# Searx_beetroot Disroot theme for Searx. To use this theme, `git clone` it on your computer. Create a `beetroot` folder in `/var/www/searx/searx/static/themes` and in `/var/www/searx/searx/templates`. Then, copy the content of `beetroot_static` in `/var/www/searx/searx/static/themes/beetroot` and the content of `beetroot_template` in `/var/www/searx/searx/templates/beetroot`. Enable the beetroot theme by editing `/var/www/searx/searx/settings.yml` and changing: ``` default_theme : beetroot theme_args : beetroot_style : logicodev ``` Restart searx: `service uwsgi restart` ## NOTE: The minify versions of the css files are missing at the moment. So, to test things as they are now, edit `/var/www/searx/searx/templates/beetroot/base.html` and replace `` by ``