2016-05-19 12:44:11 +02:00
This module is an extension to the Math::Symbolic module. A basic
2006-05-15 17:50:32 +02:00
familiarity with that module is required.
2016-05-19 12:44:11 +02:00
Math::Symbolic offers some builtin simplification routines. These,
however, are not capable of complex simplifications. This extension offers
facilities to override the default simplification routines through means
of subclassing this module. A subclass of this module is required to
define a simplify object method that implements a simplification of
2006-05-15 17:50:32 +02:00
Math::Symbolic trees.
2016-05-19 12:44:11 +02:00
There are two class methods to inherit: register and unregister. Calling
the register method on your subclass registers your class as providing the
simplify method that is invoked whenever simplify() is called on a
2006-05-15 17:50:32 +02:00
Math::Symbolic::Operator object.
2016-05-19 12:44:11 +02:00
Calling unregister on your subclass restores whichever simplification
2006-05-15 17:50:32 +02:00
routines where in place before.
2018-05-27 22:15:16 +02:00
WWW: https://metacpan.org/release/Math-Symbolic-Custom-Simplification