Public Version of Bucket Anti Cheat, made as my first python training project. Have a bad code with a little bit my fixes. This repository is only backup only if mine repository get deleted
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2022-06-03 22:36:38 +03:00 Main BAC File , What start with your program 2021-06-30 14:37:51 +03:00
Listdlls.exe ListDLLs (B.A.C. need ListDLLs) 2021-09-03 20:22:42 +03:00 Updated Read me 2022-06-03 22:36:38 +03:00 Temp File , What start if your program installed 2021-06-30 14:38:17 +03:00

[ Bucket Anti-Cheat ]

[ A B O U T ]

BAC - is a python script, what protect from Injection with using Listdlls tool.

[ How it works ]

During injection, additional annotations are added to the used application libraries. My script does not let this happen.

[ About files ] - it is temp file what start if programm is installed. - main file , what starts with your program. (Change File Names , and path to collect file (Code is worst and project is Forgotten))