Automated updates: 2024-05-17

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John Colagioia 2024-05-17 17:58:47 -04:00
parent 71966b5a8a
commit 13de15fefe
2 changed files with 185 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ update: [
teaser: For this episode, we need to talk about racism and sexism, acts of war, authoritarianism, and more.
spell: reenactor Romulans Duras Romulan Yar SHANTHI Riker Starfleet Tian Berellian Spiner Troi Sela Guinan Eridon Eridani Eri Zaurak Worf Jubjub Darmok
proofed: true
![An American Civil War reenactor sitting against a wood-pile to read a letter](/blog/assets/37270938511_c1d1650f0e_o.png "Dear Mom, while they call this a civil war, we seem to spend a lot of attention on the pretentious bald fellow telling us that he may not involve himself in our affairs, while lecturing us about our culture and how the Romulans may have created Poland Spring water as a trap.")

184 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
layout: post
title: Toots 🦣 from 05/13 to 05/17
date: 2024-05-17 17:58:13-0400
tags: [linkdump, mastodon, socialmedia, week]
summary: Toots for the Week of May 13th, 2024
thumbnail: /blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png
teaser: This week, we have unlicensed educators, corporate tax evasion, the despair of misinformation, Zipline laundering its PR, Trump losing to non-competitors, transportation funding, cannabis legalization, Pepper & Carrot's anniversary, and AAPI Heritage.
spell: Zipline AAPI Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto Der Ailes Alebione Kamakau Davida Malo Cheech Revoy Gnooks Gnod Nnedi Okorafor McQuiston Amal El-Mohtar Nghi Vo Djèlí Alix
proofed: true
As [discussed previously]({% post_url 2019-12-31-new-year %}), on Fridays, I present my weekly social media roundups. Note that toots of articles generally include header images from the articles, which I don't include here unless their creators *happen* to have released them for use under a free license, and I notice. Most have not, or I don't notice. But I now add my commentary here, where I don't feel restricted by message length.
![diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week](/blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png "Wait a second, are these all the same day of the week?")
Also, I don't generally attach pictures to posts with quotations.
## 9:05 -- Mon 13 May 2024
{% embed|Students raise their hands in class|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Unlicensed teachers now dominate new teacher hires in rural Texas schools]( from The Conversation
> First, unqualified new teachers negatively impact student learning in middle and high school math. The learning loss that students experience is equivalent to missing up to three months of instruction during a nine-month school year.
Hashtags: #Education #Discrimination #USPol
You might notice that we currently have states going out of their way to block their children from a decent college education, and then a good job. We don't talk about that enough, and I don't know of any legitimate solutions.
## 12:03 -- Mon 13 May 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> He had been to America, but we did not realize that he had seen only one small portion of one coast city in that great land.
{% cite Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #AAPIHeritage
## 9:01 -- Tue 14 May 2024
{% embed,c_fit,w_1920,q_auto/wp-cms-2/2024/05/p-1-91118616-IRS-announces-plan-to-increase-audit-rates-for-high-income-taxpayers-and-large-corporations.jpg|Pocket calculators on an abstract background|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [IRS will audit more high-income taxpayers and large corporations]( from Fast Company
> The IRS intends to triple audit rates on large corporations, defined as those having assets of over $250 million.
Hashtags: #Taxes #Inequality
Finally. I know that a lot of conservatives worry that funding the IRS means that they now have more risk, but this makes the clear point that *under*-funding the IRS sends them our way as fights they can win.
## 12:02 -- Tue 14 May 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> These clothes were exactly like other official clothes, except that he had no button on his hat and did not wear the peacock feather.
{% cite "Princess" Der Ling %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #AAPIHeritage
## 5:24 PM -- Tue 14 May 2024
[<i class="fas fa-square"></i> Posted to Cohost](
> Maybe I'm the last person hearing about this, but meandering through my library's website turned up an interesting find.
> [Gnooks](, a [Gnod]( project, asks for three authors that you like, and then recommends other authors, giving you the opportunity to refine the search with an I-already-know-them-and...yes/no. I grabbed Nnedi Okorafor, Casey McQuiston, and Amal El-Mohtar[^1] as a trial run, and it suggested Nghi Vo, P. Djèlí Clark, Alix E. Harrow, all solid recommendations if I didn't already know their work. It only gave me one author who I'd call a "hard pass."[^3]. More importantly, it tossed in T. Kingfisher, Caitlin Starling, and Silvia Moreno-Garcia for me to investigate later, never heard of any of them, before I decided not to spend too much time on the one task.
> It looks like Gnod also does art, movies, and...wait, *search engines*?
Long-time readers already know some of the back-story in the footnotes, in the [post where I outlined my heritage-skewed reading plan]({% post_url 2022-07-03-reading %}), but figured that, even though they haven't released it as Free Software, it seemed worth calling out Gnooks.
## 9:06 -- Wed 15 May 2024
{% embed|Latino man covering his eyes|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Feeling misinformed leads some people to actively avoid news]( from Futurity
> Additionally, the researchers showed that being white, conservative, and using more conservative media were all significantly associated with feeling more misinformed online, while political interest, political knowledge, and nonpartisan news use were significantly associated with feeling less misinformed online.
Hashtags: #Journalism #Trust
Mostly, I found the quoted sentence the most interesting, here: Conservatives and consumers of conservative media feel more misinformed than the rest of us. That makes sense on one hand, because conservative media *exists* to mislead people---no really, [Ailes created the plan for conservative propaganda during the Nixon administration]( and [mostly used it to air his opinions]( on the other hand, it seems like they could fix this with little effort, but definitely don't do that, for some reason...
## 12:05 -- Wed 15 May 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> As the people of Alebione had their British history and read about the Saxons and William, so the Hawaiians should read their history.
{% cite Samuel Kamakau %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #AAPIHeritage
## 9:07 -- Thu 16 May 2024
{% embed|A Zipline facility|false| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Drone Company Zipline Dictates Mayor's Quote on How 'Normal' Zipline Is]( from 404 Media
> The case is similar to surveillance camera company Ring, which has aggressively partnered with police departments and even required police officers to shill the companys products.
Hashtags: #PRLaundering
The company concept seems interesting enough, but trying to hide its marketing by feeding it through public officials now makes me question how they run the overall business.
## 12:04 -- Thu 16 May 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> Perhaps they will not revolt, but the children after them, and the grandchildren after them; they will be the rebels.
{% cite Davida Malo %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #AAPIHeritage
## 9:03 -- Fri 17 May 2024
{% cw US Politics, Trump %}
{% embed|Donald Trump staring blankly at the camera|true| %}
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i>]( [Trump is losing 20% of GOP votes to candidate who dropped out months ago]( from Daily Kos
> Though its easy and sometimes facile to make the comparison, if President Joe Biden was losing 20% of Democrats to a protest vote in state after state, it would be the leading story in the national news.
Hashtags: #USPol #2024Election
It couldn't happen to a nicer candidate, probably literally.
If he had any executive function left, he would've taken his stolen classified documents (*allegedly*, I guess) and used them to buy his way into a country where he could live in exile in 2020. He could've run the same scams to soak his gullible followers for money and try to stoke violence, *and* he wouldn't have to put himself through this mortification of almost losing in a one-person race while also seeing his one valuable asset seized by the government that he tried to overthrow.
## 12:06 -- Fri 17 May 2024
[<i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> Quoted on Mastodon](
> The race had been very exciting, both vessels flying their national colors, and spreading their sails to the fullest extent, the captain of each standing on the quarter-deck, watching every movement and trimming sails to catch every portion of the breeze.
{% cite William Heath Davis %}
Hashtags: #Quotes #AAPIHeritage
## Bonus
Because it accidentally became a tradition early on in the life of the blog, I drop any additional articles that didn't fit into the one-article-per-day week, but too weird or important to not mention, here.
{% embed,c_fit,w_1920,q_auto/wp-cms-2/2024/05/p-1-91119418-build-green-bill-icn.jpg|A high-speed locomotive at a station|false| %}
<i class="fas fa-square"></i> [Why Elizabeth Warren is pushing for a $500 billion transportation bill]( from Fast Company
> Historically, federal transportation funds have been distributed on the basis of an 80-20 split; that is, state and local governments must pony up 20% of funds for any project. That means states that have devoted little to public transit have been eligible for less federal money to address the historic lack of investment.
Let's hope that this goes through. Public transit has barely functioned for most of my life, outside the most concentrated population centers. By me, for example, getting from the downtown shopping area in walking distance to the nearest one of relevance would take *over an hour* by bus, including two transfers and some waiting. Nobody knows why we have no route the four miles down a major road. And I live in a relatively wealthy area; a couple of towns over, the situation declines faster than the median income.
{% embed|Pot paraphernalia|false| %}
<i class="fas fa-square"></i> [The Beginning of the End of Cannabis Prohibition]( from OtherWords
> For decades, federal officials maligned patients and doctors who spoke out about the benefits of cannabis. One former federal drug czar even accused physicians who supported medical marijuana of practicing “Cheech & Chong medicine.”
I've probably mentioned this before, but I don't see marijuana as a personal issue, since I don't have an interest in the drug. However, given that we know---from the words of the people making those decisions---that the misclassification of the drug has racist origins, first in the 1920s to smear Mexican workers and then under the Nixon administration to give the police a pretext to arrest Black people and anti-war protesters, *that* information makes it an important issue.
{% embed|The cast of the comic around a cake with candles in the shape of the number ten|false|CC BY 4.0 by David Revoy %}
<i class="fas fa-square"></i> [10th anniversary of the Pepper & Carrot webcomic series]( from David Revoy
> Thank you again for encouraging me to make Pepper & Carrot all these years. 10 years!
I considered writing a full post on the anniversary, but that seemed excessive last Sunday, and I didn't have *that* much to say about it. Among the things that I *would* say, I can't actually remember when I discovered the comic---you'd think that I would have mentioned something about it in my notes as viable for adaptation, but no---so even that has nowhere to go. But I do celebrate the comic and its success. {% emoji party popper %} I've enjoyed the ride, and can't wait to see how it'll end, even as we see the starts of **Mini Fantasy Theater** take shape.
{% include %}
* * *
**Credits**: Header image is [Circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week]( from a manuscript drafted during the Carolingian Dynasty.
[^1]: A few years ago, I realized that all my favorite authors looked suspiciously like middle-aged white guys[^4], so I started taking advantage of the Libby app and assorted history/heritage months to expand my horizons. Shockingly, it turns out that, if one puts in the bare minimum effort, one finds some pretty amazing stuff[^2]...
[^2]: One also finds a lot of absolute trash, but hey, I read **Trilby**[^5] among plenty of other "classic" trash, many years ago, so let's not pretend that I have any actual *standards* preventing me from reading something.
[^3]: I won't name them, because people get (probably not unreasonably) emotional about the person's work, but they (only) don't do anything for me. And the recommendation did make intellectual sense.
[^4]: I believe that a search like this prompted that moment of introspection, when I dutifully filled in some bland list like Douglas Adams, Miguel de Cervantes, and Robert W. Chambers or something, then scratched my head at the boring results.
[^5]: Not about hats...y'know, as long as I've started using footnotes.