**Common part**: Both issues stemmed by the fact that clicking a glissando sometime selected the whole `Glissando` and sometime one of its segments.
It depended on the order in which element types appear in `element.h` enum: for all other spanners the segment type is listed **before** the whole element type, while for `GLISSANDO` and `GLISSANDO_SEGMENT` it is opposite.
Changing the order ensures that the segment is always selected rather than the whole `Glissando` element.
**Inspector**: adding property management to `GlissandoSegment` routing whole `Glissando` properties from the segment to the `Glissando` fixes `Glissando` access in Inspector once one of its segment(s) is selected.
This is parallel to how other spanners are currently managed (see for instance, `TextLine` and `TextLineSegment`).
**Dragging** and Saving: fixed by treating glissando segment user offset as user offset rather as position component (parallel to how VOLTA is managed).
Entering edit mode on a glissando and trying to move the grips results in crash.
Fixed by disabling glissando editing altogether, as it does not make sense until proper support for grip nudging and anchor note selecting is added.
- Implemented as a sub-class of `SLine`.
- Anchor type changed from CHORD to NOTE: allows to attach glissando start and end points to individual notes, rather than generically to chords (with note within the chord chosen by the program).
- The Glissando element is now stored in the `Note::_spannerFor` list.
- `Chord::_glissando` has been removed and replaced by a `bool _endsGlissando`, recording whether the chord is at the end of glissando (as gliss.-end chords require more space if mid-measure or system-initial).
- Debugger UI for `Chord` updated accordingly.
- Glissando in now save into score file as a spanner, within the initial note, and with appropriate `<endSpanner>` tag in the Glissando ending note.
- Existing scores with the old Glissando file format are correctly read back.
- MusicXML import/export of the new Glissando implementation NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- This version can read scores from older versions, but older versions **cannot read** scored from this version (they do not expect a <Glissando> tag within a Note). Does this require a NEW FILE VERSION NUMBER?
- This implementation would allow rather easily to move the start and end anchors around (as for slurs) to override the note/chord chosen by the program when the glissando is initially created; but the UI for this is not implemented yet.
or "enum class : signed char" or even "enum class: short", whatever/whenever feasible on all exsting "enum class" that don't have it yet, also fixing some signed vs. unadorned char. This
should reduce the memory footprint.
reformatting, removing some comments that are irrelevant to plugin
framework in a way that DoxyGen should still find them, documenting the
enums and fully qualify all types that are specific to MuseScore,