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post Toots 🦣 from 04/01 to 04/05 2024-04-05 17:54:09-0400
Toots for the Week of April 01st, 2024 /blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png This week, we have right-wing influence, transgender safety in Azerbaijan, suicide risk in Black men, corporate sovereignty, Uber trickery, weaponized CSAM, competition and gender equality, and Arab-American Heritage. Gard al-Kindi ibn-Sina Hitti Arzu Geybullayeva QueerRadar Hasanova Mukhtar Frere ISDS Gibran Mikha il Na ima Shatov true

As [discussed previously]({% post_url 2019-12-31-new-year %}), on Fridays, I present my weekly social media roundups. Note that toots of articles generally include header images from the articles, which I don't include here unless their creators happen to have released them for use under a free license, and I notice. Most have not, or I don't notice. But I now add my commentary here, where I don't feel restricted by message length.

diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week

Also, I don't generally attach pictures to posts with quotations.

9:01 -- Mon 01 April 2024

{% embed https://cdn2.opendemocracy.net/media/images/GettyImages-823324662.max-760x504.jpg|Protests outside a London hospital in 2017 about terminally ill baby Charlie Gard|false| %}

Inside network setting global right-wing agenda from openDemocracy

The groups actions include campaigning on referendums that successfully prevented equal marriage rights, challenging calls to end gender-based violence, and influencing the rise of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+ feelings and policymaking in multiple European countries.

Hashtags: #Politcs #Influence #Abortion #LGBT

As usual, while I suspect that everybody can see the danger in this story---in that their results mean trouble for everyone---I also want to point out the aspect of this that exceeds my wildest expectations: They have so little power that, globally, they've largely consolidated into a single group.

People will get hurt while they peddle their terrible ideas, but it doesn't take nearly as much work to defuse and eliminate a single destructive organization as it would take to get rid of a broad and diverse movement, like you see elsewhere. One bad investment, one significant scandal, one banking restriction, or any number of other problems, and their house of cards begins falling apart.

12:04 -- Mon 01 April 2024

Quoted on Mastodon

The harmonization of Greek philosophy with Islam begun by Al-Kindi, an Arab, was continued by Al-Farabi, a Turk, and completed in the East by ibn-Sina, a Persian.

{% cite Philip K. Hitti %}

Hashtags: #Quotes #ArabAmericanHeritage

9:04 -- Tue 02 April 2024

{% cw Transphobia, Murder %} {% embed https://globalvoices.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Untitled-design-3-1-800x450.jpg|A rough painting of a Transgender Pride flag, overlaid with several faces and bloody hand-prints|true|by Arzu Geybullayeva %}

In Azerbaijan authorities remain silent over the murder of a trans woman from Global Voices

Citing QueerRadar media monitoring reports from previous years, Hasanova said local media bias in their coverage of the LGBTQ+ community appeared in over 70 percent of the stories the initiative monitored last year.

Hashtags: #Azerbaijan #LGBT

Between when they ran this article and my sharing it, I should note that we've seen the Transgender Day of Visibility pass. And because I don't say it often enough, though I (presumably) don't know you, I value you, and know that someone needs or will need your strength to make it through their own transition.

12:05 -- Tue 02 April 2024

Quoted on Mastodon

War is war.

{% cite Omar Mukhtar %}

Hashtags: #Quotes #ArabAmericanHeritage

9:07 -- Wed 03 April 2024

{% cw Suicide mention, racism %} {% embed https://www.futurity.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/young-black-men-suicide-racism-childhood-trauma-1600.jpg|Sad depressed black man on a bench in a park|false| %}

Early trauma, racism may drive suicide risk among Black men from Futurity

The study found that growing up in a low-resource environment and experiencing racial discrimination during young adulthood makes it difficult to engage in healthy, trusting relationships. Strong feelings of mistrust and caution toward social relationships can lead to feelings of isolation, which in turn can prompt thoughts of death and suicide.

Hashtags: #Racism #Suicide

You'd almost think that racism maybe causes deep societal problems that outweigh the tiny value of whatever catharsis bigots get out of making people's lives worse, right...?

12:07 -- Wed 03 April 2024

Quoted on Mastodon

Though Indian fairy tales are the earliest in existence, yet they are also from another point of view the youngest. For it is only about twenty-five years ago that Miss Frere began the modern collection of Indian folk-tales with her charming "Old Deccan Days"

{% cite Joseph Jacobs %}

Hashtags: #Quotes #ArabAmericanHeritage

9:03 -- Thu 04 April 2024

{% embed https://i0.wp.com/craphound.com/images/27Mar2024.jpg|A robber baron steals the United Nations seal from the General Assembly room|false| %}

End of the line for corporate sovereignty from Pluralistic

The modern ISDS was perfected in the 1990s with the Energy Charter Treaty. The ECT was meant to foam the runway for western corporations seeking to take over ex-Soviet energy facilities, by making those new post-Glasnost governments promise to never pass laws that would undermine foreign companies' profits.

Hashtags: #CorporateSovereignty #Honduras #Prospera

I've often made the point that corporations stand as the last real bastion of authoritarianism in the world. Countries (that don't have oil money propping them up) have moved on, and now we need the series of reforms---or revolutions, if things don't move quickly enough---to put them under democratic rule.

12:06 -- Thu 04 April 2024

Quoted on Mastodon

Let us disperse from our aloofness and serve the weak who made us strong, and cleanse the country in which we live. Let us teach this miserable nation to smile and rejoice with heaven's bounty and glory of life and freedom.

{% cite Kahlil Gibran %}

Hashtags: #Quotes #ArabAmericanHeritage

9:02 -- Fri 05 April 2024

{% embed https://i0.wp.com/otherwords.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/shutterstock_1999367564.jpg|A windshield with Uber and Lyft decals|false| %}

How Uber Overcharges Riders and Underpays Drivers from OtherWords

In fact, the opposite happened. Over the four years we studied, Uber and Lyft raised fares by 54 percent in Chicago, where drivers have no pay protections. In New York, they only increased fares by 36 percent. The reality just doesnt match Ubers scare tactics.

Hashtags: #Uber #Economics #Greedflation

We already knew that Uber and similar companies routinely lie about their finances. But lying about the results of the policies that they agitate for---something directly disproven by looking at the public record, as opposed to their trade secrets---seems like a new level.

If only some Silicon Valley company could come up with the idea of bus service...

12:03 -- Fri 05 April 2024

Quoted on Mastodon

How much more infinite a sea is Man? Be not so childish as to measure him from head to foot and think that you have found his borders.

{% cite Mikha'il Na'ima %}

Hashtags: #Quotes #ArabAmericanHeritage


Because it accidentally became a tradition early on in the life of the blog, I drop any additional articles that didn't fit into the one-article-per-day week, but too weird or important to not mention, here.

{% cw Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) discussed %} {% embed https://www.404media.co/content/images/size/w2000/2024/03/alexander-shatov-sIFCJHrUWPM-unsplash.jpg|a three-dimensional representation of Discord's mascot/logo|false|Alexander Shatov/Unsplash %}

Criminals Are Weaponizing Child Abuse Imagery to Ban Discord Servers from 404 Media

Beyond the obvious ethical black hole of using CSAM as a means to an end, re-victimizing the child again by distributing images of them, the illegality of CSAM is what makes this attack especially potent. Possessing CSAM is a federal crime; theoretically someone simply using a targeted Discord could accidentally commit a crime if someone uploaded material to the server.

I've heard about this sort of thing happening in other spaces for a couple of months, but seeing that this has an organized aspect seems particularly new...and worrying, for people building online communities.

{% embed https://images.theconversation.com/files/584523/original/file-20240326-24-25vphy.jpg|The Wall Street sign is framed by American flags flying outside the New York Stock Exchange in New York City on January 3, 2020|false| %}

Competitive workplaces dont work for gender equality from The Conversation

...highly competitive workplaces worsen gender inequality in two ways. The first is that women are less willing to enter and persist in high-stakes tournaments. Our findings here are consistent with previous research showing that women are less attracted than men to competitive work environments and tend to perform worse in them.

This seems like another case where we probably already all knew this---we socialize certain people to shun competition and sacrifice for others, then reward the people who do the opposite---but I greatly appreciate having numbers to back up the intuition.

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Credits: Header image is Circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week from a manuscript drafted during the Carolingian Dynasty.