1.72 2016-09-02 06:50:53-05:00 America/Chicago
* Full release (no changes from 1.71 beyond version)
1.71 2016-09-01 22:57:25-05:00 America/Chicago (TRIAL RELEASE)
* Minor bump for impending BioPerl 1.7 release.
* #2 : 'Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated' with newer versions of perl
fixed [fjossandon]
Add p5-Text-Diff as test dependency.
1.7.2 - "Entebbe"
* #247 - Omit unnecessary parent_id attribute added by GFF3Loader [nathanweeks]
* #245 - Code coverage fixes [zmughal,cjfields]
* #237 - Fix warning in Bio::DB::IndexedBase [willmclaren,bosborne]
* #238 - Use a Travis cron job for network tests [zmughal,cjfields]
* #218 - Bio::DB::Flat::BinarySearch should use _fh() instead of fh() as fh() does not take arguments in [thibauthourlier,bosborne]
* #227 - Bio::SeqIO Ignores first line of sequence [VAR121,bosborne]
* #223 - Use Travis Perl helper script and enable coverage [zmughal,cjfields]
* #222 - Fix test RemoteDB/Taxonomy.t: requires networking [zmughal,cjfields]
* #216 - Apply carsonhh's patch (Inline::C fixes) [carsonh,bosborne]
* #213 - Support FTS5 in Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::SQLite [nathanweeks,bosborne]
* #210 - Sorting qualifiers while write embl files [hdevillers,cjfields]
* #209 - Fixed bug in _toDsspKey() [jvolkening,hlapp]
[Code changes]
* PAML-related code from bioperl and bioperl-run are now in a separate distribution on CPAN [carandraug]
style continuation lines to be simple repeated
lines. As previewed on tech-pkg. With thanks to rillig for fixing pkglint
Upstream changes:
1.7.1 - "Election"
* Minor release to incorporate fix for CPAN indexing, which
prevented proper updates [cjfields]
* Fix problem in managing Target attribute for gff3 [Jukes34]
* Minor bug fixes related to NCBI HTTPS support [cjfields]
1.7.0 - "Disney"
[New site]
* We have migrated to Github Pages. This was actually planned, but the
recent OBF server compromise forced our hand.
Brian Osborne [bosborne] took this under his wing to move docs and has
done a tremendous amount of work formatting the site and working out some
of the idiosyncracies with the new Jekyll-based design. Mark Jensen, Paul
Cantalupo and Franscison Ossandon also helped. Kudos!!
* Similarly, the official issue tracker is now Github Issues. This has
been updated in the relevant documentation bits (we hope!)
[Code changes]
* Previously deprecated modules removed
* Bio::Tools::Infernal, Bio::Tools::ERPIN, Bio::Tools::RNAMotif
* Bio::DB::SeqHound has been removed due to the service no longer being
* Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein::Mitoprot has been removed for security
reasons due to the server no longer having a valid cert
* Bio::EUtilities, Bio::Biblio are now separate releases on CPAN
* Bio::Coordinate, Bio::SearchIO::blastxml,
Bio::SearchIO::Writer::BSMLResultWriter are now separate releases to be
added on CPAN
[New features]
* Docker instances of tagged releases are available! [hlapp]
* NCBI HTTPS support [mjohnson and others]
* Bio::SearchIO::infernal
- Issue #131: added CMSEARCH parsing support for Infernal 1.1 [pcantalupo]
* Bio::Search::HSP::ModelHSP
- Added a 'noncanonical_string' method to retrieve the NC line from CMSEARCH
reports [pcantalupo]
* Bio::Search::Result::INFERNALResult
- Added new module to represent features of Infernal reports [pcantalupo]
* Bio::DB::Taxonomy SQLite option [cjfields]
* WrapperBase quoted option values [majensen]
* Various documentation fixes and updates [bosborne]
[Bug Fixes]
* Fixes in Bio::Root::Build to deal with META.json/yml for CPAN indexing [cjfields]
* Bio::SeqFeature::Generic spliced_seq() bug fix [Eric Snyder, via bosborne]
* NeXML parser fixes [fjossandon]
* Bug fix for Bio::DB::SeqFeature memory adapter [lstein]
* RT 103272 : SeqFeature database deletion skipped features with a decimal -
Joshua Fortriede (Xenbase)
* RT 98374: AlignIO issues with sequence names not correctly parsing - Xiaoyu Zhuo
* Issue #70: CONTIG parsing in GenBank output fixed [fjossandon]
* Issue #76: Circular genome fixes with Bio::Location::Split [fjossandon]
* Issue #80: Fix lack of caching issue with Bio::DB::Taxonomy [fjossandon]
* Issue #81: Small updates to make sure possible memory leaks are detected [cjfields]
* Issue #84: EMBL format wrapping problem [nyamned]
* Issue #90: Missing entries for translation tables 24 and 25 [fjossandon]
* Issue #95: Speed up of Bio::DB::Fasta::subseq by using a compiled regex
or compiled C code (when Inline::C is installed) [rocky]
* Fix various Bio::Tools::Analysis remote server config problems [cjfields]
* Added several missing 'Data::Stag' and 'LWP::UserAgent' requirements [fjossandon]
* Added a workaround in Bio::DB::Registry to get Username in Windows [fjossandon]
* For HMMer report parsing, changed "$hsp->bits" to return 0 instead of undef
to be consistent with "$hit->bits" behaviour [fjossandon]
* Fixed a bug in HMMer3 parsing, where an homology line ending in CS or RF
aminoacids made "next_seq" confused and broke the parser [fjossandon]
* Adjusted FTLocationFactory.pm to comply with current GenBank Feature Table
Definition, so now "join(complement(C..D),complement(A..B))" is equivalent
to "complement(join(A..B,C..D))" [fjossandon]
* For the many many many fixes that weren't mentioned - blame the release guy!
1. Compile C code with the C compiler, not the fortran compiler.
2. Use f2c, not g95, as the fortran compiler.
XXX This package builds only with f2c, not g95.
XXX There does not appear to be any way to specify this other
XXX than by abusively setting PKGSRC_FORTRAN. So do that for now.
Existing SHA1 digests verified, all found to be the same on the
machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). Existing SHA1
digests retained for now as an audit trail.
Packaged in pkgsrc-wip by Jason Bacon.
BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large
reference genome, such as the human genome.
Gabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry
packages like Gamess-US, Gaussian, Molcas, Molpro, MPQC,
OpenMopac, Orca, PCGamess and Q-Chem.
It can display a variety of calculation results including
support for most major molecular file formats.
The advanced "Molecule Builder" allows to rapidly sketch in
molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can be exported to
various formats, including animations.
Major features
* Gabedit can create input file for GAMESS(US), GAUSSIAN,
MOLCAS, MOLPRO , MPQC, OpenMopac, Orca, PCGamess and Q-Chem.
* Gabedit can graphically display a variety of Gamess-US,
Gaussian, Molcas, Molpro, MPQC, OpenMopac, Orca, PCGamess,
Q-Chem, (partially) ErgoSCF and (partially) ADF calculation
results, including the following:
+ Molecular orbitals.
+ Surfaces from the electron density, electrostatic
potential, NMR shielding density, and other properties.
+ Surfaces may be displayed in solid, translucent and wire
mesh modes. they are can be colorcoded by a separate property.
+ Contours (colorcoded), Planes colorcoded, Dipole. XYZ axes
and the principal axes of the molecule.
+ Animation of the normal modes corresponding to vibrational
+ Animation of the rotation of geometry, surfaces, contours,
planes colorcoded, xyz and the principal axes of the molecule.
+ Animation of contours, Animation of planes colorcoded.
* Gabedit can display UV-Vis, IR and Raman computed spectra.
* Gabedit can generate a povray file for geometry (including
hydrogen's bond),surfaces (including colorcoded surfaces),
contours, planes colorcoded.
* Gabedit can save picture in BMP, JPEG, PNG, PPM and PS format.
* Gabedit can generate automatically a series of pictures
for animation (vibration, geometry convergence, rotation, contours,
planes colorcoded).
* Simulated Annealing with Molecular Dynamics is implemented in Gabedit
(using Amber 99 molecular mechanics parameters).
since pkgsrc enforces the newest perl version anyway, so they
should always pick perl, but sometimes (pkg_add) don't due to the
design of the {,} syntax.
No effective change for the above reason.
Ok joerg
2012-08-20 Paolo Tosco <paolo.tosco@unito.it>
* src/formats/mol2format.cpp: added a check for N.4 nitrogens
(fixes PR#3557898)
2012-06-09 Paolo Tosco <paolo.tosco@unito.it>
* src/kekulize.cpp: reverted the r4862 patch to kekulize.cpp;
the incorrect aromaticity perception of oxonium salts concerned
only the MOL2 format, so the fix was applied to mol2format.cpp
* src/formats/mol2format.cpp: added a check to improve downstream
aromaticity perception on charged molecules containing oxygen
2012-06-07 Paolo Tosco <paolo.tosco@unito.it>
* include/openbabel/atom.h: added protos for CountFreeSulfurs() and
IsThiocarboxylSulfur() functions which are equivalent to
CountFreeOxygens() and IsCarboxylOxygen() and address
(di)thiocarboxyl groups
* src/atom.cpp: added the CountFreeSulfurs() and
IsThiocarboxylSulfur() functions
* src/forcefields/forcefieldmmff94.cpp: added some additional
checks to make MMFF94 atom type assignment more robust
* src/formats/mol2format.cpp: added some checks to improve downstream
aromaticity perception on charged molecules containing nitrogen,
oxygen and sulfur
* src/kekulize.cpp: added a check to fix incorrect perception of
aromatic oxonium and thionium cations
Open Babel 2.3.1 (2011-10-14)
This release represents a major bug-fix release and is a stable
upgrade, strongly recommended for all users of Open Babel. Many bugs
and enhancements have been added since the 2.3.0 release.
Please consider citing this work if you publish work which used Open Babel:
Noel M. O'Boyle , Michael Banck , Craig A. James , Chris Morley , Tim
Vandermeersch and Geoffrey R. Hutchison. "Open Babel: An open
chemical toolbox." Journal of Cheminformatics 2011, 3:33.
Upstream changes:
[Significant changes]
* Bug/feature issue tracking has moved to GitHub Issues:
* DB_File has been demoted from "required" to "recommended",
which should make easier for Windows users to install BioPerl
if they don't need that module.
[New features]
* Bio::Search::HSP::GenericHSP
- Bug #3370, added a "posterior_string" method to retrieve the
posterior probability lines (PP) from HMMER3 reports [fjossandon]
- Added a "consensus_string" method to retrieve the consensus
structure lines (CS|RF) from HMMER2 and HMMER3 reports when available [fjossandon]
* Bio::SearchIO::hmmer2
- The number of identical and conserved residues are now calculated
directly from the homology line [fjossandon]
- Now the Query Length and Hit Length are reported when the alignment
runs until the end of the sequence/model ('.]' or '[]') [fjossandon]
- Implemented the capture of the consensus structure lines [fjossandon]
* Bio::SearchIO::hmmer3
- The number of identical and conserved residues are now calculated
directly from the homology line [fjossandon]
- Now the Hit Length is reported when the alignment runs until the end
of the sequence/model ('.]' or '[]') [fjossandon]
- Implemented the capture of the consensus structure lines [fjossandon]
- Implemented the capture of the posterior probability lines [fjossandon]
- Completed the development of NHMMER parsing, including alignments [fjossandon]
* Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder & Bio::SearchIO::IteratedSearchResultEventBuilder
- Feature #2615, moved "_init_parse_params", "max_significance, "signif",
"min_score", "min_bits, and "hit_filter" methods from
'IteratedSearchResultEventBuilder' to parent 'SearchResultEventBuilder'.
This means that the Bio::SearchIO->new() parameters '-signif', '-score',
'-bits' and '-hit_filter' will now work with other Bio::SearchIO formats
besides Blast, instead of being ignored. Added tests for all moved methods
using HMMER outputs and run the full test suite and everything pass [fjossandon]
* Bio::SeqIO::MultiFile
- Autodetection of file format [fangly]
* Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat:
- Format detection from non-seekable filehandles such as STDIN [fangly]
[Bug fixes]
* Fix problems when using Storable as backend for cloning [v1.6.x branch, tsibley]
* Fix potential problems with Storable in Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store [tsibley]
* SeqFeature::Lite: Fixed wrong strand when using "+", "-", or "." [nathanweeks]
* Abstract: Fixed ActivePerl incapability of removing temporary files
because of problems closing tied filehandles [fjossandon]
* IndexedBase: For Windows' ActivePerl, several LocalDB tests were failing
because ActivePerl were producing a ".index.pag" and ".index.dir"
files instead of a single ".index" file (like Strawberry Perl).
Now those temporary files are correctly considered and deleted. [fjossandon]
* Test files: Added missing module requirements (DB_File and Data::Stag)
to several tests files that were failing because those modules were
not present. Now those test files are correctly skipped instead. [fjossandon]
* Blast: Added support to changes in bl2seq from BLAST+ output, which
now uses "Subject=" instead of ">" to start hit lines [yschensandiego]
* Phylip: Return undef in "next_aln" at file end to avoid
an infinite loop [yschensandiego]
* HMMER3: When a hit description is too long, it is truncated in
the Scores table. In those cases, the more complete description from
the Annotation line (>>) will be used [fjossandon]
* GenericHSP: Added '.' to gap symbols in "_pre_gaps" (except for ERPIN),
since it is now used by HMMER3 format in alignments [fjossandon]
* GenericHit: Changed "frac_aligned_query" and "frac_aligned_hit"
to return undef if the query/hit length is unknown (like in some
HMMER outputs), to avoid division by 0 crashes. Also "query_length"
now is set to 0 if its undefined, to be consistent with hit "length" [fjossandon]
* HMMER: fixed many bugs in the parsing of Hmmer2 and Hmmer3 outputs,
added support to multi-query reports, reduced code redundancy,
and eliminated the automatic removal of hits below "inclusion threshold" [fjossandon]
* [3369] - Fixed reported bugs in parse from HMMSEARCH3 reports [fjossandon]
* [3446] - Fixed wrong marker position in Bio::Map::Physical [fjossandon]
* [3455] - Fixed wrong print of DBLink in Genbank file [bosborne]
* Fixed some Bio::Root::Utilities subroutines [fjossandon]
* Double-quotes on paths are needed in some places [fjossandon]
* [3453] - Allow multiple homologies and products in Entrezgene [fjossandon]
* Use "NUL" instead of"/dev/null" when running in Windows [fjossandon]
* Updated all files from Bio-Root, Bio-Coordinate and Bio-SearchIO-blastxml
with the latest changes made in their own repositories [fjossandon]
* General synching of files with the master branch [fjossandon]
* Fixed tests failing in Windows because of using Linux commands [fjossandon]
* Closed many open filehandles that prevented temporary files deletion [fjossandon]
* Fixed broken MeSH parser [fjossandon]
* Fixed missing detection of format in SeqIO when given a -string [fangly]
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene is a regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez
Gene genome databases (http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene). It
parses an ASN.1-formatted Entrez Gene record and returns a data structure that
contains all data items from the gene record.
Fixes and enhancements in chemtool 1.6.14
- Updated configure script to support ARM64.
- Fixed potential crash during EPS output.
- Fixed detection of openbabel 2.3.x
to address issues with NetBSD-6(and earlier)'s fontconfig not being
new enough for pango.
While doing that, also bump freetype2 dependency to current pkgsrc
Suggested by tron in PR 47882
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
File too long (should be no more than 24 lines).
Line too long (should be no more than 80 characters).
Trailing empty lines.
Trailing white-space.
Trucated the long files as best as possible while preserving the most info
contained in them.
MPQC is the Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry Program.
It computes properties of atoms and molecules from first
principles using the time independent Schroedinger equation.
It runs on a wide range of architectures ranging from single
many-core computers to massively parallel computers. Its design
is object oriented, using the C++ programming language.
* Closed shell, unrestricted and general restricted open shell
Hartree-Fock energies and gradients
* Closed shell, unrestricted and general restricted open shell
density functional theory energies and gradients
* Second order open shell perturbation theory (OPT2[2]) and
Z-averaged perturbation theory (ZAPT2) energies.
* Second order closed shell Moller-Plesset perturbation
theory energies and gradients.
* Second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory
including an R12/F12 correlation factor. Energies of closed-
and open-shell systems are supported.
* Explicitly-correlated R12/F12 coupled-cluster methods via
interface to Psi3 code and via native (experimental)
* Explicitly-correlated multireference methods (MRCI, CASPT2)
via interfaces to GAMESS and MOLCAS codes.
* Robust internal coordinate geometry optimizer that efficiently
optimizes molecules with many degrees of freedom. Nearly
arbitrary internal coordinate constraints can be handled.
Remove unneeded MESSAGE file
Upstream changes:
Version 2.1
* Fixed bug 196 "clustalx: user feedback about use of secondary structure
printed to console" - secondary structure is now used if specified
in Alignment -> Alignment Parameters -> Secondary Structure Parameters
UserParameters->getGui() should be used when ClustalW code needs to
know if a function has been called from ClustalX
* Fixed bug 204 "Nexus alignment format contain invalid line" - the amino
acid alphabet line has been removed
* Missing/corrupted file names in ClustalX status messages have been
* Fixed bug 175 "msf/pileup files cannot be read if sequences names are
all numbers" - this happened if a line such as
528244 .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
was present in the first block of the file
* Fixed bug 192 "Alignment in Phylip Format broken for big Alignments"
* Fixed bug 198 "Warning about divergent sequences gets printed to
console in ClustalX"
* Fixed bug 151 "clustalx doesn't switch to profile alignment mode when
profile12 is given on cmdline"
Version 2.0.12
* Fixed bug 189 "Fixed filename used for iteration":
Now Creating temporary file and added error check
* Fixed bug 180 "Pairwise NJ tree: final bracket missing"
* Fixed bug 178 "Seg-fault on 64bit when -quicktree -upgma for sequences with high identity":
Using relative error now to avoid unsafe comparison which led to
incorrect branching
* Fixed Bug 176 "iteration doesn't iterate if -usetree is used as well"
* Fixed bug 162 "percent identity file option in clustalW not working":
Added -pim as command line option. See help
* Fixed bug 155 "upgma trees cannot be read"
* Fixed bug 147 "report duplicate sequences":
"ClustalW/X now report offending sequences which are empty, duplicates etc
* Fixed bug 134 "Exit when encountering unrecognized cmdline params":
ClustalW now exits when encountering invalid values for command line
arguments instead of just reverting to default values
* Fixed bug 185 "clustal alignments differ between interactive and commandline mode"
window-gap and ktuple initialisation now fixed and made the same
between commandline and interactive mode
* Fixed bug 184 "error messages are send to stdout"
* Fixed bug when weights are 0, and nseq > INT_SCALE_FACTOR in UPGMA
code (see RootedGuideTree.cpp)
* General code cleanup
- Introduced return values where control reached end of non-void function
- Removed unused variables
- Removed comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
- Removed deprecated conversion from string constant to char*
Version 2.0.11
* fixed file extension bug 166 in interactive mode
* Fixed bug 169, memory violation for DNA/RNA k-tuple
* Cut down distance calculation, symmetric matrix
Version 2.0.10
* Fixed g++-4.3 compilation errors
* Added new -quiet command line flag
* Added new -stats=<file> command line flag
* Fixed bug 142: command separator can now be mixed "/" and "-" on all platforms
* Fixed bug 141: profile merging and saving failed
* Fixed bug 139: saving of column quality scores
* Updated help files (new flags, new colour parameter format)
Version 2.0.9
* GUI now responding and giving feedback during alignment
* automatic automake os detection
* new OS_ define (set by clustalw/configure clustalx/clustalx.pro)
* got rid of qt3 dependencies
* removed QScrollArea bug workaround (fixed in Qt 4.3)
* Fixed bug 135: Last sequence and last residue not displayed on MacOSX
* Fixed bug 123: secondary structure profile alignment in clustalX on Mac
* Fixed g++-4.3 build error (include climits.h)
Version 2.0.8
* Implemented maxseqlen cmdline switch
* Updated help-file
* Fixed Bug 123: loading profile using gap penalties (ClustalX, Mac)
* Fixed bug 133: providing profiles on command line fails (ClustalX)
* Fixed bug 125: Angle bracket inside sequence
* Fixed bug 129: Early exit on empty sequence
* Fixed a couple of possible memory leaks
Version 2.0.7
* Fixed bug 121: CRLF in sequence names (Pearson) are not trimmed
* Fixed bug 122: convert option broken
* Fixed reopened bug 114: profile alignment input didn't work with new
getSeqRange routines
* Fixed bug 119: build with g++ 4.3
Version 2.0.6
* Fixed bug 77: fasta input performance issue
* Fixed bug 114: segfault while doing profile alignment with secondary
structure mask
* Removed unncessary id console output in EMBLFileParser.cpp
* Fixed Bugs 108 and 109 and allowed mixed-case command line options
Version 2.0.5
* Fixed bug 105: Disallowed combination of "Reset Gaps"
and Iteration in GUI
* Fixed bug 104 "reset all gaps doesn't work"
* Changed command line separator for Mac to hyphen instead slash
* Fixed full command line parsing for ClustalX after help flag
Version 2.0.4
* Updated URLs in help files
* Fixed bug 96: error message when loading alignment with identical
sequence names
* Made console output look more like 1.83
* Fixed bug 100: "Scores in clustalw2.0 don't match clustalw1.83"
getMatrix was called with wrong scaling factor
* Fixed bug 99: "stars in input not ignored"
Asterisks were changed to gaps in alignment
* New command line option: -fullhelp which dumps the built-in help
file content.
* Quickfix for bug 94 "quicktree seqfault"
<= Version 2.0.3
* Added LICENSE file to distribution
This file contains the information about commercial licensing of
clustal as well as FAQ for licensing issues
* Added README file to distribution
This is the file that lists the files and directories on the Clustal
FTP site. It also includes acknowledgements of people who have
contributed binaries
* Removed .pro Qt file from the distribution
pro-file should be generated anew using qmake and modified according
to build requirements, i.e. no need for version control.
* Fixed bug where ClustalX2 was not processing command line args
* Fixed Segfault on opening helpfile. Happened on Linux only with -O2
and when calling binary directly, not using the wrapper
* Added debian packaging files
* Added support for help command line flag GUI/xmenus version
When requesting help file, graphical version of command line help is
displayed (1.83 tried to open clustalw help)
* Added complete automake (configure etc) system according to the
following websites:
- http://www.openismus.com/documents/linux/automake/automake.shtml
- http://www.bioinf.uni-freiburg.de/~mmann/HowTo/automake.html
* clustalw files source files have been moved to subdir
* Fixed bug #53 change MAXNAMESTODISPLAY back to 10 from 30.
This fixes problem of large amount of space between sequence name and
actual alignment in clustal output files
* This solves bug #72 with long lines (5000+) in fasta files
changed code to use strings rather than arrays. Needed to add delim
parameter to getline in order to read files formatted for different
OSs on different platforms.
* Fixed Bug 79:
"The count of amino acids in the ClustalX Postscript output not correct"
Off-by-one issue
* ClustalX and ClustalW version numbers are now the same and defined in
ClustalW code (automake)
* Fixed problem with compilation of ClustalX2 with gcc3
avoiding gcc3 error message: cannot declare member function
* Target now clustalw2 instead of clustalw
* Fixed Bug 46
added in aminoacid code O for pyrrolysine
* Fixed bug 89
changed clustalw2.0 to conform to 1.83 behaviour for width of sequence
ID and alignment
* Fixed bug 90
changed clustalw2.0 to conform to 1.83 behaviour leading spaces are
stripped from FASTA identifiers.
* Fixed bug 91
Clustalw2.0 now handles pseudo-FASTA/MoST format files. Strips out
numbers and spaces.
Packaged by Jason Bacon for pkgsrc-wip.
PLINK/SEQ is an open-source C/C++ library for working with human genetic
variation data. The specific focus is to provide a platform for analytic tool
development for variation data from large-scale resequencing and genotyping
projects, particularly whole-exome and whole-genome studies. It is independent
of (but designed to be complementary to) the existing PLINK package.
libXext/buildlink3.mk, now that it is included there.
Leave the places where its API version is set or variables from it
are used directly (about 3 packages).
From Jason Bacon via pkgsrc-wip.
PLINK is a free, open-source whole genome association analysis
toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale
analyses in a computationally efficient manner.
The focus of PLINK is purely on analysis of genotype/phenotype
data, so there is no support for steps prior to this (e.g. study
design and planning, generating genotype or CNV calls from raw
data). Through integration with gPLINK and Haploview, there is
some support for the subsequent visualization, annotation and
storage of results.
Version 0.12.13
* Fix View::BuildSVG() and View::BuildEPS() which were missing the
trailing 0.
* Fix loading of arrows inside a group. [#27032]
Remove devel/py-ctypes (only needed by and supporting python24).
lines that just mirror defaults now.
Miscellaneous cleanup while editing all these files.
Notable changes in Gromacs 4.5.5:
* Improved pdb2gmx -chainsep option and reintroduced the -merge option.
* Fixed mdrun file appending truncating files to 0 bytes when
continuation runs stopped before writing new output.
* Fixed COM pulling with multiple constraints checking the
convergence of one constraint instead of all.
* Fixed some dihedrals in sugars in Gromos53a5/6 working on the wrong atoms.
* AmberGS force field is now based on Amber94 instead of Amber96.
* Moved hydrogens in Charmm27 protein termini to separate
charge groups and added ACE and CT3 residue types.
* Many small fixes which avoid termination with fatal errors
or crashes in mdrun and tools.
* Many small updates to the manual pages of programs.
Fixes and enhancements in chemtool 1.6.13
- New export option "ASY" for Asymptote files (http://asymptote.sourceforge.net)
- Added support for Unicode symbol characters inserted e.g. by cut-and-paste from LibreOffice
- Fixed build with newer linkers that do not resolve indirect requirements automatically
- Rewritten logic for choosing to include national language support during build
- Fixed crash on startup due to errors in menu icon setup
- Batch mode could crash due to incomplete initialisation of color arrays
- Undo/redo in "move fragment"-mode did not work as intended
- Default extension is now appended to the save filename as needed
- Fixed exporting to files or directories containing spaces in their names