- (Previous commit for the same upgrade was not really done,
GITHUB_TAG was set wrongly, sorry, mef)
- Because of above, PKGREVISION++
- PLIST adjust, remove some tweak for REPLACE_PYTHON stuff
- PLIST correction for with and without doxygen
- Add dependency for py-mako
Updated devel/ruby-gnome2-atk to 3.0.7
Updated devel/ruby-gnome2-gio to 3.0.7
Updated devel/ruby-gnome2-glib to 3.0.7
Updated devel/ruby-gnome2-gobject-introspection to 3.0.7
Updated devel/ruby-gnome2-pango to 3.0.7
Updated graphics/ruby-gnome2-cairo-gobject to 3.0.7
Updated graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter to 3.0.7
Updated graphics/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gtk to 3.0.7
Updated graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdk3 to 3.0.7
Updated graphics/ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf to 3.0.7
Updated graphics/ruby-gnome2-rsvg to 3.0.7
Updated multimedia/ruby-gnome2-clutter-gstreamer to 3.0.7
Updated multimedia/ruby-gnome2-gstreamer to 3.0.7
Updated print/ruby-gnome2-poppler to 3.0.7
Updated www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk to 3.0.7
Updated www/ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 to 3.0.7
Updated x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk to 3.0.7
Updated x11/ruby-gnome2-gtk3 to 3.0.7
Updated x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 to 3.0.7
Updated x11/ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 to 3.0.7
Updated x11/ruby-gnome2-vte to 3.0.7
Upstream changes:
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.7
It is a bug fix release of 3.0.6.
* Fixes
+ Fixed a bug that `xxx_yyy` enum name isn't accepted.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Detlef Reichl]
+ Fixed a bug that internal Ruby API is used. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en]
[Reported by Detlef Reichl]
* Improvements
+ Added backward compatibility API to Gtk::TreeView#insert_column.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Detlef Reichl]
* Detlef Reichl
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.6
It is a bug fix release of 3.0.5.
* Improvements
+ Supported GLib.format_size on 32bit. [GitHub#565][Reported by Mamoru
+ Supported GLib.format_size_for_display on 32bit. [GitHub#565][Reported
by Mamoru TASAKA]
+ Added GLib::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#570][Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added GObjectIntrospection::Version.or_later?. [GitHub#572][Patch by
+ Supported GSList for filename. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by
Stefan Salewski]
* Improvements
+ Added Gio::Version.or_later?. [GitHub#571][Patch by cedlemo]
+ Made Gio::APplicationCommandLine#attributes Rubyish.
* Improvements
+ Added Pango::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#576][Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added Gtk::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#574][Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Supported Gtk::CellLayout#set_cell_data_func. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en]
[Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Supported Gtk::Container#add with child properties.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Added Gtk::StockItem#[]? for backward compatibility.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Added Gtk::IconSize::IconSize for backward compatibility.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Supported marking cell renderers in Gtk::CellLayout for GC.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Supported nil for Gtk::TreeIter#set_value.
+ Supported marking columns in Gtk::TreeView for GC.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Updated tutorial samples. [GitHub#567][GitHub#568][GitHub#587][Patch by
+ Supported marking records in Gtk::TreeModel for GC.
[ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski]
+ Started updating gtk-demo with Gtk::Application?. [GitHub#583][GitHub#
586][GitHub#588][Patch by cedlemo]
+ Supported option style API by Gtk::Builder#add.
+ Supported :object_ids by Gtk::Builder#add. [GitHub#585][Patch by
+ Added backward compatible API to Gtk.show_uri.
* Improvements
+ Added Gst::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#573][Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added Poppler::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#577][Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added RSVG::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#578][Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Stopped to run tests for old VTE with new VTE. [GitHub#566][Reported by
Mamoru TASAKA]
* Improvements
+ Added WebKitGtk::Version.or_later??.
* Stefan Salewski
* Mamoru TASAKA
* cedlemo
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.5
It is a bug fix release for mikutter.
* Fixes
+ Fixed a bug that g_object_ref_sink() isn't called for instance of
type_registered class.
[Reported by toshi_a]
* toshi_a
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.4
Posted by kou on 2015-09-22 (Tue) 05:40:57
It is a build fix release for 32bit Windows.
* Improvements
+ Supported auto native package installation on Arch Linux. [GitHub#553]
[GitHub#563] [Patch by lilole]
* Fixes
+ 32bit Windows: Fixed strut field accessors access wrong address.
* Improvements
+ Added Atk::Version.or_later? [GitHub#552] [Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added Gdk::Pixbuf::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#561] [Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Supported GTK+ 3.17.9. [GitHub#558] [Reported by Mamoru TASAKA]
* Improvements
+ Updated examples. [GitHub#550] [Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added ClutterGst.load_version.
+ Added ClutterGst.load_version=.
+ Added ClutterGst::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#556] [Patch by cedlemo]
* cedlemo
* lilole
* Mamoru TASAKA
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.3
It is a compatibility improvement release of 3.0.2.
* Improvements
+ Removed test-unit-notify gem from development dependencies. [GitHub#
547] [Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Supported GObjectIntrospection::Repository.prepend_search_path.
+ Supported GObjectIntrospection::Repository.search_path.
+ Windows: Supported requiring library after one
GObjectIntrospection::Loader#load. [GitHub#546] [Reported by Abby
* Improvements
+ Supported Gtk::IconSize.lookup. [GitHub#544] [Reported by Masafumi
+ Supported size name as argument of Gtk::Widget#render_icon_pixbuf.
[GitHub#544] [Reported by Masafumi Yokoyama]
+ Supported Gio::Icon in Gtk::IconTheme#lookup_icon. [GitHub#544]
[Reported by Masafumi Yokoyama]
+ Supported Gtk::TreeModel#iter_parent.
+ Supported Gtk::TreeIter#parent.
+ Updated examples. [GitHub#548] [Patch by cedlemo]
* Fixes
+ Fixed a bug that Gtk::Widget.bind_template_child is required. [GitHub#
549] [Reported by cedlemo]
+ Fixed a bug that default x_option and y_option values of Gtk::Table#
attach is wrong. [GitHub#546] [Reported by Abby Archer]
+ Windows: Fixed a bug that Ruby/RSVG2 isn't required automatically.
[GitHub#546] [Reported by Abby Archer]
* Masafumi Yokoyama
* cedlemo
* Abby Archer
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.2
It is a compatibility improvement release of 3.0.1.
* Improvements
+ Supported void pointer. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
+ Added GObjectIntrospection::Loader.instantiate_gobject_pointer.
* Improvements
+ Supported Gdk::Window#user_data. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
+ compatibility: Cairo::Context#set_source_rgba accepts nil as alpha
value. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ Windows: Added hicolor-icon-theme as fallback theme.
* Improvements
+ compatibility: Gtk::Window#icon= accepts icon file name. [GitHub#540]
[Reported by Abby Archer]
+ compatibility: Gtk::Dialog#add_button accepts Symbol as response ID.
[GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer]
+ Deprecated Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::TextBuffer#
insert(iter, target, *tags) usage.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ compatibility: Supported creating an empty image by Gtk::Image.new.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
Gtk::ImageMenuItem.new usage.
+ Supported Gtk::TreeIter#next!.
+ Supported Gtk::TreeModel#get_value.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Widget#
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table.new.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table#
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table#
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table#attach.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ Windows: Added missing Ruby/RSVG2 dependency.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Container#
+ Supported nil as size for Gtk::Image.new.
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Image.new
+ compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated
+ Supported Rubyish Gtk::CheckMenuItem.new.
* Fixes
+ Fixed samples. [GitHub#536][GitHub#541] [Patch by cedlemo] [GitHub#540]
[Reported by Abby Archer]
+ Fixed a bug that Gtk::Calendar#date returns 0-11 range month value.
* Improvements
+ Windows: Added missing Ruby/Pango dependency.
+ Windows: Updated loaders.cache for gdk-pixbuf automatically.
* Improvements
+ compatibility: Gst::TypeFindFactory#extensions always returns Array.
* cedlemo
* Abby Archer
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.1
It is a bug fix release of 3.0.0.
* Fixes
+ Windows: Fixed a bug that large number flag value isn't usable. [GitHub
#538] [Reported by Abby Archer]
* Improvements
+ Updated tutorials. [GitHub#534][GitHub#537] [Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Added Vte::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#535] [Patch by cedlemo]
* cedlemo
* Abby Archer
Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.0
It is a GTK+ 3.16 support release.
To GTK+ 3.16 support, many people helped us. Especially, cedlemo did great
works. Very thanks all!!!
* Improvements
+ Added install instruction for GitHub master branch. [GitHub#425][Patch
by Hiroyuki Sato]
* Improvements
+ Added new APIs:
o rbg_rval2glist
o rbg_rval2gslist
o rbg_name_to_nick
o rbgobj_class_init_func
o rbgobj_register_type
+ Changed RVAL2CSTR to return NULL terminated string. If you want to get
raw string that may not be terminated by NULL, use RVAL2CSTR_PTR.
+ Supported Symbol as flag value.
+ Added windows_platform?
+ Supported GLib::Value.new? without value.
+ Supported array of flag value as GLib::Flags.new input.
+ Supported name, nick and GLib::Enum as GLib::Enum.new input.
+ Migrated to Markdown for README markup. [GitHub#484][Patch by prpr_man]
+ Supported GVariantType.
+ Supported GVariant.
+ Supported GBinding. [GitHub#524][Reported by cedlemo]
* Fixes
+ Fixed a bug that GLib.format_size doesn't work 32bit over integer
value. [GitHub#413][Reported by eumario]
* Improvements
+ Supported non GObject struct as return value. [GitHub#286][Reported by
Christopher L. Ramsey]
+ Supported list_XXX method name.
+ Supported freeing GList<GObjet *>.
+ Supported array of struct as input argument.
+ Supported auto native package install on CentOS 7.
+ Supported can_XXX? predicate.
+ Supported the number of array as input argument. [Suggested by John
+ Supported array of GValue as input argument.
+ Supported array as return value.
+ Supported GClosure as input argument.
+ Supported GSList<GObject *> as input argument.
+ Supported GSList<GObject *> as output argument. [GitHub#324][Reported
by cedlemo]
+ Supported union as input argument.
+ Supported array of guint8 as input argument.
+ Supported array of gint32 as input argument.
+ Supported class methods defined in XXXClass.
+ Supported GList<GBoxed *> as output argument. [GitHub#389][Reported by
+ Supported GList<GInterface *> as return value. [GitHub#501][Reported by
Christopher L. Ramsey]
+ Supported GVariant as return value. [GitHub#502][Reported by kitone]
* Fixes
+ Fixed a bug that GList<GObjet *> return type method always returns nil.
+ Fixed a bug that not predicate is treated as predicate.
+ Fixed a bug that self is different.
* Improvements
+ Supported GAsyncReadyCallback. [GitHub#302][Reported by Christopher L.
+ Added ActionMap#add_actions.
* Improvements
+ Added Pango::Language#sample_string.
* Improvements
+ Added backward compatibility APIs. [GitHub#284][Reported by Christopher
L. Ramsey]
+ Added constants in Gdk::Selection. [GitHub#254][Patch by Masafumi
+ Added missing deprecations. [GitHub#291][Reported by Michel Boaventura]
+ Added RGBA.parse. [GitHub#295][Reported by carlosjhr64]
+ Supported Gdk::Rectangle. [GitHub#319][Reported by cedlemo]
+ Supported Gdk::Screen#get_setting. [GitHub#376][Reported by cedlemo]
+ Added Gdk::Screen#get_monitor.
* Fixes
+ Fixed a bug that GDK_KEY_XXX raises an error. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en]
[Reported by Detlef Reichl]
* Improvements
+ Migrated to GObject Introspection based bindings from hand writing
bindings. Now, all the latest API in GTK+ are supported. [Hiroshi
Hatake][Detlef Reichl][cedlemo][John Cupitt] [Masafumi Yokoyama]
[eumario][PeterWAWood][Daiki Ueno]
+ Updated samples. [Patch by cedlemo]
* Improvements
+ Migrated to GObject Introspection based bindings from hand writing
bindings. Now, all the latest API in GtkSourceView are supported.
* Improvements
+ Migrated to GObject Introspection based bindings from hand writing
bindings. Now, all the latest API in VTE are supported. [cedlemo]
* Fixes
+ Fixed native package name on CentOS and Fedora.
+ Fixed shebang. [GitHub#507][Patch by Dmitry Marakasov]
* Improvements
+ Added :file_name, :data and :flags option to RSVG::Handle.new.
+ Updated a sample. [GitHub#518][Patch by Robert A. Heiler].
* Fixes
+ Fixed a memory leak of RSVG::Handle.new_from_data and
RSVG::Handle.new_from_file. [GitHub#318][Reported by Kagetsuki]
* Improvements
+ Added Clutter::Version.or_later?.
* Improvements
+ Added.
* Hiroshi Hatake
* Christopher L. Ramsey
* Masafumi Yokoyama
* cedlemo
* Detlef Reichl
* Kagetsuki
* eumario
* PeterWAWood
* Hiroyuki Sato
* Daiki Ueno
* prpr_mann
* Dmitry Marakasov
Much faster duplicate event check in ass_process_chunk. This can bring a large speedup for embedded subtitles with lots of events. To make this possible, it is now forbidden to combine calls to ass_process_chunk with any other method of manipulating the event list, namely, manual manipulation and calls to ass_process_data, ass_read_memory and ass_read_file.
Interpret negative timestamp components as actual negative numbers. This change increases compatibility with VSFilter.
Font matching changes for VSFilter compatibility
Look up fonts that contain PostScript outlines by their PostScript name instead of their full names. Family names continue to be used for all fonts.
Keep spaces in font names
Drop support for Fontconfig < 2.10.92 to ensure correct font matching
Bug fixes
Fix building the assembler code for the x32 ABI
Fix static linking against libass through pkg-config when libass uses libiconv
Fix some small memory leaks, potential crashes and bad data uses
While here, comment a patch.
Changes since 4.3.1:
o Michael Adam <obnox@samba.org>
* BUG 11577: ctdb: Open the RO tracking db with perms 0600 instead of 0000.
o Jeremy Allison <jra@samba.org>
* BUG 11452: s3-smbd: Fix old DOS client doing wildcard delete - gives an
attribute type of zero.
* BUG 11565: auth: gensec: Fix a memory leak.
* BUG 11566: lib: util: Make non-critical message a warning.
* BUG 11589: s3: smbd: If EAs are turned off on a share don't allow an SMB2
create containing them.
* BUG 11615: s3: smbd: have_file_open_below() fails to enumerate open files
below an open directory handle.
o Ralph Boehme <slow@samba.org>
* BUG 11562: s4:lib/messaging: Use correct path for names.tdb.
* BUG 11564: async_req: Fix non-blocking connect().
o Volker Lendecke <vl@samba.org>
* BUG 11243: vfs_gpfs: Re-enable share modes.
* BUG 11570: smbd: Send SMB2 oplock breaks unencrypted.
* BUG 11612: winbind: Fix crash on invalid idmap configs.
o YvanM <yvan.masson@openmailbox.org>
* BUG 11584: manpage: Correct small typo error.
o Stefan Metzmacher <metze@samba.org>
* BUG 11327: dcerpc.idl: Accept invalid dcerpc_bind_nak pdus.
* BUG 11581: s3:smb2_server: Make the logic of SMB2_CANCEL DLIST_REMOVE()
o Marc Muehlfeld <mmuehlfeld@samba.org>
* BUG 9912: Changing log level of two entries to DBG_NOTICE.
* BUG 11581: s3-smbd: Fix use after issue in smbd_smb2_request_dispatch().
o Noel Power <noel.power@suse.com>
* BUG 11569: Fix winbindd crashes with samlogon for trusted domain user.
* BUG 11597: Backport some valgrind fixes from upstream master.
o Andreas Schneider <asn@samba.org
* BUG 11563: Fix segfault of 'net ads (join|leave) -S INVALID' with
o Tom Schulz <schulz@adi.com>
* BUG 11511: Add libreplace dependency to texpect, fixes a linking error on
* BUG 11512: s4: Fix linking of 'smbtorture' on Solaris.
o Uri Simchoni <uri@samba.org>
* BUG 11608: auth: Consistent handling of well-known alias as primary gid.
Changes since 4.3.0:
o Jeremy Allison <jra@samba.org>
* BUG 10252: s3: smbd: Fix our access-based enumeration on "hide unreadable"
to match Windows.
* BUG 10634: smbd: Fix file name buflen and padding in notify repsonse.
* BUG 11486: s3: smbd: Fix mkdir race condition.
* BUG 11522: s3: smbd: Fix opening/creating :stream files on the root share
* BUG 11535: s3: smbd: Fix NULL pointer bug introduced by previous 'raw'
* stream fix (bug #11522).
* BUG 11555: s3: lsa: lookup_name() logic for unqualified (no DOMAIN\
component) names is incorrect.
o Ralph Boehme <slow@samba.org>
* BUG 11535: s3: smbd: Fix a crash in unix_convert().
* BUG 11543: vfs_fruit: Return value of ad_pack in vfs_fruit.c.
* BUG 11549: s3:locking: Initialize lease pointer in
* BUG 11550: s3:smbstatus: Add stream name to share_entry_forall().
* BUG 11555: s3:lib: Validate domain name in lookup_wellknown_name().
o Günther Deschner <gd@samba.org>
* BUG 11038: kerberos: Make sure we only use prompter type when available.
o Volker Lendecke <vl@samba.org>
* BUG 11038: winbind: Fix 100% loop.
* BUG 11053: source3/lib/msghdr.c: Fix compiling error on Solaris.
o Stefan Metzmacher <metze@samba.org>
* BUG 11316: s3:ctdbd_conn: make sure we destroy tevent_fd before closing
the socket.
* BUG 11515: s4:lib/messaging: Use 'msg.lock' and 'msg.sock' for messaging
related subdirs.
* BUG 11526: lib/param: Fix hiding of FLAG_SYNONYM values.
o Björn Jacke <bj@sernet.de>
* BUG 10365: nss_winbind: Fix hang on Solaris on big groups.
* BUG 11355: build: Use as-needed linker flag also on OpenBSD.
o Har Gagan Sahai <SHarGagan@novell.com>
* BUG 11509: s3: dfs: Fix a crash when the dfs targets are disabled.
o Andreas Schneider <asn@samba.org>
* BUG 11502: pam_winbind: Fix a segfault if initialization fails.
o Uri Simchoni <uri@samba.org>
* BUG 11528: net: Fix a crash with 'net ads keytab create'.
* BUG 11547: vfs_commit: set the fd on open before calling SMB_VFS_FSTAT.
1.02 2015-12-09
- Make the DateTime::Locale->load method accept a locale in any non-canonical
casing, such as "en-us". Reported by Shawn Moore. RT #110244.
* Changes in Wget 1.17.1
* Fix compile error when IPv6 is disabled or SSL is not present.
* Fix HSTS memory leak.
* Fix progress output in non-C locales.
* Fix SIGSEGV when -N and --content-disposition are used together.
* Add --check-certificate=quiet to tell wget to not print any warning about
invalid certificates.
2.022 2015/12/10
- fix stringification of IPv6 inside subjectAltNames in Utils::CERT_asHash.
Thanks to Mark.Martinec[AT]ijs[DOT]si for reporting in #110253
0.24 2015-12-11 05:20:09Z
- fix prereq errors in 0.23
0.23 2015-12-11 04:04:35Z
- fix syntax of example code (Rudolf Leermakers, PR#22)
- 'perl' removed from prerequisite recommendations, to avoid tripping up
CPAN clients (Graham Knop)
- Sub::Util is used preferentially to Sub::Name in most cases (Graham Knop,
TQSL ChangeLog
Revert change in the behavior for command line
applications. TQSL 2.1 changed the behavior for ADIF files
to open those with the TQSL ADIF editor versus signing
them unless "-x" or "-q" were on the command line.
This was an incompatible change that is not consistent
with the documentation and was removed. Fix defect that
could cause newly imported callsign certificates tobe
deleted after the import completed.
Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to
another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless,
meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate
authorities. It uses strong authentication, which means that the sender of a
message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide "non-content" data, like the
sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running
warrantless wiretapping programs.
- support configure --with-dbfile="" for nodb mode by default, where
there is no binary database, but nsd reads and writes zonefiles.
- reuseport: no is the default, because the feature is not troublefree.
- configure --enable-ratelimit-default-is-off with --enable-ratelimit
to set the default ratelimit to disabled but available in nsd.conf.
- version: "string" option to set chaos version query reply string.
- Fix zones updates from nsd parent event loop when there are a lot
of interfaces.
- portability fixes.
- patch from Doug Hogan for SSL_OP_NO_SSLvx options, for the new
defaults in the ssl libraries.
- updated contrib/nsd.spec, with new configure options.
- Allocate less memory for TSIG digest.
- Fix#721: Fix wrong error code (FORMERR) returned for unknown
opcode. NOTIMP expected.
- Fix zonec ttl mismatch printout to include more information.
- Fix TCP responses when REUSEPORT is in use by turning it off.
- Document default in manpage for rrl-slip, ip4 and 6 prefixlength.
- Explain rrl-slip better in documentation.
- Document that ratelimit qps and slip are updated in reconfig.
- Fix up defaults in manpage.
- Fix#594. libunbound: optionally use libnettle for crypto.
Added --with-nettle for use with --with-libunbound-only.
- Implemented qname minimisation
Bug Fixes:
- Fix#712: unbound-anchor appears to not fsync root.key.
- Fix#714: Document config to block private-address for IPv4
mapped IPv6 addresses.
- portability, replace snprintf if return value broken
- portability fixes.
- detect libexpat without xml_StopParser function.
- isblank() compat implementation.
- patch from Doug Hogan for SSL_OP_NO_SSLvx options.
- Fix#716: nodata proof with empty non-terminals and wildcards.
- Fix#718: Fix unbound-control-setup with support for env
without HEREDOC bash support.
- ACX_SSL_CHECKS no longer adds -ldl needlessly.
- Change example.conf: ftp.internic.net to https://www.internic.net
- Fix for lenient accept of reverse order DNAME and CNAME.
- spelling fixes from Igor Sobrado Delgado.
- Fix that malformed EDNS query gets a response without malformed EDNS.
- Added assert on rrset cache correctness.
- Fix#720: add windows scripts to zip bundle,
and fix unbound-control-setup windows batch file.
- Fix for #724: conf syntax to read files from run dir (on Windows).
And fix PCA prompt for unbound-service-install.exe.
And add Changelog to windows binary dist.
- .gitignore for git users.
- iana portlist update.
- Removed unneeded whitespace from example.conf.
- Do not minimise forwarded requests.