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#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (C) 2008 Funambol, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Patrick Ohly <>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation
# Usage: <file>
# <left file> <right file>
# Either normalizes a file or compares two of them in a side-by-side
# diff.
# Checks environment variables:
# CLIENT_TEST_SERVER=funambol|scheduleworld|egroupware|synthesis
# Enables code which simplifies the text files just like
# certain well-known servers do. This is useful for testing
# to ignore the data loss introduced by these servers or (for
# users) to simulate the effect of these servers on their data.
# CLIENT_TEST_CLIENT=evolution|addressbook (Mac OS X/iPhone)
# Same as for servers this replicates the effect of storing
# data in the clients.
# CLIENT_TEST_LEFT_NAME="before sync"
# CLIENT_TEST_REMOVED="removed during sync"
# CLIENT_TEST_ADDED="added during sync"
# Setting these variables changes the default legend
# print above the left and right file during a
# comparison.
# Overrides the default error code when changes are found.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 USA
use strict;
synccompare: avoid segfault in Perl interpreter by limiting UTF-8 support The Perl version in Ubuntu Lucid had even more problems with synccompare than other versions. Compiling the latest stable Perl also didn't help (stack backtrace below). This patch disables UTF-8 support in string operations. The user-visible effect is that line length calculation is wrong when multi-byte characters are involved. This is better than not getting any output when the installed Perl is bad. File input and stdout are still using UTF-8, so UTF-8 content is passed through okay. *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08203278 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf7616591] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf7617de8] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf761aecd] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_offer_nice_chunk+0x3d)[0x80d2b0d] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x80c426a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_hv_common+0xafa)[0x80c628a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_pp_helem+0x24a)[0x80d138a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_runops_standard+0x13)[0x80c9623] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x80f74b0] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_pp_require+0x11da)[0x80f9c7a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_runops_standard+0x13)[0x80c9623] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_call_sv+0x165)[0x8077705] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_swash_init+0x1d6)[0x8128686] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_to_utf8_case+0x213)[0x812a723] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_to_utf8_lower+0x37)[0x812a7f7] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x8121280] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_regexec_flags+0xb58)[0x8126b48] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_pp_subst+0x207)[0x80d1917] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_runops_standard+0x13)[0x80c9623] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(perl_run+0x2bd)[0x807823d] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(main+0x115)[0x8062c35] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf75c1bd6] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x8062a81] ======= Memory map: ======== 08048000-0815e000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 2007582 /home/nightly/perl-5.12.3-lucid-i386/bin/perl
2011-05-05 14:08:32 +02:00
# Various crashes have been encountered in the Perl interpreter
# executable when enabling UTF-8. It is only needed for nicer
# side-by-side comparison of changes (correct column width),
# so not much functionality is lost by disabling this.
# use encoding 'utf8';
# Instead enable writing the result as UTF-8. Input
# files are read as UTF-8 via PerlIO parameters in open().
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use Algorithm::Diff;
# ignore differences caused by specific servers or local backends?
my $server = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_SERVER};
my $client = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_CLIENT} || "evolution";
my $scheduleworld = $server =~ /scheduleworld/;
my $synthesis = $server =~ /synthesis/;
my $zyb = $server =~ /zyb/;
my $mobical = $server =~ /mobical/;
my $memotoo = $server =~ /memotoo/;
my $nokia_7210c = $server =~ /nokia_7210c/;
my $ovi = $server =~ /Ovi/;
my $unique_uid = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_UNIQUE_UID};
my $full_timezones = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_FULL_TIMEZONES}; # do not simplify VTIMEZONE definitions
# TODO: this hack ensures that any synchronization is limited to
# properties supported by Synthesis. Remove this again.
# $synthesis = 1;
my $exchange = $server =~ /exchange/; # Exchange via ActiveSync
my $egroupware = $server =~ /egroupware/;
my $funambol = $server =~ /funambol/;
my $google = $server =~ /google/;
my $google_valarm = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_GOOGLE_VALARM};
my $yahoo = $server =~ /yahoo/;
my $davical = $server =~ /davical/;
my $apple = $server =~ /apple/;
my $oracle = $server =~ /oracle/;
my $evolution = $client =~ /evolution/;
my $addressbook = $client =~ /addressbook/;
sub Usage {
print "$0 <vcards.vcf\n";
print " normalizes one file (stdin or single argument), prints to stdout\n";
print "$0 vcards1.vcf vcards2.vcf\n";
print " compares the two files\n";
print "Also works for iCalendar files.\n";
sub uppercase {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
return $text;
sub sortlist {
my $list = shift;
return join(",", sort(split(/,/, $list)));
sub splitvalue {
my $prop = shift;
my $values = shift;
my $eol = shift;
my @res = ();
foreach my $val (split (/;/, $values)) {
push(@res, $prop, ":", $val, $eol);
return join("", @res);
# normalize the DATE-TIME duration unless the VALUE isn't a duration
sub NormalizeTrigger {
my $value = shift;
$value =~ /([+-]?)P(?:(\d*)D)?T(?:(\d*)H)?(?:(\d*)M)?(?:(\d*)S)?/;
my ($sign, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = ($1, int($2), int($3), int($4), int($5));
while ($seconds >= 60) {
$seconds -= 60;
while ($minutes >= 60) {
$minutes -= 60;
while ($hours >= 24) {
$hours -= 24;
$value = $sign;
$value .= ($days . "D") if $days;
$value .= ($hours . "H") if $hours;
$value .= ($minutes . "M") if $minutes;
$value .= ($seconds . "S") if $seconds;
return $value;
# called for one VCALENDAR (with single VEVENT/VTODO/VJOURNAL) or VCARD,
# returns normalized one
sub NormalizeItem {
my $width = shift;
$_ = shift;
# undo line continuation
# ignore charset specifications, assume UTF-8
# UID may differ, but only in vCards and journal entries:
# in calendar events the UID needs to be preserved to handle
# meeting invitations/replies correctly
# intentional changes to UID are acceptable when running with CLIENT_TEST_UNIQUE_UID
if ($unique_uid) {
# merge all CATEGORIES properties into one comma-separated one
while ( s/^CATEGORIES:([^\n]*)\n(.*)^CATEGORIES:([^\n]*)\n/CATEGORIES:$1,$3\n$2/ms ) {}
# exact order of categories is irrelevant
s/^CATEGORIES:(\S+)/"CATEGORIES:" . sortlist($1)/mge;
# expand <foo> shortcuts to TYPE=<foo>
# the distinction between an empty and a missing property
# is vague and handled differently, so ignore empty properties
# use separate TYPE= fields
while( s/^(\w*[^:\n]*);TYPE=(\w*),(\w*)/$1;TYPE=$2;TYPE=$3/mg ) {}
# make TYPE uppercase (in vCard 3.0 at least those parameters are case-insensitive)
while( s/^(\w*[^:\n]*);TYPE=(\w*?[a-z]\w*?)([;:])/ $1 . ";TYPE=" . uppercase($2) . $3 /mge ) {}
# replace parameters with a sorted parameter list
s!^([^;:\n]*);(.*?):!$1 . ";" . join(';',sort(split(/;/, $2))) . ":"!meg;
# EXDATE;VALUE=DATE is the default, no need to show it
# default opacity is OPAQUE
# multiple EXDATEs may be joined into one, use separate properties as normal form
s/^(EXDATE[^:]*):(.*)(\r?\n)/splitvalue($1, $2, $3)/mge;
# sort value lists of specific properties
s!^(RRULE.*):(.*)!$1 . ":" . join(';',sort(split(/;/, $2)))!meg;
# INTERVAL=1 is the default and thus can be removed
# Ignore remaining "other" email, address and telephone type - this is
# an Evolution specific extension which might not be preserved.
# TYPE=PREF on the other hand is not used by Evolution, but
# might be sent back.
# Evolution does not need TYPE=INTERNET for email
# ignore TYPE=PREF in address, does not matter in Evolution
# ignore extra separators in multi-value fields
# the type of certain fields is ignore by Evolution
# Evolution ignores an additional pager type
# PAGER property is sent by Evolution, but otherwise ignored
# TYPE=VOICE is the default in Evolution and may or may not appear in the vcard;
# this simplification is a bit too agressive and hides the problematic
# TYPE=PREF,VOICE combination which Evolution does not handle :-/
# don't care about the TYPE property of PHOTOs
# encoding is not case sensitive, skip white space in the middle of binary data
if (s/^PHOTO;.*?ENCODING=(b|B|BASE64).*?:\s*/PHOTO;ENCODING=B: /mgi) {
if ($memotoo) {
# transcodes image data, can't compare it
s/(^PHOTO.*:).*/$1<stripped by synccompare>/mg;
} else {
while (s/^PHOTO(.*?): (\S+)[\t ]+(\S+)/PHOTO$1: $2$3/mg) {}
# special case for the inlining of the local test case PHOTO
# ignore extra day factor in front of weekday
# remove default VALUE=DATE-TIME
# remove default LANGUAGE=en-US
# normalize values which look like a date to YYYYMMDD because the hyphen is optional
# mailto is case insensitive
# remove fields which may differ
# remove optional fields
# trailing line break(s) in a DESCRIPTION may or may not be
# removed or added by servers
# use the shorter property name when there are alternatives,
# but avoid duplicates
if (/^X-\Q$i\E:(.*?)$/m) {
# some properties are always lost because we don't transmit them
# if there is no DESCRIPTION in a VJOURNAL, then use the
# summary: that's what is done when exchanging such a
# VJOURNAL as plain text
# strip configurable X- parameters or properties
if ($strip) {
if ($strip) {
while (s/^(\w+)([^:\n]*);$strip=\d+/$1$2/mg) {}
testing: renamed LinkedItems tests, added "no ID" variants Numbering Client::Source::LinkedItems_xxx with xxx being a number is confusing, in particular when the same number stands for different test data. Now each set of linked items has an additional, unique name which is used for Client::Source::LinkedItems<Name>. Done in combination with adding more linked item tests and slightly reorganizing the logic for adding them: - a default set with VTIMEZONE is added in all cases - some SyncML servers override that default set - others, in particular peers accessed via their own backend, enable additional Client::Source tests on a case-by-case basis Exchange is only tested with its own default set (with "Standard Timezone" as TZID) and the all-day recurring set (as before). All other CalDAV servers are now also tested with the all-day set (previously exclusive to Exchange) and local floating time (= no TZID, new). Google CalDAV can't be tested with local time because it converts such events into the time zone of the current user. All-day events need special test data because Google adds a time to the UNTIL clause ( synccompare also needs to ignore that Google adds a redundant VTIMEZONE to the all-day test cases. Finally, Client::Source tests for updating a child event (with and without parent) without UID and RECURRENCE-ID inside the payload were added. These properties are removed via text operations. The expectation is that the source is able to add them back (if needed) based on the meta information that it has about the existing item. The file source is unable to do that. When using it in an HTTP server, the server will look to peers like a peer which doesn't support the semantic (which indeed it doesn't) and thus the client will add back the fields.
2011-11-02 12:11:48 +01:00
# strip redundant VTIMEZONE definitions (happen to be
# added by Google CalDAV server when storing an all-day event
# which doesn't need any time zone definition)
while (m/(BEGIN:VTIMEZONE.*?TZID:([^\n]*)\n.*?END:VTIMEZONE\n)/gs) {
my $def = $1;
my $tzid = $2;
# used as parameter?
if (! m/;TZID="?\Q$tzid\E"?/) {
testing: renamed LinkedItems tests, added "no ID" variants Numbering Client::Source::LinkedItems_xxx with xxx being a number is confusing, in particular when the same number stands for different test data. Now each set of linked items has an additional, unique name which is used for Client::Source::LinkedItems<Name>. Done in combination with adding more linked item tests and slightly reorganizing the logic for adding them: - a default set with VTIMEZONE is added in all cases - some SyncML servers override that default set - others, in particular peers accessed via their own backend, enable additional Client::Source tests on a case-by-case basis Exchange is only tested with its own default set (with "Standard Timezone" as TZID) and the all-day recurring set (as before). All other CalDAV servers are now also tested with the all-day set (previously exclusive to Exchange) and local floating time (= no TZID, new). Google CalDAV can't be tested with local time because it converts such events into the time zone of the current user. All-day events need special test data because Google adds a time to the UNTIL clause ( synccompare also needs to ignore that Google adds a redundant VTIMEZONE to the all-day test cases. Finally, Client::Source tests for updating a child event (with and without parent) without UID and RECURRENCE-ID inside the payload were added. These properties are removed via text operations. The expectation is that the source is able to add them back (if needed) based on the meta information that it has about the existing item. The file source is unable to do that. When using it in an HTTP server, the server will look to peers like a peer which doesn't support the semantic (which indeed it doesn't) and thus the client will add back the fields.
2011-11-02 12:11:48 +01:00
# no, remove definition
testing: renamed LinkedItems tests, added "no ID" variants Numbering Client::Source::LinkedItems_xxx with xxx being a number is confusing, in particular when the same number stands for different test data. Now each set of linked items has an additional, unique name which is used for Client::Source::LinkedItems<Name>. Done in combination with adding more linked item tests and slightly reorganizing the logic for adding them: - a default set with VTIMEZONE is added in all cases - some SyncML servers override that default set - others, in particular peers accessed via their own backend, enable additional Client::Source tests on a case-by-case basis Exchange is only tested with its own default set (with "Standard Timezone" as TZID) and the all-day recurring set (as before). All other CalDAV servers are now also tested with the all-day set (previously exclusive to Exchange) and local floating time (= no TZID, new). Google CalDAV can't be tested with local time because it converts such events into the time zone of the current user. All-day events need special test data because Google adds a time to the UNTIL clause ( synccompare also needs to ignore that Google adds a redundant VTIMEZONE to the all-day test cases. Finally, Client::Source tests for updating a child event (with and without parent) without UID and RECURRENCE-ID inside the payload were added. These properties are removed via text operations. The expectation is that the source is able to add them back (if needed) based on the meta information that it has about the existing item. The file source is unable to do that. When using it in an HTTP server, the server will look to peers like a peer which doesn't support the semantic (which indeed it doesn't) and thus the client will add back the fields.
2011-11-02 12:11:48 +01:00
if (!$full_timezones) {
# Strip trailing digits from TZID. They are appended by
# Evolution and SyncEvolution to distinguish VTIMEZONE
# definitions which have the same TZID, but different rules.
s/(^TZID:|;TZID=)([^;:]*?) \d+/$1$2/gm;
# Strip trailing -(Standard) from TZID. Evolution 2.24.5 adds
# that (not sure exactly where that comes from).
# VTIMEZONE and TZID do not have to be preserved verbatim as long
# as the replacement is still representing the same timezone.
# Reduce TZIDs which specify a proper location
# to their location part and strip the VTIMEZONE - makes the
# diff shorter, too.
my $location = "[^\n]*((?:Africa|America|Antarctica|Arctic|Asia|Atlantic|Australia|Brazil|Canada|Chile|Egypt|Eire|Europe|Hongkong|Iceland|India|Iran|Israel|Jamaica|Japan|Kwajalein|Libya|Mexico|Mideast|Navajo|Pacific|Poland|Portugal|Singapore|Turkey|Zulu)[-a-zA-Z0-9_/]*)";
# normalize iCalendar 2.0
# CLASS=PUBLIC is the default, no need to show it
# RELATED=START is the default behavior
# VALUE=DURATION is the default behavior
s/^(TRIGGER.*):(\S*)/$1 . ":" . NormalizeTrigger($2)/mge;
synccompare: avoid segfault in Perl interpreter by limiting UTF-8 support The Perl version in Ubuntu Lucid had even more problems with synccompare than other versions. Compiling the latest stable Perl also didn't help (stack backtrace below). This patch disables UTF-8 support in string operations. The user-visible effect is that line length calculation is wrong when multi-byte characters are involved. This is better than not getting any output when the installed Perl is bad. File input and stdout are still using UTF-8, so UTF-8 content is passed through okay. *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08203278 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf7616591] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf7617de8] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf761aecd] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_offer_nice_chunk+0x3d)[0x80d2b0d] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x80c426a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_hv_common+0xafa)[0x80c628a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_pp_helem+0x24a)[0x80d138a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_runops_standard+0x13)[0x80c9623] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x80f74b0] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_pp_require+0x11da)[0x80f9c7a] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_runops_standard+0x13)[0x80c9623] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_call_sv+0x165)[0x8077705] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_swash_init+0x1d6)[0x8128686] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_to_utf8_case+0x213)[0x812a723] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_to_utf8_lower+0x37)[0x812a7f7] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x8121280] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_regexec_flags+0xb58)[0x8126b48] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_pp_subst+0x207)[0x80d1917] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(Perl_runops_standard+0x13)[0x80c9623] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(perl_run+0x2bd)[0x807823d] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare(main+0x115)[0x8062c35] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xf75c1bd6] /usr/local/bin/perl-synccompare[0x8062a81] ======= Memory map: ======== 08048000-0815e000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 2007582 /home/nightly/perl-5.12.3-lucid-i386/bin/perl
2011-05-05 14:08:32 +02:00
# Added by EDS >= 2.32, presumably to cache some internal computation.
# Because it can be recreated, it doesn't have to be preserved during
# sync and such changes can be ignored:
# > LY
if ($scheduleworld || $egroupware || $synthesis || $addressbook || $funambol ||$google || $mobical || $memotoo) {
# does not preserve X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=
if ($scheduleworld) {
# cannot distinguish EMAIL types
# replaces certain TZIDs with more up-to-date ones
if ($synthesis || $mobical) {
# only preserves ORG "Company", but loses "Department" and "Office"
if ($funambol) {
# only preserves ORG "Company";"Department", but loses "Office"
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
# drops the second address line
# has no concept of "preferred" phone number
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
if($google) {
# ignore the PHOTO encoding data
s/^PHOTO(.*?): .*\n/^PHOTO$1: [...]\n/mg;
# FN propertiey is not correct
s/^FN:.*\n/FN$1: [...]\n/mg;
# Not support car type in telephone
# some properties are lost
#several properties are not preserved by Google in icalendar2.0 format
# Google adds calendar owner as attendee of meetings, regardless
# whether it was on the original attendee list. Ignore this
# during testing by removing all attendees with
# email address.
if ($apple) {
# remove some parameters added by Apple Calendar server in CalDAV
# seems to require a fixed number of recurrences; hmm, okay...
if ($oracle) {
# remove extensions added by server
# ignore loss of LANGUAGE=xxx property in ATTENDEE
if ($google || $yahoo) {
# default status is CONFIRMED
# Google randomly (?!) adds a standard alarm to events.
if ($google_valarm) {
if ($yahoo) {
# some properties cannot be stored
if ($addressbook) {
# some properties cannot be stored
# only some parts of ADR are preserved
my $type;
s/^ADR(.*?)\:(.*)/$type=($1 || ""); @_ = split(\/(?<!\\);\/, $2); "ADR:;;" . ($_[2] || "") . ";" . ($_[3] || "") . ";" . ($_[4] || "") . ";" . ($_[5] || "") . ";" . ($_[6] || "")/gme;
# TYPE=CAR not supported
if ($synthesis) {
# does not preserve certain properties
# default ADR is HOME
# only some parts of N are preserved
s/^N((?:;[^;:]*)*)\:(.*)/@_ = split(\/(?<!\\);\/, $2); "N$1:$_[0];" . ($_[1] || "") . ";;" . ($_[3] || "")/gme;
# breaks lines at semicolons, which adds white space
while( s/^ADR:(.*); +/ADR:$1;/gm ) {}
# no attributes stored for ATTENDEEs
if ($synthesis) {
# VALARM not supported
if ($egroupware) {
# CLASS:PUBLIC is added if none exists (as in our test cases),
# several properties not preserved
# org gets truncated
if ($funambol) {
# several properties are not preserved
# quoted-printable line breaks are =0D=0A, not just single =0A
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
# only three email addresses, fourth one from test case gets lost
# this particular type is not preserved
s/ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3/ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3/;
if ($funambol) {
#several properties are not preserved by funambol server in icalendar2.0 format
if (/^BEGIN:VEVENT/m ) {
#several properties are not preserved by funambol server in itodo2.0 format and
#REPEAT:0 is added by funambol server so ignore it
#CN parameter is lost by funambol server
if (/^BEGIN:VTODO/m ) {
#several properties are not preserved by funambol server in itodo2.0 format and
#some new properties are added by funambol server
2009-12-11 10:52:22 +01:00
if($nokia_7210c) {
if (/BEGIN:VCARD/m) {
#ignore PREF, as it will added by default
#remove non-digit prefix in TEL
#properties N mismatch, sometimes lost part of components
#strip spaces in 'NOTE'
while (s/^(NOTE|DESCRIPTION):(\S+)[\t ]+(\S+)/$1:$2$3/mg) {}
#preserve 80 chars in NOTE
#preserve one ADDR
# ignore the PHOTO encoding data, sometimes it add a default photo
s/^PHOTO(.*?): .*\n//mg;
#lost properties
if (/^BEGIN:VEVENT/m ) {
#The properties phones add by default
#strip spaces in 'DESCRIPTION'
while (s/^DESCRIPTION:(\S+)[\t ]+(\S+)/DESCRIPTION:$1$2/mg) {}
if (/^BEGIN:VTODO/m) {
#mismatch properties
#lost properties
#Testing with phones using vcalendar, do not support UID
if ($ovi) {
if (/^BEGIN:VCARD/m) {
#lost properties
#FN value mismatch (reordring and adding , by the server)
#X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS adding '\' by the server
while (s/^X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:(.*)\\(.*)/X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:$1$2/gm) {}
# does not preserve X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=
# does not preserve third ADR
s/^ADR:Test Box #3.*\n\r?//mg;
if (/^BEGIN:VEVENT/m) {
#Testing with vcalendar, do not support UID
#Add PRORITY by default
# VALARM not supported
if (/^BEGIN:VTODO/m) {
#Testing with vcalendar, do not support UID
2009-12-11 10:52:22 +01:00
if ($funambol || $egroupware || $nokia_7210c) {
# NOTE may be truncated due to length resistrictions
if ($memotoo) {
if (/^BEGIN:VCARD/m ) {
# strip 'TYPE=HOME'
if (/^BEGIN:VEVENT/m ) {
# some parameters of 'ATTENDEE' will be lost by server
if (/^BEGIN:VALARM/m ) {
if (/^BEGIN:VTODO/m ) {
if ($mobical) {
# some workrounds here for mobical's bug
if (/^BEGIN:VEVENT/m ) {
if (/^BEGIN:VTODO/m ) {
if ($zyb) {
if ($exchange) {
# unsupported properties
# added properties which can be ignored (?)
# ORGANIZER added - remove and thus ignore if we have no ATTENDEEs
if (!/^ATTENDEE/m) {
# treat X-MOZILLA-HTML=FALSE as if the property didn't exist
my @formatted = ();
# Modify lines to cover not more than
# $width characters by folding lines (as done for the N or SUMMARY above),
# but also indent each inner BEGIN/END block by 2 spaces
# and finally sort the lines.
# We need to keep a stack of open blocks in @formatted:
# - BEGIN creates another open block
# - END closes it, sorts it, and adds as single string to the parent block
push @formatted, [];
foreach $_ (split /\n/, $_) {
if (/^BEGIN:/) {
# start a new block
push @formatted, [];
my $spaces = " " x ($#formatted - 1);
my $thiswidth = $width -1 - length($spaces);
$thiswidth = 1 if $thiswidth <= 0;
s/(.{$thiswidth})(?!$)/$1\n /g;
push @{$formatted[$#formatted]}, $_;
if (/^\s*END:/) {
my $block = pop @formatted;
my $begin = shift @{$block};
my $end = pop @{$block};
# Keep begin/end as first/last line,
# inbetween sort, but so that N or SUMMARY are
# at the top. This ensures that the order of items
# is the same, even if individual properties differ.
# Also put indented blocks at the end, not the top.
sub numspaces {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ /^(\s*)/;
return length($1);
$_ = join("\n",
sort( { $a =~ /^\s*(N|SUMMARY):/ ? -1 :
$b =~ /^\s*(N|SUMMARY):/ ? 1 :
($a =~ /^\s/ && $b =~ /^\S/) ? 1 :
numspaces($a) == numspaces($b) ? $a cmp $b :
numspaces($a) - numspaces($b) }
@{$block} ),
push @{$formatted[$#formatted]}, $_;
return ${$formatted[0]}[0];
# parameters: text, width to use for reformatted lines
# returns list of lines without line breaks
sub Normalize {
$_ = shift;
my $width = shift;
my @items = ();
# split into individual items
foreach $_ ( split( /(?:(?<=\nEND:VCARD)|(?<=\nEND:VCALENDAR))\n*/ ) ) {
# remove multiple events from calendar item
my $events = $1;
my $calendar = $_;
my $event;
# inject every single one back into the calendar and process the result
foreach $event ( split ( /(?:(?<=\nEND:VEVENT))\n*/, $events ) ) {
$_ = $calendar;
push @items, NormalizeItem($width, $_);
} else {
# already a single item
push @items, NormalizeItem($width, $_);
return split( /\n/, join( "\n\n", sort @items ));
# number of columns available for output:
# try tput without printing the shells error if not found,
# default to 80
my $columns = `which tput >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && tput 2>/dev/null && tput cols`;
if ($? || !$columns) {
$columns = 80;
if($#ARGV > 1) {
# error
exit 1;
} elsif($#ARGV == 1) {
# comparison
my ($file1, $file2) = ($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
my $singlewidth = int(($columns - 3) / 2);
$columns = $singlewidth * 2 + 3;
my @normal1;
my @normal2;
if (-d $file1 && -d $file2) {
# Both "files" are really directories of individual files.
# Don't include files in the comparison which are known
# to be identical because the refer to the same inode.
# - build map from inode to filename
my %files1;
my %files2;
my @content1;
my @content2;
my $inode;
my $fullname;
my $entry;
opendir(my $dh, $file1) || die "cannot read $file1: $!";
foreach $entry (grep { -f "$file1/$_" } readdir($dh)) {
$fullname = "$file1/$entry";
$inode = (stat($fullname))[1];
$files1{$inode} = $entry;
# - remove common files, read others
opendir(my $dh, $file2) || die "cannot read $file2: $!";
foreach $entry (grep { -f "$file2/$_" } readdir($dh)) {
$fullname = "$file2/$entry";
$inode = (stat($fullname))[1];
if ($files1{$inode}) {
delete $files1{$inode};
} else {
open(IN, "<:utf8", "$fullname") || die "$fullname: $!";
push @content2, <IN>;
# - read remaining entries from first dir
foreach $entry (values %files1) {
$fullname = "$file1/$entry";
open(IN, "<:utf8", "$fullname") || die "$fullname: $!";
push @content1, <IN>;
my $content1 = join("", @content1);
my $content2 = join("", @content2);
@normal1 = Normalize($content1, $singlewidth);
@normal2 = Normalize($content2, $singlewidth);
} else {
if (-d $file1) {
open(IN1, "-|:utf8", "find $file1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat") || die "$file1: $!";
} else {
open(IN1, "<:utf8", $file1) || die "$file1: $!";
if (-d $file2) {
open(IN2, "-|:utf8", "find $file2 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat") || die "$file2: $!";
} else {
open(IN2, "<:utf8", $file2) || die "$file2: $!";
my $buf1 = join("", <IN1>);
my $buf2 = join("", <IN2>);
@normal1 = Normalize($buf1, $singlewidth);
@normal2 = Normalize($buf2, $singlewidth);
# Produce output where each line is marked as old (aka remove) with o,
# as new (aka added) with n, and as unchanged with u at the beginning.
# This allows simpler processing below.
my $res = 0;
if (0) {
# $_ = `diff "--old-line-format=o %L" "--new-line-format=n %L" "--unchanged-line-format=u %L" "$normal1" "$normal2"`;
# $res = $?;
} else {
# convert into same format as diff above - this allows reusing the
# existing output formatting code
my $diffs_ref = Algorithm::Diff::sdiff(\@normal1, \@normal2);
@_ = ();
my $hunk;
foreach $hunk ( @{$diffs_ref} ) {
my ($type, $left, $right) = @{$hunk};
if ($type eq "-") {
push @_, "o $left";
$res = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "+") {
push @_, "n $right";
$res = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "c") {
push @_, "o $left";
push @_, "n $right";
$res = 1;
} else {
push @_, "u $left";
$_ = join("\n", @_);
if ($res) {
printf "%*s | %s\n", $singlewidth,
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_LEFT_NAME} || "before sync"),
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_RIGHT_NAME} || "after sync");
printf "%*s <\n", $singlewidth,
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_REMOVED} || "removed during sync");
printf "%*s > %s\n", $singlewidth, "",
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_ADDED} || "added during sync");
print "-" x $columns, "\n";
# fix confusing output like:
# > N:new;entry
# > FN:new
# >
# and replace it with:
# > N:new;entry
# > FN:new
# With the o/n/u markup this presents itself as:
# n N:new;entry
# n FN:new
# n
# The alternative case is also possible:
# o
# o N:old;entry
# case one above
while( s/^u BEGIN:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^n .*\n)+?)^n BEGIN:/n BEGIN:$1\n$2u BEGIN:/m) {}
# same for the other direction
while( s/^u BEGIN:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^o .*\n)+?)^o BEGIN:/o BEGIN:$1\n$2u BEGIN:/m) {}
# case two
while( s/^o END:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^o .*\n)+?)^u END:/u END:$1\n$2o END:/m) {}
while( s/^n END:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^n .*\n)+?)^u END:/u END:$1\n$2n END:/m) {}
# split at end of each record
my $spaces = " " x $singlewidth;
foreach $_ (split /(?:(?<=. END:VCARD\n)|(?<=. END:VCALENDAR\n))(?:^. \n)*/m, $_) {
# ignore unchanged records
if (!length($_) || /^((u [^\n]*\n)*(u [^\n]*?))$/s) {
# make all lines equally long in terms of printable characters
s/^(.*)$/$1 . (" " x ($singlewidth + 2 - length($1)))/gme;
# convert into side-by-side output
my @buffer = ();
foreach $_ (split /\n/, $_) {
if (/^u (.*)/) {
print join(" <\n", @buffer), " <\n" if $#buffer >= 0;
@buffer = ();
print $1, " ", $1, "\n";
} elsif (/^o (.*)/) {
# preserve in buffer for potential merging with "n "
push @buffer, $1;
} else {
/^n (.*)/;
# have line to be merged with?
if ($#buffer >= 0) {
print shift @buffer, " | ", $1, "\n";
} else {
print join(" <\n", @buffer), " <\n" if $#buffer >= 0;
print $spaces, " > ", $1, "\n";
print join(" <\n", @buffer), " <\n" if $#buffer >= 0;
@buffer = ();
print "-" x $columns, "\n";
# unlink($normal1);
# unlink($normal2);
} else {
# normalize
my $in;
if( $#ARGV >= 0 ) {
my $file1 = $ARGV[0];
if (-d $file1) {
open(IN, "-|:utf8", "find $file1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat") || die "$file1: $!";
} else {
open(IN, "<:utf8", $file1) || die "$file1: $!";
$in = *IN{IO};
} else {
$in = *STDIN{IO};
my $buf = join("", <$in>);
print STDOUT join("\n", Normalize($buf, $columns)), "\n";