DIN Is Noise is an open source, cross-platform sound synthesizer.
DIN Is Noise is a musical instrument for Windows, Mac OS X and
GNU/Linux, Use your mouse & keyboard to make high quality music.
It can accept input from your MIDI keyboard, Notes, control change,
pitch bend and clock sync.
Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized -
size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.
Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io
* Holiday category
* Winter category
* A nice selection of the top requested icons from the Font Awesome Leaderboard
* Sponsored icon horse-head
* Brand icons adobe, artstation, atlassian, centos, confluence, dhl, diaspora,
fedex, fedora, figma, intercom, invision, jira, mendeley, raspberry-pi,
redhat, sketch, sourcetree, suse, ubuntu, ups, usps, and yarn
* The Canadian Maple Leaf (Aboot time, eh. You hosers.)
* Added more icons to Buildings, Hands, Spinners, Users & People, and Vehicles categories
* Added indicators whether an icon was added to Font Awesome through community voting
* Missing metadata for holly-berry
* Politics category
* Weather category (volume 1 and 2)
* Brand icon reacteurope
* Sponsorship of briefcase by WorkRails
* Alignment centered for larger icons when using the CSS stacks feature
* Brand icon think-peaks
* Updated rocketchat brand icon
* Adding vr-cardboard and d-and-d-beyond to Free version
* Replacing rendact with wpressr brand icon
* Changing the version 4 shim for commenting icon to solid style to better match version 4
* Path issues with tombstone-alt icon in Regular and Light styles
* Separate wand and wand-magic into unique icons
* Corrected the alignment of linkedin-in
* Renamed categories "Holiday" to "Halloween" and "Seasonal" to "Autumn"
* New Tabletop Gaming, Holiday, Seasonal category
* 7 tabletop gaming brands (acquisitions-incorporated, critical-role, d-and-d, d-and-d-beyond, fantasy-flight-games, penny-arcade, wizards-of-the-coast)
* 25 new animals (and all of them are real you Disbelievers)
* Sponsorship of volume-mute by Pulse-Eight
* creative-commons-zero added to Free version
* DEV brand icon
* Search terms "positive" and "negative" added to applicable icons
* Sponsorship of chess-knight by Inspira bvba
* Sponsorship of blender-phone by Joe Emison
* Icons chair, chair-office, file-csv, hammer, head-side, head-vr, house-damage, hryvnia, network-wired, running, slash, user-injured, and vr-cardboard
* Using masks with SVG and JavaScript now use nanoid generated IDs instead of a simple counter
* Updated speakap brand icon
* Revised menorah icon and added hanukiah
* Slight distortion in book-heart
* Bad search terms for folder icon
* Set license for @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons NPM package
* Updating icons in the Status category
* sponsors.yml listed icon prayer instead of pray
* Removed Pro icons that accidentally made it into Free
* New Religion, and Marketing category
* New icons in the Mathematics, and Business category
* New stats for signal, volume, and wifi icons
* New brand icon for the-red-yeti and alipay
* Adding ethereum to Currency category
* Adding bitcoin and btc to Payments & Shopping
* Incorrect name for layer-minus and layer-plus in sponsors.yml
* Reversing route-highway and route-interstate
* Correct version identifier in OTF and web font files
* CSS keyframe names are not minified (and renamed) to prevent conflict with user or app specific names
* Sass placeholder selector added for %fa-icon to fix CSS precendence issue with font-weight
* New education and automotive categories
* More icons in the medical and maps categories
* Top requested brands ello, hackerrank, kaggle, markdown, neos, and zhihu
* Additional search terms for various icons FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13429
* Marked the font-awesome-logo-full as a "private" icon
* Consistently named and minified CSS and JS files in the CDN, npm packages, and zip files
* Removed "fa-" prefix from Less and Sass style bundles filenames
* Unable to use brand icons with pseudo-elements and SVG with JS
* Adding icons explicitly using the library were not available when using pseudo-elements and SVG with JS
* smile-plus search terms in icons.yml incorrectly formatted
* kiss and grin-wink icons having incorrect weight / style FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13361FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13363
* Missing underscore in filenames in the less/v4-shims.less FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13415
* Light style for code-commit
* Including rev brand icon in the Font Awesome Free version
**Minor version upgrade notice: there are some backward-incompatible changes to this release. See the
[UPGRADING.md guidefor more
* New Emoji, Design, and Travel category pack
* Another group of requested and commissioned icons
* Version 4 shim for Web Fonts with CSS
* New simplified download and NPM packages
* @fortawesome/fontawesome-free and @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro NPM packages that match what's available in the CDN and .ZIP files
* Brand icons rev, nimblr, megaport, mailchimp, hornbill, wix, weebly, themeco, squarespace, aws, shopware
* API method toHtml() for converting abstract objects to HTML
* API method counter() to generate Layers Counters
* API method watch() to configure MutationObserver and watch DOM for icon changes and additions
* Relocating sponsor data to a separate sponsors.yml
* Updated teamspeak brand icon
* No more default exports in the CommonJS/ES packages (anything installed from NPM)
* Greatly improved performance and rendering of CSS pseudo-elements with SVG and JavaScript
* Configuration of SVG with JavaScript can now be done with attributes on the script tag
* SVG with JavaScript pseudo-elements now match syntax (font-family, font-weight) of Web Fonts with CSS
* Tree shaking of all NPM packages by default
* Alignment of the book-open and dice-six icon
* Correcting creative-commons
* Incorrect license on the fontawesome-common-types package
* Improve ligatures that share a base name with another ligature
* Correcting solid style of the digital-tachograph icon
* Prevent duplicating classes in some scenarios with SVG with JavaScript
* Duplicate insertion of CSS when insertCss() method was called
* Missing TypeScript definitions for the free-brands-svg-icons package
* 68 icons to Free and 165 to Pro of the most requested icons in Font Awesome
* A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away some icons were added
* Renamed the r brand to r-project to prevent ligature collision with the "r" glyph
* 16 new user icons
* Full set of Creative Commons symbols
* Regular style comment-dots used for v4 comment-alt in shim
* Top 6 brand icons: r, ebay, mastodon, researchgate, keybase, teamspeak
* Revised slider icons FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#11872
* Make desktop typeface easier to find in apps that support ligature previews
* Remove errant XML entity from the lastfm-square icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12847
* Correcting paths in cloud icons FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#920
* New java brand icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#386
* Updating depth of dna icon
* Updating pied-piper, adding pied-piper-hat
* Correcting path errors on readme icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12754
* Light style of lamp icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12725
* New Chat icon pack and category
* New Charity icon pack and category
* New Moving icon pack and category
* New icons hands and hand-holding
* Updated flipboard, readme, and houzz brand icon
* Making all solid icons in the medical icon pack free
* Updated hand-holding-box and hand-receiving in the Light style
* Missing box-sizing CSS property for fa-layers-counter
* OTF font files missing ligatures for Pro styles FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12486FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#1034
* New Logistics category
* New Medical category
* Individual SVG files available from the Font Awesome CDN
* Additional search terms
* Apple brand icon update FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12337
* Disable mutation observers with fontawesome.noAuto() is called
* License information now references https URL scheme
* Missing TypeScript names FortAwesome/react-fontawesome#83
* Adding categories metadata FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12034
* TypeScript improvement for fontawesome.layer()
* Correcting a melting, wobbling, weird-looking whistle
* @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-light missing submodules
* New Sports category
* New Chess category
* Added brand icons for flipboard, php, quinscape, and hips
* Sass and Less mixin fa-icon() now uses ems instead of percentage
* Corrected misspelling of "Alternate" in category labels
* Improved TypeScript definitions for @fortawesome/fontawesome
* Server-side rendering was failing due to DOM-specific object access
* SVG attributes "data-fa-processed" renamed to "data-fa-i2svg", only applies if rendered with i2svg() method
* Updating all NPM package READMEs
* Improving TypeScript exports and fixing some incorrect definitions
* TypeScript error when importing entire style Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome#12072
* Pseudo-elements erasing text contents in parent container Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#11995
* fa-layers-text misalignment when using Bootstrap Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome#11871
* Adding elementor, youtube-square brand icons
* Adding window-minimize to the Free subset
* TypeScript support for all NPM packages
* Corrected uneven spacing in university, address-book, address-card, id-badge, id-card, mouse-pointer, phone-volume, portrait, user-alt, user-circle, user-md, user-plus, user-times, user , users
* Corrected uneven spacing in brand icons behance-square, dashcube, discourse, ember, erlang, fort-awesome, js-square, laravel, mix, patreon, palfed, phoenix-framework, node-js, skyatlas, stack-exchange, stripe, viber, weixin, yahoo , yoast
* Adding amazon-pay, cc-amazon-pay, korvue, ethereum brand icons
* Adding stopwatch to Free version
* Ligatures now support capital case, all caps, and title case
* NPM packages now behave the same way as CDN and browser-specific packages FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#727FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#896FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#891
* Icon doesn't change when pseudo-element content changes FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#839
* Invalid XML in sprites FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#927
* Incorrect version in Sass and Less variable files
* Adding font-awesome-flag, lock-open, redo-alt, sync-alt, undo-alt to the Free version
* New NPM packages `fontawesome-free-webfonts` and `fontawesome-pro-webfonts`
* Adding old icon names to search terms for renamed icons
* Extensive metadata added to the `advanced-options` directory
* Adding stripe-s brand icon
* Adding typo3 brand icon
* Updated dropbox brand icon to match new branding guidelines
* Updated firefox brand icon
* Updated strava brand icon
* OTF font file now include a space character
* OTF font file now supports different styles in Windows
* OTF font file "j" character now has correct space on the right
* Modifying the `class` attribute on an existing `<svg>` allows you to change the icon
* License information
* CSS vertical-align now "em"-based instead of percentage making it more consistent
* fa-ul width now closer to default browser size
The new package will be prefixed with the php version because the
dependencies are also specified with the version number in the
4.8.3 (2018-08-22)
- issue #14314 Error when naming a database '0'
- issue #14333 Fix NULL as default not shown
- issue #14229 Fixes issue with recent table list
- issue #14045 Fix slow performance on DB structure filtering
- issue #14327 Fix Editing server variable not showing save or cancel option
- issue #14377 Populate options for view create and edit
- issue #14171 2FA configuration fails if PHP doesn't have GD support
- issue #14390 Can't unhide tables
- issue #14382 "Visualize GIS data" icon missing
- issue #14435 Event scheduler status toggle doesn't work
- issue #14365 View not working on multiple servers
- issue #14207 Partition actions in table structure do not work
- issue #14375 Fixes ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR on export table
- issue #14552 Blank message shown instead of MySQL error when adding trigger and other locations
- issue #14525 Fix PHP 7.3 warning: "continue" in "switch" is equal to "break"
- issue #14554 Icon missing when creating a new trigger, routine, and event
- issue #14422 Table comment not showing since 4.8.1
- issue #14426 Drop table doesn't work when you copy tables to another database
- issue #14581 Escaped HTML in 'Add a new server' setup
- issue #14548 [security] HTML injection in import warning messages, see PMASA-2018-5
4.8.2 (2018-06-21)
- issue #14370 WHERE 0 causes Fatal error
- issue #14225 Fix missing index icon
- issue [security] XSS vulnerability in Designer, see PMASA-2018-3
- issue [security] File inclusion and remote code execution vulnerability, see PMASA-2018-4
4.8.1 (2018-05-24)
- issue #12772 Fix case where the central columns attributes don't get filled in
- issue #14049 Fix case where the query builder doesn't work when selected column is *
- issue #14029 Revert "Browse" table CSS overflow
- issue #14241 Dropping indexes and foreign keys fail
- issue #14227 Relational linking broken
- issue #14246 Fixed error in configuration storage zero config
- issue #14128 Show 2FA Secret next to QR code
- issue #14212 XML Export from single table throws fatal error
- issue #14239 Line and some other charts ignore result set order of values chosen for the x-axis
- issue #14260 Fixed configuration for DefaultLang and Lang
- issue #14264 Linking for 'Distinct values' broken
- issue #13968 Fix MariaDB 10.2 current_timestamp()
- issue #14249 Fix for missing go button in view edit
- issue #14125 Fix for issues with spatial fields
- issue #14189 Remember table's sorting broken
- issue #14289 Fix multi-column sorting
- issue #14278 Fix central columns in-line edit bug
- issue #14066 Fix AUTO_INCREMENT error when only exporting table structure in database-level exports
- issue #13893 Simulating queries produces unexpected results
- issue #14309 Setup script icons missing (2018-04-19)
- issue [security] Multiple CSRF vulnerabilities, See PMASA-2018-02
4.8.0 (2018-04-07)
- issue #12946 Allow to export JSON with unescaped unicode chars
- issue #12983 Disable login button without solved reCaptcha
- issue #12315 Allow to remove individual segments from pie charts
- issue Change label from "Improve table structure" to "Normalize" to match standard terminology
- issue #13087 Offer login as different user on access denied from MySQL
- issue #13110 Indicate when HTTPS is not properly reported on the server
- issue #13119 No database selected error when adding foreign key
- issue #12388 Improved database search to allow search for exact phrase match
- issue #13099 Report error when trying to copy database to same name
- issue #13167 Themes now have to contain metadata in theme.json
- issue #6363 phpMyAdmin no longer requires eval() in PHP
- issue #12386 The mbstring dependency is now optional
- issue #13269 Small refactoring in preparation to CSP
- issue #13384 Database link broken in Databases Page
- issue #13391 Configurable authentication logging using $cfg['AuthLog']
- issue #13086 Add support for Google Invisible Captcha
- issue #13058 Improved error reporting for reCAPTCHA
- issue #12899 Improved rendering of server variables table
- issue #12948 Fixed javascript editor for TIME values
- issue #13095 Fixed alignment of foreign keys editing
- issue #12944 Improved inline editor for JSON
- issue #13145 Improved layout of operations pages
- issue #13448 Add "format" query button in edit view form
- issue #6241 Implement Responsive Design/mobile interface
- issue Use a single location for classes under PhpMyAdmin namespace
- issue #12354 Indicate SSL status on main page
- issue #5666 Configuration directives for defaults of Transformation options
- issue #12261 Remove inline JavaScript
- issue #13408 Show MySQL warnings when executing SQL queries
- issue #5827 Allow Designer to show tables from other databases
- issue #13268 Replace Query-By-Example with multi-table query generator interface
- issue #13576 Add privileges export to per-database listing
- issue Consolidate functions into class files
- issue #13560 Add support for changing collation for all tables and columns in database
- issue #13303 Add support for creating fulltext index from table structure
- issue #13711 Lower default value for $cfg['MaxExactCount']
- issue #13722 DisableIS is not fully honored
- issue #6197 Added support for authentication using U2F and 2FA
- issue #13480 Avoid removing cookies on upgrade
- issue #13397 Remember state of navigation panel
- issue #11688 Reduced cookie usage
- issue #13466 Better utilization of user preferences
- issue #14042 Rename PMD to Designer
- issue #13940 Honor arg_separator in AJAX requests
- issue #14060 Can't edit rows in Internet Explorer
- issue #14096 Internet Explorer compatibility; fixes JavaScript error Object doesn't support property or method 'startsWith'
4.7.9 (2018-03-05)
- issue #13931 Fixed browsing tables with more results
- issue #13927 "Not an integer" when browsing a table
- issue #13887 "Input variables exceeded 1000" error relating to PHP's max_input_vars directive
4.7.8 (2018-02-20)
- issue #13914 Fixed resetting default setting values.
- issue #13758 Fixed fallback value for collation connection.
- issue #13938 Fixed error handling in PHP 7.2
- issue [security] Fix XSS in Central Columns Feature, See PMASA-2018-01
--- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website ---
(This is a comment-only change.)
Add compliance with Debian Free Software Guidelines as evidenced by
inclusion in Debian main as a basis for inclusion in
Clarify that the exclusion of AGPL by TNF board is higher priority
than the new DFSG section.
Add to the "obviously would be approved as Free" section the notion
that a license must also obviously not trigger the AGPL concern.
As proposed on tech-pkg, edited based on agc@ comments.
Version 2.3.0:
This release introduces the pyparsing_unicode namespace class, defining
a series of language character sets to simplify the definition of alphas,
nums, alphanums, and printables in the following language sets:
. Arabic
. Chinese
. Cyrillic
. Devanagari
. Greek
. Hebrew
. Japanese (including Kanji, Katakana, and Hirigana subsets)
. Korean
. Latin1 (includes 7 and 8-bit Latin characters)
. Thai
. CJK (combination of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean sets)
For example, your code can define words using:
korean_word = Word(pyparsing_unicode.Korean.alphas)
See their use in the updated examples greetingInGreek.py and
This namespace class also offers access to these sets using their
unicode identifiers.
- POSSIBLE API CHANGE: Fixed bug where a parse action that explicitly
returned the input ParseResults could add another nesting level in
the results if the current expression had a results name.
vals = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pyparsing_common.integer)("int_values")
def add_total(tokens):
tokens['total'] = sum(tokens)
return tokens # this line can be removed
print(vals.parseString("244 23 13 2343").dump())
Before the fix, this code would print (note the extra nesting level):
[244, 23, 13, 2343]
- int_values: [244, 23, 13, 2343]
- int_values: [244, 23, 13, 2343]
- total: 2623
- total: 2623
With the fix, this code now prints:
[244, 23, 13, 2343]
- int_values: [244, 23, 13, 2343]
- total: 2623
This fix will change the structure of ParseResults returned if a
program defines a parse action that returns the tokens that were
sent in. This is not necessary, and statements like "return tokens"
in the example above can be safely deleted prior to upgrading to
this release, in order to avoid the bug and get the new behavior.
Reported by seron in Issue 22, nice catch!
- POSSIBLE API CHANGE: Fixed a related bug where a results name
erroneously created a second level of hierarchy in the returned
ParseResults. The intent for accumulating results names into ParseResults
is that, in the absence of Group'ing, all names get merged into a
common namespace. This allows us to write:
key_value_expr = (Word(alphas)("key") + '=' + Word(nums)("value"))
result = key_value_expr.parseString("a = 100")
and have result structured as {"key": "a", "value": "100"}
instead of [{"key": "a"}, {"value": "100"}].
However, if a named expression is used in a higher-level non-Group
expression that *also* has a name, a false sub-level would be created
in the namespace:
num = pp.Word(pp.nums)
num_pair = ("[" + (num("A") + num("B"))("values") + "]")
U = num_pair.parseString("[ 10 20 ]")
Since there is no grouping, "A", "B", and "values" should all appear
at the same level in the results, as:
['[', '10', '20', ']']
- A: '10'
- B: '20'
- values: ['10', '20']
Instead, an extra level of "A" and "B" show up under "values":
['[', '10', '20', ']']
- A: '10'
- B: '20'
- values: ['10', '20']
- A: '10'
- B: '20'
This bug has been fixed. Now, if this hierarchy is desired, then a
Group should be added:
num_pair = ("[" + pp.Group(num("A") + num("B"))("values") + "]")
['[', ['10', '20'], ']']
- values: ['10', '20']
- A: '10'
- B: '20'
But in no case should "A" and "B" appear in multiple levels. This bug-fix
fixes that.
If you have current code which relies on this behavior, then add or remove
Groups as necessary to get your intended results structure.
Reported by Athanasios Anastasiou.
- IndexError's raised in parse actions will get explicitly reraised
as ParseExceptions that wrap the original IndexError. Since
IndexError sometimes occurs as part of pyparsing's normal parsing
logic, IndexErrors that are raised during a parse action may have
gotten silently reinterpreted as parsing errors. To retain the
information from the IndexError, these exceptions will now be
raised as ParseExceptions that reference the original IndexError.
This wrapping will only be visible when run under Python3, since it
emulates "raise ... from ..." syntax.
Addresses Issue 4, reported by guswns0528.
- Added Char class to simplify defining expressions of a single
character. (Char("abc") is equivalent to Word("abc", exact=1))
- Added class PrecededBy to perform lookbehind tests. PrecededBy is
used in the same way as FollowedBy, passing in an expression that
must occur just prior to the current parse location.
For fixed-length expressions like a Literal, Keyword, Char, or a
Word with an `exact` or `maxLen` length given, `PrecededBy(expr)`
is sufficient. For varying length expressions like a Word with no
given maximum length, `PrecededBy` must be constructed with an
integer `retreat` argument, as in
`PrecededBy(Word(alphas, nums), retreat=10)`, to specify the maximum
number of characters pyparsing must look backward to make a match.
pyparsing will check all the values from 1 up to retreat characters
back from the current parse location.
When stepping backwards through the input string, PrecededBy does
*not* skip over whitespace.
PrecededBy can be created with a results name so that, even though
it always returns an empty parse result, the result *can* include
named results.
Idea first suggested in Issue 30 by Freakwill.
- Updated FollowedBy to accept expressions that contain named results,
so that results names defined in the lookahead expression will be
returned, even though FollowedBy always returns an empty list.
Inspired by the same feature implemented in PrecededBy.
pkgsrc changes:
- Add patches/patch-src_os_pl-files.c to avoid overlapping `src'
and `dst' in srtcpy(3). It is an undefined behaviour and it leads to build
issue in swi-prolog-packages on platforms that uses SSP.
- readline dependency is no longer needed for swi-prolog-lite.
The readline functionality is now provided as a package via
- Inject CFLAGS via COFLAGS and pass -fPIC via CMFLAGS so that
swi-prolog-jpl will link
- Add patches/patch-src_pl-rsort.c to use FreeBSD qsort_r(3)
instead of using nested functions. This is probably more portable
and has less problems (e.g. does not need for PaX MPROTECT).
Major release. Multi-argument indexing, better multi-threaded
performance, threaded global GC (atoms and clauses), mode-directed
tabling, restored same expand and directive semantics for initial
load and reloading files, cleaner initializatin and command line
Major release. More robust and better scalable support for multi-core
hardware, tabling, engines. Many enhancements to the RDF, HTTP and
SSL libraries. This is the first release licensed under the Simplified
BSD (BSD-2) license.
Major release, providing native key-value support by means of dicts,
native strings using "hello world" syntax, web-accessible Prolog
engines (Pengines) and a high level SQL library called CQL.
Please note that this is just a summary of the most important changes,
for more information please give a look to:
Mercurial 4.8.1 (2018-12-04)
A regularly scheduled bugfix release. Some security fixes are
included, but all are expected to be low-risk.
1.1. commands
commandserver: get around ETIMEDOUT raised by selectors2
graft: do not try to skip rev derived from ancestor more than once (issue6024)
verify: provide unit to ui.makeprogress()
1.2. core
revlog: fix out-of-bounds access by negative parents read from revlog (SEC)
1.3. extensions
rebase: abort in-mem rebase if there's a dirty merge state
rebase: fix dir/file conflict detection when using in-mem merge
rebase: fix path auditing to audit path relative to repo root (issue5818)
rebase: preserve working copy when redoing in-mem rebase on disk
1.4. unsorted
tests: stabilize test-inherit-mode.t on FreeBSD and macOS (issue6026)
Version 1.0.12:
- Merged Pull Request 11] which simplifies conversion of a
profit matrix to a cost matrix, in the default case.
- Merged Pull Request 7 which fixes a message.
- Added more tests.
NEW IN WAF 2.0.13
* Fix "broken revdeps" extra error message on certain build failures
* Avoid duplicate flags in Python configuration tests
* Find more Swig dependencies #2206
* Avoid spawning threads with -j1 on AIX systems