# # Host Identity Protocol # Copyright (c) 2002-2012 the Boeing Company # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # \file Makefile.msvc # # \authors Jeff Ahrenholz, # # \brief win32 Makefile for MSVC++ # CC = cl LIBS = kernel32.lib user32.lib msvcrt.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib iphlpapi.lib iconv.lib libeay32.lib libxml2.lib # could also link with msvcrt.lib instead of libcmt.lib, build with /MD instead of /MT LINK = /NODEFAULTLIB /NOLOGO # this replaces LIB environment variable, but has problems with quotes: #/LIBPATH:$(LIB);..\lib SRC = .\src EXTINC = .\include SRCINC = $(SRC)\include INC = -I$(SRCINC) -I$(EXTINC) SRCPROTO= protocol SRCUM = usermode SRCUTIL = util SRCW32 = win32 # /MT is for threading /MD for MSVCRT.LIB # /GZ enable runtime debug checks, /Zi enable debugging information, /MDd debug lib # /MDd for debug CFLAGS= /MD /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /W3 /WX /Gs0 /GF /Gy /Zi /Zp1 /nologo -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN $(INC) -D__WIN32__ -DCONFIG_HIP -DSYSCONFDIR="\".\"" OBJS = $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_addr.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_cache.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_dht.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_globals.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_input.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_ipsec.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_keymat.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_main.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_output.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_status.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUM)\hip_dns.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUM)\hip_esp.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUM)\hip_nl.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUM)\hip_sadb.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUM)\hip_status2.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUM)\hip_umh_main.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hip_util.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hip_xml.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCW32)\socketpair.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCW32)\hip_service.obj # names of objects used when linking # (we can eliminate this if .obj files end up in same dir as source) OBJNAMES=hip_addr.obj \ hip_cache.obj \ hip_dht.obj \ hip_globals.obj \ hip_input.obj \ hip_ipsec.obj \ hip_keymat.obj \ hip_main.obj \ hip_output.obj \ hip_status.obj \ hip_dns.obj \ hip_esp.obj \ hip_nl.obj \ hip_sadb.obj \ hip_status2.obj \ hip_umh_main.obj \ hip_util.obj \ hip_xml.obj \ socketpair.obj \ hip_service.obj HITGENOBJS = $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hitgen.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hitgen_globals.obj \ $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hitgen_util.obj HITGENOBJNAMES = hitgen.obj hitgen_globals.obj hitgen_util.obj # default target all: win # compile objects for Windows service win: start_win hitgen hipservice finish # # build targets # hipservice: $(OBJS) $(SRCINC)\hip\hip_service.h $(CC) $(OBJNAMES) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) /link $(LINK) /OUT:hip.exe # Hitgen utility hitgen: $(HITGENOBJS) $(CC) $(HITGENOBJNAMES) $(CFLAGS) -DHITGEN $(LIBS) /link $(LINK) /OUT:hitgen.exe # Status helper app status: $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\usermode-status.c @echo \>\> Building status app... $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\usermode-status.c /OUT:status.exe # # source rules # # could have source rules here for each object file if needed #$(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_addr.obj: $(SRCINC)\hip\hip_service.h #$(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_cache.obj: $(SRCINC)\hip\hip_service.h # special rules to control hitgen flags and obj names $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hitgen_globals.obj: $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_globals.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DHITGEN /Fohitgen_globals.obj /c $(SRC)\$(SRCPROTO)\hip_globals.c $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hitgen_util.obj: $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hip_util.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DHITGEN /Fohitgen_util.obj /c $(SRC)\$(SRCUTIL)\hip_util.c # # utility rules # start_win: @echo Building HIP Windows Service... finish: copy /Y hitgen.exe .\bin copy /Y hip.exe .\bin @echo done. clean: @echo Removing binary files... del hip.exe hitgen.exe del hip.exp hip.plg hip.ilk hip.ncb hip.opt hip.pdb hip.lib vc60.pdb del hitgen.exp hitgen.plg hitgen.ilk hitgen.ncb hitgen.opt hitgen.pdb hitgen.lib del $(OBJNAMES) $(HITGENOBJNAMES) @echo done.