Summaries/Databases/Neo4j/Applications with

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Applications with Python 2022-08-08 19:51:06Z 2022-08-08 19:50:49Z
from neo4j import GraphDatabase

driver = GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "neo"))

Connection String

Connection String


  • Schema
  • Initial server address
  • port number (default 7687)


  • neo4j creates an unencrypted connection
  • neo4j+s creates an encrypted connection and verifies certificate
  • neo4j+ssc - Creates an encrypted connection no verification certificate

Variations of the bolt scheme can be used to connect directly to a single DBMS (within a clustered environment or standalone). This can be useful if you have a single server configured for data science or analytics.

  • bolt creates an unencrypted connection directly to a single DBMS.
  • bolt+s creates an encrypted connection directly to a single DBMS and verify the certificate.
  • bolt+ssc creates an encrypted connection to directly to a single DBMS but will not attempt to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

Which scheme string is right?

You can verify the encryption level of your DBMS by checking the dbms.connector.bolt.enabled key in neo4j.conf.

Always use the neo4j+s scheme when connecting to Neo4j Aura

Authentication Token

auth = (username, password)

Additional Driver Configuration (Optional)


GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=auth,
    max_connection_lifetime=30 * 60,
    connection_acquisition_timeout=2 * 60)