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Allows to translate one message type to another with one line via .Translate method.


For example, lets take a string tokens, take their length, and see if it's longer that some threshold.

Add the package:

dotnet add package ProSol.Messaging --version 4.0.0-rc.5.0
// Include the package
using ProSol.Messaging;
using ProSol.Messaging.Translating;

// Declare some starting and finishing point:
var dataSubscriber = new DataSubscriber<bool>(); // a dummy subscriber which just collects data in List.
var publisher = new SomePublisher<string>(); // a custom dummy publisher, see below.

// Declare a pipeline:
    .Translate<string, int>(x => x.Length)
    .Translate<int, bool>(x => x > 5)

// Process some messages:
string[] input = ["Hello", "World!"];
foreach (var item in source)

// Render the ouput:

// false
// true

A dummy publisher looks like this:

public class SomePublisher<TData> : IPublisher<TData>
    private ISubscriber? subscriber;

    public void Publish(TData message)
        PublishHelper.Publish(message, subscriber!);

    public IDisposable Subscribe(ISubscriber subscriber)
        this.subscriber = subscriber;
        return null;

So, there is no need to declare one-line subscribers just to convert one message to another. The dataSubscriber is, basically, subscriber onto the publisher messages, with some middleware adapters on the way.

Happy coding!