
62 lines
4.4 KiB
Org Mode
Raw Normal View History

#+date: 2021
2022-04-27 22:09:34 +02:00
* Commands
Use the following keybindings to edit in emacs
* CTRL (C)
* ALT (~M~)
* CTRL + x (~C-x~)
* ALT + x (~M-x~)
** Using 'meta' "M-x"
#+Caption: Some examples on how to use se 'M-x' in emacs
2022-04-27 22:09:34 +02:00
| Keystroke | Command | Action |
| M-x | tab-new | New tab |
| | tab-rename | Rename tab |
| | menu- | Modifying menu |
| | menu-bar-mode | Including a menu bar |
| | ido-mode | Work with "ido-mode" |
| | org-mode | Work with "org-mode" |
| | eww | Browse the web |
| | browse-url | Browse the web |
| | term | Open a terminal |
| | shell | Open shell |
| | rename-uniquely | Rename an open terminal |
| | dired | Acess directory system |
| | appt-activate | Appointment reminders activated |
| | appt-add | Add an appointment |
| | appt-delete | Delete an appointment |
| | customize | Customize Emacs |
| | customize-themes | Customize themes |
| | rename-file | Renaming a file |
| | diary | Open diary |
| | ispell-change-dictionary | Change dictionary for session |
| | flyspell-mode | Using flyspell |
| | nov-mode | Open nov epub reader |
| | org-odt-convert | convert from odt to multiple formats |
| | org-clock-report | Creates a clocktable |
| | f10 | maximize current frame |
| | set-input-method | Change keyboard layout |
| | dired | Initialize dired |
| | delete-trailing-whitespace | Delete unnecessary space in text |
| | imenu | Interactive menu |
| | helm-imenu | Interactive menu with helm |
| | ibuffer | Open interactive list of buffers |
| | helm-buffers-list | Open interactive list of buffers |
| | find-name-dired | Search for a word recursively |
| | find-grep-dired | Search grep in dired |
| | helm-find | Search for a word in file recursively |
| | helm-list-elisp-packages | Show package list with multiple options |
| | visual-line-mode | Wrap text to screen width |
| | revert-buffer-with-coding-system | Change encoding for this buffer |
| | org-insert-structure-template | Insert template in org files |
| | org-insert-link | Insert a link |
| | org-store-link | Store a link in org mode |
| | treemacs-resize-icons | Resize icons in treemacs (default 22) |
2022-04-27 22:09:34 +02:00
| | describe-mode | Describes ative minor mode |
| | comment-region | comment the region |