exception.sql;
const errno = exception.errno ? exception.errno : null;
const sqlErrorCode = exception.sqlErrorCode ? exception.sqlErrorCode : null;
const sqlMessage = exception.sqlMessage ? exception.sqlMessage : null;
const sqlState = exception.sqlState ? exception.sqlState : null;
if (event.exception.values && event.exception.values.length > 0) {
event.exception.values[0].type = `SQL Error ${errno}: ${sqlErrorCode}`;
event.exception.values[0].value = sqlMessage;
event.contexts = event.contexts || {};
event.contexts.mysql = {
errno: errno,
code: sqlErrorCode,
sql: sql,
message: sqlMessage,
state: sqlState
// This is a Ghost Error, copy all our extra data to tags
event.tags.type = errorType;
event.tags.code = code; = id;
event.tags.status_code = statusCode;
return event;
} catch (error) {
// If any errors occur in beforeSend, send the original event to Sentry
// Better to have some information than no information
return event;
if (sentryConfig && !sentryConfig.disabled) {
const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');
const version = require('@tryghost/version').full;
const environment = config.get('env');
const sentryInitConfig = {
dsn: sentryConfig.dsn,
release: 'ghost@' + version,
environment: environment,
maxValueLength: 1000,
integrations: [],
// Enable tracing if sentry.tracing.enabled is true
if (sentryConfig.tracing?.enabled === true) {
sentryInitConfig.integrations.push(new Sentry.Integrations.Http({tracing: true}));
sentryInitConfig.integrations.push(new Sentry.Integrations.Express());
sentryInitConfig.tracesSampleRate = parseFloat(sentryConfig.tracing.sampleRate) || 0.0;
// Enable profiling, if configured, only if tracing is also configured
if (sentryConfig.profiling?.enabled === true) {
sentryInitConfig.integrations.push(new ProfilingIntegration());
sentryInitConfig.profilesSampleRate = parseFloat(sentryConfig.profiling.sampleRate) || 0.0;
module.exports = {
requestHandler: Sentry.Handlers.requestHandler(),
errorHandler: Sentry.Handlers.errorHandler({
shouldHandleError(error) {
// Sometimes non-Ghost issues will come into here but they won't
// have a statusCode so we should always handle them
if (!errors.utils.isGhostError(error)) {
return true;
// Only handle 500 errors for now
// This is because the only other 5XX error should be 503, which are deliberate maintenance/boot errors
return (error.statusCode === 500);
tracingHandler: Sentry.Handlers.tracingHandler(),
captureException: Sentry.captureException,
beforeSend: beforeSend,
initQueryTracing: (knex) => {
if (sentryConfig.tracing?.enabled === true) {
const integration = new SentryKnexTracingIntegration(knex);
} else {
const expressNoop = function (req, res, next) {
const noop = () => {};
module.exports = {
requestHandler: expressNoop,
errorHandler: expressNoop,
tracingHandler: expressNoop,
captureException: noop,
initQueryTracing: noop