Beginning of §usan and Male Privilege

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Adam Blažek 2021-03-15 01:19:42 +01:00
parent ff7148a732
commit 38ebf8972d
2 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="icon" href="/images/xigoi-thicc.svg"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/main.css"><script async src="/scripts/counter.js"></script><title>Susan and Male Privilege | xigoi</title></head><body><a href="/"><header><svg id="xigoi-logo" width="20" height="20" viewBox="-7 -2 24 24" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 20 L 9 8 A 5 5 0 1 0 1 8 L 4 12 A 5 5 0 0 0 8 14 A 2 2 0 0 1 10 16 A 4 4 0 0 1 2 16 A 5 5 0 0 1 3 13 A 10 10 0 0 0 5 7" stroke="#0ff" stroke-width="1"></path><circle cx="5" cy="5" r="1" fill="#f80"></circle></svg><div class="xigoi">xigoi</div></header></a><h1>Susan and Male Privilege</h1><p>“Men are so privileged.” Susan closed the browser tab with Huffington Post because the newest feminist article criticizing the construction of a unisex shelter for domestic violence victims made her shake with rage. She put her phone into her pocket and continued walking through the marketplace. “I with I could experience being a man. I would show them how to use the privilege correctly!” she muttered to herself.</p><p>“Then I have something exactly for you,” an old man sitting inside an aged wooden stall said slowly in a slightly unsettling voice. Susan turned to him with a disgusted expression and shouted: “Look at this <em>white male</em> with an opinion! Stop mansplaining!” The man, completely untouched by her hostility, slowly handed over an item from his stall. “This is the Monkey's Paw. It can grant you any with you want.” Susan rolled her eyes. As a Sagittarius, she didn't believe in such superstitions. “I'm not giving any money to a man. You're already rich because of the wage gap, so you should be giving money to me.” “I don't need money,” said the man. “I'll happily let you use it for free. But be careful what you with for, wishes always come with unexpected consequences.”</p><p>Susan thought — what unexpected consequences could come with being a man? They have literally everything handed to them on a silver platter. “Fine, I'll try it. Monkey's Paw, I would like to become a man. And make it so that people forget that I used to be a woman.” The paw suddenly curled one of its fingers. Susan started feeling weird. Her waist got narrower. Her chest got wider, but the breasts disappeared and left only the nipples behind. She felt various parts of her body getting covered in hair. And her genitalia completely changed shape. She became… Sean.</p></body></html>

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block title
| Susan and Male Privilege | xigoi
block content
h1 Susan and Male Privilege
p “Men are so privileged.” Susan closed the browser tab with Huffington Post because the newest feminist article criticizing the construction of a unisex shelter for domestic violence victims made her shake with rage. She put her phone into her pocket and continued walking through the marketplace. “I with I could experience being a man. I would show them how to use the privilege correctly!” she muttered to herself.
p “Then I have something exactly for you,” an old man sitting inside an aged wooden stall said slowly in a slightly unsettling voice. Susan turned to him with a disgusted expression and shouted: “Look at this <em>white male</em> with an opinion! Stop mansplaining!” The man, completely untouched by her hostility, slowly handed over an item from his stall. “This is the Monkey's Paw. It can grant you any with you want.” Susan rolled her eyes. As a Sagittarius, she didn't believe in such superstitions. “I'm not giving any money to a man. You're already rich because of the wage gap, so you should be giving money to me.” “I don't need money,” said the man. “I'll happily let you use it for free. But be careful what you with for, wishes always come with unexpected consequences.”
p Susan thought — what unexpected consequences could come with being a man? They have literally everything handed to them on a silver platter. “Fine, I'll try it. Monkey's Paw, I would like to become a man. And make it so that people forget that I used to be a woman.” The paw suddenly curled one of its fingers. Susan started feeling weird. Her waist got narrower. Her chest got wider, but the breasts disappeared and left only the nipples behind. She felt various parts of her body getting covered in hair. And her genitalia completely changed shape. She became… Sean.