A Personal Emacs Configuration
Updated 2024-05-20 13:02:13 +02:00
aLtCaPs Transform words to alternating letter casing in order to convey sarcasm or mockery. For example, convert I respect the authorities to i ReSpEcT tHe AuThOrItIeS.
Updated 2022-12-01 17:55:21 +01:00
denote: Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme Denote is a simple note-taking tool for Emacs.
Updated 2022-12-01 17:54:42 +01:00
The themes are built into GNU Emacs 28 (development target).modus-operandi is light. modus-vivendi is dark. ..., check: + https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes-pictures/ + https://protesilaos.com/code-casts/
Updated 2022-12-01 15:27:18 +01:00
#Ef (εὖ) themes for GNU Emacs IMAGES HERE: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/ef-themes-pictures
Updated 2022-12-01 15:20:24 +01:00
Updated 2022-12-01 05:44:30 +01:00
Mi configuración de emacs de doom.
Updated 2021-08-25 00:42:08 +02:00