
49 lines
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title: CheatSheet K8s
updated: 2022-02-05 17:47:17Z
created: 2022-02-05 15:06:57Z
latitude: 51.86290000
longitude: 4.61910000
altitude: 0.0000
## minikube
`minikube start | status | stop | delete | pause | unpause | dashboard`
## Crud commands kubectl
`kubectl create deployment [name]`
`kubectl create deployment nginx-depl --image=nginx`
`kubectl edit deployment [name]`
`kubectl edit deployment nginx-depl`
`kubectl delete deployment [name]`
## Use configuration file for CRUD
`kubectl apply -f [file name]`
`kubectl delete -f [file name]`
## Status of different K8s components
`kubectl get nodes | pod | service | replicaset | deployment | all`
`kubectl get pod -o wide` More columns with info
`kubectl get deployment [name] -o yaml` current in yaml format (useful for debugging)
## Debugging pods
`kuberctl logs [pod name]`
`kubectl logs nginx-depl-{pod-name}`
`kubectl exec -it [pod name] -- bin/bash`
`kuberctl describe pod [pod name]`
`kuberctl describe pod nginx-depl-{pod name}`
## Configuration file Deployment & Service
Each configuration file has 3 parts
1. metadata
2. specification
3. status (automatic generated)
- desired state
- Actual state
- Both have to match. If not K8s knows something has to be fixed
- status is updated continues
- etcd is providing the info for status