Automated updates: 2023-10-23

This commit is contained in:
John Colagioia 2023-10-23 06:59:17 -04:00
parent 68ecdd6914
commit 7df6b8acaa
2 changed files with 50 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ We get more insight into how foreign powers see the Federation. They really don
> **RAL**: Oh, so you announce it to every alien culture you encounter? Or do you use it to give your side an advantage. Do you tell the Romulan that's about to attack that you sense that he may be bluffing? Or do you just tell it to your Captain?
I mean...I don't agree with much of anything that Ral says or does, but he makes a fair point here that the episode desperately wants to pretend he only says to manipulate Troi further. But as I've said many times, her idea of "counsel" mostly involves helping Picard scam aliens.
I mean...I don't agree with much of anything that Ral says or does, but he makes a fair point here that the episode desperately wants to pretend he only says what he does to manipulate Troi further. But as I've said many times, her idea of "counsel" mostly involves helping Picard scam aliens.
> **LAFORGE**: It's a dry well, Captain. Worthless. 
It still seems fairly useful from a scientific perspective. Didn't Picard tell everyone in [*Peak Performance*]({% post_url 2023-04-13-peak-performance %}) that Starfleet exists to explore...?
Oh, and I should mention that Arridor and Kol continue their Delta Quadrant adventures, making an appearance during **Voyager**'s third season, *False Profits*. Since I still haven't *quite* decided where to go after **The Next Generation**, I can't estimate when we'll cover it.
Oh, and I should mention that Arridor and Kol continue their Delta Quadrant adventures, making an appearance during **Voyager**'s third season episode, *False Profits*. Since I still haven't *quite* decided where to go after **The Next Generation**, I can't estimate when we'll cover it.
## Conclusions

48 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
layout: post
title: Developer Diary, Emmanuel de Grouchy
date: 2023-10-23 06:58:05-0400
tags: [programming, project, devjournal]
summary: Progress on assorted projects
thumbnail: /blog/assets/Emmanuel-de-Grouchy.png
teaser: This week's projects include Smoke Alarm, the blog's code, and some library updates.
spell: groo-SHEE Manny le Hashover coc Slackup Marchal Rouget
proofed: true
I couldn't find a single decent holiday for today, and that made me feel grouchy. And then I discovered that Emmanuel de Grouchy would have celebrated his 257<sup>th</sup> birthday, today, and...OK, sure, he probably pronounced his name something like "groo-SHEE," but I couldn't pass *that* up.
![Manny le Grouch or whatever](/blog/assets/Emmanuel-de-Grouchy.png "No, really, I have no interest in him beyond his name...")
While I decide whether I want to recolor his hair green and have his head poking out of a trashcan, let's talk about projects.
## Smoke Alarm
{% github jcolag/smoke-alarm %}
While I need to do some extensive testing to figure out under what circumstances the code works and when it won't, the page now should allow routine storage of data.
I have also clarified the text on the page and provided some minimal documentation, including a history of the project.
## Entropy Arbitrage
{% github jcolag/entropy-arbitrage-code %}
You might have noticed that the comments section of the blog has some company, these days: If you don't trust my management of the comments---provided by [Hashover]( hosted on the blog's server, by the way, if you wanted to know that---then I formally invite you to discuss issues from posts in the [#entropy-arbitrage chatroom]( on Matrix.
I'll moderate away any irritating content or [poor conduct](/blog/coc/) as I do, here, and will continue to assume that any posts there follow the blog's CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, so that if you recommend a correction, I can assume that you have already given permission...
In addition to that, I fixed the mammoth/mastodon emoji names---somehow, the official name includes "elephant," conflicting with the actual elephant emoji---and changed the type of the input box on the [search page](/blog/search/) to "search."
## Library Updates
I needed to bump library versions for the [**Morning Dashboard**](, [**Roku Wake**](, and [**Slackup**](
## Next
I want to resolve the CORS problem on **Smoke Alarm**, as well as add graphs.
* * *
**Credits**: The header image is [Marchal Grouchy]( by Georges Rouget, long in the public domain due to expired copyright *if* it ever had a copyright.