
2759 lines
86 KiB

#include "fbx_importer.h"
#include "animation/animation.h"
#include "editor/asset_compiler.h"
#include "editor/studio_app.h"
#include "editor/world_editor.h"
#include "engine/atomic.h"
#include "engine/crt.h"
#include "engine/engine.h"
#include "engine/file_system.h"
#include "engine/hash.h"
#include "engine/job_system.h"
#include "engine/log.h"
#include "engine/math.h"
#include "engine/os.h"
#include "engine/path.h"
#include "engine/prefab.h"
#include "engine/profiler.h"
#include "engine/resource_manager.h"
#include "engine/world.h"
#include "meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h"
#include "mikktspace/mikktspace.h"
#include "physics/physics_resources.h"
#include "physics/physics_module.h"
#include "physics/physics_system.h"
#include "renderer/draw_stream.h"
#include "renderer/material.h"
#include "renderer/model.h"
#include "renderer/pipeline.h"
#include "renderer/render_module.h"
#include "renderer/renderer.h"
#include "renderer/shader.h"
#include "renderer/voxels.h"
namespace Lumix {
static bool hasTangents(const ofbx::Mesh& mesh) {
const ofbx::GeometryData& geom = mesh.getGeometryData();
if (geom.getTangents().values) return true;
if (geom.getUVs().values) return true;
return false;
static void getMaterialName(const ofbx::Material* material, char (&out)[128])
copyString(out, material ? material->name : "default");
char* iter = out;
while (*iter)
char c = *iter;
if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')))
*iter = '_';
makeLowercase(Span(out), out);
void FBXImporter::getImportMeshName(const ImportMesh& mesh, char (&out)[256])
const char* name = mesh.fbx->name;
const ofbx::Material* material = mesh.fbx_mat;
if (name[0] == '\0' && mesh.fbx->getParent()) name = mesh.fbx->getParent()->name;
if (name[0] == '\0' && material) name = material->name;
copyString(out, name);
for (char& c : out) {
if (c == 0) break;
// we use ':' as a separator between subresource:resource, so we can't have
// use it in mesh name
if (c == ':') c = '_';
if(mesh.submesh >= 0) {
catString(out, "_");
char tmp[32];
toCString(mesh.submesh, Span(tmp));
catString(out, tmp);
const FBXImporter::ImportMesh* FBXImporter::getAnyMeshFromBone(const ofbx::Object* node, int bone_idx) const
for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes.size(); ++i)
const ofbx::Mesh* mesh = m_meshes[i].fbx;
if (m_meshes[i].bone_idx == bone_idx) {
return &m_meshes[i];
auto* skin = mesh->getSkin();
if (!skin) continue;
for (int j = 0, c = skin->getClusterCount(); j < c; ++j)
if (skin->getCluster(j)->getLink() == node) return &m_meshes[i];
return nullptr;
static ofbx::DMatrix makeOFBXIdentity() { return {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; }
static ofbx::DMatrix getBindPoseMatrix(const FBXImporter::ImportMesh* mesh, const ofbx::Object* node)
if (!mesh) return node->getGlobalTransform();
if (!mesh->fbx) return makeOFBXIdentity();
auto* skin = mesh->fbx->getSkin();
if (!skin) return node->getGlobalTransform();
for (int i = 0, c = skin->getClusterCount(); i < c; ++i)
const ofbx::Cluster* cluster = skin->getCluster(i);
if (cluster->getLink() == node)
return cluster->getTransformLinkMatrix();
return node->getGlobalTransform();
static StringView toStringView(ofbx::DataView data) {
return StringView(
(const char*)data.begin,
(const char*)data.end
static const int B64index[256] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 63, 62, 62, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0,
0, 0, 0, 63, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 };
void decodeBase64(const void* data, const u32 len, OutputMemoryStream& str)
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)data;
int pad = len > 0 && (len % 4 || p[len - 1] == '=');
const u32 L = ((len + 3) / 4 - pad) * 4;
const u32 offset = (u32)str.size();
str.resize(L / 4 * 3 + pad + offset);
for (u32 i = 0, j = 0; i < L; i += 4)
int n = B64index[p[i]] << 18 | B64index[p[i + 1]] << 12 | B64index[p[i + 2]] << 6 | B64index[p[i + 3]];
str[offset + j++] = n >> 16;
str[offset + j++] = n >> 8 & 0xFF;
str[offset + j++] = n & 0xFF;
if (pad)
int n = B64index[p[L]] << 18 | B64index[p[L + 1]] << 12;
str[u32(str.size() - 1)] = n >> 16;
if (len > L + 2 && p[L + 2] != '=')
n |= B64index[p[L + 2]] << 6;
str.write(u8(n >> 8 & 0xFF));
static void extractEmbedded(const ofbx::IScene& m_scene, StringView src_dir, IAllocator& allocator)
for (int i = 0, c = m_scene.getEmbeddedDataCount(); i < c; ++i) {
const ofbx::DataView embedded = m_scene.getEmbeddedData(i);
StringView filename = toStringView(m_scene.getEmbeddedFilename(i));
const PathInfo pi(filename);
const StaticString<MAX_PATH> fullpath(src_dir, pi.basename, ".", pi.extension);
if (os::fileExists(fullpath)) continue;
os::OutputFile file;
if (! {
logError("Failed to save ", fullpath);
if (m_scene.isEmbeddedBase64(i)) {
OutputMemoryStream tmp(allocator);
const ofbx::IElementProperty* prop = m_scene.getEmbeddedBase64Data(i);
if (prop) {
if (prop->getNext()) {
for (const auto* j = prop; j; j = j->getNext()) {
decodeBase64(j->getValue().begin, u32(j->getValue().end - j->getValue().begin), tmp);
else {
decodeBase64(prop->getValue().begin, u32(prop->getValue().end - prop->getValue().begin), tmp);
if (!file.write(, tmp.size())) {
logError("Failed to write ", fullpath);
else logError("Invalid data ", fullpath);
else {
if (!file.write(embedded.begin + 4, embedded.end - embedded.begin - 4)) {
logError("Failed to write ", fullpath);
bool FBXImporter::findTexture(StringView src_dir, StringView ext, FBXImporter::ImportTexture& tex) const {
PathInfo file_info(tex.path);
tex.src = src_dir;
tex.src.append(file_info.basename, ".", ext);
tex.is_valid = m_filesystem.fileExists(tex.src);
if (!tex.is_valid) {
tex.src = src_dir;
tex.src.append(file_info.dir, "/", file_info.basename, ".", ext);
tex.is_valid = m_filesystem.fileExists(tex.src);
if (!tex.is_valid) {
tex.src = src_dir;
tex.src.append("textures/", file_info.basename, ".", ext);
tex.is_valid = m_filesystem.fileExists(tex.src);
return tex.is_valid;
void FBXImporter::gatherMaterials(StringView fbx_filename, StringView src_dir)
for (ImportMesh& mesh : m_meshes) {
const ofbx::Material* fbx_mat = mesh.fbx_mat;
if (!fbx_mat) continue;
if (m_materials.find([&](const ImportMaterial& m){ return m.fbx == mesh.fbx_mat; }) < 0) {
ImportMaterial& mat = m_materials.emplace();
mat.fbx = fbx_mat;
Array<String> names(m_allocator);
for (ImportMaterial& mat : m_materials) {
char name[128];
getMaterialName(mat.fbx, name);
if (m_material_name_map.find(mat.fbx).isValid()) continue;
u32 collision = 0;
if (names.find([&](const String& i){ return i == name; }) != -1) {
char orig_name[128];
copyString(orig_name, name);
do {
copyString(name, orig_name);
char num[16];
toCString(collision, Span(num));
catString(name, num);
} while(names.find([&](const String& i){ return i == name; }) != -1);
names.emplace(name, m_allocator);
m_material_name_map.insert(mat.fbx, names.last());
for (ImportMaterial& material : m_materials) {
if (!material.import) continue;
const String& mat_name = m_material_name_map[material.fbx];
const Path mat_src(src_dir, mat_name, ".mat");
if (m_filesystem.fileExists(mat_src)) material.import = false;
// we don't support dds, but try it as last option, so user can get error message with filepath
const char* exts[] = { "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tga", "bmp", "dds" };
for (ImportMaterial& mat : m_materials) {
if (!mat.import) continue;
auto gatherTexture = [&](ofbx::Texture::TextureType type) {
const ofbx::Texture* texture = mat.fbx->getTexture(type);
if (!texture) return;
ImportTexture& tex = mat.textures[type];
tex.fbx = texture;
ofbx::DataView filename = tex.fbx->getRelativeFileName();
if (filename == "") filename = tex.fbx->getFileName();
tex.path = toStringView(filename);
tex.src = tex.path;
tex.is_valid = m_filesystem.fileExists(tex.src);
StringView tex_ext = Path::getExtension(tex.path);
if (!tex.is_valid && (equalStrings(tex_ext, "dds") || !findTexture(src_dir, tex_ext, tex))) {
for (const char*& ext : exts) {
if (findTexture(src_dir, ext, tex)) {
// we assume all texture have the same extension,
// so we move it to the beginning, so it's checked first
swap(ext, exts[0]);
if (!tex.is_valid) {
logInfo(fbx_filename, ": texture ", tex.src, " not found");
tex.src = "";
tex.import = true;
void FBXImporter::insertHierarchy(Array<const ofbx::Object*>& bones, const ofbx::Object* node)
if (!node) return;
if (bones.indexOf(node) >= 0) return;
ofbx::Object* parent = node->getParent();
insertHierarchy(bones, parent);
void FBXImporter::sortBones(bool force_skinned) {
const int count = m_bones.size();
u32 first_nonroot = 0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!m_bones[i]->getParent() ) {
swap(m_bones[i], m_bones[first_nonroot]);
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < count; ++j)
if (m_bones[i]->getParent() == m_bones[j])
const ofbx::Object* bone = m_bones[j];
m_bones.insert(i, bone);
if (force_skinned) {
for (ImportMesh& m : m_meshes) {
m.bone_idx = m_bones.indexOf(m.fbx);
m.is_skinned = true;
void FBXImporter::gatherBones(bool force_skinned)
for (const ImportMesh& mesh : m_meshes) {
const ofbx::Skin* skin = mesh.fbx->getSkin();
if (skin) {
for (int i = 0; i < skin->getClusterCount(); ++i) {
const ofbx::Cluster* cluster = skin->getCluster(i);
insertHierarchy(m_bones, cluster->getLink());
if (force_skinned) {
insertHierarchy(m_bones, mesh.fbx);
for (int i = 0, n = m_scene->getAnimationStackCount(); i < n; ++i) {
const ofbx::AnimationStack* stack = m_scene->getAnimationStack(i);
for (int j = 0; stack->getLayer(j); ++j) {
const ofbx::AnimationLayer* layer = stack->getLayer(j);
for (int k = 0; layer->getCurveNode(k); ++k) {
const ofbx::AnimationCurveNode* node = layer->getCurveNode(k);
if (node->getBone()) insertHierarchy(m_bones, node->getBone());
static bool isConstCurve(const ofbx::AnimationCurve* curve) {
if (!curve) return true;
if (curve->getKeyCount() <= 1) return true;
const float* values = curve->getKeyValue();
if (curve->getKeyCount() == 2 && fabsf(values[1] - values[0]) < 1e-6) return true;
return false;
void FBXImporter::gatherAnimations()
int anim_count = m_scene->getAnimationStackCount();
for (int i = 0; i < anim_count; ++i) {
ImportAnimation& anim = m_animations.emplace();
anim.scene = m_scene;
anim.fbx = (const ofbx::AnimationStack*)m_scene->getAnimationStack(i);
const ofbx::TakeInfo* take_info = m_scene->getTakeInfo(anim.fbx->name);
if (take_info) {
if (take_info->name.begin != take_info->name.end) { = toStringView(take_info->name);
if ( && take_info->filename.begin != take_info->filename.end) {
StringView tmp = toStringView(take_info->filename); = Path::getBasename(tmp);
if ( = "anim";
else { = "";
const ofbx::AnimationLayer* anim_layer = anim.fbx->getLayer(0);
if (!anim_layer || !anim_layer->getCurveNode(0)) {
bool data_found = false;
for (int k = 0; anim_layer->getCurveNode(k); ++k) {
const ofbx::AnimationCurveNode* node = anim_layer->getCurveNode(k);
if (node->getBoneLinkProperty() == "Lcl Translation" || node->getBoneLinkProperty() == "Lcl Rotation") {
if (!isConstCurve(node->getCurve(0)) || !isConstCurve(node->getCurve(1)) || !isConstCurve(node->getCurve(2))) {
data_found = true;
if (!data_found) m_animations.pop();
if (m_animations.size() == 1) {
m_animations[0].name = "";
static Vec3 toLumixVec3(const ofbx::DVec3& v) { return {(float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z}; }
static Vec3 toLumixVec3(const ofbx::FVec3& v) { return {(float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z}; }
static Matrix toLumix(const ofbx::DMatrix& mtx)
Matrix res;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) (&res.columns[0].x)[i] = (float)mtx.m[i];
return res;
static u32 packColor(const ofbx::Vec4& vec) {
const i8 xx = i8(clamp((vec.x * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
const i8 yy = i8(clamp((vec.y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
const i8 zz = i8(clamp((vec.z * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
const i8 ww = i8(clamp((vec.w * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
union {
u32 ui32;
i8 arr[4];
} un;
un.arr[0] = xx;
un.arr[1] = yy;
un.arr[2] = zz;
un.arr[3] = ww;
return un.ui32;
static u32 packF4u(const Vec3& vec) {
const i8 xx = i8(clamp((vec.x * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
const i8 yy = i8(clamp((vec.y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
const i8 zz = i8(clamp((vec.z * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) - 128);
const i8 ww = i8(0);
union {
u32 ui32;
i8 arr[4];
} un;
un.arr[0] = xx;
un.arr[1] = yy;
un.arr[2] = zz;
un.arr[3] = ww;
return un.ui32;
static Vec3 unpackF4u(u32 packed) {
union {
u32 ui32;
i8 arr[4];
} un;
un.ui32 = packed;
Vec3 res;
res.x = un.arr[0];
res.y = un.arr[1];
res.z = un.arr[2];
return ((res + Vec3(128.f)) / 255) * 2.f - 0.5f;
LUMIX_FORCE_INLINE static Vec3 fixOrientation(const Vec3& v, FBXImporter::Orientation orientation) {
switch (orientation) {
case FBXImporter::Orientation::Y_UP: return Vec3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
case FBXImporter::Orientation::Z_UP: return Vec3(v.x, v.z, -v.y);
case FBXImporter::Orientation::Z_MINUS_UP: return Vec3(v.x, -v.z, v.y);
case FBXImporter::Orientation::X_MINUS_UP: return Vec3(v.y, -v.x, v.z);
case FBXImporter::Orientation::X_UP: return Vec3(-v.y, v.x, v.z);
return Vec3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
LUMIX_FORCE_INLINE static u32 getPackedVec3(ofbx::Vec3 vec, const Matrix& mtx, FBXImporter::Orientation orientation) {
Vec3 v = toLumixVec3(vec);
v = normalize(mtx.transformVector(v));
// TODO put fixOrientation in mtx
v = fixOrientation(v, orientation);
return packF4u(v);
static int getVertexSize(const ofbx::Mesh& mesh, bool is_skinned, const FBXImporter::ImportConfig& cfg)
static const int POSITION_SIZE = sizeof(float) * 3;
static const int NORMAL_SIZE = sizeof(u8) * 4;
static const int TANGENT_SIZE = sizeof(u8) * 4;
static const int UV_SIZE = sizeof(float) * 2;
static const int COLOR_SIZE = sizeof(u8) * 4;
static const int AO_SIZE = sizeof(u8) * 4;
static const int BONE_INDICES_WEIGHTS_SIZE = sizeof(float) * 4 + sizeof(u16) * 4;
const ofbx::GeometryData& geom = mesh.getGeometryData();
if (geom.getUVs().values) size += UV_SIZE;
if (cfg.bake_vertex_ao) size += AO_SIZE;
if (geom.getColors().values && cfg.import_vertex_colors) size += cfg.vertex_color_is_ao ? AO_SIZE : COLOR_SIZE;
if (hasTangents(mesh)) size += TANGENT_SIZE;
if (is_skinned) size += BONE_INDICES_WEIGHTS_SIZE;
return size;
static AABB computeMeshAABB(const FBXImporter::ImportMesh& mesh, const FBXImporter::ImportConfig& cfg) {
const int vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const u32 vertex_count = u32(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
if (vertex_count <= 0) return { Vec3(0), Vec3(0) };
const u8* ptr =;
Vec3 min(FLT_MAX);
Vec3 max(-FLT_MAX);
for (u32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 v;
memcpy(&v, ptr + vertex_size * i, sizeof(v));
min = minimum(min, v);
max = maximum(max, v);
return { min, max };
static void offsetMesh(FBXImporter::ImportMesh& mesh, const FBXImporter::ImportConfig& cfg, const Vec3& offset) {
const int vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const u32 vertex_count = u32(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
if (vertex_count <= 0) return;
u8* ptr = mesh.vertex_data.getMutableData();
mesh.origin = offset;
for (u32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 v;
memcpy(&v, ptr + vertex_size * i, sizeof(v));
v -= offset;
memcpy(ptr + vertex_size * i, &v, sizeof(v));
static void computeTangentsSimple(FBXImporter::ImportMesh& mesh, OutputMemoryStream& unindexed_triangles, const FBXImporter::VertexLayout& layout) {
const u32 vertex_size = layout.size;
const int vertex_count = int(unindexed_triangles.size() / vertex_size);
const u8* positions =;
const u8* uvs = + layout.uv_offset;
u8* tangents = unindexed_triangles.getMutableData() + layout.tangent_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i += 3) {
Vec3 v0; memcpy(&v0, positions + i * vertex_size, sizeof(v0));
Vec3 v1; memcpy(&v1, positions + (i + 1) * vertex_size, sizeof(v1));
Vec3 v2; memcpy(&v2, positions + (i + 2) * vertex_size, sizeof(v2));
Vec2 uv0; memcpy(&uv0, uvs + i * vertex_size, sizeof(uv0));
Vec2 uv1; memcpy(&uv1, uvs + (i + 1) * vertex_size, sizeof(uv1));
Vec2 uv2; memcpy(&uv2, uvs + (i + 2) * vertex_size, sizeof(uv2));
const Vec3 dv10 = v1 - v0;
const Vec3 dv20 = v2 - v0;
const Vec2 duv10 = uv1 - uv0;
const Vec2 duv20 = uv2 - uv0;
const float dir = duv20.x * duv10.y - duv20.y * duv10.x < 0 ? -1.f : 1.f;
Vec3 tangent;
tangent.x = (dv20.x * duv10.y - dv10.x * duv20.y) * dir;
tangent.y = (dv20.y * duv10.y - dv10.y * duv20.y) * dir;
tangent.z = (dv20.z * duv10.y - dv10.z * duv20.y) * dir;
const float l = 1 / sqrtf(float(tangent.x * tangent.x + tangent.y * tangent.y + tangent.z * tangent.z));
tangent.x *= l;
tangent.y *= l;
tangent.z *= l;
u32 tangent_packed = packF4u(tangent);
memcpy(tangents + i * vertex_size, &tangent_packed, sizeof(tangent_packed));
memcpy(tangents + (i + 1) * vertex_size, &tangent_packed, sizeof(tangent_packed));
memcpy(tangents + (i + 2) * vertex_size, &tangent_packed, sizeof(tangent_packed));
// flat shading
static void computeNormals(OutputMemoryStream& unindexed_triangles, const FBXImporter::VertexLayout& layout) {
const u32 vertex_size = layout.size;
const int vertex_count = int(unindexed_triangles.size() / vertex_size);
const u8* positions = unindexed_triangles.getMutableData();
u8* normals = unindexed_triangles.getMutableData() + layout.normal_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i += 3) {
Vec3 v0; memcpy(&v0, positions + i * vertex_size, sizeof(v0));
Vec3 v1; memcpy(&v1, positions + (i + 1) * vertex_size, sizeof(v1));
Vec3 v2; memcpy(&v2, positions + (i + 2) * vertex_size, sizeof(v2));
Vec3 n = normalize(cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0));
u32 npacked = packF4u(n);
memcpy(normals + i * vertex_size, &npacked, sizeof(npacked));
memcpy(normals + (i + 1) * vertex_size, &npacked, sizeof(npacked));
memcpy(normals + (i + 2) * vertex_size, &npacked, sizeof(npacked));
static void computeTangents(FBXImporter::ImportMesh& mesh, OutputMemoryStream& unindexed_triangles, const FBXImporter::VertexLayout& layout, const Path& path) {
struct {
OutputMemoryStream* out;
int num_triangles;
int vertex_size;
const u8* positions;
const u8* normals;
const u8* uvs;
u8* tangents;
} data;
data.out = &unindexed_triangles;
data.num_triangles = int(unindexed_triangles.size() / layout.size / 3);
data.vertex_size = layout.size;
data.positions =;
data.normals = + layout.normal_offset;
data.tangents = unindexed_triangles.getMutableData() + layout.tangent_offset;
data.uvs = + layout.uv_offset;
SMikkTSpaceInterface iface = {};
iface.m_getNumFaces = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext * pContext) -> int {
auto* ptr = (decltype(data)*)pContext->m_pUserData;
return ptr->num_triangles;
iface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext * pContext, const int face) -> int { return 3; };
iface.m_getPosition = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext * pContext, float fvPosOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) {
auto* ptr = (decltype(data)*)pContext->m_pUserData;
const u8* data = ptr->positions + ptr->vertex_size * (iFace * 3 + iVert);
Vec3 p;
memcpy(&p, data, sizeof(p));
fvPosOut[0] = p.x;
fvPosOut[1] = p.y;
fvPosOut[2] = p.z;
iface.m_getNormal = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext * pContext, float fvNormOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) {
auto* ptr = (decltype(data)*)pContext->m_pUserData;
const u8* data = ptr->normals + ptr->vertex_size * (iFace * 3 + iVert);
u32 packed;
memcpy(&packed, data, sizeof(packed));
const Vec3 normal = unpackF4u(packed);
fvNormOut[0] = normal.x;
fvNormOut[1] = normal.y;
fvNormOut[2] = normal.z;
iface.m_getTexCoord = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext * pContext, float fvTexcOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) {
auto* ptr = (decltype(data)*)pContext->m_pUserData;
const u8* data = ptr->uvs + ptr->vertex_size * (iFace * 3 + iVert);
Vec2 p;
memcpy(&p, data, sizeof(p));
fvTexcOut[0] = p.x;
fvTexcOut[1] = p.y;
iface.m_setTSpaceBasic = [](const SMikkTSpaceContext * pContext, const float fvTangent[], const float fSign, const int iFace, const int iVert) {
auto* ptr = (decltype(data)*)pContext->m_pUserData;
u8* data = ptr->tangents + ptr->vertex_size * (iFace * 3 + iVert);
Vec3 t;
t.x = fvTangent[0];
t.y = fvTangent[1];
t.z = fvTangent[2];
u32 packed = packF4u(t);
memcpy(data, &packed, sizeof(packed));
SMikkTSpaceContext ctx;
ctx.m_pUserData = &data;
ctx.m_pInterface = &iface;
tbool res = genTangSpaceDefault(&ctx);
if (!res) {
logError(path, ": failed to generate tangent space");
static bool doesFlipHandness(const Matrix& mtx) {
Vec3 x(1, 0, 0);
Vec3 y(0, 1, 0);
Vec3 z = mtx.inverted().transformVector(cross(mtx.transformVector(x), mtx.transformVector(y)));
return z.z < 0;
void FBXImporter::triangulate(OutputMemoryStream& unindexed_triangles
, ImportMesh& mesh
, const ofbx::GeometryPartition& partition
, u32 vertex_size
, const Array<FBXImporter::Skin>& skinning
, const ImportConfig& cfg
, const Matrix& matrix
, Array<i32>& tri_indices)
const ofbx::GeometryData& geom = mesh.fbx->getGeometryData();
ofbx::Vec3Attributes positions = geom.getPositions();
ofbx::Vec3Attributes normals = geom.getNormals();
ofbx::Vec3Attributes tangents = geom.getTangents();
ofbx::Vec4Attributes colors = cfg.import_vertex_colors ? geom.getColors() : ofbx::Vec4Attributes{};
ofbx::Vec2Attributes uvs = geom.getUVs();
const bool compute_tangents = !tangents.values && uvs.values;
tri_indices.resize(partition.max_polygon_triangles * 3);
unindexed_triangles.resize(vertex_size * 3 * partition.triangles_count);
u8* dst = unindexed_triangles.getMutableData();
// convert to interleaved vertex data of unindexed triangles
// tri[0].v[0].pos, tri[0].v[0].normal, ... tri[0].v[2].tangent, tri[1].v[0].pos, ...
auto write = [&](const auto& v){
memcpy(dst, &v, sizeof(v));
dst += sizeof(v);
for (i32 polygon_idx = 0; polygon_idx < partition.polygon_count; ++polygon_idx) {
const ofbx::GeometryPartition::Polygon& polygon = partition.polygons[polygon_idx];
u32 tri_count = ofbx::triangulate(geom, polygon, tri_indices.begin());
for (u32 i = 0; i < tri_count; ++i) {
ofbx::Vec3 cp = positions.get(tri_indices[i]);
Vec3 pos = matrix.transformPoint(toLumixVec3(cp)) * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale;
pos = fixOrientation(pos);
if (normals.values) write(getPackedVec3(normals.get(tri_indices[i]), matrix, m_orientation));
else write(u32(0));
if (uvs.values) {
ofbx::Vec2 uv = uvs.get(tri_indices[i]);
write(Vec2(uv.x, 1 - uv.y));
if (cfg.bake_vertex_ao) write(u32(0));
if (colors.values && cfg.import_vertex_colors) {
ofbx::Vec4 color = colors.get(tri_indices[i]);
if (cfg.vertex_color_is_ao) {
const u8 ao[4] = { u8(color.x * 255.f + 0.5f) };
memcpy(dst, ao, sizeof(ao));
dst += sizeof(ao);
} else {
if (tangents.values) write(getPackedVec3(tangents.get(tri_indices[i]), matrix, m_orientation));
else if (compute_tangents) write(u32(0));
if (mesh.is_skinned) {
if (positions.indices) {
else {
void FBXImporter::remap(const OutputMemoryStream& unindexed_triangles, ImportMesh& mesh, u32 vertex_size, const ImportConfig& cfg) const {
const u32 vertex_count = u32(unindexed_triangles.size() / vertex_size);
u32 unique_vertex_count = (u32)meshopt_generateVertexRemap(mesh.indices.begin(), nullptr, vertex_count,, vertex_count, vertex_size);
mesh.vertex_data.resize(unique_vertex_count * vertex_size);
for (u32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
const u8* src = + i * vertex_size;
u8* dst = mesh.vertex_data.getMutableData() + mesh.indices[i] * vertex_size;
memcpy(dst, src, vertex_size);
static void computeBoundingShapes(FBXImporter::ImportMesh& mesh, u32 vertex_size) {
AABB aabb(Vec3(FLT_MAX), Vec3(-FLT_MAX));
float max_squared_dist = 0;
const u32 vertex_count = u32(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
const u8* positions =;
for (u32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 p;
memcpy(&p, positions, sizeof(p));
positions += vertex_size;
float d = squaredLength(p);
max_squared_dist = maximum(d, max_squared_dist);
mesh.aabb = aabb;
mesh.origin_radius_squared = max_squared_dist;
// convert from ofbx to runtime vertex data, compute missing info (normals, tangents, ao, ...)
void FBXImporter::postprocessMeshes(const ImportConfig& cfg, const Path& path)
AtomicI32 mesh_idx_getter = 0;
Array<Skin> skinning(m_allocator);
OutputMemoryStream unindexed_triangles(m_allocator);
Array<i32> tri_indices_tmp(m_allocator);
for (;;) {
i32 mesh_idx =;
if (mesh_idx >= m_meshes.size()) break;
ImportMesh& import_mesh = m_meshes[mesh_idx];
const ofbx::Mesh* mesh = import_mesh.fbx;
const ofbx::GeometryData& geom = mesh->getGeometryData();
ofbx::GeometryPartition partition = geom.getPartition(import_mesh.submesh == -1 ? 0 : import_mesh.submesh);
if (partition.polygon_count == 0) {
import_mesh.import = false;
PROFILE_BLOCK("FBX convert vertex data")
profiler::pushInt("Triangle count", partition.triangles_count);
Matrix transform_matrix = Matrix::IDENTITY;
Matrix geometry_matrix = toLumix(mesh->getGeometricMatrix());
transform_matrix = toLumix(mesh->getGlobalTransform()) * geometry_matrix;
const bool flip_handness = doesFlipHandness(transform_matrix);
if (flip_handness) {
logError("Mesh ", mesh->name, " in ", path, " flips handness. This is not supported and the mesh will not display correctly.");
ofbx::Vec3Attributes normals = geom.getNormals();
ofbx::Vec3Attributes tangents = geom.getTangents();
ofbx::Vec4Attributes colors = cfg.import_vertex_colors ? geom.getColors() : ofbx::Vec4Attributes{};
ofbx::Vec2Attributes uvs = geom.getUVs();
VertexLayout vertex_layout;
const bool compute_tangents = !tangents.values && uvs.values;
vertex_layout.size = sizeof(Vec3); // position
vertex_layout.normal_offset = vertex_layout.size;
vertex_layout.size += sizeof(u32); // normals
vertex_layout.uv_offset = vertex_layout.size;
if (uvs.values) vertex_layout.size += sizeof(Vec2);
if (cfg.bake_vertex_ao) vertex_layout.size += sizeof(u32);
if (colors.values && cfg.import_vertex_colors) vertex_layout.size += sizeof(u32);
vertex_layout.tangent_offset = vertex_layout.size;
if (tangents.values || compute_tangents) vertex_layout.size += sizeof(u32);
if (import_mesh.is_skinned) vertex_layout.size += sizeof(Vec4) + 4 * sizeof(u16);
if (import_mesh.is_skinned) fillSkinInfo(skinning, import_mesh);
triangulate(unindexed_triangles, import_mesh, partition, vertex_layout.size, skinning, cfg, transform_matrix, tri_indices_tmp);
if (!normals.values) computeNormals(unindexed_triangles, vertex_layout);
if (compute_tangents) {
if (cfg.mikktspace_tangents) {
computeTangents(import_mesh, unindexed_triangles, vertex_layout, path);
else {
computeTangentsSimple(import_mesh, unindexed_triangles, vertex_layout);
remap(unindexed_triangles, import_mesh, vertex_layout.size, cfg);
if (cfg.origin == ImportConfig::Origin::CENTER_EACH_MESH) {
const AABB aabb = computeMeshAABB(import_mesh, cfg);
Vec3 offset = (aabb.max + aabb.min) * 0.5f;
offsetMesh(import_mesh, cfg, offset);
computeBoundingShapes(import_mesh, vertex_layout.size);
AABB merged_aabb(Vec3(FLT_MAX), Vec3(-FLT_MAX));
for (const ImportMesh& m : m_meshes) {
jobs::forEach(m_meshes.size(), 1, [&](i32 mesh_idx, i32){
ImportMesh& import_mesh = m_meshes[mesh_idx];
const i32 vertex_size = getVertexSize(*import_mesh.fbx, import_mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
if (cfg.origin != ImportConfig::Origin::SOURCE && cfg.origin != ImportConfig::Origin::CENTER_EACH_MESH) {
const bool bottom = cfg.origin == FBXImporter::ImportConfig::Origin::BOTTOM;
Vec3 offset = (merged_aabb.max + merged_aabb.min) * 0.5f;
if (bottom) offset.y = merged_aabb.min.y;
offsetMesh(import_mesh, cfg, offset);
computeBoundingShapes(import_mesh, vertex_size);
for (u32 i = 0; i < cfg.lod_count; ++i) {
if ((cfg.autolod_mask & (1 << i)) == 0) continue;
if (import_mesh.lod != 0) continue;
const size_t lod_index_count = meshopt_simplifySloppy(import_mesh.autolod_indices[i]->begin()
, import_mesh.indices.begin()
, import_mesh.indices.size()
, (const float*)
, u32(import_mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size)
, vertex_size
, size_t(import_mesh.indices.size() * cfg.autolod_coefs[i])
// TODO check this
if (cfg.bake_vertex_ao) bakeVertexAO(cfg);
u32 mesh_data_size = 0;
for (const ImportMesh& m : m_meshes) {
mesh_data_size += u32(m.vertex_data.size() + m.indices.byte_size());
m_out_file.reserve(128 * 1024 + mesh_data_size);
static int detectMeshLOD(const FBXImporter::ImportMesh& mesh)
const char* node_name = mesh.fbx->name;
const char* lod_str = findInsensitive(node_name, "_LOD");
if (!lod_str)
char mesh_name[256];
FBXImporter::getImportMeshName(mesh, mesh_name);
lod_str = findInsensitive(mesh_name, "_LOD");
if (!lod_str) return 0;
lod_str += stringLength("_LOD");
int lod;
fromCString(lod_str, lod);
return lod;
void FBXImporter::gatherMeshes()
int c = m_scene->getMeshCount();
for (int mesh_idx = 0; mesh_idx < c; ++mesh_idx) {
const ofbx::Mesh* fbx_mesh = (const ofbx::Mesh*)m_scene->getMesh(mesh_idx);
const int mat_count = fbx_mesh->getMaterialCount();
for (int j = 0; j < mat_count; ++j) {
ImportMesh& mesh = m_meshes.emplace(m_allocator);
mesh.is_skinned = false;
const ofbx::Skin* skin = fbx_mesh->getSkin();
if (skin) {
for (int i = 0; i < skin->getClusterCount(); ++i) {
if (skin->getCluster(i)->getIndicesCount() > 0) {
mesh.is_skinned = true;
mesh.fbx = fbx_mesh;
mesh.fbx_mat = fbx_mesh->getMaterial(j);
mesh.submesh = mat_count > 1 ? j : -1;
mesh.lod = detectMeshLOD(mesh);
if (m_scene) m_scene->destroy();
if (m_impostor_shadow_shader) m_impostor_shadow_shader->decRefCount();
FBXImporter::FBXImporter(StudioApp& app)
: m_allocator(app.getAllocator())
, m_compiler(app.getAssetCompiler())
, m_scene(nullptr)
, m_materials(m_allocator)
, m_meshes(m_allocator)
, m_animations(m_allocator)
, m_bones(m_allocator)
, m_bind_pose(m_allocator)
, m_out_file(m_allocator)
, m_filesystem(app.getEngine().getFileSystem())
, m_app(app)
, m_material_name_map(m_allocator)
static void ofbx_job_processor(ofbx::JobFunction fn, void*, void* data, u32 size, u32 count) {
jobs::forEach(count, 1, [data, size, fn](i32 i, i32){
PROFILE_BLOCK("ofbx job");
u8* ptr = (u8*)data;
fn(ptr + i * size);
void FBXImporter::init() {
m_impostor_shadow_shader = m_app.getEngine().getResourceManager().load<Shader>(Path("pipelines/impostor_shadow.shd"));
bool FBXImporter::setSource(const Path& filename, bool ignore_geometry, bool force_skinned)
if (m_scene) {
PROFILE_BLOCK("clear previous data");
m_scene = nullptr;
OutputMemoryStream data(m_allocator);
PROFILE_BLOCK("load file");
if (!m_filesystem.getContentSync(Path(filename), data)) return false;
const ofbx::LoadFlags flags = ignore_geometry ? ofbx::LoadFlags::IGNORE_GEOMETRY : ofbx::LoadFlags::NONE;
m_scene = ofbx::load(, (i32)data.size(), static_cast<u16>(flags), &ofbx_job_processor, nullptr);
if (!m_scene)
logError("Failed to import \"", filename, ": ", ofbx::getError(), "\n"
"Please try to convert the FBX file with Autodesk FBX Converter or some other software to the latest version.");
return false;
m_fbx_scale = m_scene->getGlobalSettings()->UnitScaleFactor * 0.01f;
const ofbx::GlobalSettings* settings = m_scene->getGlobalSettings();
switch (settings->UpAxis) {
case ofbx::UpVector_AxisX: m_orientation = Orientation::X_UP; break;
case ofbx::UpVector_AxisY: m_orientation = Orientation::Y_UP; break;
case ofbx::UpVector_AxisZ: m_orientation = Orientation::Z_UP; break;
StringView src_dir = Path::getDir(filename);
if (!ignore_geometry) extractEmbedded(*m_scene, src_dir, m_allocator);
if (!ignore_geometry) {
gatherMaterials(filename, src_dir);
m_materials.removeDuplicates([](const ImportMaterial& a, const ImportMaterial& b) { return a.fbx == b.fbx; });
bool any_skinned = false;
for (const ImportMesh& m : m_meshes) any_skinned = any_skinned || m.is_skinned;
gatherBones(force_skinned || any_skinned);
return true;
void FBXImporter::writeString(const char* str) { m_out_file.write(str, stringLength(str)); }
static Vec3 impostorToWorld(Vec2 uv) {
uv = uv * 2 - 1;
Vec3 position= Vec3(
uv.x + uv.y,
uv.x - uv.y
) * 0.5f;
position.y = -(1.f - fabsf(position.x) - fabsf(position.z));
return position;
static constexpr u32 IMPOSTOR_TILE_SIZE = 512;
static constexpr u32 IMPOSTOR_COLS = 9;
static Vec2 computeBoundingCylinder(const Model& model, Vec3 center) {
center.x = 0;
center.z = 0;
i32 mesh_count = model.getMeshCount();
Vec2 bcylinder(0);
for (i32 mesh_idx = 0; mesh_idx < mesh_count; ++mesh_idx) {
const Mesh& mesh = model.getMesh(mesh_idx);
if (mesh.lod != 0) continue;
i32 vertex_count = mesh.vertices.size();
for (i32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
const Vec3 p = mesh.vertices[i] - center;
bcylinder.x = maximum(bcylinder.x, p.x * p.x + p.z * p.z);
bcylinder.y = maximum(bcylinder.y, fabsf(p.y));
bcylinder.x = sqrtf(bcylinder.x);
return bcylinder;
static Vec2 computeImpostorHalfExtents(Vec2 bounding_cylinder) {
return {
sqrtf(bounding_cylinder.x * bounding_cylinder.x + bounding_cylinder.y * bounding_cylinder.y)
bool FBXImporter::createImpostorTextures(Model* model, Array<u32>& gb0_rgba, Array<u32>& gb1_rgba, Array<u16>& gb_depth, Array<u32>& shadow_data, IVec2& tile_size, bool bake_normals)
Engine& engine = m_app.getEngine();
Renderer* renderer = (Renderer*)engine.getSystemManager().getSystem("renderer");
const u32 capture_define = 1 << renderer->getShaderDefineIdx("DEFERRED");
const u32 bake_normals_define = 1 << renderer->getShaderDefineIdx("BAKE_NORMALS");
Array<u32> depth_tmp(m_allocator);
renderer->pushJob("create impostor textures", [&](DrawStream& stream) {
const AABB& aabb = model->getAABB();
Vec3 center = (aabb.max + aabb.min) * 0.5f;
center.x = center.z = 0;
const float radius = model->getCenterBoundingRadius();
const Vec2 bounding_cylinder = computeBoundingCylinder(*model, center);
Vec2 min, max;
const Vec2 half_extents = computeImpostorHalfExtents(bounding_cylinder);
min = -half_extents;
max = half_extents;
gpu::TextureHandle gbs[] = {gpu::allocTextureHandle(), gpu::allocTextureHandle(), gpu::allocTextureHandle()};
const Vec2 padding = Vec2(1.f) / Vec2(IMPOSTOR_TILE_SIZE) * (max - min);
min += -padding;
max += padding;
const Vec2 size = max - min;
tile_size = IVec2(int(IMPOSTOR_TILE_SIZE * size.x / size.y), IMPOSTOR_TILE_SIZE);
tile_size.x = (tile_size.x + 3) & ~3;
tile_size.y = (tile_size.y + 3) & ~3;
const IVec2 texture_size = tile_size * IMPOSTOR_COLS;
stream.createTexture(gbs[0], texture_size.x, texture_size.y, 1, gpu::TextureFormat::SRGBA, gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS | gpu::TextureFlags::RENDER_TARGET, "impostor_gb0");
stream.createTexture(gbs[1], texture_size.x, texture_size.y, 1, gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8, gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS | gpu::TextureFlags::RENDER_TARGET, "impostor_gb1");
stream.createTexture(gbs[2], texture_size.x, texture_size.y, 1, gpu::TextureFormat::D32, gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS | gpu::TextureFlags::RENDER_TARGET, "impostor_gbd");
stream.setFramebuffer(gbs, 2, gbs[2], gpu::FramebufferFlags::SRGB);
const float color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
stream.clear(gpu::ClearFlags::COLOR | gpu::ClearFlags::DEPTH | gpu::ClearFlags::STENCIL, color, 0);
PassState pass_state;
pass_state.view = Matrix::IDENTITY;
pass_state.projection.setOrtho(min.x, max.x, min.y, max.y, 0, 2.02f * radius, true);
pass_state.inv_projection = pass_state.projection.inverted();
pass_state.inv_view = pass_state.view.fastInverted();
pass_state.view_projection = pass_state.projection * pass_state.view;
pass_state.inv_view_projection = pass_state.view_projection.inverted();
pass_state.view_dir = Vec4(pass_state.view.inverted().transformVector(Vec3(0, 0, -1)), 0);
pass_state.camera_up = Vec4(pass_state.view.inverted().transformVector(Vec3(0, 1, 0)), 0);
const Renderer::TransientSlice pass_buf = renderer->allocUniform(&pass_state, sizeof(pass_state));
stream.bindUniformBuffer(UniformBuffer::PASS, pass_buf.buffer, pass_buf.offset, pass_buf.size);
for (u32 j = 0; j < IMPOSTOR_COLS; ++j) {
for (u32 col = 0; col < IMPOSTOR_COLS; ++col) {
if (gpu::isOriginBottomLeft()) {
stream.viewport(col * tile_size.x, j * tile_size.y, tile_size.x, tile_size.y);
} else {
stream.viewport(col * tile_size.x, (IMPOSTOR_COLS - j - 1) * tile_size.y, tile_size.x, tile_size.y);
const Vec3 v = normalize(impostorToWorld({col / (float)(IMPOSTOR_COLS - 1), j / (float)(IMPOSTOR_COLS - 1)}));
Matrix model_mtx;
Vec3 up = Vec3(0, 1, 0);
if (col == IMPOSTOR_COLS >> 1 && j == IMPOSTOR_COLS >> 1) up = Vec3(1, 0, 0);
model_mtx.lookAt(center - v * 1.01f * radius, center, up);
const Renderer::TransientSlice ub = renderer->allocUniform(&model_mtx, sizeof(model_mtx));
stream.bindUniformBuffer(UniformBuffer::DRAWCALL, ub.buffer, ub.offset, ub.size);
for (u32 i = 0; i <= (u32)model->getLODIndices()[0].to; ++i) {
const Mesh& mesh = model->getMesh(i);
Shader* shader = mesh.material->getShader();
const Material* material = mesh.material;
const gpu::StateFlags state = gpu::StateFlags::DEPTH_FN_GREATER | gpu::StateFlags::DEPTH_WRITE | material->m_render_states;
const gpu::ProgramHandle program = shader->getProgram(state, mesh.vertex_decl, capture_define | material->getDefineMask(), mesh.semantics_defines);
stream.bind(0, material->m_bind_group);
stream.bindVertexBuffer(0, mesh.vertex_buffer_handle, 0, mesh.vb_stride);
stream.bindVertexBuffer(1, gpu::INVALID_BUFFER, 0, 0);
stream.drawIndexed(0, mesh.indices_count, mesh.index_type);
stream.setFramebuffer(nullptr, 0, gpu::INVALID_TEXTURE, gpu::FramebufferFlags::NONE);
gb0_rgba.resize(texture_size.x * texture_size.y);
gpu::TextureHandle shadow = gpu::allocTextureHandle();
stream.createTexture(shadow, texture_size.x, texture_size.y, 1, gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8, gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS | gpu::TextureFlags::COMPUTE_WRITE, "impostor_shadow");
gpu::ProgramHandle shadow_program = m_impostor_shadow_shader->getProgram(bake_normals ? bake_normals_define : 0);
stream.bindImageTexture(shadow, 0);
stream.bindTextures(&gbs[1], 1, 2);
struct {
Matrix projection;
Matrix proj_to_model;
Matrix inv_view;
Vec4 center;
IVec2 tile;
IVec2 tile_size;
int size;
float radius;
} data;
for (u32 j = 0; j < IMPOSTOR_COLS; ++j) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < IMPOSTOR_COLS; ++i) {
Matrix view, projection;
const Vec3 v = normalize(impostorToWorld({i / (float)(IMPOSTOR_COLS - 1), j / (float)(IMPOSTOR_COLS - 1)}));
Vec3 up = Vec3(0, 1, 0);
if (i == IMPOSTOR_COLS >> 1 && j == IMPOSTOR_COLS >> 1) up = Vec3(1, 0, 0);
view.lookAt(center - v * 1.01f * radius, center, up);
projection.setOrtho(min.x, max.x, min.y, max.y, 0, 2.02f * radius, true);
data.proj_to_model = (projection * view).inverted();
data.projection = projection;
data.inv_view = view.inverted(); = Vec4(center, 1);
data.tile = IVec2(i, j);
data.tile_size = tile_size;
data.size = IMPOSTOR_COLS;
data.radius = radius;
const Renderer::TransientSlice ub = renderer->allocUniform(&data, sizeof(data));
stream.bindUniformBuffer(UniformBuffer::DRAWCALL, ub.buffer, ub.offset, ub.size);
stream.dispatch((tile_size.x + 15) / 16, (tile_size.y + 15) / 16, 1);
gpu::TextureHandle staging = gpu::allocTextureHandle();
const gpu::TextureFlags flags = gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS | gpu::TextureFlags::READBACK;
stream.createTexture(staging, texture_size.x, texture_size.y, 1, gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8, flags, "staging_buffer");
stream.copy(staging, gbs[0], 0, 0);
stream.readTexture(staging, 0, Span((u8*)gb0_rgba.begin(), gb0_rgba.byte_size()));
stream.copy(staging, gbs[1], 0, 0);
stream.readTexture(staging, 0, Span((u8*)gb1_rgba.begin(), gb1_rgba.byte_size()));
stream.copy(staging, shadow, 0, 0);
stream.readTexture(staging, 0, Span((u8*)shadow_data.begin(), shadow_data.byte_size()));
gpu::TextureHandle staging_depth = gpu::allocTextureHandle();
stream.createTexture(staging_depth, texture_size.x, texture_size.y, 1, gpu::TextureFormat::D32, flags, "staging_buffer");
stream.copy(staging_depth, gbs[2], 0, 0);
stream.readTexture(staging_depth, 0, Span((u8*)depth_tmp.begin(), depth_tmp.byte_size()));
for (i32 i = 0; i < depth_tmp.size(); ++i) {
gb_depth[i] = u16(0xffFF - (depth_tmp[i] >> 16));
const PathInfo src_info(model->getPath());
const Path mat_src(src_info.dir, src_info.basename, "_impostor.mat");
os::OutputFile f;
if (!m_filesystem.fileExists(mat_src)) {
if (!, f)) {
logError("Failed to create ", mat_src);
else {
const AABB& aabb = model->getAABB();
const Vec3 center = (aabb.max + aabb.min) * 0.5f;
f << "shader \"/pipelines/impostor.shd\"\n";
f << "texture \"" << src_info.basename << "_impostor0.tga\"\n";
f << "texture \"\"\n";
f << "texture \"" << src_info.basename << "_impostor2.tga\"\n";
f << "texture \"" << src_info.basename << "_impostor_depth.raw\"\n";
f << "defines { \"ALPHA_CUTOUT\" }\n";
f << "layer \"impostor\"\n";
f << "backface_culling(false)\n";
f << "uniform(\"Center\", { 0, " << center.y << ", 0 })\n";
f << "uniform(\"Radius\", " << model->getCenterBoundingRadius() << ")\n";
const Path albedo_meta(src_info.dir, src_info.basename, "_impostor0.tga.meta");
if (!m_filesystem.fileExists(albedo_meta)) {
if (!, f)) {
logError("Failed to create ", albedo_meta);
else {
f << "srgb = true";
return true;
bool FBXImporter::writeMaterials(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg)
u32 written_count = 0;
StringView dir = Path::getDir(src);
for (const ImportMaterial& material : m_materials) {
if (!material.import) continue;
const String& mat_name = m_material_name_map[material.fbx];
const Path mat_src(dir, mat_name, ".mat");
os::OutputFile f;
if (!, f))
logError("Failed to create ", mat_src);
writeString("shader \"/pipelines/standard.shd\"\n");
if (material.alpha_cutout) writeString("defines {\"ALPHA_CUTOUT\"}\n");
if (material.textures[2].is_valid) writeString("uniform(\"Metallic\", 1.000000)");
auto writeTexture = [this](const ImportTexture& texture, u32 idx) {
if (texture.is_valid && idx < 2) {
const Path meta_path(texture.src, ".meta");
if (!m_filesystem.fileExists(meta_path)) {
os::OutputFile file;
if (, file)) {
file << (idx == 0 ? "srgb = true\n" : "normalmap = true\n");
if (texture.fbx && !texture.src.empty()) {
writeString("texture \"/");
writeString("texture \"\"\n");
writeTexture(material.textures[0], 0);
writeTexture(material.textures[1], 1);
writeTexture(material.textures[2], 2);
if (!material.textures[0].fbx) {
ofbx::Color diffuse_color = material.fbx->getDiffuseColor();
m_out_file << "uniform(\"Material color\", {" << powf(diffuse_color.r, 2.2f)
<< "," << powf(diffuse_color.g, 2.2f)
<< "," << powf(diffuse_color.b, 2.2f)
<< ",1})\n";
if (!f.write(, m_out_file.size())) {
logError("Failed to write ", mat_src);
return written_count > 0;
static void convert(const ofbx::DMatrix& mtx, Vec3& pos, Quat& rot)
Matrix m = toLumix(mtx);
rot = m.getRotation();
pos = m.getTranslation();
static float evalCurve(i64 time, const ofbx::AnimationCurve& curve) {
const i64* times = curve.getKeyTime();
const float* values = curve.getKeyValue();
const int count = curve.getKeyCount();
ASSERT(count > 0);
time = clamp(time, times[0], times[count - 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (time == times[i]) return values[i];
if (time < times[i]) {
ASSERT(i > 0);
ASSERT(time > times[i - 1]);
const float t = float((time - times[i - 1]) / double(times[i] - times[i - 1]));
return values[i - 1] * (1 - t) + values[i] * t;
return 0.f;
static float getScaleX(const ofbx::DMatrix& mtx)
Vec3 v(float(mtx.m[0]), float(mtx.m[4]), float(mtx.m[8]));
return length(v);
static i64 sampleToFBXTime(u32 sample, float fps) {
return ofbx::secondsToFbxTime(sample / fps);
static void fill(const ofbx::Object& bone, const ofbx::AnimationLayer& layer, Array<FBXImporter::Key>& keys, u32 from_sample, u32 samples_count, float fps) {
const ofbx::AnimationCurveNode* translation_node = layer.getCurveNode(bone, "Lcl Translation");
const ofbx::AnimationCurveNode* rotation_node = layer.getCurveNode(bone, "Lcl Rotation");
if (!translation_node && !rotation_node) return;
auto fill_rot = [&](u32 idx, const ofbx::AnimationCurve* curve) {
if (!curve) {
const ofbx::DVec3 lcl_rot = bone.getLocalRotation();
for (FBXImporter::Key& k : keys) {
(&k.rot.x)[idx] = float((&lcl_rot.x)[idx]);
for (u32 f = 0; f < samples_count; ++f) {
FBXImporter::Key& k = keys[f];
(&k.rot.x)[idx] = evalCurve(sampleToFBXTime(from_sample + f, fps), *curve);
auto fill_pos = [&](u32 idx, const ofbx::AnimationCurve* curve) {
if (!curve) {
const ofbx::DVec3 lcl_pos = bone.getLocalTranslation();
for (FBXImporter::Key& k : keys) {
(&k.pos.x)[idx] = float((&lcl_pos.x)[idx]);
for (u32 f = 0; f < samples_count; ++f) {
FBXImporter::Key& k = keys[f];
(&k.pos.x)[idx] = evalCurve(sampleToFBXTime(from_sample + f, fps), *curve);
fill_rot(0, rotation_node ? rotation_node->getCurve(0) : nullptr);
fill_rot(1, rotation_node ? rotation_node->getCurve(1) : nullptr);
fill_rot(2, rotation_node ? rotation_node->getCurve(2) : nullptr);
fill_pos(0, translation_node ? translation_node->getCurve(0) : nullptr);
fill_pos(1, translation_node ? translation_node->getCurve(1) : nullptr);
fill_pos(2, translation_node ? translation_node->getCurve(2) : nullptr);
for (FBXImporter::Key& key : keys) {
const ofbx::DMatrix mtx = bone.evalLocal({key.pos.x, key.pos.y, key.pos.z}, {key.rot.x, key.rot.y, key.rot.z});
convert(mtx, key.pos, key.rot);
static bool isBindPoseRotationTrack(u32 count, const Array<FBXImporter::Key>& keys, const Quat& bind_rot, float error) {
if (count != 2) return false;
for (const FBXImporter::Key& key : keys) {
if (key.flags & 1) continue;
if (fabs(key.rot.x - bind_rot.x) > error) return false;
if (fabs(key.rot.y - bind_rot.y) > error) return false;
if (fabs(key.rot.z - bind_rot.z) > error) return false;
if (fabs(key.rot.w - bind_rot.w) > error) return false;
return true;
static bool isBindPosePositionTrack(u32 count, const Array<FBXImporter::Key>& keys, const Vec3& bind_pos) {
const float ERROR = 0.00001f;
for (const FBXImporter::Key& key : keys) {
const Vec3 d = key.pos - bind_pos;
if (fabsf(d.x) > ERROR || fabsf(d.y) > ERROR || fabsf(d.z) > ERROR) return false;
return true;
namespace {
struct BitWriter {
BitWriter(OutputMemoryStream& blob, u32 total_bits)
: blob(blob)
const u64 offset = blob.size();
blob.resize(blob.size() + (total_bits + 7) / 8);
ptr = blob.getMutableData() + offset;
memset(ptr, 0, (total_bits + 7) / 8);
static u32 quantize(float v, float min, float max, u32 bitsize) {
return u32(double(v - min) / (max - min) * (1 << bitsize) + 0.5f);
void write(float v, float min, float max, u32 bitsize) {
ASSERT(bitsize < 32);
write(quantize(v, min, max, bitsize), bitsize);
void write(u64 v, u32 bitsize) {
u64 tmp;
memcpy(&tmp, &ptr[cursor / 8], sizeof(tmp));
tmp |= v << (cursor & 7);
memcpy(&ptr[cursor / 8], &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
cursor += bitsize;
OutputMemoryStream& blob;
u32 cursor = 0;
u8* ptr;
struct TranslationTrack {
Vec3 min, max;
u8 bitsizes[4] = {};
bool is_const = false;
struct RotationTrack {
Quat min, max;
u8 bitsizes[4];
bool is_const;
u8 skipped_channel;
u64 pack(float v, float min, float range, u32 bitsize) {
double normalized = double(v - min) / range;
return u64(normalized * double((1 << bitsize) - 1) + 0.5f);
u64 pack(const Quat& r, const RotationTrack& track) {
u64 res = 0;
if (track.skipped_channel != 3) {
res |= pack(r.w, track.min.w, track.max.w - track.min.w, track.bitsizes[3]);
if (track.skipped_channel != 2) {
res <<= track.bitsizes[2];
res |= pack(r.z, track.min.z, track.max.z - track.min.z, track.bitsizes[2]);
if (track.skipped_channel != 1) {
res <<= track.bitsizes[1];
res |= pack(r.y, track.min.y, track.max.y - track.min.y, track.bitsizes[1]);
if (track.skipped_channel != 0) {
res <<= track.bitsizes[0];
res |= pack(r.x, track.min.x, track.max.x - track.min.x, track.bitsizes[0]);
return res;
u64 pack(const Vec3& p, const TranslationTrack& track) {
u64 res = 0;
res |= pack(p.z, track.min.z, track.max.z - track.min.z, track.bitsizes[2]);
res <<= track.bitsizes[1];
res |= pack(p.y, track.min.y, track.max.y - track.min.y, track.bitsizes[1]);
res <<= track.bitsizes[0];
res |= pack(p.x, track.min.x, track.max.x - track.min.x, track.bitsizes[0]);
return res;
bool clampBitsizes(Span<u8> values) {
u32 total = 0;
for (u8 v : values) total += v;
if (total > 64) {
u32 over = total - 64;
u32 i = 0;
while (over) {
if (values[i] > 0) {
i = (i + 1) % values.length();
return true;
return false;
bool FBXImporter::writeAnimations(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg)
u32 written_count = 0;
for (const FBXImporter::ImportAnimation& anim : m_animations) {
const ofbx::AnimationStack* stack = anim.fbx;
const ofbx::AnimationLayer* layer = stack->getLayer(0);
ASSERT(anim.scene == m_scene);
const float fps = m_scene->getSceneFrameRate();
const ofbx::TakeInfo* take_info = m_scene->getTakeInfo(stack->name);
if(!take_info && startsWith(stack->name, "AnimStack::")) {
take_info = m_scene->getTakeInfo(stack->name + 11);
double full_len;
if (take_info) {
full_len = take_info->local_time_to - take_info->local_time_from;
else if(m_scene->getGlobalSettings()) {
full_len = m_scene->getGlobalSettings()->TimeSpanStop;
else {
logError("Unsupported animation in ", src);
Array<TranslationTrack> translation_tracks(m_allocator);
Array<RotationTrack> rotation_tracks(m_allocator);
auto write_animation = [&](StringView name, u32 from_sample, u32 samples_count) {
Animation::Header header;
header.magic = Animation::HEADER_MAGIC;
header.version = Animation::Version::LAST;
write(samples_count - 1);
Array<Array<Key>> all_keys(m_allocator);
for (const ofbx::Object* bone : m_bones) {
Array<Key>& keys = all_keys.emplace(m_allocator);
fill(*bone, *layer, keys, from_sample, samples_count, fps);
for (const ofbx::Object*& bone : m_bones) {
ofbx::Object* parent = bone->getParent();
if (!parent) continue;
// parent_scale - animated scale is not supported, but we can get rid of static scale if we ignore
// it in writeSkeleton() and use `parent_scale` in this function
const float parent_scale = (float)getScaleX(parent->getGlobalTransform());
Array<Key>& keys = all_keys[u32(&bone - m_bones.begin())];
for (Key& k : keys) k.pos *= parent_scale;
u32 total_bits = 0;
u32 translation_curves_count = 0;
u64 toffset = m_out_file.size();
u16 offset_bits = 0;
for (const ofbx::Object*& bone : m_bones) {
Array<Key>& keys = all_keys[u32(&bone - m_bones.begin())];
if (keys.empty()) continue;
const u32 bone_idx = u32(&bone - m_bones.begin());
ofbx::Object* parent = bone->getParent();
Vec3 bind_pos;
if (!parent) {
bind_pos = m_bind_pose[bone_idx].getTranslation();
else {
const int parent_idx = m_bones.indexOf(parent);
if (m_bind_pose.empty()) {
// TODO should not we evalLocal here like in rotation ~50lines below?
bind_pos = toLumixVec3(bone->getLocalTranslation());
else {
bind_pos = (m_bind_pose[parent_idx].inverted() * m_bind_pose[bone_idx]).getTranslation();
if (isBindPosePositionTrack(keys.size(), keys, bind_pos)) continue;
const BoneNameHash name_hash(bone->name);
Vec3 min(FLT_MAX), max(-FLT_MAX);
for (const Key& k : keys) {
const Vec3 p = fixOrientation(k.pos * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale);
min = minimum(p, min);
max = maximum(p, max);
const u8 bitsizes[] = {
(u8)log2(u32((max.x - min.x) / 0.00005f / cfg.anim_translation_error)),
(u8)log2(u32((max.y - min.y) / 0.00005f / cfg.anim_translation_error)),
(u8)log2(u32((max.z - min.z) / 0.00005f / cfg.anim_translation_error))
const u8 bitsize = (bitsizes[0] + bitsizes[1] + bitsizes[2]);
if (bitsize == 0) {
translation_tracks[bone_idx].is_const = true;
write(keys[0].pos * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale);
else {
translation_tracks[bone_idx].is_const = false;
write((max.x - min.x) / ((1 << bitsizes[0]) - 1));
write((max.y - min.y) / ((1 << bitsizes[1]) - 1));
write((max.z - min.z) / ((1 << bitsizes[2]) - 1));
offset_bits += bitsize;
memcpy(translation_tracks[bone_idx].bitsizes, bitsizes, sizeof(bitsizes));
translation_tracks[bone_idx].max = max;
translation_tracks[bone_idx].min = min;
total_bits += bitsize * keys.size();
BitWriter bit_writer(m_out_file, total_bits);
for (u32 i = 0; i < samples_count; ++i) {
for (const ofbx::Object*& bone : m_bones) {
const u32 bone_idx = u32(&bone - m_bones.begin());
Array<Key>& keys = all_keys[bone_idx];
const TranslationTrack& track = translation_tracks[bone_idx];
if (!keys.empty() && !track.is_const) {
const Key& k = keys[i];
Vec3 p = fixOrientation(k.pos * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale);
const u64 packed = pack(p, track);
const u32 bitsize = (track.bitsizes[0] + track.bitsizes[1] + track.bitsizes[2]);
ASSERT(bitsize <= 64);
bit_writer.write(packed, bitsize);
memcpy(m_out_file.getMutableData() + toffset, &translation_curves_count, sizeof(translation_curves_count));
u32 rotation_curves_count = 0;
u64 roffset = m_out_file.size();
u32 total_bits = 0;
u16 offset_bits = 0;
for (const ofbx::Object*& bone : m_bones) {
Array<Key>& keys = all_keys[u32(&bone - m_bones.begin())];
if (keys.empty()) continue;
Quat bind_rot;
const u32 bone_idx = u32(&bone - m_bones.begin());
ofbx::Object* parent = bone->getParent();
if (!parent)
bind_rot = m_bind_pose[bone_idx].getRotation();
const i32 parent_idx = m_bones.indexOf(parent);
if (m_bind_pose.empty()) {
const Matrix mtx = toLumix(bone->evalLocal(bone->getLocalTranslation(), bone->getLocalRotation()));
bind_rot = mtx.getRotation();
else {
bind_rot = (m_bind_pose[parent_idx].inverted() * m_bind_pose[bone_idx]).getRotation();
//if (isBindPoseRotationTrack(count, keys, bind_rot, cfg.rotation_error)) continue;
const BoneNameHash name_hash(bone->name);
for (const Key& k : keys) {
const Quat r = fixOrientation(k.rot);
min.x = minimum(min.x, r.x); max.x = maximum(max.x, r.x);
min.y = minimum(min.y, r.y); max.y = maximum(max.y, r.y);
min.z = minimum(min.z, r.z); max.z = maximum(max.z, r.z);
min.w = minimum(min.w, r.w); max.w = maximum(max.w, r.w);
u8 bitsizes[] = {
(u8)log2(u32((max.x - min.x) / 0.000001f / cfg.anim_rotation_error)),
(u8)log2(u32((max.y - min.y) / 0.000001f / cfg.anim_rotation_error)),
(u8)log2(u32((max.z - min.z) / 0.000001f / cfg.anim_rotation_error)),
(u8)log2(u32((max.w - min.w) / 0.000001f / cfg.anim_rotation_error))
if (clampBitsizes(bitsizes)) {
logWarning("Clamping bone ", bone->name, " in ", src);
if (bitsizes[0] + bitsizes[1] + bitsizes[2] + bitsizes[3] == 0) {
rotation_tracks[bone_idx].is_const = true;
else {
rotation_tracks[bone_idx].is_const = false;
u8 skipped_channel = 0;
for (u32 i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
if (bitsizes[i] > bitsizes[skipped_channel]) skipped_channel = i;
for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (skipped_channel == i) continue;
for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (skipped_channel == i) continue;
write(((&max.x)[i] - (&min.x)[i]) / ((1 << bitsizes[i]) - 1));
for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (skipped_channel == i) continue;
u8 bitsize = bitsizes[0] + bitsizes[1] + bitsizes[2] + bitsizes[3] + 1;
bitsize -= bitsizes[skipped_channel];
offset_bits += bitsize;
ASSERT(bitsize > 0 && bitsize <= 64);
memcpy(rotation_tracks[bone_idx].bitsizes, bitsizes, sizeof(bitsizes));
rotation_tracks[bone_idx].max = max;
rotation_tracks[bone_idx].min = min;
rotation_tracks[bone_idx].skipped_channel = skipped_channel;
total_bits += bitsize * keys.size();
memcpy(m_out_file.getMutableData() + roffset, &rotation_curves_count, sizeof(rotation_curves_count));
BitWriter bit_writer(m_out_file, total_bits);
for (u32 i = 0; i < samples_count; ++i) {
for (const ofbx::Object*& bone : m_bones) {
const u32 bone_idx = u32(&bone - m_bones.begin());
Array<Key>& keys = all_keys[bone_idx];
const RotationTrack& track = rotation_tracks[bone_idx];
if (!keys.empty() && !track.is_const) {
const Key& k = keys[i];
Quat q = fixOrientation(k.rot);
u32 bitsize = (track.bitsizes[0] + track.bitsizes[1] + track.bitsizes[2] + track.bitsizes[3]);
bitsize -= track.bitsizes[track.skipped_channel];
++bitsize; // sign bit
ASSERT(bitsize <= 64);
u64 packed = pack(q, track);
packed <<= 1;
packed |= (&q.x)[track.skipped_channel] < 0 ? 1 : 0;
bit_writer.write(packed, bitsize);
Path anim_path(name, ".ani:", src);
m_compiler.writeCompiledResource(anim_path, Span(, (i32)m_out_file.size()));
if (cfg.clips.length() == 0) {
write_animation(, 0, u32(full_len * fps + 0.5f) + 1);
else {
for (const ImportConfig::Clip& clip : cfg.clips) {
write_animation(, clip.from_frame, clip.to_frame - clip.from_frame + 1);
return written_count > 0;
void FBXImporter::fillSkinInfo(Array<Skin>& skinning, const ImportMesh& import_mesh) const {
const ofbx::Mesh* mesh = import_mesh.fbx;
const ofbx::Skin* fbx_skin = mesh->getSkin();
const ofbx::GeometryData& geom = mesh->getGeometryData();
memset(&skinning[0], 0, skinning.size() * sizeof(skinning[0]));
if (!fbx_skin) {
ASSERT(import_mesh.bone_idx >= 0);
for (Skin& skin : skinning) {
skin.count = 1;
skin.weights[0] = 1;
skin.weights[1] = skin.weights[2] = skin.weights[3] = 0;
skin.joints[0] = skin.joints[1] = skin.joints[2] = skin.joints[3] = import_mesh.bone_idx;
for (int i = 0, c = fbx_skin->getClusterCount(); i < c; ++i) {
const ofbx::Cluster* cluster = fbx_skin->getCluster(i);
if (cluster->getIndicesCount() == 0) continue;
if (!cluster->getLink()) continue;
int joint = m_bones.indexOf(cluster->getLink());
ASSERT(joint >= 0);
const int* cp_indices = cluster->getIndices();
const double* weights = cluster->getWeights();
for (int j = 0; j < cluster->getIndicesCount(); ++j) {
int idx = cp_indices[j];
float weight = (float)weights[j];
Skin& s = skinning[idx];
if (s.count < 4) {
s.weights[s.count] = weight;
s.joints[s.count] = joint;
else {
int min = 0;
for (int m = 1; m < 4; ++m) {
if (s.weights[m] < s.weights[min]) min = m;
if (s.weights[min] < weight) {
s.weights[min] = weight;
s.joints[min] = joint;
for (Skin& s : skinning) {
float sum = 0;
for (float w : s.weights) sum += w;
if (sum == 0) {
s.weights[0] = 1;
s.weights[1] = s.weights[2] = s.weights[3] = 0;
s.joints[0] = s.joints[1] = s.joints[2] = s.joints[3] = 0;
else {
for (float& w : s.weights) w /= sum;
Vec3 FBXImporter::fixOrientation(const Vec3& v) const
switch (m_orientation)
case Orientation::Y_UP: return Vec3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
case Orientation::Z_UP: return Vec3(v.x, v.z, -v.y);
case Orientation::Z_MINUS_UP: return Vec3(v.x, -v.z, v.y);
case Orientation::X_MINUS_UP: return Vec3(v.y, -v.x, v.z);
case Orientation::X_UP: return Vec3(-v.y, v.x, v.z);
return Vec3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
Quat FBXImporter::fixOrientation(const Quat& v) const
switch (m_orientation)
case Orientation::Y_UP: return Quat(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
case Orientation::Z_UP: return Quat(v.x, v.z, -v.y, v.w);
case Orientation::Z_MINUS_UP: return Quat(v.x, -v.z, v.y, v.w);
case Orientation::X_MINUS_UP: return Quat(v.y, -v.x, v.z, v.w);
case Orientation::X_UP: return Quat(-v.y, v.x, v.z, v.w);
return Quat(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
void FBXImporter::writeImpostorVertices(float center_y, Vec2 bounding_cylinder)
struct Vertex
Vec3 pos;
Vec2 uv;
Vec2 min, max;
const Vec2 half_extents = computeImpostorHalfExtents(bounding_cylinder);
min = -half_extents;
max = half_extents;
const Vertex vertices[] = {
{{ min.x, center_y + min.y, 0}, {0, 0}},
{{ min.x, center_y + max.y, 0}, {0, 1}},
{{ max.x, center_y + max.y, 0}, {1, 1}},
{{ max.x, center_y + min.y, 0}, {1, 0}}
const u32 vertex_data_size = sizeof(vertices);
for (const Vertex& vertex : vertices) {
void FBXImporter::writeGeometry(int mesh_idx, const ImportConfig& cfg)
OutputMemoryStream vertices_blob(m_allocator);
const ImportMesh& import_mesh = m_meshes[mesh_idx];
bool are_indices_16_bit = areIndices16Bit(import_mesh, cfg);
if (are_indices_16_bit)
int index_size = sizeof(u16);
for (int i : import_mesh.indices)
ASSERT(i <= (1 << 16));
u16 index = (u16)i;
int index_size = sizeof(import_mesh.indices[0]);
write(&import_mesh.indices[0], sizeof(import_mesh.indices[0]) * import_mesh.indices.size());
const Vec3 center = (import_mesh.aabb.max + import_mesh.aabb.min) * 0.5f;
float max_center_dist_squared = 0;
const u8* positions =;
const i32 vertex_size = getVertexSize(*import_mesh.fbx, import_mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const u32 vertex_count = u32(import_mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
for (u32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 p;
memcpy(&p, positions, sizeof(p));
positions += vertex_size;
float d = squaredLength(p - center);
max_center_dist_squared = maximum(d, max_center_dist_squared);
write(, import_mesh.vertex_data.size());
static bool hasAutoLOD(const FBXImporter::ImportConfig& cfg, u32 idx) {
return cfg.autolod_mask & (1 << idx);
void FBXImporter::writeGeometry(const ImportConfig& cfg) {
AABB aabb = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
float origin_radius_squared = 0;
float center_radius_squared = 0;
OutputMemoryStream vertices_blob(m_allocator);
Vec2 bounding_cylinder = Vec2(0);
for (const ImportMesh& import_mesh : m_meshes) {
if (!import_mesh.import) continue;
if (import_mesh.lod != 0) continue;
origin_radius_squared = maximum(origin_radius_squared, import_mesh.origin_radius_squared);
const Vec3 center = (aabb.min + aabb.max) * 0.5f;
const Vec3 center_xz0(0, center.y, 0);
for (const ImportMesh& import_mesh : m_meshes) {
if (!import_mesh.import) continue;
if (import_mesh.lod != 0) continue;
const u8* positions =;
const i32 vertex_size = getVertexSize(*import_mesh.fbx, import_mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const u32 vertex_count = u32(import_mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
for (u32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 p;
memcpy(&p, positions, sizeof(p));
positions += vertex_size;
float d = squaredLength(p - center);
center_radius_squared = maximum(d, center_radius_squared);
p -= center_xz0;
float xz_squared = p.x * p.x + p.z * p.z;
bounding_cylinder.x = maximum(bounding_cylinder.x, xz_squared);
bounding_cylinder.y = maximum(bounding_cylinder.y, fabsf(p.y));
bounding_cylinder.x = sqrtf(bounding_cylinder.x);
for (u32 lod = 0; lod < cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0); ++lod) {
for (const ImportMesh& import_mesh : m_meshes) {
if (!import_mesh.import) continue;
const bool are_indices_16_bit = areIndices16Bit(import_mesh, cfg);
if (import_mesh.lod == lod && !hasAutoLOD(cfg, lod)) {
if (are_indices_16_bit) {
const i32 index_size = sizeof(u16);
for (int i : import_mesh.indices)
ASSERT(i <= (1 << 16));
u16 index = (u16)i;
else {
int index_size = sizeof(import_mesh.indices[0]);
write(&import_mesh.indices[0], sizeof(import_mesh.indices[0]) * import_mesh.indices.size());
else if (import_mesh.lod == 0 && hasAutoLOD(cfg, lod)) {
const auto& lod_indices = *import_mesh.autolod_indices[lod].get();
if (are_indices_16_bit) {
const i32 index_size = sizeof(u16);
for (u32 i : lod_indices)
ASSERT(i <= (1 << 16));
u16 index = (u16)i;
else {
i32 index_size = sizeof(lod_indices[0]);
write(lod_indices.begin(), import_mesh.autolod_indices[lod]->byte_size());
if (cfg.create_impostor) {
const int index_size = sizeof(u16);
const u16 indices[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
const u32 len = lengthOf(indices);
write(indices, sizeof(indices));
for (u32 lod = 0; lod < cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0); ++lod) {
for (const ImportMesh& import_mesh : m_meshes) {
if (!import_mesh.import) continue;
if ((import_mesh.lod == lod && !hasAutoLOD(cfg, lod)) || (import_mesh.lod == 0 && hasAutoLOD(cfg, lod))) {
write(, import_mesh.vertex_data.size());
if (cfg.create_impostor) writeImpostorVertices((aabb.max.y + aabb.min.y) * 0.5f, bounding_cylinder);
if (m_meshes.empty()) {
for (const ofbx::Object* bone : m_bones) {
const Matrix mtx = toLumix(bone->getGlobalTransform());
const Vec3 p = mtx.getTranslation() * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale;
origin_radius_squared = maximum(origin_radius_squared, squaredLength(p));
center_radius_squared = squaredLength(aabb.max - aabb.min) * 0.5f;
write(sqrtf(origin_radius_squared) * cfg.bounding_scale);
write(sqrtf(center_radius_squared) * cfg.bounding_scale);
write(aabb * cfg.bounding_scale);
void FBXImporter::writeImpostorMesh(StringView dir, StringView model_name)
const i32 attribute_count = 2;
const Path material_name(dir, model_name, "_impostor.mat");
u32 length = material_name.length();
write(material_name.c_str(), length);
const char* mesh_name = "impostor";
length = stringLength(mesh_name);
write(mesh_name, length);
void FBXImporter::writeMeshes(const Path& src, int mesh_idx, const ImportConfig& cfg) {
const PathInfo src_info(src);
i32 mesh_count = 0;
if (mesh_idx >= 0) {
mesh_count = 1;
else {
for (ImportMesh& mesh : m_meshes) {
if (mesh.lod >= cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0)) continue;
if (mesh.import && (mesh.lod == 0 || !hasAutoLOD(cfg, mesh.lod))) ++mesh_count;
for (u32 i = 1; i < cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0); ++i) {
if (mesh.lod == 0 && hasAutoLOD(cfg, i)) ++mesh_count;
if (cfg.create_impostor) ++mesh_count;
auto writeMesh = [&](const ImportMesh& import_mesh ) {
const ofbx::Mesh& mesh = *import_mesh.fbx;
const ofbx::GeometryData& geom = mesh.getGeometryData();
i32 attribute_count = getAttributeCount(import_mesh, cfg);
if (geom.getUVs().values) {
if (cfg.bake_vertex_ao) {
write((u8)4); // 1+3 because of padding
if (geom.getColors().values && cfg.import_vertex_colors) {
if (cfg.vertex_color_is_ao) {
write((u8)4); // 1+3 because of padding
else {
if (hasTangents(mesh)) {
if (import_mesh.is_skinned) {
const ofbx::Material* material = import_mesh.fbx_mat;
const String& mat_name = m_material_name_map[material];
const Path mat_id(src_info.dir, mat_name, ".mat");
const i32 len = mat_id.length();
write(mat_id.c_str(), len);
char name[256];
getImportMeshName(import_mesh, name);
i32 name_len = (i32)stringLength(name);
write(name, stringLength(name));
if(mesh_idx >= 0) {
else {
for (u32 lod = 0; lod < cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0); ++lod) {
for (ImportMesh& import_mesh : m_meshes) {
if (import_mesh.import && import_mesh.lod == lod && !hasAutoLOD(cfg, lod)) writeMesh(import_mesh);
else if (import_mesh.lod == 0 && import_mesh.import && hasAutoLOD(cfg, lod)) writeMesh(import_mesh);
if (mesh_idx < 0 && cfg.create_impostor) {
writeImpostorMesh(src_info.dir, src_info.basename);
void FBXImporter::writeSkeleton(const ImportConfig& cfg)
u32 idx = 0;
for (const ofbx::Object*& node : m_bones)
const char* name = node->name;
int len = (int)stringLength(name);
ofbx::Object* parent = node->getParent();
if (!parent)
const int tmp = m_bones.indexOf(parent);
const ImportMesh* mesh = getAnyMeshFromBone(node, int(&node - m_bones.begin()));
Matrix tr = toLumix(getBindPoseMatrix(mesh, node));
m_bind_pose[idx] = tr;
Quat q = fixOrientation(tr.getRotation());
Vec3 t = fixOrientation(tr.getTranslation());
write(t * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale);
void FBXImporter::writeLODs(const ImportConfig& cfg)
i32 lods[4] = {};
for (auto& mesh : m_meshes) {
if (!mesh.import) continue;
if (mesh.lod >= cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0)) continue;
if (mesh.lod == 0 || !hasAutoLOD(cfg, mesh.lod)) {
for (u32 i = 1; i < cfg.lod_count - (cfg.create_impostor ? 1 : 0); ++i) {
if (mesh.lod == 0 && hasAutoLOD(cfg, i)) {
if (cfg.create_impostor) {
lods[cfg.lod_count - 1] = 1;
u32 to_mesh = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < cfg.lod_count; ++i) {
to_mesh += lods[i];
const i32 tmp = to_mesh - 1;
write((const char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
float factor = cfg.lods_distances[i] < 0 ? FLT_MAX : cfg.lods_distances[i] * cfg.lods_distances[i];
write((const char*)&factor, sizeof(factor));
int FBXImporter::getAttributeCount(const ImportMesh& mesh, const ImportConfig& cfg) const
int count = 2; // position & normals
if (mesh.fbx->getGeometryData().getUVs().values) ++count;
if (cfg.bake_vertex_ao) ++count;
if (mesh.fbx->getGeometryData().getColors().values && cfg.import_vertex_colors) ++count;
if (hasTangents(*mesh.fbx)) ++count;
if (mesh.is_skinned) count += 2;
return count;
bool FBXImporter::areIndices16Bit(const ImportMesh& mesh, const ImportConfig& cfg) const
int vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
return !(mesh.import && mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size > (1 << 16));
void FBXImporter::bakeVertexAO(const ImportConfig& cfg) {
AABB aabb(Vec3(FLT_MAX), Vec3(-FLT_MAX));
for (ImportMesh& mesh : m_meshes) {
const u8* positions =;
const i32 vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const i32 vertex_count = i32(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
for (i32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 p;
memcpy(&p, positions + i * vertex_size, sizeof(p));
Voxels voxels(m_allocator);
voxels.beginRaster(aabb, 64);
for (ImportMesh& mesh : m_meshes) {
const u8* positions =;
const i32 vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const i32 count = mesh.indices.size();
const u32* indices =;
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 3) {
Vec3 p[3];
memcpy(&p[0], positions + indices[i + 0] * vertex_size, sizeof(p[0]));
memcpy(&p[1], positions + indices[i + 1] * vertex_size, sizeof(p[1]));
memcpy(&p[2], positions + indices[i + 2] * vertex_size, sizeof(p[2]));
voxels.raster(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
for (ImportMesh& mesh : m_meshes) {
const u8* positions =;
i32 ao_offset = sizeof(Vec3) /*positions*/ + sizeof(u32) /*packed normal*/;
if (mesh.fbx->getGeometryData().getUVs().values) ao_offset += sizeof(Vec2);
u8* AOs = mesh.vertex_data.getMutableData() + ao_offset;
const i32 vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
const i32 vertex_count = i32(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
for (i32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
Vec3 p;
memcpy(&p, positions + i * vertex_size, sizeof(p));
float ao;
bool res = voxels.sampleAO(p, &ao);
if (res) {
u8 ao8 = u8(clamp((ao + cfg.min_bake_vertex_ao) * 255, 0.f, 255.f) + 0.5f);
memcpy(AOs + i * vertex_size, &ao8, sizeof(ao8));
void FBXImporter::writeModelHeader()
Model::FileHeader header;
header.magic = 0x5f4c4d4f;
header.version = (u32)Model::FileVersion::LATEST;
bool FBXImporter::writePhysics(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg)
if (m_meshes.empty()) return false;
if (cfg.physics == ImportConfig::Physics::NONE) return false;
PhysicsGeometry::Header header;
header.m_magic = PhysicsGeometry::HEADER_MAGIC;
header.m_version = (u32)PhysicsGeometry::Versions::LAST;
const bool to_convex = cfg.physics == ImportConfig::Physics::CONVEX;
header.m_convex = (u32)to_convex;
m_out_file.write(&header, sizeof(header));
PhysicsSystem* ps = (PhysicsSystem*)m_app.getEngine().getSystemManager().getSystem("physics");
if (!ps) {
logError(src, ": no physics system found while trying to cook physics data");
return false;
Array<Vec3> verts(m_allocator);
i32 total_vertex_count = 0;
for (auto& mesh : m_meshes) {
total_vertex_count += (i32)(mesh.vertex_data.size() / getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg));
for (auto& mesh : m_meshes) {
int vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
int vertex_count = (i32)(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
const u8* src =;
for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
verts.push(*(Vec3*)(src + i * vertex_size));
if (to_convex) {
if (!ps->cookConvex(verts, m_out_file)) {
logError("Failed to cook ", src);
return false;
} else {
Array<u32> indices(m_allocator);
i32 count = 0;
for (auto& mesh : m_meshes) {
count += mesh.indices.size();
int offset = 0;
for (auto& mesh : m_meshes) {
for (unsigned int j = 0, c = mesh.indices.size(); j < c; ++j) {
u32 index = mesh.indices[j] + offset;
int vertex_size = getVertexSize(*mesh.fbx, mesh.is_skinned, cfg);
int vertex_count = (i32)(mesh.vertex_data.size() / vertex_size);
offset += vertex_count;
if (!ps->cookTriMesh(verts, indices, m_out_file)) {
logError("Failed to cook ", src);
return false;
Path phy_path(".phy:", src);
m_compiler.writeCompiledResource(phy_path, Span(, (i32)m_out_file.size()));
return true;
bool FBXImporter::writePhysicsPrefab(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg) {
// TODO handle split meshes
Engine& engine = m_app.getEngine();
World& world = engine.createWorld(false);
os::OutputFile file;
PathInfo file_info(src);
Path tmp(file_info.dir, "/", file_info.basename, ".fab");
if (!, file)) {
logError("Could not create ", tmp);
return false;
OutputMemoryStream blob(m_allocator);
static const ComponentType MODEL_INSTANCE_TYPE = reflection::getComponentType("model_instance");
static const ComponentType RIGID_ACTOR_TYPE = reflection::getComponentType("rigid_actor");
const EntityRef e = world.createEntity(DVec3(0), Quat::IDENTITY);
world.createComponent(MODEL_INSTANCE_TYPE, e);
RenderModule* rmodule = (RenderModule*)world.getModule(MODEL_INSTANCE_TYPE);
rmodule->setModelInstancePath(e, src);
PhysicsModule* pmodule = (PhysicsModule*)world.getModule(RIGID_ACTOR_TYPE);
world.createComponent(RIGID_ACTOR_TYPE, e);
pmodule->setMeshGeomPath(e, Path(".phy:", src));
world.serialize(blob, WorldSerializeFlags::NONE);
if (!file.write(, blob.size())) {
logError("Could not write ", tmp);
return false;
return true;
bool FBXImporter::writePrefab(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg)
Engine& engine = m_app.getEngine();
World& world = engine.createWorld(false);
os::OutputFile file;
PathInfo file_info(src);
Path tmp(file_info.dir, "/", file_info.basename, ".fab");
if (!, file)) {
logError("Could not create ", tmp);
return false;
OutputMemoryStream blob(m_allocator);
const EntityRef root = world.createEntity({0, 0, 0}, Quat::IDENTITY);
static const ComponentType MODEL_INSTANCE_TYPE = reflection::getComponentType("model_instance");
for(int i = 0; i < m_meshes.size(); ++i) {
const EntityRef e = world.createEntity(DVec3(m_meshes[i].origin), Quat::IDENTITY);
world.createComponent(MODEL_INSTANCE_TYPE, e);
world.setParent(root, e);
char mesh_name[256];
getImportMeshName(m_meshes[i], mesh_name);
Path mesh_path(mesh_name, ".fbx:", src);
RenderModule* m_scene = (RenderModule*)world.getModule(MODEL_INSTANCE_TYPE);
m_scene->setModelInstancePath(e, mesh_path);
static const ComponentType POINT_LIGHT_TYPE = reflection::getComponentType("point_light");
for (i32 i = 0, c = m_scene->getLightCount(); i < c; ++i) {
const ofbx::Light* light = m_scene->getLight(i);
const Matrix mtx = toLumix(light->getGlobalTransform());
const EntityRef e = world.createEntity(DVec3(mtx.getTranslation() * cfg.mesh_scale * m_fbx_scale), Quat::IDENTITY);
world.createComponent(POINT_LIGHT_TYPE, e);
world.setParent(root, e);
world.serialize(blob, WorldSerializeFlags::NONE);
if (!file.write(, blob.size())) {
logError("Could not write ", tmp);
return false;
return true;
bool FBXImporter::writeSubmodels(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg)
postprocessMeshes(cfg, src);
for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes.size(); ++i) {
char name[256];
getImportMeshName(m_meshes[i], name);
writeMeshes(src, i, cfg);
writeGeometry(i, cfg);
if (m_meshes[i].is_skinned) {
else {
// lods
const i32 lod_count = 1;
const i32 to_mesh = 0;
const float factor = FLT_MAX;
Path path(name, ".fbx:", src);
m_compiler.writeCompiledResource(path, Span(, (i32)m_out_file.size()));
return !m_meshes.empty();
bool FBXImporter::writeModel(const Path& src, const ImportConfig& cfg)
postprocessMeshes(cfg, src);
bool import_any_mesh = false;
for (const ImportMesh& m : m_meshes) {
if (m.import) import_any_mesh = true;
if (!import_any_mesh && m_animations.empty()) return false;
writeMeshes(src, -1, cfg);
m_compiler.writeCompiledResource(Path(src), Span(, (i32)m_out_file.size()));
return true;
} // namespace Lumix