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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# gPodder (a media aggregator / podcast client)
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Thomas Perl <thp at>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# -- sync localdb contents with ipod playlist
# thomas perl <> 20060405
# variable tells if ipod functions are to be enabled
enable_ipod_functions = True
# possible mp3 length detection mechanisms
MAD = 1
EYED3 = 2
# default length (our "educated guess") is 60 minutes
DEFAULT_LENGTH = 60*60*1000
# command line for mplayer
MPLAYER_COMMAND = 'mplayer -msglevel all=-1 -identify -vo null -ao null -frames 0 "%s" 2>/dev/null'
# which detection mechanism are we going to use?
use_mechanism = 0
from liblogger import log
import gpod
# prefer pymad
import mad
use_mechanism = MAD
log( '(ipodsync) Found pymad')
# fallback to eyeD3
import eyeD3
use_mechanism = EYED3
log( '(ipodsync) Found eyeD3')
log( '(ipodsync) gpod and/or (mad|eyeD3) not found')
enable_ipod_functions = False
# are we going to use python-id3 for cover art extraction?
use_pyid3 = False
# try to load PyID3
import ID3
use_pyid3 = True
log('(ipodsync) Found PyID3, will try to extract cover art from mp3 metadata')
# If you build PyID3 from source it's lowercase (??)
import id3
ID3 = id3
use_pyid3 = True
log('(ipodsync) Found PyID3, will try to extract cover art from mp3 metadata')
log('(ipodsync) PyID3 not found - falling back to channel cover for iPod cover art')
import os
import os.path
import glob
import shutil
import sys
import time
import email.Utils
import liblocaldb
import libpodcasts
import libgpodder
import libconverter
import libtagupdate
import gobject
# do we provide iPod functions to the user?
def ipod_supported():
global enable_ipod_functions
return enable_ipod_functions
# file extensions that are handled as video
video_extensions = [ "mov", "mp4", "m4v" ]
# is mplayer available for finding track length?
use_mplayer = False
if not os.system("which mplayer > /dev/null 2>&1"):
use_mplayer = True
log('(ipodsync) Found mplayer, using it to find track length of video files')
log('(ipodsync) mplayer not found - length of video files will be guessed')
class gPodderSyncMethod:
def __init__( self, callback_progress = None, callback_status = None, callback_done = None):
self.callback_progress = callback_progress
self.callback_status = callback_status
self.callback_done = callback_done
self.cancelled = False
self.can_cancel = False
def open( self):
return False
def set_progress( self, pos, max):
if self.callback_progress:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_progress, pos, max)
def set_progress_overall( self, pos, max):
if self.callback_progress:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_progress, pos, max, True)
def set_progress_sub_episode( self, pos, max):
if self.callback_progress:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_progress, pos, max, False, True)
def set_episode_status( self, episode):
self.set_status( episode = _('Copying %s') % episode)
def set_channel_status( self, channel):
self.set_status( channel = _('Synchronizing %s') % channel)
def set_episode_convert_status( self, episode, percentage):
self.set_progress_sub_episode( int(percentage), 100)
self.set_status( episode = _('Converting %s (%s%%)') % ( episode, str(percentage), ))
def set_status( self, episode = None, channel = None, progressbar_text = None, title = None, header = None, body = None):
if self.callback_status:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_status, episode, channel, progressbar_text, title, header, body)
def sync_channel( self, channel, episodes = None):
if not channel.sync_to_devices and episodes == None or self.cancelled:
return False
if episodes == None:
episodes = channel
max = len( episodes)
pos = 0
for episode in episodes:
if self.cancelled:
return False
self.set_progress( pos, max)
if channel.is_downloaded( episode):
self.add_episode_from_channel( channel, episode)
pos = pos + 1
self.set_progress( pos, max)
self.set_status( channel = _('Completed %s') % channel.title)
return True
def add_episode_from_channel( self, channel, episode):
channeltext = channel.title
if channel.is_music_channel:
channeltext = _('%s (to "%s")') % ( channel.title, channel.device_playlist_name )
self.set_episode_status( episode.title)
self.set_channel_status( channeltext)
def close( self, success = True, access_error = False, cleaned = False):
self.set_status( channel = _('Writing data to disk'))
if self.callback_done:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_done, success, access_error, cleaned)
class gPodder_iPodSync( gPodderSyncMethod):
itdb = None
ipod_mount = '' # mountpoint for ipod
playlist_name = 'gpodder' # name of playlist to sync to
pl_master = None
pl_podcasts = None
def __init__( self, callback_progress = None, callback_status = None, callback_done = None):
if not ipod_supported():
log( '(ipodsync) iPod functions not supported. (libgpod + eyed3 needed)')
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
self.ipod_mount = gl.ipod_mount
gPodderSyncMethod.__init__( self, callback_progress, callback_status, callback_done)
def open( self):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
tries = 0
while self.itdb == None and not self.cancelled:
if os.path.isdir( self.ipod_mount):
self.itdb = gpod.itdb_parse( str( self.ipod_mount), None)
if self.itdb:
self.itdb.mountpoint = str(self.ipod_mount)
self.pl_master = gpod.sw_get_playlists( self.itdb)[0]
self.pl_podcasts = gpod.itdb_playlist_podcasts( self.itdb)
if not self.pl_master or not self.pl_podcasts:
return False
header = _('Connect your iPod')
body = _('To start the synchronization process, please connect your iPod to the computer.')
if tries > 30:
return False
elif tries > 15:
self.set_status( episode = _('Have you set up your iPod correctly?'), header = header, body = body)
self.set_status( channel = _('Please connect your iPod'), episode = _('Waiting for iPod'), header = header, body = body)
time.sleep( 1)
tries += 1
return self.itdb != None
def close( self, success = True, access_error = False, cleaned = False):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if self.itdb:
self.set_status( channel = _('Saving iPod database'))
gpod.itdb_write( self.itdb, None)
self.itdb = None
gPodderSyncMethod.close( self, success, access_error, cleaned)
return True
def remove_from_ipod( self, track, playlists):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
log( '(ipodsync) Removing track from iPod: %s', track.title)
status_text = _('Removing %s') % ( track.title, )
self.set_status( channel = status_text)
fname = gpod.itdb_filename_on_ipod( track)
for playlist in playlists:
gpod.itdb_playlist_remove_track( playlist, track)
gpod.itdb_track_unlink( track)
os.unlink( fname)
# suppose we've already deleted it or so..
def get_playlist_by_name( self, playlistname = 'gPodder'):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
for playlist in gpod.sw_get_playlists( self.itdb):
if == playlistname:
log( '(ipodsync) Found old playlist: %s',
return playlist
log( '(ipodsync) New playlist: %s', playlistname)
new_playlist = gpod.itdb_playlist_new( str(playlistname), False)
gpod.itdb_playlist_add( self.itdb, new_playlist, -1)
return new_playlist
def get_playlist_for_channel( self, channel):
if channel.is_music_channel:
return self.get_playlist_by_name( channel.device_playlist_name)
return self.pl_podcasts
def episode_is_on_ipod( self, channel, episode):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
pl = self.get_playlist_for_channel( channel)
if not pl:
return False
for track in gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks( pl):
if episode.title == track.title and channel.title == track.album:
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
# Mark as played locally if played on iPod
if track.playcount > 0:
log( 'Episode has been played %d times on iPod: %s', track.playcount, episode.title, sender = self)
gl.history_mark_played( episode.url)
# Mark as played on iPod if played locally (and set podcast flags)
self.set_podcast_flags( track, episode)
return True
return False
def clean_playlist( self):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
for track in gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks( self.pl_podcasts):
log( '(ipodsync) Trying to remove: %s', track.title)
self.remove_from_ipod( track, [ self.pl_podcasts ])
def set_podcast_flags( self, track, episode):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
# Add blue bullet next to unplayed tracks on 5G iPods
# (only if the podcast has not been played locally already
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
if gl.history_is_played( episode.url):
track.mark_unplayed = 0x01
track.mark_unplayed = 0x02
# Podcast flags (for new iPods?)
track.remember_playback_position = 0x01
# Podcast flags (for old iPods?)
track.flag1 = 0x02
track.flag2 = 0x01
track.flag3 = 0x01
track.flag4 = 0x01
# Podcast flags for iPod nano (thanks to José Luis Fustel)
track.mediatype = 0x00000004
log( '(ipodsync) Seems like your python-gpod is out-of-date.')
def set_channel_art(self, track, local_filename):
cover_filename = os.path.dirname( local_filename) + '/cover'
if os.path.isfile( cover_filename):
gpod.itdb_track_set_thumbnails( track, cover_filename)
return True
return False
def set_cover_art(self, track, local_filename):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if use_pyid3:
cover_filename = local_filename + '.cover.jpg'
id3v2_tags = ID3.ID3v2( local_filename )
for frame in id3v2_tags.frames:
if == 'APIC':
cover_file = file(cover_filename, 'w')
if os.path.isfile( cover_filename):
gpod.itdb_track_set_thumbnails( track, cover_filename)
return True
log( '(ipodsync) Error reading ID3v2 information for %s' % ( local_filename, ))
# If we haven't yet found cover art, fall back to channel cover
return self.set_channel_art( track, local_filename)
def add_episode_from_channel( self, channel, episode):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
gPodderSyncMethod.add_episode_from_channel( self, channel, episode)
if self.episode_is_on_ipod( channel, episode):
status_text = 'Already on iPod: %s' % ( episode.title, )
self.set_status( episode = status_text)
return True
log( '(ipodsync) Adding item: %s from %s', episode.title, channel.title)
original_filename = str(channel.getPodcastFilename( episode.url))
local_filename = original_filename
if libconverter.converters.has_converter( os.path.splitext( original_filename)[1][1:]):
log('(ipodsync) Converting: %s', original_filename)
callback_status = lambda percentage: self.set_episode_convert_status( episode.title, percentage)
local_filename = str( libconverter.converters.convert( original_filename, callback = callback_status))
if not libtagupdate.update_metadata_on_file( local_filename, title = episode.title, artist = channel.title):
log('(ipodsync) Could not set metadata on converted file %s', local_filename)
self.set_episode_status( episode.title)
if not local_filename:
log('(ipodsync) Error while converting file %s', original_filename)
return False
# if we cannot get the track length, make an educated guess (default value)
track_length = DEFAULT_LENGTH
if use_mechanism == MAD:
log( '(ipodsync) Using pymad to get file length')
mad_info = mad.MadFile( local_filename)
track_length = mad_info.total_time()
elif use_mechanism == EYED3:
log( '(ipodsync) Using eyeD3 to get file length')
eyed3_info = eyeD3.Mp3AudioFile( local_filename)
track_length = eyed3_info.getPlayTime() * 1000
# TODO: Find python module to get length of video (mov, mp4, m4v) files, instead of using mplayer.
if use_mplayer:
log('(ipodsync) eyeD3 failed, using mplayer to get track length')
mplayer_output = os.popen( MPLAYER_COMMAND % local_filename).read()
track_length = int(float(mplayer_output[mplayer_output.index('ID_LENGTH'):].splitlines()[0][10:]) * 1000)
log('(ipodsync) Warning: cannot get length for %s', episode.title)
log('(ipodsync) Warning: cannot get length for %s; try installing mplayer', episode.title)
track = gpod.itdb_track_new()
track.artist = str(channel.title)
self.set_podcast_flags( track, episode)
# Add release time to track if pubDate is parseable
ipod_date = email.Utils.parsedate(episode.pubDate)
if ipod_date != None:
# + 2082844800 for unixtime => mactime (1970 => 1904)
track.time_released = int(time.mktime(ipod_date) + 2082844800)
track.title = str(episode.title)
track.album = str(channel.title)
track.tracklen = int(track_length)
track.filetype = 'mp3' # huh?! harcoded?! well, well :) FIXME, i'd say
track.description = str(episode.description)
track.podcasturl = str(episode.url)
track.podcastrss = str(channel.url)
track.size = os.path.getsize( local_filename)
gpod.itdb_track_add( self.itdb, track, -1)
playlist = self.get_playlist_for_channel( channel)
gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track( playlist, track, -1)
self.set_cover_art( track, local_filename)
# dirty hack to get video working, seems to work
for ext in video_extensions:
if local_filename.lower().endswith( '.%s' % ext):
# documented on
track.mediatype = 0x00000002
# for old libgpod versions, "mediatype" is "unk208"
track.unk208 = 0x00000002
# if it's a music channel, also sync to master playlist
if channel.is_music_channel:
gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track( self.pl_master, track, -1)
if gpod.itdb_cp_track_to_ipod( track, local_filename, None) != 1:
log( '(ipodsync) Could not add %s', episode.title)
log( '(ipodsync) Added %s', episode.title)
status_text = 'Done: %s' % ( episode.title, )
self.set_status( episode = status_text)
if local_filename != original_filename:
log('(ipodsync) Removing temporary file: %s', local_filename)
os.unlink( local_filename)
log('(ipodsync) Could not remove temporary file %s', local_filename)
class gPodder_FSSync( gPodderSyncMethod):
BUFFER = 1024*1024*1 # 1MB
def __init__( self, callback_progress = None, callback_status = None, callback_done = None):
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
self.destination = gl.mp3_player_folder
gPodderSyncMethod.__init__( self, callback_progress, callback_status, callback_done)
self.can_cancel = True
def open( self):
gpl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
return gpl.can_write_directory( self.destination)
def add_episode_from_channel( self, channel, episode):
replace_chars = ( '/', '?', ':', '!', '<', '>', '&', '*', '|', '"')
gPodderSyncMethod.add_episode_from_channel( self, channel, episode)
folder = channel.title
for ch in replace_chars:
folder = folder.replace( ch, '-')
folder = os.path.join( self.destination, folder)
from_file = channel.getPodcastFilename( episode.url)
to_file = episode.title + os.path.splitext( from_file)[1].lower()
for ch in replace_chars:
to_file = to_file.replace( ch, '-')
to_file = os.path.join( folder, to_file)
os.makedirs( folder)
if not os.path.exists( to_file):
log( 'Copying: %s => %s', os.path.basename( from_file), to_file)
self.copy_file_progress( from_file, to_file)
#shutil.copyfile( from_file, to_file)
def copy_file_progress( self, from_file, to_file):
out_file = open( to_file, 'wb')
in_file = open( from_file, 'rb') 0, 2)
bytes = in_file.tell()
bytes_read = 0 0)
s = self.BUFFER)
bytes_read += len(s)
self.set_progress_sub_episode( bytes_read, bytes)
while s:
bytes_read += len(s)
out_file.write( s)
self.set_progress_sub_episode( bytes_read, bytes)
s = self.BUFFER)
def clean_playlist( self):
folders = glob.glob( os.path.join( self.destination, '*'))
for folder in range( len( folders)):
if self.cancelled:
self.set_progress_overall( folder+1, len( folders))
self.set_channel_status( os.path.basename( folders[folder]))
self.set_status( episode = _('Removing files'))
log( 'deleting: %s', folders[folder])
shutil.rmtree( folders[folder])