
515 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Скопировать ошибку и выйти",
"unknown": "Неизвестен",
"databaseError": "Ошибка базы данных",
"mainMenuFile": "&Файл",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Изменить",
"mainMenuView": "&Просмотреть",
"mainMenuWindow": "&Окно",
"mainMenuHelp": "&Помощь",
"appMenuHide": "Скрыть",
"appMenuHideOthers": "Скрыть другие",
"appMenuUnhide": "Показать все",
"appMenuQuit": "Выйти из Session",
"editMenuUndo": "Отменить",
"editMenuRedo": "Вернуть",
"editMenuCut": "Вырезать",
"editMenuCopy": "Копировать",
"editMenuPaste": "Вставить",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"editMenuDeleteContact": "Изтриите контакта",
"editMenuDeleteGroup": "Изтрийте групата",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"editMenuSelectAll": "Выбрать Все",
"windowMenuClose": "Закрыть окно",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Минимизировать",
"windowMenuZoom": "Увеличить",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Фактический размер",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Увеличить",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Уменьшить",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Переключить полный экран",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Переключить инструменты разработчика",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Няма предложения",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"openGroupInvitation": "Community invitation",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Включване в $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Are you sure you want to join the $roomName$ community?",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"couldntFindServerMatching": "Couldn't find the corresponding Community server",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Enter Session ID or ONS name",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"startNewConversationBy...": "Start a new conversation by entering someone's Session ID or share your Session ID with them.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"loading": "Загрузка...",
"done": "Готово",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Вы покинули группу.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "Бяхте премахнат от тази група",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"unreadMessages": "Непрочетени съобщения",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"debugLogExplanation": "Този лог ще бъре запазен на работния ви плот.",
"reportIssue": "Report a Bug",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"markAllAsRead": "Маркирай всички като прочетени",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"incomingError": "Ошибка при обработке входящего сообщения",
"media": "Медиа",
"mediaEmptyState": "Нет медиа-файлов",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"document": "Document",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"documents": "Документы",
"documentsEmptyState": "Нет документов",
"today": "Сегодня",
"yesterday": "Вчера",
"thisWeek": "На Этой Неделе",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"thisMonth": "Този Месец",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"voiceMessage": "Голосовое сообщение",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Черновик миниатюры предварительного просмотра ссылки для $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Миниатюра предварительного просмотра ссылки для $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Черновик вложения изображения: $path$",
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": "При включении в сообщение вложений, не относящихся к изображениям, ограничение составляет по одному вложению на сообщение.",
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": "Нельзя смешивать вложения, не относящиеся к изображениям, с изображениями в одном сообщении.",
"maximumAttachments": "Вы не можете больше добавлять вложения к этому сообщению.",
"fileSizeWarning": "Вложение превышает допустимый размер для данного типа сообщения.",
"unableToLoadAttachment": "Извините, произошла ошибка при обработке вложения.",
"offline": "Оффлайн",
"debugLog": "Журнал отладки",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"showDebugLog": "Export Logs",
"shareBugDetails": "Export your logs, then upload the file though Session's Help Desk.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"goToReleaseNotes": "Перейти к заметкам о релизе",
"goToSupportPage": "Перейти на страницу поддержки",
"about": "О Session",
"show": "Показать",
"sessionMessenger": "Сесия",
"noSearchResults": "Результаты не найдены для \"$searchTerm$\"",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"conversationsHeader": "Contacts and Groups: $count$",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"contactsHeader": "Контакты",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"messagesHeader": "Conversations",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"searchMessagesHeader": "Messages: $count$",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"settingsHeader": "Настройки",
"typingAlt": "Анимация набора текста для этого разговора",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Аватар для контакта $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Загрузить вложение",
"replyToMessage": "Ответ на сообщение",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"replyingToMessage": "Отговор до:",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"originalMessageNotFound": "Исходное сообщение не найдено",
"you": "Вы",
"audioPermissionNeededTitle": "Microphone access required",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "Для отправки аудиосообщений разрешите Session доступ к микрофону.",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"image": "Image",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"audio": "Аудио",
"video": "Видео",
"photo": "Фото",
"cannotUpdate": "Cannot Update",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Session Desktop, не може да се актоализира, има нова нова версия налична. Моля посетете и инсталирайте новата версия ръчно, и тогава се свържете с помощ.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"ok": "Добре",
"cancel": "Отменить",
"close": "Затвори",
"continue": "Продолжить",
"error": "Ошибка",
"delete": "Удалить",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Нямате право да изтривате съобщенията на другите",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"deleteJustForMe": "Изтрий само за мен",
"deleteForEveryone": "Изтрий за всички",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Изтрийте $count$ съобщения?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Изтриване на това съобщение?",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"deleteMessages": "Удалить сообщения",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"deleteConversation": "Delete Conversation",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"deleted": "$count$ изтрити",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "Това съобщение беше изтрито",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"from": "От:",
"to": "Кому:",
"sent": "Отправлено",
"received": "Получено",
"sendMessage": "Отправить сообщение",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"groupMembers": "Members",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"moreInformation": "Больше информации",
"resend": "Отправить ещё раз",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Удалить этот разговор без возможности восстановления?",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"clear": "Clear",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"clearAllData": "Очистить все данные",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages and contacts.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"deleteAccountFromLogin": "Are you sure you want to clear your device?",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот разговор?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Миниатюра изображения из цитируемого сообщения",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Изображение, прикрепленное к сообщению",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"videoAttachmentAlt": "Screenshot of video in message",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"lightboxImageAlt": "Изображение, отправленное в разговоре",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Иконка, показывающая, что у этого изображения есть подпись",
"addACaption": "Добавить субтитры...",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"copySessionID": "Копирайте Session ID",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Copy Group URL",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"save": "Сохранить",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"saveLogToDesktop": "Запази лога на работния плот",
"saved": "Запазено",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ направи екранна снимка",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"savedTheFile": "Media saved by $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Отправлять Предпросмотр Ссылки",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"linkPreviewDescription": "Generate link previews for supported URLs.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Микрофон",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"spellCheckTitle": "Проверка орфографии",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"spellCheckDescription": "Enable spell check when typing messages.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"spellCheckDirty": "You must restart Session to apply your new settings",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "Send read receipts in one-to-one chats.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Уведомления о прочтении",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "See and share typing indicators in one-to-one chats.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Индикаторы Ввода",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Масштабирование Приложения",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"themesSettingTitle": "Themes",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"primaryColor": "Primary Colour",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"primaryColorGreen": "Primary color green",
"primaryColorBlue": "Primary color blue",
"primaryColorYellow": "Primary color yellow",
"primaryColorPink": "Primary color pink",
"primaryColorPurple": "Primary color purple",
"primaryColorOrange": "Primary color orange",
"primaryColorRed": "Primary color red",
"classicDarkThemeTitle": "Classic Dark",
"classicLightThemeTitle": "Classic Light",
"oceanDarkThemeTitle": "Ocean Dark",
"oceanLightThemeTitle": "Ocean Light",
"pruneSettingTitle": "Trim Communities",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"pruneSettingDescription": "Delete messages older than 6 months from Communities that have over 2,000 messages.",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"enable": "Enable",
"keepDisabled": "Keep disabled",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"notificationSettingsDialog": "The information shown in notifications.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"nameAndMessage": "Name & Content",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"noNameOrMessage": "Ни имени, ни сообщения",
"nameOnly": "Только имя отправителя",
"newMessage": "Новое сообщение",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"createConversationNewContact": "Create a conversation with a new contact",
"createConversationNewGroup": "Create a group with existing contacts",
"joinACommunity": "Join a community",
"chooseAnAction": "Choose an action to start a conversation",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"newMessages": "Новые сообщения",
"notificationMostRecentFrom": "Последнее от $name$",
"notificationFrom": "От:",
"notificationMostRecent": "Последние:",
"sendFailed": "Не Удалось Отправить",
"mediaMessage": "Медиа-сообщение",
"messageBodyMissing": "Please enter a message body.",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"messageBody": "Message body",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"unblockToSend": "Разблокируйте этот контакт, чтобы отправить сообщение.",
"youChangedTheTimer": "Вы установили таймер для исчезающих сообщений на $time$.",
"timerSetOnSync": "Обновлен таймер исчезновения сообщений до $time$",
"theyChangedTheTimer": "$name$ установил(а) таймер для исчезающих сообщений на $time$.",
"timerOption_0_seconds": "Выключено",
"timerOption_5_seconds": "5 секунд",
"timerOption_10_seconds": "10 секунд",
"timerOption_30_seconds": "30 секунд",
"timerOption_1_minute": "1 минута",
"timerOption_5_minutes": "5 минут",
"timerOption_30_minutes": "30 минут",
"timerOption_1_hour": "1 час",
"timerOption_6_hours": "6 часов",
"timerOption_12_hours": "12 часов",
"timerOption_1_day": "1 день",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 неделя",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"timerOption_2_weeks": "2 weeks",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"disappearingMessages": "Исчезающие сообщения",
"changeNickname": "Change Nickname",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "New Nickname",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Enter a nickname for this user",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "выключена",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5с",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10с",
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": "30с",
"timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated": "1м",
"timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated": "5м",
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": "30м",
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": "1ч",
"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": "6ч",
"timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated": "12ч",
"timerOption_1_day_abbreviated": "1д",
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": "1нед.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"timerOption_2_weeks_abbreviated": "2w",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": "Исчезающие сообщения отключены",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"disabledDisappearingMessages": "$name$ has turned off disappearing messages.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "Вы отключили исчезающие сообщения.",
"timerSetTo": "Время исчезновения сообщений $time$",
"noteToSelf": "Заметка для себя",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Спрятать Системное Меню",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Toggle system menu bar visibility.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"startConversation": "Начать новый разговор…",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"invalidNumberError": "Please check the Session ID or ONS name and try again",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"failedResolveOns": "Failed to resolve ONS name",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Автоматические обновления",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"autoUpdateSettingDescription": "Automatically check for updates on startup.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Доступно обновление Session",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "Доступна новая версия Session",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "Для применения обновлений перезапустите Session.",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "Перезапустите Session",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "Позже",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Скачать",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Would you like to download the update?",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ покинул(a) группу.",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ покинул(а) группу.",
"updatedTheGroup": "Группа обновлена",
"titleIsNow": "Название группы поменялось на «$name$».",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ присоединился к группе.",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$name$ присоединились к группе.",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"block": "Block",
"unblock": "Unblock",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Blocked Contacts",
"conversationsSettingsTitle": "Conversations",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Забрани и изтрий всички",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Ban failed!",
"leaveGroup": "Покинуть Группу",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Leave Group and Remove for Everyone",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите покинуть эту группу?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "As you are the admin of this group, if you leave it it will be removed for every current members. Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Cannot remove this user",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "You cannot remove this user as they are the creator of the group.",
"noContactsForGroup": "У вас еще нет контактов",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as admin",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the admin list",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"copyMessage": "Скопировать текст сообщения",
"selectMessage": "Выбрать сообщение",
"editGroup": "Редактировать группу",
"editGroupName": "Edit group name",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Обновляем $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Секретная фраза",
"yourSessionID": "Ваш Session ID",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Password",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Session.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Change Password",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Change the password required to unlock Session.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Password",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password required to unlock Session.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"enterNewPassword": "Please enter your new password",
"confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Please enter your password",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Ваша секретная фраза является главным ключом к вашему Session ID. Вы можете использовать ее для восстановления Session ID, если потеряете доступ к своему устройству. Сохраните свою секретную фразу в безопасном месте, и никому её не передавайте.",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Невалиден URL адрес",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"passwordViewTitle": "Enter Password",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"password": "Парола",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"setPassword": "Set Password",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"createPassword": "Create your password",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"removePassword": "Remove Password",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Invalid Password. Would you like to reset the database?",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"typeInOldPassword": "Please enter your current password",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"invalidOldPassword": "Old password is invalid",
"invalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"noGivenPassword": "Please enter your password",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Passwords do not match",
"changePasswordInvalid": "The old password you entered is incorrect",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Incorrect password",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"setPasswordTitle": "Password Set",
"changePasswordTitle": "Password Changed",
"removePasswordTitle": "Password Removed",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been set. Please keep it safe.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been changed. Please keep it safe.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"removePasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been removed.",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"publicChatExists": "You are already connected to this community",
"connectToServerFail": "Couldn't join community",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"connectingToServer": "Соединяемся...",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"connectToServerSuccess": "Successfully connected to community",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"setPasswordFail": "Failed to set password",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
"passwordTypeError": "Password must be a string",
"passwordCharacterError": "Password must only contain letters, numbers and symbols",
"remove": "Удалить",
"invalidSessionId": "Неверный Session ID",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Invalid Pubkey Format",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Пожалуйста, введите название группы",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Аккаунт",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Название Группы",
"inviteContacts": "Пригласить Друзей В Session",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"addModerators": "Add Admins",
"removeModerators": "Remove Admins",
"addAsModerator": "Add as Admin",
"removeFromModerators": "Remove From Admins",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"add": "Добави",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"addingContacts": "Adding contacts to $name$",
"noContactsToAdd": "No contacts to add",
"noMembersInThisGroup": "No other members in this group",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"noModeratorsToRemove": "no admins to remove",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers": "You are not the creator",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Only the creator of the group can remove users",
"createAccount": "Создать Аккаунт",
2022-02-07 02:05:19 +01:00
"startInTrayTitle": "Keep in System Tray",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"startInTrayDescription": "Keep Session running in the background when you close the window.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Познакомьтесь со своим Session ID",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Ваш Session ID - это уникальный адрес, который другие пользователи могут использовать для связи с вами при помощи Session. Поскольку ваш Session ID никак не связан с вашей настоящей личностью, он по определению является полностью анонимным и конфиденциальным.",
"getStarted": "Get started",
"createSessionID": "Создать Session ID",
"recoveryPhrase": "Секретная фраза",
"enterRecoveryPhrase": "Введите секретную фразу",
"displayName": "Display Name",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"removeResidueMembers": "Clicking ok will also remove those members as they left the group.",
"enterDisplayName": "Введите отображаемое имя",
"continueYourSession": "Восстановить Session ID",
"linkDevice": "Привязать устройство",
"restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase": "Восстановите свой аккаунт",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"or": "или",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"ByUsingThisService...": "By using this service, you agree to our <a href=\" \">Terms of Service</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"beginYourSession": "Begin your Session.",
"welcomeToYourSession": "Welcome to your Session",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"searchFor...": "Search conversations and contacts",
"searchForContactsOnly": "Search for contacts",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"enterSessionID": "Введите Session ID",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "Enter your contact's Session ID or ONS",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"message": "Съобщение",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"appearanceSettingsTitle": "Внешний вид",
"privacySettingsTitle": "Конфиденциальность",
"notificationsSettingsTitle": "Уведомления",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"audioNotificationsSettingsTitle": "Audio Notifications",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"notificationsSettingsContent": "Notification Content",
"notificationPreview": "Preview",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"recoveryPhraseEmpty": "Введите секретную фразу",
"displayNameEmpty": "Пожалуйста, выберите отображаемое имя",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"displayNameTooLong": "Display name is too long",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"members": "$count$ члена",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"activeMembers": "$count$ active members",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"join": "Join",
"joinOpenGroup": "Join Community",
"createGroup": "Create Group",
"create": "Create",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"createClosedGroupNamePrompt": "Название Группы",
"createClosedGroupPlaceholder": "Введите название группы",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"openGroupURL": "Community URL",
"enterAnOpenGroupURL": "Enter Community URL",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"next": "Далее",
"invalidGroupNameTooShort": "Пожалуйста, введите название группы",
"invalidGroupNameTooLong": "Пожалуйста, введите более короткое имя группы",
"pickClosedGroupMember": "Пожалуйста, выберите как минимум 1 участников группы",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"closedGroupMaxSize": "A group cannot have more than 100 members",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"noBlockedContacts": "You have no blocked contacts.",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"userAddedToModerators": "User added to admin list",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "User removed from admin list",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Or join one of these...",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Translate Session",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"closedGroupInviteFailTitle": "Group Invitation Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessage": "Unable to successfully invite a group member",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural": "Unable to successfully invite all group members",
"closedGroupInviteOkText": "Retry invitations",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Completed",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle": "Group Invitation Succeeded",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage": "Successfully invited group members",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"notificationForConvo": "Notifications",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"notificationForConvo_all": "Всички",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"notificationForConvo_disabled": "Disabled",
"notificationForConvo_mentions_only": "Mentions only",
"onionPathIndicatorTitle": "Path",
"onionPathIndicatorDescription": "Session hides your IP by bouncing your messages through several Service Nodes in Session's decentralized network. These are the countries your connection is currently being bounced through:",
"unknownCountry": "Unknown Country",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"device": "Устройство",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"destination": "Destination",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"learnMore": "Научи повече",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"linkVisitWarningTitle": "Open this link in your browser?",
"linkVisitWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to open $url$ in your browser?",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"open": "Отвори",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"audioMessageAutoplayTitle": "Autoplay Audio Messages",
"audioMessageAutoplayDescription": "Autoplay consecutive audio messages.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"clickToTrustContact": "Click to download media",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "Trust $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "Are you sure you want to download media sent by $name$?",
"pinConversation": "Pin Conversation",
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"markUnread": "Mark Unread",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Data not deleted",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Data not deleted with an unknown error. Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Would you like to clear this device only, or delete your data from the network as well?",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"clearDevice": "Clear Device",
"tryAgain": "Try Again",
"areYouSureClearDevice": "Are you sure you want to clear your device?",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"deviceOnly": "Clear Device Only",
"entireAccount": "Clear Device and Network",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your data from the network? If you continue, you will not be able to restore your messages or contacts.",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"iAmSure": "Сигурен съм",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "You're almost finished!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"surveyTitle": "We'd Love Your Feedback",
"faq": "FAQ",
"support": "Support",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"clearAll": "Clear All",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"clearDataSettingsTitle": "Clear Data",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"blindedMsgReqsSettingTitle": "Community Message Requests",
"blindedMsgReqsSettingDesc": "Allow message requests from Community conversations.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"hideRequestBannerDescription": "Hide the Message Request banner until you receive a new message request.",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"permissionsSettingsTitle": "Permissions",
"helpSettingsTitle": "Help",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and Video Calls (Beta)",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"callMissedNotApproved": "Call missed from '$name$' as you haven't approved this conversation yet. Send a message to them first.",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Enables voice and video calls to and from other users.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "Your IP address is visible to your call partner and an Oxen Foundation server while using beta calls. Are you sure you want to enable Voice and Video Calls?",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"callMediaPermissionsDialogTitle": "Voice and Video Calls (Beta)",
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
2022-02-07 02:05:19 +01:00
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$",
"trimDatabase": "Trim Database",
"trimDatabaseDescription": "Reduces your message database size to your last 10,000 messages.",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"trimDatabaseConfirmationBody": "Are you sure you want to delete your $deleteAmount$ oldest received messages?",
"pleaseWaitOpenAndOptimizeDb": "Please wait while your database is opened and optimized...",
"messageRequestPending": "Your message request is currently pending",
"messageRequestAccepted": "Your message request has been accepted",
"messageRequestAcceptedOurs": "You have accepted $name$'s message request",
"messageRequestAcceptedOursNoName": "You have accepted the message request",
"declineRequestMessage": "Are you sure you want to decline this message request?",
"respondingToRequestWarning": "Sending a message to this user will automatically accept their message request and reveal your Session ID.",
"hideRequestBanner": "Hide Message Request Banner",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"openMessageRequestInbox": "Message Requests",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"noMessageRequestsPending": "No pending message requests",
"noMediaUntilApproved": "You cannot send attachments until the conversation is approved",
"mustBeApproved": "This conversation must be accepted to use this feature",
"youHaveANewFriendRequest": "You have a new friend request",
"clearAllConfirmationTitle": "Clear All Message Requests",
"clearAllConfirmationBody": "Are you sure you want to clear all message requests?",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"noMessagesInReadOnly": "There are no messages in <b>$name$</b>.",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"noMessagesInBlindedDisabledMsgRequests": "<b>$name$</b> has message requests from Community conversations turned off, so you cannot send them a message.",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"noMessagesInNoteToSelf": "You have no messages in <b>$name$</b>.",
"noMessagesInEverythingElse": "You have no messages from <b>$name$</b>. Send a message to start the conversation!",
2022-08-10 08:49:50 +02:00
"hideBanner": "Hide",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"someOfYourDeviceUseOutdatedVersion": "Some of your devices are using outdated versions. Syncing may be unreliable until they are updated.",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"openMessageRequestInboxDescription": "View your Message Request inbox",
"clearAllReactions": "Are you sure you want to clear all $emoji$ ?",
"expandedReactionsText": "Show Less",
"reactionNotification": "Reacts to a message with $emoji$",
2023-05-12 07:40:05 +02:00
"rateLimitReactMessage": "Slow down! You've sent too many emoji reacts. Try again soon",
2022-09-29 05:20:35 +02:00
"otherSingular": "$number$ other",
"otherPlural": "$number$ others",
"reactionPopup": "reacted with",
"reactionPopupOne": "$name$",
"reactionPopupTwo": "$name$ & $name2$",
"reactionPopupThree": "$name$, $name2$ & $name3$",
"reactionPopupMany": "$name$, $name2$, $name3$ &",
"reactionListCountSingular": "And $otherSingular$ has reacted <span>$emoji$</span> to this message",
2023-10-17 01:12:53 +02:00
"reactionListCountPlural": "And $otherPlural$ have reacted <span>$emoji$</span> to this message",
"setDisplayPicture": "Set Display Picture"
2022-01-18 05:21:48 +01:00