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with STM32.Address_Map;
-- Timers, Including Basic, General Purpose (both kids) and Advanced Control
2024-01-17 15:14:48 +01:00
package STM32.Timers is
-- There's some differences in SVD files between devices,
-- however according to reference manuals
-- timers are seem to be identical across the whole STM32F4 family.
-- Some SVD differences are noted here.
-- CR1
type Count_Direction is (
Count_Down) with Size => 1;
type Align_Mode is (
Edge_Aligned, -- Counts only in direction specified in DIR
Center_Aligned_OC_Down, -- Counts in both directions alternatively,
-- OC interrupts are set when counting down
Center_Aligned_OC_Up, -- Counts in both directions alternatively,
-- OC interrupts are set when counting up
Center_Aligned_OC_Both) -- Counts in both directions alternatively,
-- OC interrupts are set when counting in either direction
with Size => 2;
type Update_Request_Source is (
Counter_Overflow) with Size => 1;
type Sampling_Clock is new Logarithmic range Value_1 .. Value_8 with Size => 2;
type Control_Register_1 is record
CEN : Boolean := False; -- Counter enable
UDIS : Boolean := False; -- Update disable
URS : Update_Request_Source := Any_source; -- Update request source
OPM : Boolean := False; -- One-pulse mode
DIR : Count_Direction := Count_Up; -- Direction
CMS : Align_Mode := Edge_Aligned; -- Center-aligned mode
ARPE : Boolean := False; -- Auto-reload preload enable
CKD : Sampling_Clock := Value_1; -- Clock division
Unused_10 : Unused_1_Bit := 0;
UIFREMAP : Boolean := False; -- UIF status bit remapping
Unused_12 : Unused_4_Bits := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for Control_Register_1 use record -- TIM: 1,2-5,8 9-14 6,7
CEN at 0 range 0 .. 0; -- + + +
UDIS at 0 range 1 .. 1; -- + + +
URS at 0 range 2 .. 2; -- + + +
OPM at 0 range 3 .. 3; -- + + +
DIR at 0 range 4 .. 4; -- + - -
CMS at 0 range 5 .. 6; -- + - -
ARPE at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- + + +
CKD at 0 range 8 .. 9; -- + + -
Unused_10 at 0 range 10 .. 10;
UIFREMAP at 0 range 11 .. 11; -- - - ?
Unused_12 at 0 range 12 .. 15;
end record;
-- Note: UIFREMAP bit is not documented but exist in SVD of STM32F412/413.
-- This may be a bug in SVD or not yet documented feature.
-- CR2
type CCPC_Update is (
COMG_or_TRGI_Edge) with Size => 1;
type CC_DMA_Request is (
DMA_on_Update) with Size => 1;
type Master_Mode is (
Master_Compare_OC4REF) with Size => 3;
-- In TIM6, TIM7 only Master_Reset, Master_Enable and Master_Enable values allowed.
type TI1_Connection is (
Channels_1_2_3_Xored) with Size => 1;
type Control_Register_2 is record
CCPC : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare preloaded
Unused_1 : Unused_1_Bit := 0;
CCUS : CCPC_Update := COMG_Only; -- Capture/compare control update
CCDS : CC_DMA_Request := DMA_on_CC; -- Capture/compare DMA
MMS : Master_Mode := Master_Reset; -- Master mode selection
TI1S : TI1_Connection := Channel_1_Only; -- TI1 selection
OIS1 : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 1
OIS1N : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 1
OIS2 : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 2
OIS2N : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 2
OIS3 : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 3
OIS3N : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 3
OIS4 : Boolean := False; -- Output Idle state 4
Unused_15 : Unused_1_Bit := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for Control_Register_2 use record -- TIM: 1,8 2-5 6,7 9
CCPC at 0 range 0 .. 0; -- + - -
Unused_1 at 0 range 1 .. 1;
CCUS at 0 range 2 .. 2; -- + - -
CCDS at 0 range 3 .. 3; -- + + -
MMS at 0 range 4 .. 6; -- + + + ?
TI1S at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- + + -
OIS1 at 0 range 8 .. 8; -- + - -
OIS1N at 0 range 9 .. 9; -- + - -
OIS2 at 0 range 10 .. 10; -- + - -
OIS2N at 0 range 11 .. 11; -- + - -
OIS3 at 0 range 12 .. 12; -- + - -
OIS3N at 0 range 13 .. 13; -- + - -
OIS4 at 0 range 14 .. 14; -- + - -
Unused_15 at 0 range 15 .. 15;
end record;
type Slave_Mode is (
Slave_Mode_Disabled, --
Slave_Encoder_Mode_1, --
Slave_Encoder_Mode_2, --
Slave_Encoder_Mode_3, --
Slave_Reset, -- Rising edge of TRGI reinitializes the counter and update the registers
Slave_Gate, -- Counting runs when TRGI is high else stops.
Slave_Trigger, -- Counting starts on a rising edge of TRGI (but not reset).
Slave_Clock) -- Counting rising edges of TRGI.
with Size => 3;
-- Slave_Encoder_Mode_(1,2,3) not present in GPT9
type Trigger_Select is (
with Size => 3;
-- External trigger not present in TIM9, TIM 12
type Trigger_Filter is (
DTS_DIV_32_Filter_8) with Size => 4;
type Trigger_Prescaler is new Logarithmic range Value_1 .. Value_8 with Size => 2;
type External_Trigger_Polarity is (Non_Inverted, Inverted) with Size => 1;
type Slave_Mode_Control_Register is record
SMS : Slave_Mode := Slave_Mode_Disabled; -- Slave mode selection
Unused_3 : Unused_1_Bit := 0;
TS : Trigger_Select := Internal_Trigger_0; -- Trigger selection
MSM : Boolean := False; -- Master/Slave mode
ETF : Trigger_Filter := DTS_Not_Filtered; -- External trigger filter
ETPS : Trigger_Prescaler := Value_1; -- External trigger prescaler
ECE : Boolean := False; -- External clock enable
ETP : External_Trigger_Polarity := Non_Inverted; -- External trigger polarity
end record with Size => 16;
for Slave_Mode_Control_Register use record -- TIM: 1,2-5,8 9,12
SMS at 0 range 0 .. 2; -- + +
Unused_3 at 0 range 3 .. 3;
TS at 0 range 4 .. 6; -- + +
MSM at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- + +
ETF at 0 range 8 .. 11; -- + -
ETPS at 0 range 12 .. 13; -- + -
ECE at 0 range 14 .. 14; -- + -
ETP at 0 range 15 .. 15; -- + -
end record;
type DMA_Interrupt_Enable_Register is record
UIE : Boolean := False; -- Update interrupt enable
CC1IE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 1 interrupt
CC2IE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 2 interrupt
CC3IE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 3 interrupt
CC4IE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 4 interrupt
COMIE : Boolean := False; -- COM interrupt enable
TIE : Boolean := False; -- Trigger interrupt enable
BIE : Boolean := False; -- Break interrupt enable
UDE : Boolean := False; -- Update DMA request enable
CC1DE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 1 DMA request
CC2DE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 2 DMA request
CC3DE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 3 DMA request
CC4DE : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 4 DMA request
COMDE : Boolean := False; -- COM DMA request enable
TDE : Boolean := False; -- Trigger DMA request enable
Unused_15 : Unused_1_Bit := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for DMA_Interrupt_Enable_Register use record -- TIM: 1,8 2-5 9,12 10,11,13,14 6,7
UIE at 0 range 0 .. 0; -- + + + + +
CC1IE at 0 range 1 .. 1; -- + + + + -
CC2IE at 0 range 2 .. 2; -- + + + - -
CC3IE at 0 range 3 .. 3; -- + + - - -
CC4IE at 0 range 4 .. 4; -- + + - - -
COMIE at 0 range 5 .. 5; -- + - - - -
TIE at 0 range 6 .. 6; -- + + + - -
BIE at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- + - - - -
UDE at 0 range 8 .. 8; -- + + - - +
CC1DE at 0 range 9 .. 9; -- + + - - -
CC2DE at 0 range 10 .. 10; -- + + - - -
CC3DE at 0 range 11 .. 11; -- + + - - -
CC4DE at 0 range 12 .. 12; -- + + - - -
COMDE at 0 range 13 .. 13; -- + - - - -
TDE at 0 range 14 .. 14; -- + + - - -
Unused_15 at 0 range 15 .. 15;
end record;
-- SR
type Status_Register is record
UIF : Boolean := False; -- Update interrupt flag
CC1IF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare 1 interrupt
CC2IF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 2 interrupt
CC3IF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 3 interrupt
CC4IF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 4 interrupt
COMIF : Boolean := False; -- COM interrupt flag
TIF : Boolean := False; -- Trigger interrupt flag
BIF : Boolean := False; -- Break interrupt flag
Unused_8 : Unused_1_Bit := 0;
CC1OF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 1 overcapture
CC2OF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare 2 overcapture
CC3OF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 3 overcapture
CC4OF : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare 4 overcapture
Unused_13 : Unused_3_Bits := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for Status_Register use record -- TIM: 1,8 2-5 9,12 10,11,13,14 6,7
UIF at 0 range 0 .. 0; -- + + + + +
CC1IF at 0 range 1 .. 1; -- + + + + -
CC2IF at 0 range 2 .. 2; -- + + + - -
CC3IF at 0 range 3 .. 3; -- + + - - -
CC4IF at 0 range 4 .. 4; -- + + - - -
COMIF at 0 range 5 .. 5; -- + - - - -
TIF at 0 range 6 .. 6; -- + + + - -
BIF at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- + - - - -
Unused_8 at 0 range 8 .. 8;
CC1OF at 0 range 9 .. 9; -- + + + + -
CC2OF at 0 range 10 .. 10; -- + + + - -
CC3OF at 0 range 11 .. 11; -- + + - - -
CC4OF at 0 range 12 .. 12; -- + + - - -
Unused_13 at 0 range 13 .. 15;
end record;
-- EGR
type Event_Generation_Register is record
UG : Boolean := False; -- Update generation
CC1G : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare 1
CC2G : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare 2
CC3G : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare 3
CC4G : Boolean := False; -- Capture/compare 4
COMG : Boolean := False; -- Capture/Compare control update
TG : Boolean := False; -- Trigger generation
BG : Boolean := False; -- Break generation
Unused_8 : Unused_8_Bits := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for Event_Generation_Register use record -- TIM: 1,8 2-5 9,12 10,11,13,14 6,7
UG at 0 range 0 .. 0; -- + + + + +
CC1G at 0 range 1 .. 1; -- + + + + -
CC2G at 0 range 2 .. 2; -- + + + - -
CC3G at 0 range 3 .. 3; -- + + - - -
CC4G at 0 range 4 .. 4; -- + + - - -
COMG at 0 range 5 .. 5; -- + - - - -
TG at 0 range 6 .. 6; -- + + + - -
BG at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- + - - - -
Unused_8 at 0 range 8 .. 15;
end record;
-- CCMRx
type CC_Direction is (
CC_Input_TRC) with Size => 2;
-- CC_Input_Alternate and CC_Input_TRC is not present in TIM10, TIM11, TIM13, TIM4.
type Compare_Mode is (
PWM_Inverted) with Size => 3;
type CC_Mode (S : CC_Direction := CC_Output) is record
case S is
when CC_Output =>
FE : Boolean := False; -- Output Compare fast
PE : Boolean := False; -- Output Compare preload
M : Compare_Mode := Frozen; -- Output Compare mode
CE : Boolean := False; -- Output Compare clear
when others =>
PCS : Trigger_Prescaler := Value_1; -- Input capture prescaler
F : Trigger_Filter := DTS_Not_Filtered; -- Input capture filter
end case;
end record with Size => 8;
for CC_Mode use record -- TIM: 1-5,8 9,12 10,11,13,14
S at 0 range 0 .. 1; -- ++++ --++ ---+
FE at 0 range 2 .. 2; -- ++++ --++ ---+
PE at 0 range 3 .. 3; -- ++++ --++ ---+
M at 0 range 4 .. 6; -- ++++ --++ ---+
CE at 0 range 7 .. 7; -- ++++ ---- ---+
PCS at 0 range 2 .. 3; -- ++++ --++ ---+
F at 0 range 4 .. 7; -- ++++ --++ ---+
end record;
type CC_Mode_Register is array (Positive range <>) of CC_Mode with Pack;
type CC_Mode_Register_1 is new CC_Mode_Register (1 .. 2) with Size => 16;
type CC_Mode_Register_2 is new CC_Mode_Register (3 .. 4) with Size => 16;
type Output_Polarity is (Active_High, Active_Low) with Size => 1;
type CC_Enable_Channel is record
E : Boolean := False;
P : Output_Polarity := Active_High;
NE : Boolean := False;
NP : Output_Polarity := Active_High;
end record with Size => 4;
for CC_Enable_Channel use record
E at 0 range 0 .. 0;
P at 0 range 1 .. 1;
NE at 0 range 2 .. 2;
NP at 0 range 3 .. 3;
end record;
type CC_Enable_Register is array (1 .. 4) of CC_Enable_Channel with Pack, Size => 16;
-- TIM: 1,8 2-5 9,12 10,11,13,14
-- 1 ++++ +-++ +-++ +-++
-- 2 ++++ +-++ +-++ ----
-- 3 ++++ +-++ ---- ----
-- 4 --++ +-++ ---- ----
type Count_Register is range 0 .. 2**32 - 1 with Size => 32;
-- TIM: 1,3,4,8-14 2,5
-- bits 16 32
-- Note: Bit 31 of CNT is declared in STM32F412/413's SVD as UIFCPY but not documented in RM.
-- See note on CR1.
-- PSC
type Prescaler_Register is range 0 .. 2**16 - 1 with Size => 16;
-- RCR
type Repetition_Counter_Register is record
REP : Integer range 0 .. 2**8 - 1 := 0; -- Repetition counter value
Unused_8 : Unused_8_Bits := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for Repetition_Counter_Register use record -- TIM: 1,8 2-5
REP at 0 range 0 .. 7; -- + -
Unused_8 at 0 range 8 .. 15;
end record;
-- Register is specific to advanced control timer
type Break_Polarity is (
Active_High) with Size => 1;
type Lock_Level is new Integer range 0 .. 3 with Size => 2;
type Dead_Time is new Integer range 0 .. 2**8 - 1;
-- Dead time value
-- 0nnn_nnnn => nnn_nnnn * t_DTS
-- 10nn_nnnn => 1nnn_nnn0 * t_DTS
-- 110n_nnnn => 1_nnnn_n000 * t_DTS
-- 111n_nnnn => 1n_nnnn_0000 * t_DTS
type Break_and_Dead_Time_Register is record
DTG : Dead_Time := 0; -- Dead-time generator setup
LOCK : Lock_Level := 0; -- Lock configuration
OSSI : Boolean := False; -- Off-state selection for Idle
OSSR : Boolean := False; -- Off-state selection for Run
BKE : Boolean := False; -- Break enable
BKP : Break_Polarity := Active_Low; -- Break polarity
AOE : Boolean := False; -- Automatic output enable
MOE : Boolean := False; -- Main output enable
end record with Size => 16;
for Break_and_Dead_Time_Register use record
DTG at 0 range 0 .. 7;
LOCK at 0 range 8 .. 9;
OSSI at 0 range 10 .. 10;
OSSR at 0 range 11 .. 11;
BKE at 0 range 12 .. 12;
BKP at 0 range 13 .. 13;
AOE at 0 range 14 .. 14;
MOE at 0 range 15 .. 15;
end record;
-- DCR
type DMA_Address is (
DMA_OR) with Size => 5;
type DMA_Control_Register is record
DBA : DMA_Address := DMA_CR1; -- DMA base address
Unused_5 : Unused_3_Bits := 0;
DBL : Integer range 0 .. 31 := 0; -- DMA burst length
Unused_13 : Unused_3_Bits := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for DMA_Control_Register use record
DBA at 0 range 0 .. 4;
Unused_5 at 0 range 5 .. 7;
DBL at 0 range 8 .. 12;
Unused_13 at 0 range 13 .. 15;
end record;
-- TIM: 1,8 2-5 9,12
-- + + -
-- OR
type TI_Remap is (
TI_GPIO, -- Connect to GPIO
TI_LSI, -- Connect to LSI for calibration purposes
TI_LSE, -- Connext to LSE for calibration purposes
TI_RTC) -- Connect to RTC wakeup for calibration purposes
with Size => 2;
-- On TIM11, TI4_LSI and TI4_RTC values actually connect to GPIO.
type ITR1_Remap is (
ITR1_PTP_Trigger_Output, -- Connect to PTP trigger output
ITR1_OTG_FS_SOF, -- Connect to OTG FS SOF
ITR1_OTG_HS_SOF) -- Connect to OTG HS SOF
with Size => 2;
type Option_Register is record
TI1_RMP : TI_Remap := TI_GPIO; -- TIM11 Input 1 remap
Unused_2 : Unused_4_Bits := 0;
TI4_RMP : TI_Remap := TI_GPIO; -- TIM5 Input 4 remap
Unused_8 : Unused_2_Bits := 0;
ITR1_RMP : ITR1_Remap := ITR1_TIM8_TRGOUT; -- TIM2 Internal trigger 1 remap
Unused_12 : Unused_4_Bits := 0;
end record with Size => 16;
for Option_Register use record -- TIM: 1,3,4,8-10,12-14 2 5 11
TI1_RMP at 0 range 0 .. 1; -- - - - +
Unused_2 at 0 range 2 .. 5;
TI4_RMP at 0 range 6 .. 7; -- - - + -
Unused_8 at 0 range 8 .. 9;
ITR1_RMP at 0 range 10 .. 11; -- - + - -
Unused_12 at 0 range 12 .. 15;
end record;
-- note: Register OR is named OPTR here to not clash with Ada's reserved word.
-- The following declaration covers all timer configurations
-- Different timers may have missing several registers, register fields, or field values,
-- and also have different register widths
-- It is up to driver software not to write them.
type Timer_Registers is record
CR1 : Control_Register_1;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CR1);
CR2 : Control_Register_2;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CR2);
SMCR : Slave_Mode_Control_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (SMCR);
DIER : DMA_Interrupt_Enable_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (DIER);
SR : Status_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (SR);
EGR : Event_Generation_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (EGR);
CCMR1 : CC_Mode_Register_1;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCMR1);
CCMR2 : CC_Mode_Register_2;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCMR2);
CCER : CC_Enable_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCER);
CNT : Count_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CNT);
PSC : Prescaler_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (PSC);
ARR : Count_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (ARR);
RCR : Repetition_Counter_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (RCR);
CCR1 : Count_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCR1);
CCR2 : Count_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCR2);
CCR3 : Count_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCR3);
CCR4 : Count_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (CCR4);
BDTR : Break_and_Dead_Time_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (BDTR);
DCR : DMA_Control_Register;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (DCR);
DMAR : Unsigned_32;
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (DMAR);
OPTR : Option_Register; -- Option register (OR in original documentation)
pragma Volatile_Full_Access (OPTR);
end record with Volatile;
for Timer_Registers use record -- TIM: 1,8 2,5 3,4 9,12 10,13,14 11 6,7
CR1 at 16#00# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + + + +
CR2 at 16#04# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + - - - +
SMCR at 16#08# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + - - -
DIER at 16#0C# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + + + +
SR at 16#10# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + + + +
EGR at 16#14# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + + + +
CCMR1 at 16#18# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + +- +- -
CCMR2 at 16#1C# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + - - - -
CCER at 16#20# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + + + -
CNT at 16#24# range 0 .. 31; -- 16 32 16 16 16 16 16
PSC at 16#28# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + + + + +
ARR at 16#2C# range 0 .. 31; -- 16 32 16 16 16 16 16
RCR at 16#30# range 0 .. 15; -- + - - - - - -
CCR1 at 16#34# range 0 .. 31; -- + 32 16 16 16 16 -
CCR2 at 16#38# range 0 .. 31; -- + 32 16 16 - - -
CCR3 at 16#3C# range 0 .. 31; -- + 32 16 - - - -
CCR4 at 16#40# range 0 .. 31; -- + 32 16 - - - -
BDTR at 16#44# range 0 .. 15; -- + - - - - - -
DCR at 16#48# range 0 .. 15; -- + + + - - - -
DMAR at 16#4C# range 0 .. 31; -- + + + - - - -
OPTR at 16#50# range 0 .. 15; -- - * - - - * -
end record;
TIM1: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM1;
TIM2: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM2;
TIM3: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM3;
TIM4: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM4;
TIM5: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM5;
TIM6: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM6;
TIM7: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM7;
TIM8: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM8;
TIM9: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM9;
TIM10: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM10;
TIM11: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM11;
TIM12: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM12;
TIM13: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM13;
TIM14: aliased Timer_Registers with Volatile, Import, Address => Address_Map.TIM14;
2024-01-17 15:14:48 +01:00
-- In F469 TIM9,TIM12 no CR2
-- There are register fields in SVD, but Docs know nothi about:
2024-01-17 15:14:48 +01:00
-- in F412,F413 TIM6,7 CR1 have field UIFREMAP
-- in F412,F413 TIM6,7 CNT have field UIFCPY
-- Differences between timers
-- 1,8 2-5
-- Count direction Any Any
-- Slave encoder mode + +
-- External trigger + +
-- COM interrupt/DMA + -
-- Break interrupt + -
end STM32.Timers;