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post Developer Diary, Roxy Theater 2024-03-11 07:09:55-0400
Progress on assorted projects /blog/assets/roxy-theater-magazine.png -15% This week's projects include library updates, mostly, but also Notoboto. Notoboto sup Fýlakas Onomáton Slackup Zoea true

Today marks the ninety-seventh anniversary of the opening of the Roxy Theater in New York City, which you've probably heard of despite owners demolishing it sixty-four years ago. In 1927, with almost six thousand seats, it stood as the world's largest movie theater.

I know. March has the worst holidays, and only barely usable anniversaries. At this rate, by the end of the month, I'll need to talk about somebody's birthday...

The cover of a weekly magazine dedicated to the Roxy, declaring it "the Cathedral of the Motion Picture"

Anyway, let's get to the week's projects.


{% github jcolag/Notoboto %}

I noticed that, somehow in my haste, I didn't add the Material Design regular expression icon to the repository. Therefore, this week, I broke with my only-going-to-update-libraries plan to fix that oversight.

As an unfortunate side effect, I now have a pile of tiny images floating around the application directory with no organization. I'll need to think about fixing that, at some point.

Library Updates

As mentioned recently, I needed to bump library versions for Bicker, Fýlakas Onomáton, Generic Board Game, Ham Newsletter, Renewal Database, Scan Data, Slackup, and Zoea.


I'll almost certainly continue clearing out the backlog of library version updates.

Credits: The header image is Roxy Theater NY Weekly Review March 10, 1928, long in the public domain due to an expired copyright.