Raindrops is a real-time stats toolkit to show statistics for Rack HTTP
servers. It is designed for preforking servers such as Rainbows! and
Unicorn, but should support any Rack HTTP server under Ruby 1.9, 1.8
and Rubinius on platforms supporting POSIX shared memory. It may also
be used as a generic scoreboard for sharing atomic counters across
multiple processes.
At long last, libtiff 4.0.0 is finally released. Libtiff 4.0.0 is the
successor to the libtiff 3.9.X release series. It is intended to be
largely API compatible with the 3.9.X releases, but it is definitely
not ABI compatible so any software which plans to use it will need to
be recompiled. With appropriate care, source code can easily compile
with both the 3.9.X releases and libtiff 4.0.0.
This release supports the BigTIFF TIFF format in which all offsets are
unsigned 64-bit, supporting huge files. APIs which deal with tag
offsets are necessarily updated to pass 64-bit values. I/O functions
supporting the TIFFClientOpen() interface are updated to pass 64-bit
offset values.
kgio provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby without raising exceptions on
EAGAIN and EINPROGRESS. It is intended for use with the Unicorn and Rainbows!
Rack servers, but may be used by other applications.
to the latest stable, 1.0.1.
S3cmd lets you copy files from/to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage
Service) using a simple to use command line client. It supports
rsync-like backup, GPG encryption, and more. It also supports
management of Amazon's CloudFront content delivery network.
s3cmd 1.0.1 - 2011-06-10
* Increased socket_timeout from 10 sec to 5 min
* Improved compatibility with Python 2.4 on RHEL 5 / CentOS 5
s3cmd 1.0.0 - 2011-01-18
* [sync] now supports --no-check-md5
* Network connections now have 10s timeout
* [sync] now supports bucket-to-bucket synchronisation
* Added [accesslog] command.
* Added access logging for CloudFront distributions using [cfmodify --log]
* Added --acl-grant and --acl-revoke [Timothee Groleau]
* Allow s3:// URI as well as cf:// URI as a distribution
name for most CloudFront related commands.
* Support for Reduced Redundancy Storage (--reduced-redundancy)
* Follow symlinks in [put] and [sync] with --follow-symlinks
* Support for CloudFront DefaultRootObject [Luke Andrew]
Changes since
s3cmd 1.0.1 - 2011-06-10
* Increased socket_timeout from 10 sec to 5 min
* Improved compatibility with Python 2.4 on RHEL 5 / CentOS 5
s3cmd 1.0.0 - 2011-01-18
* [sync] now supports --no-check-md5
* Network connections now have 10s timeout
* [sync] now supports bucket-to-bucket synchronisation
* Added [accesslog] command.
* Added access logging for CloudFront distributions using [cfmodify --log]
* Added --acl-grant and --acl-revoke [Timothee Groleau]
* Allow s3:// URI as well as cf:// URI as a distribution
name for most CloudFront related commands.
* Support for Reduced Redundancy Storage (--reduced-redundancy)
* Follow symlinks in [put] and [sync] with --follow-symlinks
* Support for CloudFront DefaultRootObject [Luke Andrew]
1) Add PLIST.Linux with Linux only files.
3) Make EXTERNAL_EXTENSION a PLIST_SUBST and add it to files that need it.