Merge branch 'master' into meazdev

This commit is contained in:
meaz 2020-12-31 11:08:29 +00:00
commit 4f3c666a54
10 changed files with 169 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
title: 'Ufff... finally End of 2020'
media_order: f2020.jpg'
published: true
date: '31-12-2020 11:15'
- news
- nextcloud
- conversejs
- xmpp
- news
body_classes: 'single single-post'
*Happy Solstice*
And what a year it was! There is no point in emphasizing how this year sucked for all of us and how everything seems to be upside down around the world. Let's just focus on positive stuff and enjoy the last days of the year.
We would like to wish you all a great celebrations and an awesome 2021! We would like to send special thank you to all those supporting us this year in all forms. We send a big hug to each and every Disrooter out there!!! Have a great year!
Now since we have been a bit slacky this year updating you guys on what has changed, let's see some of the little changes in the last weeks.
## Nextcloud 20
We have recently updated our Nextlcoud instance to the latest version. This one brings tons of cool new features. The most noticable would be the Dashboard. As you probably noticed, there is a new dashboard app showing you a feed of changes in your cloud. Whether it's calendar events, new files, deck cards or chats, you can view all of this in one glance. Additionally there are plugins allowing you to add external services such as mastodon, github, gitlab, and more. As the list of plugins will grow we will add more options of course.
Additional change, especially for those using Nextlcoud as a collaborative tool, is the status message. Now, you can easily display to others whether you are online, busy or anything in between. Known from other chat platforms, status allows others to see what you are busy with and if you are online to be bothered or not.
For those who use **Nextcloud** **Talk** we have enabled bridging to other chat platforms. It's still experimental feature but it's good to test it in the battle field. Bridges allows you to connect multiple chat platforms in one, where a bot relays everything said in the chat room to all of the networks bridged, allowing split communities to participate together. And so, one Nextcloud Talk room can be connected to IRC, Matrix, Mattermost, XMPP and various other rooms. Try it out and let us know of any issues so we could relay that to the Nextcloud staff.
Apart from all the good stuff and improvements, you might have also noticed that the performance of the cloud has improved greatly. Especially after we had issue with it for few weeks. We are happy things are back to normal and we are enjoying the cloud even more as Disroot Core Team, about which you can read below.
## Using Nextlcoud Deck for the Disroot Core Team planning
From the very start, we've been using the services on Disroot as our main go-to solutions. Apart from being the admins we are also Disrooters ourselves, "dog-fooding" our platform as much as possible. We think that this aproach helps understand the issues and requirements better and we enjoy using our own creation. For last years we've used Taiga for planning our work and managing issues but recently we have decided to switch to Deck. One reason for it was that we have decided to drop SCRUM methodology as it was draining our energy, especially since Disroot is not our main occupation (believe it or not) and we still need to maintain dayjobs, families and other projects. The constant race from one sprint to another for the last 5 years, became too exhausting, and we could not keep up with the tempo we've created ourself. We concluded we do not need backlog, sprints and all that anymore and it was time to make better use of another tool we offer (you know dog fooding your own platform is best), so we decided to switch for a while from **Taiga** to **Nextlcoud Deck**. To make it transparent and enable community to participate, we have created and shared both the Main project board (read only for non Core Members) and Issue board (where anyone can submit issues, feature requests, proposals, etc.) to the Disroot Community Circle. Any disrooter can join the "Disroot Community Circle" from circle app on nextcloud to participate or check what we are currently busy with.
Additionally we have created a chatroom on Nextlcoud Talk, which is bridged with XMPP, IRC and Matrix rooms. This means no matter which platform you use for communication you can easily connect to Disroot Community Hangout. \o/
So, join in, get active and have fun in our community circle!
## Darkbeet ConverseJS theme
The long promised and postponed theme for **ConverseJS** (our XMPP webchat of choice) has finally landed. There is still tons of things to improve, but *@muppeth* is very happy we finally managed to push something. It's a good start and we hope to push the theme once it's polished upstream. If guys at converseJS like it, it will be included into upstream source code.
You can use it already at [webchat]( and if you are interested in the latest progress and like to live on the edge use our [devchat](
## Howto's update
This year we also started the necessary updating of the Howtos. *@Fede* is fully committed to this, it is a task that requires constant dedication and in the process we are finding errors and possibilities for improvement. So far, most of the Nextcloud basics are covered and the User section is up to date, but there is still a lot left to do.
The main goal of the Howto project is to provide and make accessible as much information, in as many languages, as possible about the services and software we use. As you can imagine, this requires a constant amount of work and time.
So, if you want to collaborate in the development of the Howtos, improve and translate the existing ones or send us comments, suggestions or even write about your experiences using Disroot services and share them with the community, you just have to communicate with us through the [XMPP room]( or by [email]( Any help is very welcome. Remember that you can also see the progress of it on the **Deck board** accessible through the Cloud through the **Howto circle**.
**So once again everyone. Fuck 2020 and happy new year!**

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@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ taxonomy:
body_classes: 'single single-post'
*As of beginning of december 2020, after hundreds of requests we have been finnaly delisted and so email flow to Microsoft owned email services has been restored!.*
As some of you might have noticed, **Microsoft** (owner of Hotmail, Outlook, Live, Office360, etc.) is rejecting all emails originating from **** servers. Once reported to us, we immediately contacted support at **Outlook** as it was not the first time we have been targeted by **Microsoft** (last year for no reason, all emails from **Disroot** were marked as spam).
After waiting for a reply for a few days, making sure we are compliant with 'their policies' and exchanging few pointless emails with the **Microsoft**'s support staff, we have gotten this final reply:

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@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ taxonomy:
body_classes: 'single single-post'
*As of beginning of december 2020, after hundreds of requests we have been finnaly delisted and so email flow to Microsoft owned email services has been restored!.*
Como algunxs de ustedes habrán notado, **Microsoft** (propietario de Hotmail, Outlook, Live, Office360, etc) está rechazando todos los correos provenientes de los servidores de ****. Una vez que nos informaron del problema, nos contactamos inmediatamente con el soporte en **Outlook** ya que no es la primera vez que somos blanco de **Microsoft** (el año pasado sin ninguna razón, todos los correos desde **Disroot** eran marcados como SPAM) .
Después de esperar durante varios días por alguna respuesta, asegurarnos que cumplíamos con 'sus políticas', e intercambiar algunos inútiles emails con el staff del soporte de **Microsoft**, obtuvimos la siguiente contestación:

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: 'End-of-the-Year sticker design competition'
media_order: stickers.jpg
published: true
date: '07-12-2020 21:00'
- news
- news
- contest
body_classes: 'single single-post'
Last year, our End-of-the-Year fundraising was a success, and something really fun to do. We thought we should end this crazy year with something fun and creative as well. For a while we have been wanting to provide more gifts to all Disrooters donating money to keep the platform afloat. While making a traditional logo sticker is nice, we thought it would be cool if Disrooters themself design some cool stickers. So we thought of organizing a little contest.
The goal is simple. **Create a sticker design you like and drop it to [this url]( before the 25th of December**. Winning stickers will be printed and send as a sticker-pack to Disroot donators throughout 2021.
We will organize a poll so anyone could cast a vote for the stickers they like the most. The winners will receive a sticker pack as a New Year present first ;)
Here are the specifications:
* Be creative
* Your sticker design does not have to be Disroot specific, you can do FLOSS, federation, Fediverse, open hardware related sticker designs too (we are all one family).
* Go wild
* Send svg files (preferably, though you could drop png too)
* Fuck 2020 (would love to see that sticker too 😂)
Your sticker design should have Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
So, get your graphic tablet, mouse, a pen or whatever you need, and draw the most good looking Disroot sticker! We can't wait for your designs and we will join the competition in too :).
Do not hesitate to share it with the hashtag **#Distickeroot** on your favorite social networks!
**The Disroot Team**

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: 'Competencia de Fin de Año de diseño de stickers'
media_order: stickers.jpg
published: true
date: '07-12-2020 21:00'
- news
- novedades
- concurso
body_classes: 'single single-post'
El año pasado, nuestra recaudación de fondos de Fin de Año fue un éxito, y algo realmente divertido de hacer. Pensamos que deberíamos terminar también este loco año con algo igual de divertido y creativo. Desde hace rato estamos queriendo ofrecer más regalos a todxs lxs Disrooters que donan dinero para mantener la plataforma a flote. Mientras que hacer stickers tradicionales con el logo está bueno, pensamos que sería grandioso si lxs Disrooters mismxs diseñaran algunos más geniales. Así que pensamos en organizar un pequeño concurso.
El objetivo es simple. **Crea un diseño para stickers que te guste y súbelo a [esta dirección]( antes del 25 de Diciembre**. Los stickers ganadores serán impresos y enviados en un paquete a los donantes de **Disroot** durante 2021.
Organizaremos una encuesta para que cada unx pueda votar por los stickers que más les guste. Los ganadores recibirán un paquete de ellos primeros como regalo de Año Nuevo ;)
Aquí van los requisitos:
- Se creativo
- El diseño de tu sticker no tiene que ser necesariamente de Disroot, puedes hacer sobre Software Libre y de Código Abierto (FLOSS), Federación, Fediverso, hardware abierto (somos todxs una gran familia).
- Enloquece
- Envía archivos svg (preferentemente, aunque puedes hacerlo en formato png)
- Fuck 2020 (nos encantaría ver ese sticker también 😂)
Tu diseño debe tener una licencia Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.0)
¡Así que toma tu tablet gráfica, mouse, un lápiz o lo que necesites y dibuja el sticker de Disroot más lindo! No podemos esperar por sus diseños y también participar nosotros :).
¡No dudes en compartirlo con el hashtag **#Distickeroot** en tus redes sociales favoritas!
**El Equipo de Disroot**

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: 'Concorso creazione adesivi di fine anno'
media_order: stickers.jpg
published: true
date: '07-12-2020 21:00'
- news
- news
- contest
body_classes: 'single single-post'
Dopo la raccolta fondi dell'anno scorso che ha avuto un grande successo, abbiamo pensato di chiudere questo pazzo anno con una proposta divertente e creativa. È per questo che abbiamo deciso di proporre a tutti i Disrooter un contest nel quale siano gli utenti stessi a progettare e disegnare gli adesivi di Disroot.
L'obiettivo è semplice. **Crea l'adesivo e caricalo [qui]( prima del 25 dicembre**.
Gli adesivi più belli verranno stampati e inviati a chi supporterà Disroot con delle donazioni durante l'anno 2021.
Organizzeremo una votazione, in questo modo chiunque potrà votare gli adesivi che ritiene più belli. Ai vincitori, in segno di gratitudine e come regalo di nuovo anno, verranno regalati alcuni degli adesivi stampati;)
Qui alcune specifiche:
* Sii creativo;)
* Gli adesivi non devono essere specifici per Disroot. Puoi anche creare adesivi relativi al mondo FLOSS o al fediverso (siamo tutti una famiglia)
* Invia il file preferibilmente in formato svg (in alternativa in formato png)
* Fuck 2020 (ecco, anche questo slogan ci piace;))
La licenza con la quale verranno rilasciati le opere;) sarà Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Quindi prendi la tua tavoletta grafica, il mouse, una penna o qualunque cosa ti serva e disegna l'adesivo Disroot più bello!
Non vediamo l'ora di vedere i progetti!
Non esitare e condividi il concorso con l'hashtag **#Distickeroot** sui tuoi social network preferiti!
**Il team Disroot**

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