
3.6 KiB

title form
Extra Mailbox Storage
name fields buttons process
Extra Mailbox Space
name label placeholder autofocus autocomplete type validate
username User Name Enter the Disroot user name on on text
pattern required
[A-Za-z0-9.]* true
name label placeholder type validate
email Contact Email Address Enter an email address to contact you text
pattern required
[A-Za-z0-9.-_@]* true
name label type classes outerclasses validate
Additional Inbox Storage Additional Storage in GB number form-number form-outer
min max steps value required
1 10 1 1 true
name type
comments textarea
name type size label markdown content
payment details display large true **Payment details:**
name label placeholder type validate
country Country (necessary for VAT purposes) Please specify the country your paying account is registered in text
pattern required
[A-Za-z]* true
name label placeholder type options validate
payment Payment via (May be subjected to extra transaction fees) select select
paypal bank faircoin bitcoin patreon
Paypal Bank transfer Faircoin Bitcoin Patreon
name type
honeypot honeypot
type value
submit Submit
type value
reset Reset
from to subject body
extra-storage@disroot.org {{ form.value.email }} [Disroot] Extra Storage Request Dear {{ form.value.username }}, <br><br> We have received a request for extra storage space. <br><br>You should receive your confirmation per E-mail with your billing reference. <br> Once we receive your payment we will assign you the extra storage. <br><br> Thank you for supporting Disroot!
from to reply_to subject body
extra-storage@disroot.org {{ config.plugins.email.to }} {{ form.value.email }} [Extra storage request] - {{ form.value.username|e }} {% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}
fileprefix dateformat extension body
feedback- Ymd-His-u txt {% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}
Your request has been sent!

Extra Mailbox Storage

It is possible to extend your E-mail storage with up to 10 GB for the cost of 0.15 euro per GB per month, paid yearly. If you are adding storage both to your mailbox and cloud account - use [this form](https://disroot.org/en/forms/extra-storage-space)