Blog - Migrating content

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muppeth 2017-08-28 21:36:07 +02:00
parent f90f7a5927
commit 2b63fb765c
50 changed files with 424 additions and 334 deletions

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
title: A TV movie about shark
date: 14:55 08/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [netflix, movie]
body_classes: single single-post
type: link
> A TV movie about shark-infested tornadoes took the internet by storm last night, marking one of the most bizarre social media events in recent memory.
The ecosystem of movie studios creating bottom-of-the-barrel B-movies targeted at Netflix is fascinating. Make sure to read the Pacific Standard article if you want to know more.

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
title: Another chat post
date: 14:55 04/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [chat]
body_classes: single single-post
type: chat
**Evelyn Mulwray**: Tell me, Mr. Gittes: Does this often happen to you?
**Jake Gittes**: Whats that?
**Evelyn Mulwray**: Well, Im judging only on the basis of one afternoon and an evening, but, uh, if this is how you go about your work, Id say youd be lucky to, uh, get through a whole day.
**Jake Gittes**: Actually, this hasnt happened to me for a long time.
**Evelyn Mulwray**: When was the last time?
**Jake Gittes**: Why?
**Evelyn Mulwray**: Its an innocent question.
**Jake Gittes**: In Chinatown.
**Evelyn Mulwray**: What were you doing there?
**Jake Gittes**: Working for the District Attorney.
**Evelyn Mulwray**: Doing what?
**Jake Gittes**: As little as possible.
**Evelyn Mulwray**: The District Attorney gives his men advice like that?
**Jake Gittes**: They do in Chinatown.

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
title: Bach's Air on the G String
date: 14:55 08/27/2014
category: blog
tag: [music, bach]
body_classes: single single-post
type: audio
Air on the G String is August Wilhelmjs arrangement of the second movement in Johann Sebastian Bachs Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068. The original orchestral suite was written by Bach for his patron Prince Leopold of Anhalt some time between the years 1717 and 1723.

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
date: 14:55 08/30/2014
category: blog
tag: [jobs, quote]
type: quote
body_classes: single single-post
>"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people arent used to an environment where excellence is expected."
<cite><a href="#">Steve Jobs</a></cite>

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
title: Bob
date: 14:55 06/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [video]
body_classes: single single-post
type: video
Bob tells the story of a little hamster that tries to follow his true love around the globe. Can he catch up?

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
title: Bridge
date: 14:55 08/26/2014
category: blog
tag: [video]
body_classes: single single-post
type: video
Bridge is a story about four animal characters trying to cross a bridge, but ending up as obstacles to one another in the process. The moral behind this story revolves around how there are often disagreements or competing paths in life, and the possible results of pride, obstinance, and compromise. Created by [Ting Chian Tey](

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title: Grav theme
date: 14:55 07/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [sport]
body_classes: single single-post
type: aside
This is the Grav theme Lingonberry, developed by Anders Norén ported by GRAV team. It can be downloaded for free from the official GRAV theme repository.

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title: 'Disroot goes Nextcloud'
date: 26/07/2016
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, nextcloud]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
Some weeks ago the open source community around ownCloud was surprised to hear many of the core developers, including one of the founders have decided to part ways with ownCloud inc. Frank Karlitschek announced it first on his blog ([]( Naturally, this action left a lot of question marks regarding the future of the project. Many were concerned ownCloud will now focus more on the enterprise product and will therefor neglect the communitys open source version. Soon after Karlitcheks announcement, ownCloud Inc. announced their “ownCloud Foundation” project which intended to address such concerns. However, as pointed by several people in the community, this move did not address the issues that were the cause of staffs exodus (Contribution licensing among others) and rather it was seen by big part of the community as a move to keep things as they are while saving face.
We didnt have to wait long to hear a new fork of ownCloud has been created under the name Nextcloud, and to no surprise, Frank Karlitschek and all the core developers that previously left ownCloud inc. were behind it. Nextcloud in contrary to ownCloud wants to be community oriented. With no restrictions in licensing (link to what CLA is) and with no enterprise version. They want to remain as transparent as possible and to base their business model on enterprise hosting and support rather than premium functionalities, just like many open source projects do these days.
This reassuring words from the guys at Nextcloud ([]( made us decide to jump ship and enjoy more freedom. Therefor we would like to announce we have begun testing Nextcloud for disroot. As soon as we make sure all the applications hosted on our platform are compatible with Nextcloud, we will announce the exact date we would like to switch.
For all you Disrooters out there, there will be no significant difference in the short run. The Nextcloud release at the moment is no different to ownCloud, and everything should work out of the box. Even though Nextcloud has already released their mobile versions of the apps and the desktop sync client (which of course we would recommend you to move to once we make the switch), the ownCloud mobile apps are currently compatible. We do expect significant improvement to the user experience in the long run. The community around Nextcloud has grown like mushrooms over the last few weeks and we are very positive it will keep on growing. That will naturally result in better user experience, more apps, more integrations and all the goodies you would expect form your personal cloud.

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Dear users, supporters, friends…** **Dear users, supporters, friends…**
22 days of silence and we are back online. It has been three intensive weeks. Not only because of the amount of work with the new project but also because of great summer weather that was tempting us to spend some of that free time away from the screen. Nights however were long enough to get things done (who needs sleep if you have coffee). We hope you guys like the initial end result and will use our services with pleasure. 22 days of silence and we are back online. It has been three intensive weeks. Not only because of the amount of work with the new project but also because of great summer weather that was tempting us to spend some of that free time away from the screen. Nights however were long enough to get things done (who needs sleep if you have coffee). We hope you guys like the initial end result and will use our services with pleasure.
### Its time for testing and feedback. ### Its time for testing and feedback.
We are aware there might be some glitches, typos, bugs, errors and other things weve missed when setting up. Therefor we count on your feedback. If you find something that isnt right use our feedback section or write us an email directly to We would like to encourage you to use the [feedback]( section as it will function as a reference for other users that encounter similar problems / questions / issues. We are aware there might be some glitches, typos, bugs, errors and other things weve missed when setting up. Therefor we count on your feedback. If you find something that isnt right use our feedback section or write us an email directly to We would like to encourage you to use the [feedback]( section as it will function as a reference for other users that encounter similar problems / questions / issues.

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: 'Disroot joins the Matrix network'
date: 20/12/2016
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, matrix]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**For the last sprint of the year we decided to focus on improving instant messaging.** Weve been big enthusiasts of XMPP as the best solution for chatting, since like… forever. The obvious perks of XMPP are **federation** and **decentralization**. There are plenty of XMPP service providers and setting up your own server to join the network is not that hard of a process (or is is at least, possible). However there are a lot of problems within the network; Incompatibility between clients, no real support for Apple products, problems with audio/video conferencing and small user base, just to name a few. We set out to work on our current chat solution in order to provide the best XMPP user experience possible. During our research and work we got involved in a lot of discussions within different FLOSS communities about the future of free and open IM. The more we discussed this matter, the more project was coming up as a new alternative. After doing some research on our own we decided to try it out and see what the hype is all about.
**** is, just like XMPP, a **decentralized, federated, open-source** Instant messaging software. Just like XMPP, it serves single chat as well as group chatting. However the strength of Matrix goes way beyond that. There is Matrix support for any device and operating system, either through its official app called “Riot” or various other clients to choose from. The **end-to-end encryption** works on all platforms using Riot app, for both single and group chats. VIdeo/Audio one-on-one calls and conferencing is supported on any device using Riot out of the box. Another very promising feature is its bridge possibilities. Bridging means you can connect different networks/protocols with Matrix network to have bidirectional communication. At this moment any IRC, Slack or Gitter, telegram and XMPP-MUC room can be bridged together with Matrix, enabling people on all those separate networks to communicate with one another. There are many more bridges in the works as one of the main goals of the Matrix project is to bring all the “walled gardens“ together. Their approach to federation is also quite innovative. Rooms are distributed across the federated network. This means that group conversations are no longer tight to the single server they have been created on, so they can continue operating even if the originating server gets shut down.
## Matrix is still a very young project.
However it is already exceeding our expectations. it is easy to use, easy to maintain and the fact that it is easy to develop new functionalities for it, makes it a very promising project. This is why we too decided to join the new online sensation and deploy Matrix server for all Disroot users. Currently we are still testing, tweaking and gathering feedback before we launch it officially (1st of January meetup on Disroots Matrix channel anyone?). You can already test it yourself and say hello. You can join with your Disroot account.
## Whats with XMPP than?
As much as we were all for XMPP, the time has come to perhaps let go and move on to something newer with a fresh approach. Of course we are not ditching XMPP (and probably never will) so the server will remain functional with all the possible up to date features. Nothing will change in that regard, lets not burn all the bridges just yet. In the coming time however, we want to put more emphasis on making Matrix the default communication service on Disroot. Lets see where we get from there. Time will tell which solution is best.
Still not convinced?
For those of you who would like to read more about the philosophy behind Matrix check out []( Those of you who prefer to watch things, [check this inspiring presentation from matrix core developer](, **Matthew Hodgson**, at TADS Lisbon 2016.

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
title: 'Disroot turns two and growing strong'
date: 09/08/2017
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, openmailbox, birthday]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Hi disrooters,**
Last weekend due to openmailbox-gate we had a flood of new comers looking into using Disroot.
Last week (4th aug.) was also disroots 2nd anniversary \o/ a perfect time mark to welcome such influx of new users, we hope you will have much fun using our services!
However, as much as we are delighted by the course of events, Our servers are somewhat struggling. For last nights weve been working on optimizing and tuning our setup to cope with all the new visitors and extra load. We are getting there, but there is still some tweaking needed so please forgive us for any performance issues on the cloud. We hope things will stabilize in a few days.
We are also getting lot of questions regarding the project so we would like to answer some:
1. At the moment we are not a legal entity. We are about to become one. Within the next few weeks (as older disrooters know) we will become non-profit foundation.
2. Email aliases is work in progress
3. Privacy policy is work in progress in short, we dont track, we dont use analytics (no google nor piwik and such), we do not collect data other then what is necessary for services to function (we store your emails on our server, the files you upload, we know your username etc),
4. More information such us our costs, status, future plans, some statistics will be posted soon (within two weeks) on our annual report that we would like to share in a straight forward transparent way.
5. We are working on a new website which means we will update a lot of information. Ahhh…. and no more JavaScript requirements on the website.
6. “Im getting HTTP 500 Error when creating account” Seems like this error appears when using chrome browser. We are looking into it, but in the mean time, you can ignore it as your account was aready created, regardless the error / or use firefox
7. For Updates on downtime, scheduled maintenance work or issues with any of the services please check or (matrix room)
8. For News, announcements and changes you can visit our website, follow us on diaspora or mastodon.
Just a reminder to all new comers. **Disroot is not a company!** we give no warranty for our services, nor for the data, although we are doing our best to provide the best possible experience which also includes daily backups (stored for 7 days). As much as we are trying to answer all questions and help everyone, we also have to keep our dayjobs, take care of our family and other projects we are involved with, so please be patient with us.
*If you feel Disroot is so awesome it should replace our day-jobs (or just get better servers so more people can use it), you can send your money using any of the methods specified at if every user would buy us a “beer” or two each month it would be enough to keep this project running without a stress (we promise we wont really spend it on beer).*

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: Drink more coffee, developers
date: 14:55 08/31/2014
sticky: true
category: blog
tag: [coffee, developers, food]
body_classes: single single-post
Coffee is a brewed beverage with a distinct aroma and flavor, prepared from the roasted seeds of the Coffea plant. The seeds are found in coffee cherries, which grow on trees cultivated in over 70 countries.
Roasting coffee transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee beans into roasted coffee products. The roasting process is what produces the characteristic flavor of coffee by causing the green coffee beans to expand and to change in color, taste, smell, and density. Unroasted beans contain similar acids, protein, and caffeine as those that have been roasted, but lack the taste. Heat must be applied for the Maillard and other chemical reactions to occur.
>“Among the numerous luxuries of the table…coffee may be considered as one of the most valuable. It excites cheerfulness without intoxication; and the pleasing flow of spirits which it occasions…is never followed by sadness, languor or debility.”
<cite>Benjamin Franklin</cite>
As green coffee is more stable than roasted, the roasting process tends to take place close to where it will be consumed. This reduces the time that roasted coffee spends in distribution, giving the consumer a longer shelf life. The vast majority of coffee is roasted commercially on a large scale, but some coffee drinkers roast coffee at home in order to have more control over the freshness and flavor profile of the beans.

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## Hi Disrooters,
**First of we would like to wish you all a happy new year. Its been a joy running Disroot for the past year. A lot has changed since we started. We had our fun and our stress moments, we learned a lot and we managed to stay afloat. We can only wish the next year to be as rich as this one was. We wish you the same in your personal and professional life.**
This is the last sprint of the year. Weve focus on Instant chat messaging which took an unexpected turn during the sprint, resulting in setting up a brand new service, we are super excited about. In addition to that, a new version of Nextcloud came around with a lot of improvements and so we took the opportunity to update it and share new features with you. Antilopa has been busy creating Disroot app dashboard and some of the disrooters decided to jump in and help us with writing tutorials.
We can most definitely say that Disroot is getting more lively these days and we think we will see an even bigger boost of user base in the coming year. Considering that the “popularity” of Disroot is growing, we must start thinking more seriously about the financial stability of the project so our infrastructure can grow as the community grows. In the upcoming sprints we will focus on finding ways to get regular flow of income to cover our current and future costs. We will look into regular group contribution, plea for individual donations, think of possible merchandise and look for subsidies that can co-exist with our values and intentions. Our second objective during the upcoming sprints will be to complete many needed tutorials and howtos.
**Hell, why wait? Let us start with a little pleading right now;**
We all heard that nothing is free. Well, there is no such thing as a free service on the internet. The costs of hardware, electricity and server space, are quite high. So when you use a “free” service, you most probably pay for it one way or another. Companies cover the costs of running their services by charging you actual money or by trading your private data with advertising agencies or governments. So far Disroot is running on few irregular donations and much of our personal investment, but that cannot sustain a growing platform. However, if every Disroot user would decide to donate just 1EURO (or whatever currency youre comfortable with) a month, all our costs, investments and maybe even some of the time we spend on this project could be covered. All it takes is 12“euros“ a year from you to keep this project running and create space for others to make use of Disroot. This is the equivalent of a drink in a bar, few beers, or a pack of cigarettes. Please keep that in mind and consider a regular contribution. Or an irregular contribution anything helps.
Back to our summary; Here are some more details on whats new:
You can now find quick access links to all Disroot services with new dashboard at [](
Nextcloud has been updated to its latest version Nextcloud 11 includes many new features:
Nextcloud 11 comes with an integrated audio and video chat app. So we are dropping the cumbersome in favor of the Spreed call, for built-in one-on-one conversations and conferences. Apart from notifying your cloud contacts when they are invited to join a call, Spreed also allows sending public link to people who dont have an account yet. This app is still very experimental, but there are plenty of features queuing up so expect a lot more cool stuff soon. We would like to gather your feedback about the quality of calls, the interface etc, so dont hesitate and contact us.
The new version got a general performance boost.
And an improved user interface:
- The blue bar at the top has gotten a function menu items will now appear there instead of in the drop down menu, so all options are visible at all times. You can reorder the menu items by simply dragging and dropping them into desired place.
- The new activity panel now includes changes to files, calendar, comments and Todo lists
- Moving files just got easier with the Move option added to the files menu
- The Contacts and Calendar apps also have seen a number of improvements, most notably by introducing public sharing links in the Calendar and improved contacts import in the Contacts app.
- Dashboard easy access to all other Disroot services via dashboard app.
The new version of Diaspora is supporting notifications without the need to refresh the page. Also check out the new dark theme in your personal settings.
Disroot is getting more popular and so weve noticed some spam activity recently. We are “teaching“ our spam-bot to automatically detect messages that look like spam and mark them for other users. We do that by scanning Junk folders, which are considered spam, on regular basis. We do not do it on all user accounts, because we cant be sure only spam emails reside in your Junk folder and we simply do not want to touch your mailbox, even if its done by a computer program (bot). However, if you would like to join our effort to fight spam hitting our Disroot server, please send us an email ( and we will include your account in weekly spam check.
As you might read in our [blogpost](, while working on improving current XMPP server, weve decided to take unexpected turn and launch new service called matrix. these last weeks has been quite a success as we were testing all the functionalities of the new software. We are still testing it out, but you can already join in, say hello and see for yourself what Matrix is all about. We hope to officially announce it in coming weeks.
Last, A big thank to **maryjane** for jumping the wagon and helping us with writing tutorials. We got inspired and made a new years resolution to finally improve our collection of howtos and tutorials.
We hope more people get encouraged anyone is welcome to join this effort for an incomplete list of long pending tutorials go to [our task board](

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: Making and breaking the grid
date: 14:55 01/11/2014
sticky: true
category: blog
tag: [design, graphical design, grid]
body_classes: single single-post
A typographic grid is a two-dimensional structure made up of a series of intersecting vertical and horizontal axes used to structure content. The grid serves as an armature on which a designer can organize text and images in a rational, easy to absorb manner.
Before the invention of movable type and printing, simple grids based on optimal proportions had been used to arrange handwritten text on pages. One such system, known as the Villard Diagram, was in use at least since medieval times.
After World War II, a number of graphic designers, including Max Bill, Emil Ruder, and Josef Müller-Brockmann, influenced by the modernist ideas of Jan Tschicholds Die neue Typographie (The New Typography), began to question the relevance of the conventional page layout of the time. They began to devise a flexible system able to help designers achieve coherency in organizing the page.
The result was the modern typographic grid that became associated with the International Typographic Style. The seminal work on the subject, Grid systems in graphic design by Müller-Brockmann, helped propagate the use of the grid, first in Europe, and later in North America.
### Reaction and reassessment
By the mid-1970s instruction of the typographic grid as a part of graphic design curricula had become standard in Europe, North America and much of Latin America. The graphic style of the grid was adopted as a look for corporate communication. In the early 1980s, a reaction against the entrenchment of the grid, particularly its dogmatic use, and association with corporate culture, resulted in some designers rejecting its use in favor of more organic structure.
The appearance of the Apple Macintosh computer, and the resulting transition away from type being set by typographers to designers setting type themselves resulted in a wave of experimentation, much of it contrary to the precepts of Tschichold and Müller-Brockmann. The typographic grid continues to be taught today, but more as a useful tool for some projects, not as a requirement or starting point for all page design.
While grid systems have seen significant use in print media, interest from web developers has only recently seen a resurgence. Website design frameworks producing HTML and CSS had existed for a while before newer frameworks popularised the use of grid-based layouts. Some grid systems specify fixed-width elements with pixels, and some are fluid, meaning that they call for page element sizing to be in relative units like percentages, rather than absolute units like pixels or points.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: 'Oops… We overslept with SSL certificate renewal.'
date: 26/06/2016
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, ssl]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Ehhhh SSL.**
As we are working on writing Ansible roles to automate most of the work done on disroot platform. We thought its great opportunity to update all our HTTPS certificates with letsencrypt. Last week we started implementing Letsencrypt ansible role on disroot platform, not realising our certificates are about to expire. And today was the day. We woke up to Disroot being crippled by inaccessible websites due to expired certs. Just a few days before our ansible role was polished, tested and put in production. We quickly re-issued most of the certificates with STARTSSL to extinguish the fire.
In next week or so we will move entire infrastructure to letsencrypt, meaning that certificate renewal nightmare will be a thing of the past.
Hope the downtime was not that noticeable. After all its Sunday

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
title: Review: MacBook Air 13" 2013
description: The purty aluminium lines of the MacBook Air.
date: 13:34 08/23/2014
category: blog
tag: [apple, macebook air]
body_classes: single single-post
The Air was designed to balance both performance and portability; it has a full-sized keyboard design and a machined aluminium casing with extremely low weight and thickness.
The MacBook Air is designed for thinness; it is also lighter than most competing models. The computer features a glossy LED backlit display and a full-size keyboard, as well as a large trackpad that responds to Multi-Touch gestures such as pinching, swiping, and rotating. With the release of Mac OS X Snow Leopard, the Airs multi-touch trackpad also supports handwriting recognition of Chinese characters.
The MacBook Air was the first subcompact laptop offered by Apple since the full-featured 12″ PowerBook G4 was discontinued in 2006. It was also Apples first computer with an optional solid-state storage drive. ArsTechnica found “moderate” performance improvements of the 64 GB solid-state drive of the first generation Air over the standard 80 GB hard drive in tests. On October 14, 2008, new models were announced with improved capacities of 128 GB (solid-state) and 120 GB (hard drive). For the late 2010 MacBook Air, only flash storage is available, in 64 or 128 GB capacities on the 11″ model, and 128 or 256 GB on the 13″.
### 11-inch model
11-inch : 128GB | 11-inch : 256GB
--- | ---
1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor | 1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
Turbo Boost up to 2.6GHz | Turbo Boost up to 2.6GHz
Intel HD Graphics 5000 | Intel HD Graphics 5000
4GB memory | 4GB memory
128GB flash storage | 256GB flash storage
**Price: $999.00** | **Price: $1,199.00**
### 13-inch model
13-inch : 128GB | 13-inch : 256GB
--- | ---
1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor | 1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
Turbo Boost up to 2.6GHz | Turbo Boost up to 2.6GHz
Intel HD Graphics 5000 | Intel HD Graphics 5000
4GB memory | 4GB memory
256GB flash storage | 256GB flash storage
**Price: $1,099.00** | **Price: $1,299.00**

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
title: Simple chat post
date: 17:34 08/24/2014
category: blog
tag: [chat]
body_classes: single single-post
type: chat
**Blake**: Whats the problem, pal?
**Dave Moss**: Moss. Youre such a hero, youre so rich, how come youre coming down here wasting your time with such a bunch of bums?
**Blake**: You see this watch? You see this watch?
**Dave Moss**: Yeah.
**Blake**: That watch costs more than you car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see pal, thats who I am, and youre nothing. Nice guy? I dont give a shit. Good father? ----- you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here close! You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you ----------? You cant take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit? You dont like it, leave.

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title: 'Spring update'
date: 26/06/2017
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, matrix, nextcloud]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Dear disrooters,**
Its been a while since you heard from us last time. At least some of you. Last months weve been very bad in informing you about the changes. We blame matrix for it 😛 Weve been very active on our latest additional service — where quite a nice community has formed — and kept on postponing the usual updates forever. We will do our best that it doesnt happen again, and to keep you up to date on all communication channels from now on.
Last months have been truly busy at Disroot. The entire palette of emotions was accompanying us through that time. From uber awesomeness and fun, to sweat, tears, frustration and broken keyboards.
Here are some things weve been working on:
## Matrix is live!
Like we announced in previous posts, weve deployed Matrix as Disroots default chat. From the very beginning we were positively surprised by the new community that was forming around the young chat platform and the active involvement of Disrooters. A lot of you helped us by adding interesting chatrooms from other servers, find and fix a lot of bugs and issues not only on matrix itself but on all other services on the Disroot platform. Thanks a lot guys!
That said, our experience with Matrix wasnt all sweets and candy. Matrix has caused us a lot of stress and work as we were experiencing federation issue with the biggest server hosted by Messages from users on side would lag for hours or not ever reach our server, causing a lot of frustration for users and making the whole federation concept feel like a fail. However, together with developers weve managed to troubleshoot the issue and for last weeks matrix has been stable and the federation to was re-established. As this was a never-ending three-week-long nightmare, we keep an eye on it so if it ever occurs again we know what to do.
For all of you who would like to join the Matrix, say hi, or just chat about anything, pop into our Disroot room (, any other public room or just create your own and invite your friends.
## Howtos and Tutorials
We also spent few weeks in january/february writing lots of documentation: []( Thanks to help from maryjane and dosch weve managed to cover most of the services offered by Disroot. There is still long way to go as we are still missing some needed tutorials and we would like to create instructional videos for all those that dont like reading that much. Its definitely a step in the right direction and something we were missing for a long time. Please have a look and if you feel inspired to write some Howtos, dont hesitate and just do it. If you want to coordinate it with us, ask on our matrix room or use any other means to contact us [](
## Nextcloud 12.
Weve just updated Nextcloud to the glorious version 12. Weve also updated to php7 and latest Nginx which enables us to use HTTP/2. Most importantly, there is a noticeable performance boost with the new update (we are still tweaking the settings).
As always there are lots of new functionalities and User Interface. You can read in detail about it here:
Changes worth noting:
- **App order** To order your apps, you now need to do it in your personal settings.
- **Calls** Apart from Screen notification about new call invites (soon on mobile too) you can also share screen with others. Makes things much better when having a meeting or when you troubleshoot your mothers Linux desktop
- **Circles** Private cloud at your service. Create groups of friends you want to share files with, or public group anyone can join. The app is still in early stages so expect a lot of changes and new features soon.
- **Sharing directly to your social networks** Now you can share to your Diaspora*, g+, Facebook, Twitter and Email
- **Working together** possibility to lock the file you are working on so others wont overwrite your changes if you work in a group.
## [](
For a while now we were looking for possibility to inform you guys about the state of all the services and possible issues or updates. Also we wanted to have an easy way to inform about scheduled downtimes and upgrades. Thanks to Cachet project we can do just that. It gives a pretty overview of the state of all services we run, plus it shows all changes on a timeline. From now on, if you want to know about the upcoming downtimes (services unavailable), issues, updates etc in one place, check You can subscribe to RSS feed or email to get notified about everything (or only services you are interested in) directly without a need to enter the website. Weve also created a Matrix room at where we re-post things from cachet and in the future we hope to be able to re-post to diaspora too.
## Becoming a legal entity
As most of you know, Disroot is currently run by few people personally responsible for the entire project. We would like to turn it into a non-profit organizations as it will make our life easier in terms of legal advice, taxes, possible future subpoenas, asking for funding, collecting donations and selling merchandise or extra storage. Seeing as Disroots userbase is growing faster and faster we need to secure our financial and legal status in order to handle the load and growth. Last months we did quite a progress on things and we hope, by this time next month Disroot will become a foundation.
A special thanks for the party organizers that threw a very successful benefit rave for us! The cash will help us with the process of becoming a foundation and will cover some of our costs from last year \♥/
As always, if you wish to donate money or hardware to the project visit: []( Weve made a short financial overview for 2016 which doesnt look so good. in order for 2017 to be better, we need you to grab your wallets and throw some money at us. Donating even 1euro a month (or whatever your currency is) makes huge change. If everyone does that we will never have to worry about the financial state of the project.
If you can, please dont use PayPal. We would like to promote an alternative awesome open source project called where you can support us and other projects with your contributions.
### And in this summery mood, we wish you happy days and self gardened vegetables.

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@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ Last but not least, we made it possible to receive donations \o/ By throwing mon
##New on Disroot ##New on Disroot
1. Disroot Logo Yes we have a brand new logo thanks to Antilopa. In coming sprints it will be incorporated into all the services as a part of unifying all interfaces. We hope you like the new logo as much as we do. **Disroot Logo** Yes we have a brand new logo thanks to Antilopa. In coming sprints it will be incorporated into all the services as a part of unifying all interfaces. We hope you like the new logo as much as we do.
2. Donation page For all the people asking us where they can donate money, we finally have an answer: Here **Donation page** For all the people asking us where they can donate money, we finally have an answer: Here
3. Email Server auto-detect settings Now your Thunderbird and Outlook (anyone with windows machine that could actually test this one for us?) should auto-magically detect our email server settings, so no need to remember the actual server address, port number etc. **Email Server auto-detect settings** Now your Thunderbird and Outlook (anyone with windows machine that could actually test this one for us?) should auto-magically detect our email server settings, so no need to remember the actual server address, port number etc.
4. Internal Service Monitoring Weve setup icinga2 to monitor the health of the servers as well as all the processes and services running on it. Whenever there is a problem we immediately get notified so that our response time is much shorter as we are aware of problems right away. **Internal Service Monitoring** Weve setup icinga2 to monitor the health of the servers as well as all the processes and services running on it. Whenever there is a problem we immediately get notified so that our response time is much shorter as we are aware of problems right away.
5. Improved Backup solution We are now running backups to remote server. Backup servers data disks are encrypted (as well as disroot server btw). Here is an overview of what and when we backup: **Improved Backup solution** We are now running backups to remote server. Backup servers data disks are encrypted (as well as disroot server btw). Here is an overview of what and when we backup:
- Daily user data and databases we make daily backup of all user data and databases to remote server - Daily user data and databases we make daily backup of all user data and databases to remote server

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title: '[Sprint 11 12] Server migration; Operation Nextcloud'
date: 4/11/2016
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, nextcloud]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Hi there.**
Its been a while since you heard form us about whats new in disroot. Dont think we were lazy doing nothing, in fact we were extremely busy the last months finishing the most important and time consuming tasks of this year.
## Disroot is 1 year old!
We would like to celebrate with you the fact that Disroot has been running for a whole full year \o/ We are happy that we were able to develop the project and make all these wonderful tools available to anyone. We hope we can keep improving and growing next year and that you will all stick with us for many year to come. For an overview of what has been done so far go to [](
## Server migration.
On September 19th Disroot became a truly independent project running on self owned hardware. We have successfully migrated all the services to new servers in a new datacenter, to which we have 24/7 access and full control over our machines. The most obvious reason to own our own hardware is the independence and flexibility this give us to run this project. Until the move we have been renting a server at one of the hosting providers in the Netherlands. Thanks to a server donation from a good friend, we decided its high time to put those old servers back in use. We scraped some money together and bought brand new harddrives, RAM and we were ready for deployment. Well, at least with hardware. Moving all the services was way more complex. We used the opportunity to introduce some automation to the way we deploy and manage all the disroot services. We decided to work with Ansible and automate most configurations. This took great amount of time, but in long term gave as flexibility and clear overview on how everything is set up. Once our deployment scripts and ansible roles mature enough we intend to release self-deploy images so that anyone could also host his/her very own disroot instance.
## Terms of Service
You might remember our callout to comment and review a draft of Disroots Term of Services. Despite low external input, we have decided to declare the TOS ready and to implement it as is. Soon you will be prompted to accept the new Terms of Use before proceeding to use disroot services. Obviously, we are still open for suggestions and comments and out always ready to improve the terms. You can find the agreement on []( .
We are still working on the Privacy Policy so keep your eyes open for that one too.
## Operation Nextcloud
As mentioned before (see [](, recent changes in ownCloud project and the development of the new fork Nextcloud, led us to follow the majority of the community and core developers and move to the promising project of Nextcloud. Once we were done with server migration, we immediately started with the preparations to change clouds. First of we had to get rid of all the pending bugs that were already reported. Once this was off the table, we proceeded to test all existing apps plus work on implementing new features. On 16th October we have finally migrated to Nextcloud.
**What does it mean for you?**
First of, you probably noticed refreshed interface. There are also new mobile/desktop apps available (check fdroid for free versions). Though your current owncloud mobile/desktop apps are still compatible, we recommend to switch to nextcloud apps as those will provide extended functionalities in the future.
Apart of all that, weve also launched new service accessible within the cloud — — which lets you host audio/video conferences with your friends, co-workers etc. We would like to hear your feedback on this new feature, so test it out and tell us what you think.
For more details on current and brand new cloud features check our page here:
## Updates and Improvements
Diaspora has been updated to the long awaited version 0.6.x This release brings a lot of changes including a beautiful new interface and a better synchronization with other pods.This means that public posts are published and synced among big and small pods alike and tags are better searched now over the many pods out there.
**Searx (**
Searx got a new UI and an extra set of search engine plugins that can be switched on. One of the top new design improvements is the infinite scroll. Yep, no more clicking “Next page” button. Just toggle the option on in Preferences >> Plugins >> Infinite scroll and enjoy.
**Taiga (**
Apart of a new improved UI, public projects are now viewable and browsable for everyone directly on the main page. Just switch your project to “public” if you want to show your stuff to the world.
**Lufi (**
Now you can enjoy improved upload and download speeds.
## Upcoming:
Next sprint theme is “Make XMPP great again”. We want to focus on bringing as many improvements and features as possible to our chat instance and we hope to create user experience up to date and to current standards (say bye bye to skype and whatsapp).
In upcoming weeks/months were also planning to focus on preparing more tutorials, videos and howtos to help you get as much as possible from our services.

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title: '[Sprint 3-4] New services, New features, Future plans'
date: 15/11/2015
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, searx, lufi, framadate, taiga]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Dear disrooters,**
Last weeks we were busy adding new services and features to the disroot platform. At this moment we have all the services we were planning to host (at least for now) set up and ready to use. We have one more project in mind ( but well consider it more seriously somewhere next year if we still have enough resources (server space) to host it. For now we still have a lot planned for the upcoming two months.
## So what in our road map for the near future?
We would like to focus on improving disroots features so it can become a better platform for groups, collectives, non-profit organizations and communities. We want to create a a set of tools for group members (admins) to easily add/remove users, user groups domain-names etc.
We want to introduce single sign on service where users would be logged in to all services at once.
We are also planning a lot of user interface integration, so you could use all the disroot goodies from one place.
Last but not least. We want to create as many tutorials and howtos as we can to make it easier for all of you to use and integrate our services with your computers, laptops and mobile devices. If you like writing things, you might consider giving us a helping hand. [Forum]( is at your disposal.
We hope to be ready to launch disroot for groups in the beginning of 2016. Stay tuned.
## Whats new in disroot?
New features:
1. **Forum** Users can now use disroot account to register and login to the forum.
2. **Webmail** Webmail is now integrated with cloud (owncloud).
3. **Cloud** New version of owncloud brings some new features such as: improved user interface and new gallery application.
4. **Etherpad** has been updated with a set of nice new features and plugins.
## New Services:
[]( powered by the Searx project, a metadata anonymous search engine. It searches your queries using all kind of search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, TPB, Duckduckgo etc) and shows you all the results in one window. Furthermore, it prevents those search engines from creating user profiles based on your searches. You can add our search to your browser by following link. Read more…
[]( an encrypted file upload and share service powered by Lufi. You can now upload files for maximum time of 60 days and share it with others using a link. No registration is required. All files are encrypted before they land on our servers to provide perfect balance between privacy and comfort. Read more…
[]( Online service for planning an appointment or making a decision quickly and easily. No registration is required! This service is powered by Framadate.
**Note!** We are still testing it. There are some issues we know of and we are trying to resolve them as soon as possible. However we thought you can give it a try already. What doesnt work then? You cannot modify your choices. Check the progress on the matter here
[]( Project management board for your group! With this tool you can get an overview of your current projects state, set tasks to accomplish and assign them to your team members. Planning has never been that fun! [Read more…](
We are very happy with the recent achievements and we hope you will enjoy them too.
##How to get involved with disroot?
- You can follow development [here](, where you can also vote for features you find most important (login required).
- Or join discussions on [forum](
- Submit bugs and suggest features [here](
- Send us an email:

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title: '[Sprint 5-6] New website, Disroot for groups'
date: 27/01/2016
category: news
tag: [disroot, news]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Dear Disrooters,**
First, we would still like to wish you all a happy new year. The last 6 months have been a blast for us. A lot of hard work went into the Disroot project but it sure was seasoned with many fun challenges too. We would like to thank you all for using Disroot, testing it and sending us feedback. We really appreciate that. We are looking forward to upcoming months and hope you do to. We wish you all the best, success and lots a fun with your projects, actions and personal life.
**So what have we been busy with the last weeks?**
## New website
We got a bit bored and felt constrained with the old CMS weve been using, so we decided to move our website to good old WordPress. Antilopa did some amazing work tweaking the theme and making everything look pretty once again. We re-wrote some of the texts on the website and are now focusing on more useful functionalities on the website as well as adding more howtos and tutorials (contribution is more then welcome).
## Disroot for groups
This new feature has been brewing in our heads from the moment we started working on Disroot. We wanted it to be possible for groups to use all the features we offer as easy and independently as possible. We did a lot of work under the hood preparing for this service. A lot of configuration has been re-done to facilitate groups. The feature is still rough on the edges and needs some work but its usable enough to give it a go and let groups make use of it. Its also the best way to test and fix things up.
**So what would this new feature offer?**
- **Autonomous user management;** admins of groups can add new users, modify existing ones and request deletion or removal from the group.
- **Disroot services can be linked to your domain** (,
- **Disroot can handle your E-mail using your domain** ( that includes your administrative E-mail accounts (
- **You can request email aliases** to be assigned to any of your E-mail accounts (still in planning: providing interface for group admin to manage email aliases)
- **Every new user that is created by group admin is added to the group** (meaning it has access to shared folders of the group, gets added to contact lists, gets added to chat roster, gets added to the forum group)
- **Every group gets its own forum space which can be public or private**
## Whats coming up?
First thing Holidays \o/ Upcoming three weeks we arent planning a sprint. We want to use this time to focus on other projects we have been neglecting. We are of course going to monitor/use and fix any Disroot related problem.
Secondly we are planning to transform Disroot to an official organization. This is necessary to be able to ask / receive donations, and to share better the responsibility towards the platform (currently there is one person responsible for all the infrastructure / finances). Getting financial stability is very important for the service to grow and sustain its user-base.
And of course, more integration and polishing of user experience. We are planning to introduce SSO (Single Sign On) service. That means you will only need to login once to get access to all the Disroot goodies. We also want to have all Disroot services accessible via TOR. And of course add more interesting services, write more tutorials etc..
As always you can follow whats up and what are we up to [here](
Disroot team

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title: '[Sprint 7] Ethercalc, Owncloud9, starting on TOS, Disroot testers'
date: 11/04/2016
category: news
tag: [disroot, news, calc,tos, testing]
body_classes: 'single single-post'
**Dear Disrooters,**
Spring is here! At least in Amsterdam.. Everything is waking up and life is pumping back into everything.
We are very happy to announce the long awaiting changes finally here to welcome this new season. Apart from updating all Disroot applications to the latest versions, weve also been working on some new things. Check it out!
## New Services and Features:
**[](** One of the things we were still missing in Disroot was collaborative spreadsheet. Not any more. Ethercalc is a pretty decent piece of software for this purpose. Check it out and give us your feedback. Oh, and be sure to save your work elsewhere when youre done, because all spreadsheets that arent touched for over three months will be deleted from our servers.
**ownCloud9** New version of ownCloud is here. We are always very excited of new versions of software that bring a lot of changes, and this update of ownCloud is no different. Here are the highlights:
- **New calendar and contacts app.** Totally rewritten and included in the core of ownCloud. Looks sleek and will guarantee stable performance. !!Important note!! The url to your contacts and calendars sync has changed to []( (for both contacts and calendar) so please update your devices.
- **Tags and Comments** Now you can tag and comment on the files youre sharing or working together with others.
- **Activity feed and Notifications** to keep you updated on what is happening with your data.
- **New chat interface** the interface and the whole backend for XMPP chat went through a lot of changes. The UI has been redesigned, you can send and receive images inline of your chat window, and we are currently working on implementing audio/video conversation support (stay tuned). Please give it a shot and tell us your feedback at our chat
- **Pad and spreadsheet app** now you can manage and share your pads and spreadsheets just as any other file on your ownCloud storage. You can create new pads and spreadsheets by clicking on a plus icon in your files window just as if you would for new folder or a text file. The app will lead you to either or where you can work on your file. The app provides extra security by generating a long file name made out of random characters. This still means that anyone who knows the name could view and edit your file, but given the fact that the file names are random (e.g. 54pfvjt7veom) its very unlikely that unauthorised person or bots will find it. As mentioned above, pads or spreadsheets that havent been accessed for over 3 month, will be deleted. Detailed howto can be found here: [](
**Xmpp** Chat now supports file upload via http. To keep all different xmpp clients compatible with one another our server will automatically upload the file via http server so that everyone you send the file can see it no matter what client they are using. The files will be deleted after 7 days of upload. For detailed list of plugins currently setup on the server check this page:
## New policy: time limit on pads and spreadsheets
Starting from the 1st of June, we will introduce a new policy regarding pads expiry date. All pads or spreadsheets on []( / []( that are not edited for over 3 months will be automatically deleted. If you find this decision ludicrous, please let us know via email or (preferably) via the [disroot forum]( where we can have an open discussion to persuade one another.
## Terms of services, privacy policy.
We have started working on Terms of services and Privacy policy documents. All this juridical administrative mambo jumbo is really not our cup of tea, which is why it takes us so long. We sampled documents from other similar projects and tried our best to put some TOS text together. We will continue to work on it during the up coming sprint and we hope to have it ready to publish within next three weeks. We would very much appreciate help with those documents, so whether you have some experience writing this type of documents or not, please take a minute to review what we have so far:
## Disroot testing group.
First of, weve started a Disroot chat room. A place to talk directly to us, but also to find other disrooters, discuss disroot features or just complain about shit not working. check it out, add it to your bookmarks and come to say hi:
We are constantly looking to improve and expand our services, interface and usability. We are only human, so errors, bugs, problems, spelling mistakes or confusing functionalities are unavoidable. One way to contribute to the Disroot project is to become a hunter; Use the software, browse our website, try out everything and let us know if you bump into walls. We would also like to have a wider group that will try out new applications before we make them public.
In order to gather all those user experiences and feedback on new functionalities, we are going to start a testing group, with a dedicated forum, shared cloud and access to new, not-yet-public, services . We might send out specific requests to test new features or just gather your feedback, and open a discussion to really understand how we can improve usability.
If you are interested in joining our testers crew please send email to (you must have a Disroot account to opt-in)

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date: 14:55 02/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [beast, friend]
body_classes: single single-post
type: link
> The friendbeast speaks mostly gibberish. You must listen carefully to decipher his two word vocabulary: Blookityslorkblapblahboop TREATS blerksplapboobfdsblargloo POTTY OUTSIDE blergityboopthptblehgrmpf.
I really should learn not to drink beverages while reading The Oatmeals latest comic. Maybe until next time.

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title: The life and works of Dieter Rams
date: 14:55 08/29/2014
category: blog
tag: [apple, braun, dieter rams]
body_classes: single single-post
type: gallery
- title: "Audio 1 M Compact Stereo"
image: 1.jpg
- title: "Vitsœ 606 Universal Shelving System"
image: 2.jpg
- title: "SK4 Music Center"
image: 3.jpg
- title: "Vitsœ 606 Universal Shelving System"
image: 4.jpg
Dieter Rams (born 20 May 1932 in Wiesbaden, Hessen) is a German industrial designer closely associated with the consumer products company Braun and the Functionalist school of industrial design.
Rams began studies in architecture and interior decoration at Wiesbaden School of Art in 1947. Soon after in 1948, he took a break from studying to gain practical experience and conclude his carpentry apprenticeship. He resumed studies at Wiesbaden School of Art in 1948 and graduated with honours in 1953 after which he began working for Frankfurt based architect Otto Apel. In 1955, he was recruited to Braun as an architect and an interior designer. In addition, in 1961, he became the Chief Design Officer at Braun until 1995.
![Dieter Rams](dieter_rams.jpg){.size-full .wp-image-2000 .alignright}
Dieter Rams was strongly influenced by the presence of his grandfather, a carpenter. Rams once explained his design approach in the phrase “Weniger, aber besser” which translates as “Less, but better”. Rams and his staff designed many memorable products for Braun including the famous SK-4 record player and the high-quality D-series (D45, D46) of 35 mm film slide projectors. He is also known for designing the 606 Universal Shelving System by Vitsœ in 1960.
>“What Dieter Rams and his team at Braun did was to produce hundreds of wonderfully conceived and designed objects: products that were beautifully made in high volumes and that were broadly accessible.”
By producing electronic gadgets that were remarkable in their austere aesthetic and user friendliness, Rams made Braun a household name in the 1950s. He is considered to be one of the most influential industrial designers of the 20th century.
### Ramss ten principles of “good design”
Rams introduced the idea of sustainable development and of obsolescence being a crime in design in the 1970s. Accordingly he asked himself the question: is my design good design? The answer formed his now celebrated ten principles.
1. **Is innovative** The possibilities for progression are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for original designs. But imaginative design always develops in tandem with improving technology, and can never be an end in itself.
2. **Makes a product useful** A product is bought to be used. It has to satisfy not only functional, but also psychological and aesthetic criteria. Good design emphasizes the usefulness of a product whilst disregarding anything that could detract from it.
3. **Is aesthetic** The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products are used every day and have an effect on people and their well-being. Only well-executed objects can be beautiful.
4. **Makes a product understandable** It clarifies the products structure. Better still, it can make the product clearly express its function by making use of the users intuition. At best, it is self-explanatory.
5. **Is unobtrusive** Products fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the users self-expression.
6. **Is honest** It does not make a product appear more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.
7. **Is long-lasting** It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts many years even in todays throwaway society.
8. **Is thorough down to the last detail** Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.
9. **Is environmentally friendly** Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. It conserves resources and minimizes physical and visual pollution throughout the lifecycle of the product.
10. **Is as little design as possible** Less, but better because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.
### Legacy
The appearance of the calculator application included in iOS 3 mimics the appearance of the 1987 Braun ET 66 calculator designed by Rams and Dietrich Lubs, and the appearance of the now playing screen in Apples own Podcast app mimics the appearance of the Braun TG 60 reel-to-reel tape recorder. In Gary Hustwits 2009 documentary film Objectified, Rams states that Apple Inc. is one of the few companies designing products according to his principles.

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title: The stuff of dreams: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
date: 14:55 03/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [music, bach]
body_classes: single single-post
type: audio
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, released in Japan as ゼルダの伝説 風のタクト, is an action-adventure game and the tenth installment in The Legend of Zelda series. The game is set on a group of islands in a vast sea—a first for the series. The player controls Link, the protagonist of the Zelda series. He struggles against his nemesis, Ganondorf, for control of a sacred relic known as the Triforce.
Music from the admirable people of the [Zelda Reorchestrated project](

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
date: 14:55 05/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [jobs, quote]
type: quote
body_classes: single single-post
>"There is an art to flying. It lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss"
<cite><a href="#">DOUGLAS ADAMS</a></cite>

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title: Timeless classic Star Wars
date: 17:34 08/25/2014
category: blog
tag: [star wars, movie]
body_classes: single single-post
type: link
The timeless classic Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has appeared on the iOS App Store, ten years after it was first released on Xbox in July 2003. Im only a couple of hours in, but it seems like a solid port so far. Its yours for [$9.99](

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
title: To Infinity and Beyond: About Pixar
date: 14:55 07/11/2014
category: blog
tag: [journal, photography]
body_classes: single single-post
Pixar Animation Studios, or simply Pixar (/ˈpɪksɑr/, stylized PIXAR), is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California.
The studio is best known for its CGI-animated feature films created with PhotoRealistic RenderMan, its own implementation of the industry-standard RenderMan image-rendering application programming interface used to generate high-quality images.
Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the computer division of Lucasfilm before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986 with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became its majority shareholder. The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006 at a valuation of $7.4 billion, a transaction which made Jobs Disneys largest shareholder.
>“Pixar is seen by a lot of folks as an overnight success, but if you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”
<cite>STEVE JOBS</cite>
Pixar has produced fourteen feature films, beginning with Toy Story in 1995. Thirteen of the films have received both critical and financial success, with the notable exception being Cars 2, which, while commercially successful, received substantially less praise than Pixars other productions. All fourteen films have debuted with CinemaScore ratings of at least “A-“, indicating a very positive reception with audiences.
John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer at Pixar
John Lasseter
As of July 2013, its feature films have made over $8.2 billion worldwide, with an average worldwide gross of $596 million per film. Both Finding Nemo and Toy Story 3 are among the 50 highest-grossing films of all time, and all of Pixars films are among the 50 highest-grossing animated films, with Toy Story 3 being the all-time highest, grossing over $1 billion worldwide.
The studio has earned 27 Academy Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards, and eleven Grammy Awards, among many other awards and acknowledgments. Since the awards inauguration in 2001, most of Pixars films have been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, with seven winning: Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up, Toy Story 3, and Brave. Up and Toy Story 3 are two of only three animated films to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. On September 6, 2009, executives John Lasseter, Brad Bird, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Lee Unkrich were presented with the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement by the Biennale Venice Film Festival. The award was presented by Lucasfilm founder George Lucas.