Automated updates: 2024-01-22

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John Colagioia 2024-01-22 07:21:28 -05:00
parent 18b894e538
commit d798e0acd1
2 changed files with 40 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ This all goes into saying that I walk into these experiments with my eyes open,
## Where Things Went Well
In fairness, I started by pointing the web browser plugin to my blog and asked it to recommend some end-of-year post ideas, and it recommended...the most middle-of-the-world, content-marketing-est posts that I could plausibly have gotten away with. If I wanted that, or if I needed a post to go out so that I could sell ad space against it, then I could see the feature maybe saving me two minutes to say "maybe I *will* write a list of 2024 technology predictions" or whatever. It doesn't make sense for my situation, and I don't know if I could ever approve of it, but I could see it *feeling* helpful to someone who needs to get a blog post or other essay-adjacent product out the door.
In fairness, I started by pointing the web browser plugin to my blog and asked it to recommend some end-of-year post ideas, and it recommended...the most middle-of-the-road, content-marketing-est posts that I could plausibly have gotten away with. If I wanted that, or if I needed a post to go out so that I could sell ad space against it, then I could see the feature maybe saving me two minutes to say "maybe I *will* write a list of 2024 technology predictions" or whatever. It doesn't make sense for my situation, and I don't know if I could ever approve of it, but I could see it *feeling* helpful to someone who needs to get a blog post or other essay-adjacent product out the door.
I also got *some* decent code out of it, though it almost as often suggested an overly complicated design, would ignore a lot of requirements until I reminded it, and/or produce a solution that even superficial inspection would show couldn't work before testing it.
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Hoping to head off the inevitable response where it repeats whatever appears at
Now, I should admit that the font problem *does* feel slightly unfair, especially since I already have some good candidates. However, it feels that way mostly because of the difficulty in judging the visual fitness for a project that I haven't defined, except in its vague similarity to another project. It doesn't feel unfair because I asked it to find fonts that conform to some (minimal) criteria.
If it had given me *ugly* fonts, I still would've complained, but I probably wouldn't have written this post, because that only qualifies as a useless result. I fully expected to suggest one of the many clones of the franchise title font---I've seen something like a dozen of them, and surely at least one of them has a Free Culture license---and something unassuming like [Source Sans]( or even [Exo 2]( as used for the main text of this blog.
If it had given me *ugly* fonts, I still would've complained, but I probably wouldn't have written this post, because that only qualifies as a useless result. I fully expected the thing to suggest one of the many clones of the *Star Wars* title font---I've seen something like a dozen of them, and surely at least one of them has a Free Culture license---and something unassuming like [Source Sans]( or even [Exo 2]( as used for the main text of this blog.
Despite that, it managed to instead find this task difficult by **completely ignoring** my single firm requirement, interpreting "compatible with CC BY-SA" to mean any font that I could download without paying anything, and that someone called "sci-fi," somewhere. I don't dislike the fonts that I see on Envato---to pick one inappropriately licensed example collection that it kept promoting---but I don't want to download a font for use when I write notes to myself or for a one-time school project, but rather for when someone needs to reconstruct the work that I've done on a project. I find [Orbitron]( somewhat unpleasant to look at and probably more suited to near-future, Earth-bound concepts than what I have in mind, for example, but I'd rather see that now-trite recommendation for a logo---because I can bundle it with a project and not need to worry about anything beyond aesthetics---than a *spectacular* visual choice that I couldn't legally use on this blog or similar work.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ When I pointed out that I specifically told it not to answer the question that w
Then, after pointing out that "read every book published to see which have any useful information" seems like a task more suited to a computer than a paying customer, it tried one more search and told me that this task now looked significantly more difficult than when I had started, and apologized for the failure. After that, it refused to continue, except to correct my I-guess-misguided belief that it only handles trivial questions...but then it offered to try again, if I could narrow down the search to specific books and specific fictional fields of mathematics.
And that makes *some* sense, right? If I told it what books to look through, and maybe even what fictional fields of mathematics a reader would find in them, then the AI could almost certainly tell me about them without over-extending itself. {% emoji zany face %} I can see this business model catching on more widely. "Have it your way" at Burger King, for example, by making your burger at home however you like it, after you pay the restaurant chain a monthly subscription for such sage advice from the Burger Serf Plus program...
And that makes *some* sense, right? If I told it what books to look through, and maybe even what fictional fields of mathematics that a reader would find in them, then the AI could almost certainly tell me about them without over-extending itself. {% emoji zany face %} I can see this business model catching on more widely. "Have it your way" at Burger King, for example, by making your burger at home however you like it, after you pay the restaurant chain a monthly subscription for such sage advice from the Burger Serf Plus program...
### Web Browser Assessment?

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
layout: post
title: Developer Diary, January Uprising
date: 2024-01-22 07:21:05-0500
tags: [programming, project, devjournal]
summary: Progress on assorted projects
thumbnail: /blog/assets/Jan-Matejko-Polonia-1863-Poland-Enchained-MNK-XII-453-National-Museum-Kraków.png
offset: -15%
teaser: This week's projects begin and end with Notoboto, mostly. If you want to hear about searching in Tcl/Tk, then I guess that I wrote this for you.
spell: Polonia Matejko Notoboto
proofed: true
Today marks the 161<sup>st</sup> anniversary of the start of Poland's [January Uprising]( against the Russian occupation. It didn't completely succeed, in that the Russian Empire continued to occupy the region---the Kingdom of Poland would get handed over to Germany in 1915, and finally regain its independence in 1918---but it connected a lot of society and still influences the region's culture.
![The 1863 painting "Poland Enchained"](/blog/assets/Jan-Matejko-Polonia-1863-Poland-Enchained-MNK-XII-453-National-Museum-Kraków.png "The poster in the background looks like a prop from Doctor Who so that the characters can gasp at their new locale...")
Nothing in this batch that I can remember, but a couple of my projects may have actually taken some inspiration from what I might call a disproportionately large number of Polish colleagues---you know if I mean you, I suppose, if you ever read this---so...
## Notoboto
{% github jcolag/Notoboto %}
I believe that most of my time---well, time for projects, at least---went to improving **Notoboto**'s search capabilities. It now tracks the search location properly, always starting from the caret location (the logical position in the document of the cursor image) unless the document has no caret. Briefly, I had wasted a bit of time trying to maintain an explicit position state, but that required updates whenever I moved to a different spot in the note, which made no sense.
Beyond searching, I also added syntax highlighting rules for over-strike text. I don't use it much in my notes, but it made sense to support as much of the "standard" as I can. And you never know when I'll want to fake redacting ~~a snotty comment~~ obsolete ideas.
## Next
Now that I think that **Notoboto**'s core search functionality works as expected, I'll probably want to dress it up a bit. I'd like to have the typical three options of searching case-sensitive, whole-word, and by arbitrary regular expression. Wrapping the search to the beginning, if it can't find another instance of the search text, would also improve things.
If that goes well, I might also look at replacing search results, for a full search-and-replace feature, and maybe searching across notes.
* * *
**Credits**: The header image is [Polonia 1863 (Poland Enchained)]( by Jan Matejko, long in the public domain due to expired copyright.