Automated updates: 2024-02-02

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John Colagioia 2024-02-02 17:12:00 -05:00
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layout: post
title: Toots 🦣 from 01/29 to 02/02
date: 2024-02-02 17:11:09-0500
tags: [linkdump, mastodon, socialmedia, week]
summary: Toots for the Week of January 29th, 2024
thumbnail: /blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png
teaser: This week, we have child-rearing and heart health, Swiftie voter registration, unionization, Vodun in Benin, unethical auditors, Jamendo, Black History, and quotes.
spell: Swiftie Watters psy-op Vodun Zangbeto Bois Valadi Jamendo
proofed: true
As [discussed previously]({% post_url 2019-12-31-new-year %}), on Fridays, I present my weekly social media roundups. Note that toots of articles generally include header images from the articles, which I don't include here unless their creators *happen* to have released them for use under a free license, and I notice. Most have not, or I don't notice. But I now add my commentary here, where I don't feel restricted by message length.
![diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week](/blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png "Carmen Miranda presents the Days of the Week.")
Also, I don't generally attach pictures to posts with quotations.
## 9:03 -- Mon 29 January 2024
{% embed|A mother and her adopted son smiling, laughing and cuddling on the front porch in Buffalo, New York, in November|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Warm caregiving in childhood protects heart health later]( from Futurity
> ...while having a supportive caregiver is crucial to a life course of health, the stability and consistency of that support and warmth in childhood is just as important of a predictor of later life CVH.
Hashtags: #Children #Health
It doesn't *surprise* me that treating children well improves their health, but I always appreciate having numbers to put to that sort of assumption.
## 12:04 -- Mon 29 January 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.
{% cite Lewis Carroll %}
Hashtags: #Quotes
## 9:02 -- Tue 30 January 2024
{% embed|Taylor Swift posing on stage at a concert|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified]( from Daily Kos
> On Jan. 9, Fox News second-rate Tucker Carlson clone Jesse Watters implied that Swifts decision to once again promote voting this past September was some kind psy-op campaign.
Hashtags: #USPol #GoTV #Misogyny
I bring this up regularly, but really *think about* how Republicans see their own chances of success, that a singer recommending that people register to vote---and not much more than that---sends them into such a pants-wetting panic. But they want us to fear them, needing laws to keep certain people out of public discourse entirely, and needing guns to enforce their idea of a "polite society." Don't fear them. Vote the impotent losers out and crush their movement.
## 12:01 -- Tue 30 January 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> Be courteous, be obliging, but don't give yourself over to be melted down for the benefit of the tallow trade.
{% cite George Eliot %}
Hashtags: #Quotes
## 9:04 -- Wed 31 January 2024
{% embed|Members of the faculty union of the California State University system walk a picket line in December 2023|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [1 in 10 US workers belong to unions a share thats stabilized after a steep decline]( from The Conversation
> But for unionization to spread, nonunion workers must be convinced that the very real risks of a unionization drive are worth it.
Hashtags: #Labor
What makes this even more difficult is that we paper over that fear of job loss with a story about individualism making us all want to negotiate better deals for ourselves. That story serves to make people who value collective actions think of themselves as outliers who'd have no chance of success.
## 12:05 -- Wed 31 January 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs.
{% cite Mark Twain %}
Hashtags: #Quotes
## 9:01 -- Thu 01 February 2024
{% embed|Picture of the Vodun Zangbeto|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Benin: The National Vodun Festival is now Vodun Days]( from Global Voices
> Present in certain West African countries such as Togo, Benin, and Nigeria, this spirituality is also practiced in the African-descended communities of the Americas, particularly in Brazil, the United States, and the Caribbean.
Hashtags: #Benin #Religion #Arts
I hope that they can manage to destigmatize the label, as well as get some much-needed tourism money flowing.
## 12:02 -- Thu 01 February 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> Either the United States will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States.
{% cite W. E. B. Du Bois %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #BlackHistory
## 9:07 -- Fri 02 February 2024
{% embed|The Wall Street Bull statue charging past a sleeping dog, behind a fence with a beware-of-dog sign posted|false|Sam Valadi, Disco Dan, CC BY 2.0, modified %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [The long sleep of capitalism's watchdogs]( from Pluralistic
> By buying your cheating advice from the same company that is paid to certify that you're not cheating, you greatly improve your chances of avoiding detection until you've blown town.
Hashtags: #Capitalism #Auditing #Monopolies
During the 1980 Presidential campaign, I often heard adults lament how we'd probably have a better time if organized crime ran the government. At the time, I wrote it off as related to the still-improbable-to-me success of **The Godfather**. In retrospect, though, I can't help but suspect that this came out of some arm of the Republican Party, both implying that we didn't and shouldn't have a functioning government, and also preparing a generation to accept corruption as a normal part of governance.
## 12:06 -- Fri 02 February 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> If the American manhood will arouse itself and speak to those fellows in plain language, not to be misunderstood, they can save themselves, their country and their children, from the fate of poverty which awaits them.
{% cite Lucy Parsons %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #BlackHistory
## Bonus
Because it accidentally became a tradition early on in the life of the blog, I drop any additional articles that didn't fit into the one-article-per-day week, but too weird or important to not mention, here.
<i class="fas fa-square"></i> [Jamendo and Winamp for Creators]( from Craig Maloney's Blog
> Naturally one can't just delete their creator account. Winamp's system is so convoluted that there's always at least one dependency laying around. I can't remove the tracks that are on there, nor can I remove the album that's up there. Albums must have at least two tracks, so I can't delete all of the tracks from the album. As long as I can't delete the tracks or album I can't delete the account.
For those not in the know, Jamendo started life as a discovery system for Free Culture music, and went out of their way to help users find tracks with particular licenses, as well as the usual search criteria. At some point, they stopped allowing people to search by license, and buried licensing information on individual song pages. Now, it sounds like they've chosen to monetize "their" catalog without permission from the artists who uploaded their library.
I had hoped that the problems with the other music platforms might snap them out of whatever they envisioned as their modern direction, but apparently it caused them to reinforce that bad idea.
## Follow Me
If you appreciate this sort of content, then you should probably [follow me <i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> on Mastodon]( to get it as early as possible...and feel free to reply, at least to the good stuff.
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**Credits**: Header image is [Circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week]( from a manuscript drafted during the Carolingian Dynasty.