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post Tweets from 04/27 to 05/01 2020-05-01 16:44:55-0400 media
Tweets for the Week of April 27th, 2020 /blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png

As [discussed previously]({% post_url 2019-12-31-new-year %}), this is my weekly Twitter roundup. Note that tweets of articles generally include header images from the articles, which are not included here unless they happen to be available under a free license. Most are not. But I now add most of my commentary here, where I'm not restricted by the message length.

diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week

I also don't generally attach pictures to posts with quotations.

Completely Unrelated

Because today is International Workers' Day (an American holiday that the United States abandoned due to the associations between workers' rights and socialism), after being reminded of it by the team at the On the Media podcast, I did a little bit of research into Aaron Copland's 1935 worker anthem Into the Streets, May First. As far as I can tell (checking renewals from late 1962 to early 1964), the song has lapsed into the public domain, assuming that it was ever protected under copyright to begin with.

However, I couldn't find a rendition of the song that has been placed under a Free Culture license. Until I can find one (or, I suppose, ask around and make it happen...), I'm just going to point everybody to On the Media's acceptable attempt at singing an amusingly complicated piece of music. Enjoy!

Anyway, if you're reading this post on purpose, it's probably not for recommendations from eighty-five years ago, so...

9:02 -- Mon 27 April 2020

'You Just Can't Say No': Muslim Essential Workers on Working Through Ramadan from VICE

In the U.S., Muslims are over-represented in multiple fields that are considered essential during the COVID-19 crisis.

See also: Trump's war on immigrants makes it harder to fight the coronavirus from Fast Company

12:04 -- Mon 27 April 2020

The Folk-tale has hitherto suffered somewhat the same fate as one of her own heroines. On the way to join her spouse, she has been put aside by an envious sister who usurps her place and causes the true bride to perform menial tasks for her.

Joseph Jacobs

9:05 -- Tue 28 April 2020

The Limits of Sadopopulism from Teri Kanefield

They see a democratic government as giving handouts to those who don't deserve it and hampering people who can get things done.

12:03 -- Tue 28 April 2020

You are your own forerunner, and the towers you have builded are but the foundation of your giant-self. And that self too shall be a foundation.

Khalil Gibran

9:04 -- Wed 29 April 2020

Kids with nice' sexist views hold hostile ones, too from Futurity

...children gave statistically distinct patterns of responses to the statements expressing hostile and benevolent views about women.

12:01 -- Wed 29 April 2020

Before I left home---I longed for the possibility of leaving cameras behind. I was tired of them. The very name spoiled the prospect of pleasures to come.

Zaida Ben-Yúsuf

9:03 -- Thu 30 April 2020

What you need to know about open source ad blockers from Open Source.com

...the energy conserved if everyone in the United States used the open source ad blocker would save over 36 American lives per year.

12:05 -- Thu 30 April 2020

And though roofless, and friendless, and hopeless,

And loveless, and godless I stand,

The waves of my Life shall continue

To murmur and laugh on the Strand.

Ameen Rihani

9:01 -- Fri 01 May 2020

Small Business Rescue Money Flowing to Major Trump Donors, Disclosures Show from The Intercept

JPMorgan Chase, for instance, awarded nearly every high-income private banking customer a PPP loan who applied, while only 6 percent of the 300,000 retail small business customers who applied were able to receive a loan.

12:02 -- Fri 01 May 2020

...let us hope that the year now begun will see us through the worst of the troubles likely to attend the conflict between decrepit Feudalism and vigorous Commerce...

Joseph Heco


Because it accidentally became a tradition early on in the life of the blog, here's a sixth article that didn't fit into the week, but too weird to not mention.

How to Get Your Food from Farms, Not Corporations from VICE

A CSA is a direct partnership with a food producer that typically involves paying a lump sum upfront as "shares" to help fund the farm's efforts during the growing season.

And one more...

You may not need people to feel you belong from Futurity

"People can feel connected through all sorts of means. We found that more traditional strategies, like spending time with a friend in person, doesn't necessarily work better for people than nontraditional strategies, like listening to a favorite musician," says Paravati.

Credits: Header image is Circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week from a manuscript drafted during the Carolingian Dynasty.