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Captcha Bypass

Captcha Bypass

To **automate **the **testing **of some functions of the server that allows user input it **could **be **needed **to **bypass **a **captcha **implementation. Test these things:

  • Do not send the parameter related to the captcha.
    • Change from POST to GET or other HTTP Verbs
    • Change to JSON or from JSON
  • Send the captcha parameter empty.
  • Check if the value of the captcha is **in the source code **of the page.
  • Check if the value is inside a cookie.
  • Try to use an old captcha value
  • Check if you can use the **same **captcha value several times with the same or different sessionID.
  • If the captcha consists on a **mathematical operation **try to **automate **the calculation.
  • If the captcha consists on read characters from an image, check manually or with code how many images are being used and if only a few images are being used, detect them by MD5.
  • Use an **OCR **(https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract).