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post Developer Journal, National Mentoring Month 2022-01-03 06:53:05-0500
Progress on assorted projects /blog/assets/Neo-mentoring-students-001.png true

Probably because people are still hung over from the New Year, today's holidays are fairly bland. January, however, is National Mentoring Month in the United States. I happen to hate the modern transactional view of mentoring, the sort that leads to young people on social media---often coming from privilege---asking where they get their mentor. However, helping young people improve their lives and making it clear that someone is in their corner never goes out of style.

Neo Ntsoma leading a workshop

Otherwise, welcome to the first developer journal post of the year.

Pull Requests

Without many new issues in mind, this week's "GitHub time" went to merging pull requests that I apparently lost track of. They included Ham Newsletter, Chroma Schemer, Small Things, and--from an actual human, rather than a bot, so thank you, stasoid---the Wierd programming language interpreter.

GitHub Page

Because I have no idea if anybody ever visits the page itself, I also updated my GitHub landing page repository that I set up years ago and forgot about. Now, it's up to date, though it's still not particularly useful.


I'm inclined to say "more of the same," again, because I still have other things to do. However, I needed to make some changes to the blog and mailing list code over the weekend, so those should start going out soon.

Credits: The header image is Neo mentoring students 001 by Bobby Shabangu, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license.