session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/SessionUtil/Config Handling/SessionUtil+ConvoInfoVolatile.swift

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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtil
import SessionUtilitiesKit
internal extension SessionUtil {
static let columnsRelatedToConvoInfoVolatile: [ColumnExpression] = [
// Note: We intentionally exclude 'Interaction.Columns.wasRead' from here as we want to
// manually manage triggering config updates from marking as read
// MARK: - Incoming Changes
static func handleConvoInfoVolatileUpdate(
_ db: Database,
in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?,
mergeNeedsDump: Bool
) throws {
guard mergeNeedsDump else { return }
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
var volatileThreadInfo: [VolatileThreadInfo] = []
var oneToOne: convo_info_volatile_1to1 = convo_info_volatile_1to1()
var community: convo_info_volatile_community = convo_info_volatile_community()
var legacyGroup: convo_info_volatile_legacy_group = convo_info_volatile_legacy_group()
let convoIterator: OpaquePointer = convo_info_volatile_iterator_new(conf)
while !convo_info_volatile_iterator_done(convoIterator) {
if convo_info_volatile_it_is_1to1(convoIterator, &oneToOne) {
threadId: String(libSessionVal: oneToOne.session_id),
variant: .contact,
changes: [
else if convo_info_volatile_it_is_community(convoIterator, &community) {
let server: String = String(libSessionVal: community.base_url)
let roomToken: String = String(libSessionVal:
let publicKey: String = Data(
libSessionVal: community.pubkey,
count: OpenGroup.pubkeyByteLength
threadId: OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server),
variant: .community,
openGroupUrlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo(
threadId: OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server),
server: server,
roomToken: roomToken,
publicKey: publicKey
changes: [
else if convo_info_volatile_it_is_legacy_group(convoIterator, &legacyGroup) {
threadId: String(libSessionVal: legacyGroup.group_id),
variant: .legacyGroup,
changes: [
else {
SNLog("Ignoring unknown conversation type when iterating through volatile conversation info update")
convo_info_volatile_iterator_free(convoIterator) // Need to free the iterator
// Get the local volatile thread info from all conversations
let localVolatileThreadInfo: [String: VolatileThreadInfo] = VolatileThreadInfo.fetchAll(db)
.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in result[next.threadId] = next }
// Map the volatileThreadInfo, upserting any changes and returning a list of local changes
// which should override any synced changes (eg. 'lastReadTimestampMs')
let newerLocalChanges: [VolatileThreadInfo] = try volatileThreadInfo
.compactMap { threadInfo -> VolatileThreadInfo? in
// Note: A normal 'openGroupId' isn't lowercased but the volatile conversation
// info will always be lowercase so we need to fetch the "proper" threadId (in
// order to be able to update the corrent database entries)
let threadId: String = try? SessionThread
.filter( == threadInfo.threadId)
.asRequest(of: String.self)
else { return nil }
// Get the existing local state for the thread
let localThreadInfo: VolatileThreadInfo? = localVolatileThreadInfo[threadId]
// Update the thread 'markedAsUnread' state
let markedAsUnread: Bool = threadInfo.changes.markedAsUnread,
markedAsUnread != (localThreadInfo?.changes.markedAsUnread ?? false)
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig`
SessionThread.Columns.markedAsUnread.set(to: markedAsUnread)
// If the device has a more recent read interaction then return the info so we can
// update the cached config state accordingly
let lastReadTimestampMs: Int64 = threadInfo.changes.lastReadTimestampMs,
lastReadTimestampMs >= (localThreadInfo?.changes.lastReadTimestampMs ?? 0)
else {
// We only want to return the 'lastReadTimestampMs' change, since the local state
// should win in that case, so ignore all others
return localThreadInfo?
.filterChanges { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs: return true
default: return false
// Mark all older interactions as read
try Interaction
Interaction.Columns.threadId == threadId &&
Interaction.Columns.timestampMs <= lastReadTimestampMs
.updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig`
Interaction.Columns.wasRead.set(to: true)
return nil
// If there are no newer local last read timestamps then just return the mergeResult
guard !newerLocalChanges.isEmpty else { return }
try upsert(
convoInfoVolatileChanges: newerLocalChanges,
in: conf
static func upsert(
convoInfoVolatileChanges: [VolatileThreadInfo],
in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?
) throws {
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
// Exclude any invalid thread info
let validChanges: [VolatileThreadInfo] = convoInfoVolatileChanges
.filter { info in
switch info.variant {
case .contact:
// FIXME: libSession V1 doesn't sync volatileThreadInfo for blinded message requests
guard SessionId(from: info.threadId)?.prefix == .standard else { return false }
return true
default: return true
try validChanges.forEach { threadInfo in
var cThreadId: [CChar] = threadInfo.threadId.cArray.nullTerminated()
switch threadInfo.variant {
case .contact:
var oneToOne: convo_info_volatile_1to1 = convo_info_volatile_1to1()
guard convo_info_volatile_get_or_construct_1to1(conf, &oneToOne, &cThreadId) else {
/// It looks like there are some situations where this object might not get created correctly (and
/// will throw due to the implicit unwrapping) as a result we put it in a guard and throw instead
SNLog("Unable to upsert contact volatile info to SessionUtil: \(SessionUtil.lastError(conf))")
throw SessionUtilError.getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly
threadInfo.changes.forEach { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let lastReadMs):
oneToOne.last_read = max(oneToOne.last_read, lastReadMs)
case .markedAsUnread(let unread):
oneToOne.unread = unread
convo_info_volatile_set_1to1(conf, &oneToOne)
case .legacyGroup:
var legacyGroup: convo_info_volatile_legacy_group = convo_info_volatile_legacy_group()
guard convo_info_volatile_get_or_construct_legacy_group(conf, &legacyGroup, &cThreadId) else {
/// It looks like there are some situations where this object might not get created correctly (and
/// will throw due to the implicit unwrapping) as a result we put it in a guard and throw instead
SNLog("Unable to upsert legacy group volatile info to SessionUtil: \(SessionUtil.lastError(conf))")
throw SessionUtilError.getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly
threadInfo.changes.forEach { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let lastReadMs):
legacyGroup.last_read = max(legacyGroup.last_read, lastReadMs)
case .markedAsUnread(let unread):
legacyGroup.unread = unread
convo_info_volatile_set_legacy_group(conf, &legacyGroup)
case .community:
var cBaseUrl: [CChar] = threadInfo.openGroupUrlInfo?.server.cArray.nullTerminated(),
var cRoomToken: [CChar] = threadInfo.openGroupUrlInfo?.roomToken.cArray.nullTerminated(),
var cPubkey: [UInt8] = threadInfo.openGroupUrlInfo?.publicKey.bytes
else {
SNLog("Unable to create community conversation when updating last read timestamp due to missing URL info")
var community: convo_info_volatile_community = convo_info_volatile_community()
guard convo_info_volatile_get_or_construct_community(conf, &community, &cBaseUrl, &cRoomToken, &cPubkey) else {
/// It looks like there are some situations where this object might not get created correctly (and
/// will throw due to the implicit unwrapping) as a result we put it in a guard and throw instead
SNLog("Unable to upsert community volatile info to SessionUtil: \(SessionUtil.lastError(conf))")
throw SessionUtilError.getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly
threadInfo.changes.forEach { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let lastReadMs):
community.last_read = max(community.last_read, lastReadMs)
case .markedAsUnread(let unread):
community.unread = unread
convo_info_volatile_set_community(conf, &community)
case .group: return
static func updateMarkedAsUnreadState(
_ db: Database,
threads: [SessionThread]
) throws {
// If we have no updated threads then no need to continue
guard !threads.isEmpty else { return }
let changes: [VolatileThreadInfo] = try { thread in
variant: thread.variant,
openGroupUrlInfo: (thread.variant != .community ? nil :
try OpenGroupUrlInfo.fetchOne(db, id:
changes: [.markedAsUnread(thread.markedAsUnread ?? false)]
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
try upsert(
convoInfoVolatileChanges: changes,
in: conf
static func remove(_ db: Database, volatileContactIds: [String]) throws {
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
volatileContactIds.forEach { contactId in
var cSessionId: [CChar] = contactId.cArray.nullTerminated()
// Don't care if the data doesn't exist
convo_info_volatile_erase_1to1(conf, &cSessionId)
static func remove(_ db: Database, volatileLegacyGroupIds: [String]) throws {
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
volatileLegacyGroupIds.forEach { legacyGroupId in
var cLegacyGroupId: [CChar] = legacyGroupId.cArray.nullTerminated()
// Don't care if the data doesn't exist
convo_info_volatile_erase_legacy_group(conf, &cLegacyGroupId)
static func remove(_ db: Database, volatileCommunityInfo: [OpenGroupUrlInfo]) throws {
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
volatileCommunityInfo.forEach { urlInfo in
var cBaseUrl: [CChar] = urlInfo.server.cArray.nullTerminated()
var cRoom: [CChar] = urlInfo.roomToken.cArray.nullTerminated()
// Don't care if the data doesn't exist
convo_info_volatile_erase_community(conf, &cBaseUrl, &cRoom)
// MARK: - External Outgoing Changes
public extension SessionUtil {
static func syncThreadLastReadIfNeeded(
_ db: Database,
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
lastReadTimestampMs: Int64
) throws {
try SessionUtil.performAndPushChange(
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
try upsert(
convoInfoVolatileChanges: [
threadId: threadId,
variant: threadVariant,
openGroupUrlInfo: (threadVariant != .community ? nil :
try OpenGroupUrlInfo.fetchOne(db, id: threadId)
changes: [.lastReadTimestampMs(lastReadTimestampMs)]
in: conf
static func timestampAlreadyRead(
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
timestampMs: Int64,
userPublicKey: String,
openGroup: OpenGroup?
) -> Bool {
return SessionUtil
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: userPublicKey
.map { conf in
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
var cThreadId: [CChar] = threadId.cArray.nullTerminated()
var oneToOne: convo_info_volatile_1to1 = convo_info_volatile_1to1()
guard convo_info_volatile_get_1to1(conf, &oneToOne, &cThreadId) else {
return false
return (oneToOne.last_read > timestampMs)
case .legacyGroup:
var cThreadId: [CChar] = threadId.cArray.nullTerminated()
var legacyGroup: convo_info_volatile_legacy_group = convo_info_volatile_legacy_group()
guard convo_info_volatile_get_legacy_group(conf, &legacyGroup, &cThreadId) else {
return false
return (legacyGroup.last_read > timestampMs)
case .community:
guard let openGroup: OpenGroup = openGroup else { return false }
var cBaseUrl: [CChar] = openGroup.server.cArray.nullTerminated()
var cRoomToken: [CChar] = openGroup.roomToken.cArray.nullTerminated()
var convoCommunity: convo_info_volatile_community = convo_info_volatile_community()
guard convo_info_volatile_get_community(conf, &convoCommunity, &cBaseUrl, &cRoomToken) else {
return false
return (convoCommunity.last_read > timestampMs)
case .group: return false
.defaulting(to: false) // If we don't have a config then just assume it's unread
// MARK: - VolatileThreadInfo
public extension SessionUtil {
internal struct OpenGroupUrlInfo: FetchableRecord, Codable, Hashable {
let threadId: String
let server: String
let roomToken: String
let publicKey: String
static func fetchOne(_ db: Database, id: String) throws -> OpenGroupUrlInfo? {
return try OpenGroup
.filter(id: id)
.select(.threadId, .server, .roomToken, .publicKey)
.asRequest(of: OpenGroupUrlInfo.self)
static func fetchAll(_ db: Database, ids: [String]) throws -> [OpenGroupUrlInfo] {
return try OpenGroup
.filter(ids: ids)
.select(.threadId, .server, .roomToken, .publicKey)
.asRequest(of: OpenGroupUrlInfo.self)
static func fetchAll(_ db: Database) throws -> [OpenGroupUrlInfo] {
return try OpenGroup
.select(.threadId, .server, .roomToken, .publicKey)
.asRequest(of: OpenGroupUrlInfo.self)
struct VolatileThreadInfo {
enum Change {
case markedAsUnread(Bool)
case lastReadTimestampMs(Int64)
let threadId: String
let variant: SessionThread.Variant
fileprivate let openGroupUrlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo?
let changes: [Change]
fileprivate init(
threadId: String,
variant: SessionThread.Variant,
openGroupUrlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo? = nil,
changes: [Change]
) {
self.threadId = threadId
self.variant = variant
self.openGroupUrlInfo = openGroupUrlInfo
self.changes = changes
// MARK: - Convenience
func filterChanges(isIncluded: (Change) -> Bool) -> VolatileThreadInfo {
return VolatileThreadInfo(
threadId: threadId,
variant: variant,
openGroupUrlInfo: openGroupUrlInfo,
changes: changes.filter(isIncluded)
static func fetchAll(_ db: Database? = nil, ids: [String]? = nil) -> [VolatileThreadInfo] {
guard let db: Database = db else {
return Storage.shared
.read { db in fetchAll(db, ids: ids) }
.defaulting(to: [])
struct FetchedInfo: FetchableRecord, Codable, Hashable {
let id: String
let variant: SessionThread.Variant
let markedAsUnread: Bool?
let timestampMs: Int64?
let server: String?
let roomToken: String?
let publicKey: String?
let thread: TypedTableAlias<SessionThread> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let openGroup: TypedTableAlias<OpenGroup> = TypedTableAlias()
let timestampMsLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral:
let request: SQLRequest<FetchedInfo> = """
FROM \(SessionThread.self)
MAX(\(interaction[.timestampMs])) AS \(timestampMsLiteral)
FROM \(Interaction.self)
\(interaction[.wasRead]) = true AND
-- Note: Due to the complexity of how call messages are handled and the short
-- duration they exist in the swarm, we have decided to exclude trying to
-- include them when syncing the read status of conversations (they are also
-- implemented differently between platforms so including them could be a
-- significant amount of work)
\(SQL("\(interaction[.variant]) IN \(Interaction.Variant.variantsToIncrementUnreadCount.filter { $0 != .infoCall })"))
GROUP BY \(interaction[.threadId])
) AS \(Interaction.self) ON \(interaction[.threadId]) = \(thread[.id])
LEFT JOIN \(OpenGroup.self) ON \(openGroup[.threadId]) = \(thread[.id])
\(ids == nil ? SQL("") :
"WHERE \(SQL("\(thread[.id]) IN \(ids ?? [])"))"
GROUP BY \(thread[.id])
return ((try? request.fetchAll(db)) ?? [])
.map { threadInfo in
variant: threadInfo.variant,
openGroupUrlInfo: {
let server: String = threadInfo.server,
let roomToken: String = threadInfo.roomToken,
let publicKey: String = threadInfo.publicKey
else { return nil }
return OpenGroupUrlInfo(
server: server,
roomToken: roomToken,
publicKey: publicKey
changes: [
.markedAsUnread(threadInfo.markedAsUnread ?? false),
.lastReadTimestampMs(threadInfo.timestampMs ?? 0)
fileprivate extension [SessionUtil.VolatileThreadInfo.Change] {
var markedAsUnread: Bool? {
for change in self {
switch change {
case .markedAsUnread(let value): return value
default: continue
return nil
var lastReadTimestampMs: Int64? {
for change in self {
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let value): return value
default: continue
return nil