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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Sodium
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
public struct Interaction: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, FetchableRecord, MutablePersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "interaction" }
internal static let threadForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.threadId], to: [])
internal static let linkPreviewForeignKey = ForeignKey(
to: [LinkPreview.Columns.url]
public static let thread = belongsTo(SessionThread.self, using: threadForeignKey)
public static let profile = hasOne(Profile.self, using: Profile.interactionForeignKey)
public static let interactionAttachments = hasMany(
using: InteractionAttachment.interactionForeignKey
public static let attachments = hasMany(
through: interactionAttachments,
using: InteractionAttachment.attachment
public static let quote = hasOne(Quote.self, using: Quote.interactionForeignKey)
/// Whenever using this `linkPreview` association make sure to filter the result using
/// `.filter(literal: Interaction.linkPreviewFilterLiteral)` to ensure the correct LinkPreview is returned
public static let linkPreview = hasOne(LinkPreview.self, using: LinkPreview.interactionForeignKey)
public static func linkPreviewFilterLiteral(
timestampColumn: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral:
) -> SQL {
let linkPreview: TypedTableAlias<LinkPreview> = TypedTableAlias()
return "(ROUND((\(Interaction.self).\(timestampColumn) / 1000 / 100000) - 0.5) * 100000) = \(linkPreview[.timestamp])"
public static let recipientStates = hasMany(RecipientState.self, using: RecipientState.interactionForeignKey)
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression, CaseIterable {
case id
case serverHash
case messageUuid
case threadId
case authorId
case variant
case body
case timestampMs
case receivedAtTimestampMs
case wasRead
case hasMention
case expiresInSeconds
case expiresStartedAtMs
case linkPreviewUrl
// Open Group specific properties
case openGroupServerMessageId
case openGroupWhisperMods
case openGroupWhisperTo
public enum Variant: Int, Codable, Hashable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case standardIncoming
case standardOutgoing
case standardIncomingDeleted
// Info Message Types (spacing the values out to make it easier to extend)
case infoClosedGroupCreated = 1000
case infoClosedGroupUpdated
case infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft
case infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate = 2000
case infoScreenshotNotification = 3000
case infoMediaSavedNotification
case infoMessageRequestAccepted = 4000
case infoCall = 5000
Merge branch 'feature/session-id-blinding-part-2' into feature/database-refactor # Conflicts: # Podfile # Podfile.lock # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Closed Groups/EditClosedGroupVC.swift # Session/Closed Groups/NewClosedGroupVC.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationMessageMapping.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationSearch.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewModel.m # Session/Conversations/Input View/InputView.swift # Session/Conversations/Input View/MentionSelectionView.swift # Session/Conversations/LongTextViewController.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Settings/OWSConversationSettingsViewController.m # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/ConversationTitleView.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/DownloadAttachmentModal.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/JoinOpenGroupModal.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/LinkPreviewModal.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/MessagesTableView.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/URLModal.swift # Session/Home/GlobalSearch/GlobalSearchViewController.swift # Session/Home/HomeVC.swift # Session/Home/Message Requests/MessageRequestsViewController.swift # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaDetailViewController.m # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaPageViewController.swift # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.m # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.swift # Session/Meta/AppEnvironment.swift # Session/Meta/Signal-Bridging-Header.h # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/si.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Notifications/AppNotifications.swift # Session/Open Groups/JoinOpenGroupVC.swift # Session/Settings/NukeDataModal.swift # Session/Settings/SeedModal.swift # Session/Settings/SettingsVC.swift # Session/Settings/ShareLogsModal.swift # Session/Shared/ConversationCell.swift # Session/Shared/UserSelectionVC.swift # Session/Utilities/BackgroundPoller.swift # Session/Utilities/MentionUtilities.swift # Session/Utilities/MockDataGenerator.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/OWSPrimaryStorage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Database/SSKPreferences.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+Contacts.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+Jobs.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+Messaging.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+OpenGroups.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/TSDatabaseView.m # SessionMessagingKit/File Server/FileServerAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/AttachmentDownloadJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/AttachmentUploadJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/JobQueue.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageReceiveJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/NotifyPNServerJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Control Messages/ClosedGroupControlMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Control Messages/ConfigurationMessage+Convenience.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Message+Destination.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSIncomingMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSIncomingMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInfoMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInfoMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInteraction.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInteraction.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2+ObjC.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupManagerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupMessageV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Mentions/MentionsManager.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Decryption.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+ClosedGroups.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+Encryption.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/ClosedGroupPoller.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/Poller.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Storage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/Notification+Thread.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSContactThread.h # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSContactThread.m # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSGroupModel.h # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSGroupModel.m # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSGroupThread.m # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NotificationServiceExtension.swift # SessionSnodeKit/OnionRequestAPI+Encryption.swift # SessionSnodeKit/OnionRequestAPI.swift # SessionSnodeKit/SnodeAPI.swift # SessionSnodeKit/SnodeMessage.swift # SessionSnodeKit/Storage+SnodeAPI.swift # SessionSnodeKit/Storage.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/Array+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/Dictionary+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/SNUserDefaults.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/Set+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/Meta/SessionUtilitiesKit.h # SessionUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Optional+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Sodium+Conversion.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Configuration.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Database/Migrations/OpenGroupServerIdLookupMigration.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Messaging/FullTextSearcher.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Messaging/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+Convenience.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Profile Pictures/Identicon+ObjC.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/To Do/OWSProfileManager.m # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/UIView+OWS.swift
2022-06-08 06:29:51 +02:00
// MARK: - Convenience
public static let variantsToIncrementUnreadCount: [Variant] = [
.standardIncoming, .infoCall
public var isInfoMessage: Bool {
switch self {
case .infoClosedGroupCreated, .infoClosedGroupUpdated, .infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft,
.infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate, .infoScreenshotNotification, .infoMediaSavedNotification,
.infoMessageRequestAccepted, .infoCall:
return true
case .standardIncoming, .standardOutgoing, .standardIncomingDeleted:
return false
/// This flag controls whether the `wasRead` flag is automatically set to true based on the message variant (as a result it they will
/// or won't affect the unread count)
fileprivate var canBeUnread: Bool {
switch self {
case .standardIncoming: return true
case .infoCall: return true
case .standardOutgoing, .standardIncomingDeleted: return false
case .infoClosedGroupCreated, .infoClosedGroupUpdated, .infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft,
.infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate, .infoScreenshotNotification, .infoMediaSavedNotification,
return false
/// The `id` value is auto incremented by the database, if the `Interaction` hasn't been inserted into
/// the database yet this value will be `nil`
public private(set) var id: Int64? = nil
/// The hash returned by the server when this message was created on the server
/// **Notes:**
/// - This will only be populated for `standardIncoming`/`standardOutgoing` interactions from
/// either `contact` or `closedGroup` threads
/// - This value will differ for "sync" messages (messages we resend to the current to ensure it appears
/// on all linked devices) because the data in the message is slightly different
public let serverHash: String?
/// The UUID specified when sending the message to allow for custom updating and de-duping behaviours
/// **Note:** Currently only `infoCall` messages utilise this value
public let messageUuid: String?
/// The id of the thread that this interaction belongs to (used to expose the `thread` variable)
public let threadId: String
/// The id of the user who sent the interaction, also used to expose the `profile` variable)
/// **Note:** For any "info" messages this value will always be the current user public key (this is because these
/// messages are created locally based on control messages and the initiator of a control message doesn't always
/// get transmitted)
public let authorId: String
/// The type of interaction
public let variant: Variant
/// The body of this interaction
public let body: String?
/// When the interaction was created in milliseconds since epoch
/// **Notes:**
/// - This value will be `0` if it hasn't been set yet
/// - The code sorts messages using this value
/// - This value will ber overwritten by the `serverTimestamp` for open group messages
public let timestampMs: Int64
/// When the interaction was received in milliseconds since epoch
/// **Note:** This value will be `0` if it hasn't been set yet
public let receivedAtTimestampMs: Int64
/// A flag indicating whether the interaction has been read (this is a flag rather than a timestamp because
/// we couldnt know if a read timestamp is accurate)
/// **Note:** This flag is not applicable to standardOutgoing or standardIncomingDeleted interactions
public private(set) var wasRead: Bool
/// A flag indicating whether the current user was mentioned in this interaction (or the associated quote)
public let hasMention: Bool
/// The number of seconds until this message should expire
public let expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval?
/// The timestamp in milliseconds since 1970 at which this messages expiration timer started counting
/// down (this is stored in order to allow the `expiresInSeconds` value to be updated before a
/// message has expired)
public let expiresStartedAtMs: Double?
/// This value is the url for the link preview for this interaction
/// **Note:** This is also used for open group invitations
public let linkPreviewUrl: String?
// Open Group specific properties
/// The `openGroupServerMessageId` value will only be set for messages from SOGS
public let openGroupServerMessageId: Int64?
/// This flag indicates whether this interaction is a whisper to the mods of an Open Group
public let openGroupWhisperMods: Bool
/// This value is the id of the user within an Open Group who is the target of this whisper interaction
public let openGroupWhisperTo: String?
// MARK: - Relationships
public var thread: QueryInterfaceRequest<SessionThread> {
request(for: Interaction.thread)
public var profile: QueryInterfaceRequest<Profile> {
request(for: Interaction.profile)
/// Depending on the data associated to this interaction this array will represent different things, these
/// cases are mutually exclusive:
/// **Quote:** The thumbnails associated to the `Quote`
/// **LinkPreview:** The thumbnails associated to the `LinkPreview`
/// **Other:** The files directly attached to the interaction
public var attachments: QueryInterfaceRequest<Attachment> {
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return request(for: Interaction.attachments)
public var quote: QueryInterfaceRequest<Quote> {
request(for: Interaction.quote)
public var linkPreview: QueryInterfaceRequest<LinkPreview> {
/// **Note:** This equation **MUST** match the `linkPreviewFilterLiteral` logic
let roundedTimestamp: Double = (round(((Double(timestampMs) / 1000) / 100000) - 0.5) * 100000)
return request(for: Interaction.linkPreview)
.filter(LinkPreview.Columns.timestamp == roundedTimestamp)
public var recipientStates: QueryInterfaceRequest<RecipientState> {
request(for: Interaction.recipientStates)
// MARK: - Initialization
internal init(
id: Int64? = nil,
serverHash: String?,
messageUuid: String?,
threadId: String,
authorId: String,
variant: Variant,
body: String?,
timestampMs: Int64,
receivedAtTimestampMs: Int64,
wasRead: Bool,
hasMention: Bool,
expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval?,
expiresStartedAtMs: Double?,
linkPreviewUrl: String?,
openGroupServerMessageId: Int64?,
openGroupWhisperMods: Bool,
openGroupWhisperTo: String?
) { = id
self.serverHash = serverHash
self.messageUuid = messageUuid
self.threadId = threadId
self.authorId = authorId
self.variant = variant
self.body = body
self.timestampMs = timestampMs
self.receivedAtTimestampMs = receivedAtTimestampMs
self.wasRead = (wasRead || !variant.canBeUnread)
self.hasMention = hasMention
self.expiresInSeconds = expiresInSeconds
self.expiresStartedAtMs = expiresStartedAtMs
self.linkPreviewUrl = linkPreviewUrl
self.openGroupServerMessageId = openGroupServerMessageId
self.openGroupWhisperMods = openGroupWhisperMods
self.openGroupWhisperTo = openGroupWhisperTo
public init(
serverHash: String? = nil,
messageUuid: String? = nil,
threadId: String,
authorId: String,
variant: Variant,
body: String? = nil,
timestampMs: Int64 = 0,
wasRead: Bool = false,
hasMention: Bool = false,
expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval? = nil,
expiresStartedAtMs: Double? = nil,
linkPreviewUrl: String? = nil,
openGroupServerMessageId: Int64? = nil,
openGroupWhisperMods: Bool = false,
openGroupWhisperTo: String? = nil
) throws {
self.serverHash = serverHash
self.messageUuid = messageUuid
self.threadId = threadId
self.authorId = authorId
self.variant = variant
self.body = body
self.timestampMs = timestampMs
self.receivedAtTimestampMs = {
switch variant {
case .standardIncoming, .standardOutgoing: return SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()
/// For TSInteractions which are not `standardIncoming` and `standardOutgoing` use the `timestampMs` value
default: return timestampMs
self.wasRead = (wasRead || !variant.canBeUnread)
self.hasMention = hasMention
self.expiresInSeconds = expiresInSeconds
self.expiresStartedAtMs = expiresStartedAtMs
self.linkPreviewUrl = linkPreviewUrl
self.openGroupServerMessageId = openGroupServerMessageId
self.openGroupWhisperMods = openGroupWhisperMods
self.openGroupWhisperTo = openGroupWhisperTo
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public mutating func willInsert(_ db: Database) throws {
// Automatically mark interactions which can't be unread as read so the unread count
// isn't impacted
self.wasRead = (self.wasRead || !self.variant.canBeUnread)
public func aroundInsert(_ db: Database, insert: () throws -> InsertionSuccess) throws {
let success: InsertionSuccess = try insert()
let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant = try? SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.asRequest(of: SessionThread.Variant.self)
else {
SNLog("Inserted an interaction but couldn't find it's associated thead")
switch variant {
case .standardOutgoing:
// New outgoing messages should immediately determine their recipient list
// from current thread state
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
try RecipientState(
interactionId: success.rowID,
recipientId: threadId, // Will be the contact id
state: .sending
case .legacyClosedGroup, .closedGroup:
let closedGroupMemberIds: Set<String> = (try? GroupMember
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.groupId == threadId)
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
guard !closedGroupMemberIds.isEmpty else {
SNLog("Inserted an interaction but couldn't find it's associated thread members")
// Exclude the current user when creating recipient states (as they will never
// receive the message resulting in the message getting flagged as failed)
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
try closedGroupMemberIds
.filter { memberId -> Bool in memberId != userPublicKey }
.forEach { memberId in
try RecipientState(
interactionId: success.rowID,
recipientId: memberId,
state: .sending
case .openGroup:
// Since we use the 'RecipientState' type to manage the message state
// we need to ensure we have a state for all threads; so for open groups
// we just use the open group id as the 'recipientId' value
try RecipientState(
interactionId: success.rowID,
recipientId: threadId, // Will be the open group id
state: .sending
default: break
public mutating func didInsert(_ inserted: InsertionSuccess) { = inserted.rowID
// MARK: - Mutation
public extension Interaction {
func with(
serverHash: String? = nil,
authorId: String? = nil,
body: String? = nil,
timestampMs: Int64? = nil,
wasRead: Bool? = nil,
hasMention: Bool? = nil,
expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval? = nil,
expiresStartedAtMs: Double? = nil,
openGroupServerMessageId: Int64? = nil
) -> Interaction {
return Interaction(
serverHash: (serverHash ?? self.serverHash),
messageUuid: self.messageUuid,
threadId: self.threadId,
authorId: (authorId ?? self.authorId),
variant: self.variant,
body: (body ?? self.body),
timestampMs: (timestampMs ?? self.timestampMs),
receivedAtTimestampMs: self.receivedAtTimestampMs,
wasRead: ((wasRead ?? self.wasRead) || !self.variant.canBeUnread),
hasMention: (hasMention ?? self.hasMention),
expiresInSeconds: (expiresInSeconds ?? self.expiresInSeconds),
expiresStartedAtMs: (expiresStartedAtMs ?? self.expiresStartedAtMs),
linkPreviewUrl: self.linkPreviewUrl,
openGroupServerMessageId: (openGroupServerMessageId ?? self.openGroupServerMessageId),
openGroupWhisperMods: self.openGroupWhisperMods,
openGroupWhisperTo: self.openGroupWhisperTo
// MARK: - GRDB Interactions
public extension Interaction {
/// This will update the `wasRead` state the the interaction
/// - Parameters
/// - interactionId: The id of the specific interaction to mark as read
/// - threadId: The id of the thread the interaction belongs to
/// - includingOlder: Setting this to `true` will updated the `wasRead` flag for all older interactions as well
/// - trySendReadReceipt: Setting this to `true` will schedule a `ReadReceiptJob`
static func markAsRead(
_ db: Database,
interactionId: Int64?,
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
includingOlder: Bool,
trySendReadReceipt: Bool
) throws {
guard let interactionId: Int64 = interactionId else { return }
// Once all of the below is done schedule the jobs
func scheduleJobs(
_ db: Database,
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
interactionIds: [Int64],
lastReadTimestampMs: Int64
) throws {
// Update the last read timestamp if needed
try SessionUtil.syncThreadLastReadIfNeeded(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
lastReadTimestampMs: lastReadTimestampMs
// Add the 'DisappearingMessagesJob' if needed - this will update any expiring
// messages `expiresStartedAtMs` values
job: DisappearingMessagesJob.updateNextRunIfNeeded(
interactionIds: interactionIds,
startedAtMs: TimeInterval(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs())
// Clear out any notifications for the interactions we mark as read
identifiers: interactionIds
.map { interactionId in
for: interactionId,
threadId: threadId,
shouldGroupMessagesForThread: false
for: 0,
threadId: threadId,
shouldGroupMessagesForThread: true
// If we want to send read receipts then try to add the 'SendReadReceiptsJob'
if trySendReadReceipt {
job: SendReadReceiptsJob.createOrUpdateIfNeeded(
threadId: threadId,
interactionIds: interactionIds
// If we aren't including older interactions then update and save the current one
struct InteractionReadInfo: Decodable, FetchableRecord {
let timestampMs: Int64
let wasRead: Bool
// Since there is no guarantee on the order messages are inserted into the database
// fetch the timestamp for the interaction and set everything before that as read
let maybeInteractionInfo: InteractionReadInfo? = try Interaction
.select(.timestampMs, .wasRead)
.filter(id: interactionId)
.asRequest(of: InteractionReadInfo.self)
guard includingOlder, let interactionInfo: InteractionReadInfo = maybeInteractionInfo else {
// Only mark as read and trigger the subsequent jobs if the interaction is
// actually not read (no point updating and triggering db changes otherwise)
maybeInteractionInfo?.wasRead == false,
let timestampMs: Int64 = maybeInteractionInfo?.timestampMs
else { return }
_ = try Interaction
.filter(id: interactionId)
.updateAll(db, Columns.wasRead.set(to: true))
try scheduleJobs(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
interactionIds: [interactionId],
lastReadTimestampMs: timestampMs
let interactionQuery = Interaction
.filter(Interaction.Columns.threadId == threadId)
.filter(Interaction.Columns.timestampMs <= interactionInfo.timestampMs)
.filter(Interaction.Columns.wasRead == false)
let interactionIdsToMarkAsRead: [Int64] = try interactionQuery
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
// If there are no other interactions to mark as read then just schedule the jobs
// for this interaction (need to ensure the disapeparing messages run for sync'ed
// outgoing messages which will always have 'wasRead' as false)
guard !interactionIdsToMarkAsRead.isEmpty else {
try scheduleJobs(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
interactionIds: [interactionId],
lastReadTimestampMs: interactionInfo.timestampMs
// Update the `wasRead` flag to true
try interactionQuery.updateAll(db, Columns.wasRead.set(to: true))
// Retrieve the interaction ids we want to update
try scheduleJobs(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
interactionIds: interactionIdsToMarkAsRead,
lastReadTimestampMs: interactionInfo.timestampMs
/// This method flags sent messages as read for the specified recipients
/// **Note:** This method won't update the 'wasRead' flag (it will be updated via the above method)
static func markAsRecipientRead(_ db: Database, recipientId: String, timestampMsValues: [Double], readTimestampMs: Double) throws {
guard db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] == true else { return }
try RecipientState
.filter(RecipientState.Columns.recipientId == recipientId)
required: RecipientState.interaction
.filter(Columns.variant == Variant.standardOutgoing)
RecipientState.Columns.readTimestampMs.set(to: readTimestampMs),
RecipientState.Columns.state.set(to: RecipientState.State.sent)
// MARK: - Search Queries
public extension Interaction {
static func idsForTermWithin(threadId: String, pattern: FTS5Pattern) -> SQLRequest<Int64> {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionFullTextSearch: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: Interaction.fullTextSearchTableName)
let threadIdLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral:
let request: SQLRequest<Int64> = """
SELECT \(interaction[.id])
FROM \(Interaction.self)
JOIN \(interactionFullTextSearch) ON (
\(interactionFullTextSearch).rowid = \(interaction.alias[Column.rowID]) AND
\(SQL("\(interactionFullTextSearch).\(threadIdLiteral) = \(threadId)")) AND
\(interactionFullTextSearch).\(SQL(stringLiteral: MATCH \(pattern)
ORDER BY \(interaction[.timestampMs].desc)
return request
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension Interaction {
static let oversizeTextMessageSizeThreshold: UInt = (2 * 1024)
// MARK: - Variables
var isExpiringMessage: Bool {
guard variant == .standardIncoming || variant == .standardOutgoing else { return false }
return (expiresInSeconds ?? 0 > 0)
var openGroupWhisper: Bool { return (openGroupWhisperMods || (openGroupWhisperTo != nil)) }
var notificationIdentifiers: [String] {
notificationIdentifier(shouldGroupMessagesForThread: true),
notificationIdentifier(shouldGroupMessagesForThread: false)
// MARK: - Functions
func notificationIdentifier(shouldGroupMessagesForThread: Bool) -> String {
// When the app is in the background we want the notifications to be grouped to prevent spam
return Interaction.notificationIdentifier(
for: (id ?? 0),
threadId: threadId,
shouldGroupMessagesForThread: shouldGroupMessagesForThread
fileprivate static func notificationIdentifier(for id: Int64, threadId: String, shouldGroupMessagesForThread: Bool) -> String {
// When the app is in the background we want the notifications to be grouped to prevent spam
guard !shouldGroupMessagesForThread else { return threadId }
return "\(threadId)-\(id)"
func markingAsDeleted() -> Interaction {
return Interaction(
id: id,
serverHash: nil,
messageUuid: messageUuid,
threadId: threadId,
authorId: authorId,
variant: .standardIncomingDeleted,
body: nil,
timestampMs: timestampMs,
receivedAtTimestampMs: receivedAtTimestampMs,
wasRead: (wasRead || !Variant.standardIncomingDeleted.canBeUnread),
hasMention: false,
expiresInSeconds: expiresInSeconds,
expiresStartedAtMs: expiresStartedAtMs,
linkPreviewUrl: nil,
openGroupServerMessageId: openGroupServerMessageId,
openGroupWhisperMods: openGroupWhisperMods,
openGroupWhisperTo: openGroupWhisperTo
static func isUserMentioned(
_ db: Database,
threadId: String,
body: String?,
quoteAuthorId: String? = nil
) -> Bool {
var publicKeysToCheck: [String] = [
// If the thread is an open group then add the blinded id as a key to check
if let openGroup: OpenGroup = try? OpenGroup.fetchOne(db, id: threadId) {
let sodium: Sodium = Sodium()
let userEd25519KeyPair: Box.KeyPair = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db),
let blindedKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = sodium.blindedKeyPair(
serverPublicKey: openGroup.publicKey,
edKeyPair: userEd25519KeyPair,
genericHash: sodium.genericHash
SessionId(.blinded, publicKey: blindedKeyPair.publicKey).hexString
// A user is mentioned if their public key is in the body of a message or one of their messages
// was quoted
return publicKeysToCheck.contains { publicKey in
body != nil &&
(body ?? "").contains("@\(publicKey)")
) || (
quoteAuthorId == publicKey
/// Use the `Interaction.previewText` method directly where possible rather than this method as it
/// makes it's own database queries
func previewText(_ db: Database) -> String {
switch variant {
case .standardIncoming, .standardOutgoing:
return Interaction.previewText(
variant: self.variant,
body: self.body,
attachmentDescriptionInfo: try? attachments
.select(.id, .variant, .contentType, .sourceFilename)
.asRequest(of: Attachment.DescriptionInfo.self)
attachmentCount: try? attachments.fetchCount(db),
isOpenGroupInvitation: (try? linkPreview
.filter(LinkPreview.Columns.variant == LinkPreview.Variant.openGroupInvitation)
.defaulting(to: false)
case .infoMediaSavedNotification, .infoScreenshotNotification, .infoCall:
// Note: These should only occur in 'contact' threads so the `threadId`
// is the contact id
return Interaction.previewText(
variant: self.variant,
body: self.body,
authorDisplayName: Profile.displayName(db, id: threadId)
default: return Interaction.previewText(
variant: self.variant,
body: self.body
/// This menthod generates the preview text for a given transaction
static func previewText(
variant: Variant,
body: String?,
threadContactDisplayName: String = "",
authorDisplayName: String = "",
attachmentDescriptionInfo: Attachment.DescriptionInfo? = nil,
attachmentCount: Int? = nil,
isOpenGroupInvitation: Bool = false
) -> String {
switch variant {
case .standardIncomingDeleted: return ""
case .standardIncoming, .standardOutgoing:
let attachmentDescription: String? = Attachment.description(
for: attachmentDescriptionInfo,
count: attachmentCount
let attachmentDescription: String = attachmentDescription,
let body: String = body,
if CurrentAppContext().isRTL {
return "\(body): \(attachmentDescription)"
return "\(attachmentDescription): \(body)"
if let body: String = body, !body.isEmpty {
return body
if let attachmentDescription: String = attachmentDescription, !attachmentDescription.isEmpty {
return attachmentDescription
if isOpenGroupInvitation {
return "😎 Open group invitation"
// TODO: We should do better here
return ""
case .infoMediaSavedNotification:
// TODO: Use referencedAttachmentTimestamp to tell the user * which * media was saved
return String(format: "media_saved".localized(), authorDisplayName)
case .infoScreenshotNotification:
return String(format: "screenshot_taken".localized(), authorDisplayName)
case .infoClosedGroupCreated: return "GROUP_CREATED".localized()
case .infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft: return "GROUP_YOU_LEFT".localized()
case .infoClosedGroupUpdated: return (body ?? "GROUP_UPDATED".localized())
case .infoMessageRequestAccepted: return (body ?? "MESSAGE_REQUESTS_ACCEPTED".localized())
case .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate:
let infoMessageData: Data = (body ?? "").data(using: .utf8),
let messageInfo: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.MessageInfo = try? JSONDecoder().decode(
from: infoMessageData
else { return (body ?? "") }
return messageInfo.previewText
case .infoCall:
let infoMessageData: Data = (body ?? "").data(using: .utf8),
let messageInfo: CallMessage.MessageInfo = try? JSONDecoder().decode(
from: infoMessageData
else { return (body ?? "") }
return messageInfo.previewText(threadContactDisplayName: threadContactDisplayName)
func state(_ db: Database) throws -> RecipientState.State {
let states: [RecipientState.State] = try RecipientState.State
return Interaction.state(for: states)
static func state(for states: [RecipientState.State]) -> RecipientState.State {
// If there are no states then assume this is a new interaction which hasn't been
// saved yet so has no states
guard !states.isEmpty else { return .sending }
var hasFailed: Bool = false
for state in states {
switch state {
// If there are any "sending" recipients, consider this message "sending"
case .sending: return .sending
case .failed:
hasFailed = true
default: break
// If there are any "failed" recipients, consider this message "failed"
guard !hasFailed else { return .failed }
// Otherwise, consider the message "sent"
// Note: This includes messages with no recipients
return .sent