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Resources to learn R within R

There are plenty resources to learn R. As any GNU project, the manuals and info documentation are the first and most important resource to be used to learn about the programs.

Most of the times, it is not necessary to open a question in a community forum, nor open a browser to search in the web. Most of the times the answer is on your own copy of the manual.

R and all the R-packages have extensive documentation and there are also packages that can be used to learn R within R.

So, do not forget to read the manuals: it is a smarter way of beginning to learn R.

Resource Author Comments
swirl package
learnr package Write interactive tutorials in R

R documentation

Use the following code in R:


In order to check the information about a package use the function vignette() with the name of the package as argument:

  vignette(package = "data.table")

Find R documentation from emacs

If you use R in emacs, the manuals can also be accessed using 'info' program, typing CTRL+h and then "i":

C-h i

That will open the info documentation. Then use 'ALT' + 'm' (for menu) and write the initial words of the manual you are looking for:

M m R

Scroll down to find any topic you need to read.

Find R documentation from a shell in GNU-linux systems

All the R manual can be accesed from a shell using the command "man":

  man R

Typing in terminal 'info -f' followed by the name of each section will display manual in "info" version:

  • info -f R-intro
  • info -f R-data
  • info -f R-exts
  • info -f R-FAQ
  • info -f R-lang
  • info -f R-ints

Check the script to see additional resources.