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post Developer Journal, Nanomonestotse 2020-10-19 06:43:23-0400
Progress on assorted projects /blog/assets/NanomonestotseVillage.png -20%

A Nanomonestotse village

Today is pretty thin, holiday-wise, but today does happen to be the start of Nanomonestotse, an autumnal celebration of peace observed by assorted Native American communities. It's a nice, calm holiday that involves self-reflection and---coincidentally, I assume---some of my favorite foods. May peace dwell in our village, because I'm never going to turn down a good holiday.

If you're part of a more global audience and don't like sweet potatoes, tomorrow is also the third World Statistics Day, the first in five years, because only a statistician would enjoy a holiday that only comes around once every five years, I guess. So dust off your 𝛘2s and...OK, I don't actually have anything, there.

As for projects...

Entropy Arbitrage

I realized that I never set up the HTTP 404 error page correctly. It took a couple of tries, since I messed up the path, but there's now something there.

While that change was being made, I realized that the README file was missing some critical information for reusing the code, so I added it.


I started a new project, this week, a simple Twitter bot that will---soon, ideally---reply to requests with sample URLs based on keywords. My thought is that it will be more useful than needing to track down various news articles that I want to mention frequently.

So far, I only have a loose frame that prints tweets sent to it, and previously had the script post a tweet. So, it shouldn't be difficult to finish the project.

Once it's done, I'll throw together a Wednesday tech tip on how to get a project like this running.


I added a quick script to my Small Things repository that takes CSV output from Vulgar---which I sometimes use for projects where I need text that looks foreign---sorts it by how well the words rhyme and adds a syllable count for each term. It's extremely easy to handle both tasks, given that one of the columns is in the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Credits: The header image is based on Nanomonestotse Village by Paxsis, released under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International license.