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/* jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers */
import Ember from 'ember';
import Mirage from 'ember-cli-mirage';
const {
String: {dasherize}
} = Ember;
/* jshint unused:false */
function maintenanceResponse() {
return new Mirage.Response(503, {}, {
errors: [{
errorType: 'Maintenance'
function versionMismatchResponse() {
return new Mirage.Response(400, {}, {
errors: [{
errorType: 'VersionMismatchError'
/* jshint unused:true */
function paginatedResponse(modelName, allModels, request) {
let page = +request.queryParams.page || 1;
let limit = request.queryParams.limit || 15;
let pages, models, next, prev;
allModels = allModels || [];
if (limit === 'all') {
models = allModels;
pages = 1;
} else {
limit = +limit;
let start = (page - 1) * limit;
let end = start + limit;
models = allModels.slice(start, end);
pages = Math.ceil(allModels.length / limit);
if (start > 0) {
prev = page - 1;
if (end < allModels.length) {
next = page + 1;
return {
meta: {
pagination: {
total: allModels.length,
next: next || null,
prev: prev || null
[modelName]: models
Subscribers: Admin User Interface v1 Initial Subscribers screen - set up mocked api endpoints - basic subscribers screen with data loading, infinite scroll "Add Subscriber" screen - uses modal to display a new subscriber form - validates subscriber e-mail address - moves pagination from route into controller to use filtered/sorted CPs on top of a live-query so that new subscribers are added to the list and the total can be properly managed TODO: - there is currently a pretty serious performance issue where the whole table is re-rendered when the live-query is updated. `ember-light-table` doesn't allow for live-binding and has no options to easily manipulate it's rows using an external interface - it's possible to move the page loading into the component so we only render new rows but that leaves it difficult to react to new subscribers being added through the UI. I believe the number of components used within the table is also adding to the performance problems. - most likely solution is to drop `ember-light-table` in favour of rendering the table directly - glimmer should do a good job of fast updates even though the underlying array will be completely swapped out "Import subscribers" screen - uses modal to display an import subscribers CSV file upload form - displays upload progress - displays import stats and reloads subscribers table once import has completed - adds `gh-file-uploader` component (NB. pared down copy of `gh-image-uploader`, ripe for some refactoring) - fixes subscribers acceptance test failing because fixtures did not have the labs flag enabled Unfortunately this doesn't have 100% test coverage as we're limited in how we can simulate file uploads 😞 Fix performance issues with subscribers table - moves the table definition from the component up to the controller - switches back to manually manipulating table rows instead of using a live-query This is a quick-fix in that it allows us to continue using the `ember-light-table` component but it does mean that we lose some flexibility that the live-query gave us. For now it's not much of an issue and it allows us to defer deeper performance/flexibility work until we have a concrete need and requirements. Hook up Export CSV button - use a hidden iFrame to trigger the browser to hit the CSV export endpoint and download the file Re-order subscribers table by clicking column headers - displays currently sorted column and sort direction - clicking a column header re-fetches the data from the server with the appropriate query params Fix scroll triggers for infinite pagination + icon change - adds a debounce as well as the throttle so that we always get a final scroll trigger once scrolling has stopped - changes the subscribers icon from the temporary team icon to the mail icon
2016-04-15 16:45:50 +02:00
function mockSubscribers(server) {
server.get('/subscribers/', function (db, request) {
let response = paginatedResponse('subscribers', db.subscribers, request);
return response;
server.post('/subscribers/', function (db, request) {
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).subscribers;
let [subscriber] = db.subscribers.where({email: attrs.email});
if (subscriber) {
return new Mirage.Response(422, {}, {
errors: [{
errorType: 'ValidationError',
message: 'Email already exists.',
property: 'email'
} else {
attrs.created_at = new Date();
attrs.created_by = 0;
subscriber = db.subscribers.insert(attrs);
return {
Subscribers: Admin User Interface v1 Initial Subscribers screen - set up mocked api endpoints - basic subscribers screen with data loading, infinite scroll "Add Subscriber" screen - uses modal to display a new subscriber form - validates subscriber e-mail address - moves pagination from route into controller to use filtered/sorted CPs on top of a live-query so that new subscribers are added to the list and the total can be properly managed TODO: - there is currently a pretty serious performance issue where the whole table is re-rendered when the live-query is updated. `ember-light-table` doesn't allow for live-binding and has no options to easily manipulate it's rows using an external interface - it's possible to move the page loading into the component so we only render new rows but that leaves it difficult to react to new subscribers being added through the UI. I believe the number of components used within the table is also adding to the performance problems. - most likely solution is to drop `ember-light-table` in favour of rendering the table directly - glimmer should do a good job of fast updates even though the underlying array will be completely swapped out "Import subscribers" screen - uses modal to display an import subscribers CSV file upload form - displays upload progress - displays import stats and reloads subscribers table once import has completed - adds `gh-file-uploader` component (NB. pared down copy of `gh-image-uploader`, ripe for some refactoring) - fixes subscribers acceptance test failing because fixtures did not have the labs flag enabled Unfortunately this doesn't have 100% test coverage as we're limited in how we can simulate file uploads 😞 Fix performance issues with subscribers table - moves the table definition from the component up to the controller - switches back to manually manipulating table rows instead of using a live-query This is a quick-fix in that it allows us to continue using the `ember-light-table` component but it does mean that we lose some flexibility that the live-query gave us. For now it's not much of an issue and it allows us to defer deeper performance/flexibility work until we have a concrete need and requirements. Hook up Export CSV button - use a hidden iFrame to trigger the browser to hit the CSV export endpoint and download the file Re-order subscribers table by clicking column headers - displays currently sorted column and sort direction - clicking a column header re-fetches the data from the server with the appropriate query params Fix scroll triggers for infinite pagination + icon change - adds a debounce as well as the throttle so that we always get a final scroll trigger once scrolling has stopped - changes the subscribers icon from the temporary team icon to the mail icon
2016-04-15 16:45:50 +02:00
server.put('/subscribers/:id/', function (db, request) {
let {id} = request.params;
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).subscribers;
let subscriber = db.subscribers.update(id, attrs);
return {
server.del('/subscribers/:id/', function (db, request) {
return new Mirage.Response(204, {}, {});
server.post('/subscribers/csv/', function (/*db, request*/) {
// NB: we get a raw FormData object with no way to inspect it in Chrome
// until version 50 adds the additional read methods
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData#Browser_compatibility
server.createList('subscriber', 50);
return {
meta: {
stats: {
imported: 50,
duplicates: 3,
invalid: 2
Subscribers: Admin User Interface v1 Initial Subscribers screen - set up mocked api endpoints - basic subscribers screen with data loading, infinite scroll "Add Subscriber" screen - uses modal to display a new subscriber form - validates subscriber e-mail address - moves pagination from route into controller to use filtered/sorted CPs on top of a live-query so that new subscribers are added to the list and the total can be properly managed TODO: - there is currently a pretty serious performance issue where the whole table is re-rendered when the live-query is updated. `ember-light-table` doesn't allow for live-binding and has no options to easily manipulate it's rows using an external interface - it's possible to move the page loading into the component so we only render new rows but that leaves it difficult to react to new subscribers being added through the UI. I believe the number of components used within the table is also adding to the performance problems. - most likely solution is to drop `ember-light-table` in favour of rendering the table directly - glimmer should do a good job of fast updates even though the underlying array will be completely swapped out "Import subscribers" screen - uses modal to display an import subscribers CSV file upload form - displays upload progress - displays import stats and reloads subscribers table once import has completed - adds `gh-file-uploader` component (NB. pared down copy of `gh-image-uploader`, ripe for some refactoring) - fixes subscribers acceptance test failing because fixtures did not have the labs flag enabled Unfortunately this doesn't have 100% test coverage as we're limited in how we can simulate file uploads 😞 Fix performance issues with subscribers table - moves the table definition from the component up to the controller - switches back to manually manipulating table rows instead of using a live-query This is a quick-fix in that it allows us to continue using the `ember-light-table` component but it does mean that we lose some flexibility that the live-query gave us. For now it's not much of an issue and it allows us to defer deeper performance/flexibility work until we have a concrete need and requirements. Hook up Export CSV button - use a hidden iFrame to trigger the browser to hit the CSV export endpoint and download the file Re-order subscribers table by clicking column headers - displays currently sorted column and sort direction - clicking a column header re-fetches the data from the server with the appropriate query params Fix scroll triggers for infinite pagination + icon change - adds a debounce as well as the throttle so that we always get a final scroll trigger once scrolling has stopped - changes the subscribers icon from the temporary team icon to the mail icon
2016-04-15 16:45:50 +02:00
export default function () {
// this.urlPrefix = ''; // make this `http://localhost:8080`, for example, if your API is on a different server
this.namespace = '/ghost/api/v0.1'; // make this `api`, for example, if your API is namespaced
Subscribers: Admin User Interface v1 Initial Subscribers screen - set up mocked api endpoints - basic subscribers screen with data loading, infinite scroll "Add Subscriber" screen - uses modal to display a new subscriber form - validates subscriber e-mail address - moves pagination from route into controller to use filtered/sorted CPs on top of a live-query so that new subscribers are added to the list and the total can be properly managed TODO: - there is currently a pretty serious performance issue where the whole table is re-rendered when the live-query is updated. `ember-light-table` doesn't allow for live-binding and has no options to easily manipulate it's rows using an external interface - it's possible to move the page loading into the component so we only render new rows but that leaves it difficult to react to new subscribers being added through the UI. I believe the number of components used within the table is also adding to the performance problems. - most likely solution is to drop `ember-light-table` in favour of rendering the table directly - glimmer should do a good job of fast updates even though the underlying array will be completely swapped out "Import subscribers" screen - uses modal to display an import subscribers CSV file upload form - displays upload progress - displays import stats and reloads subscribers table once import has completed - adds `gh-file-uploader` component (NB. pared down copy of `gh-image-uploader`, ripe for some refactoring) - fixes subscribers acceptance test failing because fixtures did not have the labs flag enabled Unfortunately this doesn't have 100% test coverage as we're limited in how we can simulate file uploads 😞 Fix performance issues with subscribers table - moves the table definition from the component up to the controller - switches back to manually manipulating table rows instead of using a live-query This is a quick-fix in that it allows us to continue using the `ember-light-table` component but it does mean that we lose some flexibility that the live-query gave us. For now it's not much of an issue and it allows us to defer deeper performance/flexibility work until we have a concrete need and requirements. Hook up Export CSV button - use a hidden iFrame to trigger the browser to hit the CSV export endpoint and download the file Re-order subscribers table by clicking column headers - displays currently sorted column and sort direction - clicking a column header re-fetches the data from the server with the appropriate query params Fix scroll triggers for infinite pagination + icon change - adds a debounce as well as the throttle so that we always get a final scroll trigger once scrolling has stopped - changes the subscribers icon from the temporary team icon to the mail icon
2016-04-15 16:45:50 +02:00
this.timing = 400; // delay for each request, automatically set to 0 during testing
// Mock endpoints here to override real API requests during development
// this.put('/posts/:id/', versionMismatchResponse);
// keep this line, it allows all other API requests to hit the real server
// add any external domains to make sure those get passed through too
// Mock all endpoints here as there is no real API during testing
export function testConfig() {
// this.urlPrefix = ''; // make this `http://localhost:8080`, for example, if your API is on a different server
this.namespace = '/ghost/api/v0.1'; // make this `api`, for example, if your API is namespaced
// this.timing = 400; // delay for each request, automatically set to 0 during testing
// this.logging = true;
/* Authentication ------------------------------------------------------- */
this.post('/authentication/token', function () {
return {
access_token: '5JhTdKI7PpoZv4ROsFoERc6wCHALKFH5jxozwOOAErmUzWrFNARuH1q01TYTKeZkPW7FmV5MJ2fU00pg9sm4jtH3Z1LjCf8D6nNqLYCfFb2YEKyuvG7zHj4jZqSYVodN2YTCkcHv6k8oJ54QXzNTLIDMlCevkOebm5OjxGiJpafMxncm043q9u1QhdU9eee3zouGRMVVp8zkKVoo5zlGMi3zvS2XDpx7xsfk8hKHpUgd7EDDQxmMueifWv7hv6n',
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: 'XP13eDjwV5mxOcrq1jkIY9idhdvN3R1Br5vxYpYIub2P5Hdc8pdWMOGmwFyoUshiEB62JWHTl8H1kACJR18Z8aMXbnk5orG28br2kmVgtVZKqOSoiiWrQoeKTqrRV0t7ua8uY5HdDUaKpnYKyOdpagsSPn3WEj8op4vHctGL3svOWOjZhq6F2XeVPMR7YsbiwBE8fjT3VhTB3KRlBtWZd1rE0Qo2EtSplWyjGKv1liAEiL0ndQoLeeSOCH4rTP7',
token_type: 'Bearer'
this.post('/authentication/passwordreset', function (db, request) {
// jscs:disable requireObjectDestructuring
let {passwordreset} = $.deparam(request.requestBody);
let email = passwordreset[0].email;
// jscs:enable requireObjectDestructuring
if (email === 'unknown@example.com') {
return new Mirage.Response(404, {}, {
errors: [
message: 'There is no user with that email address.',
errorType: 'NotFoundError'
} else {
return {
passwordreset: [
{message: 'Check your email for further instructions.'}
/* Download Count ------------------------------------------------------- */
let downloadCount = 0;
this.get('https://count.ghost.org/', function () {
return {
count: downloadCount
/* Notifications -------------------------------------------------------- */
this.get('/notifications/', 'notifications');
/* Posts ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
this.post('/posts/', function (db, request) {
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).posts;
let post;
if (isBlank(attrs.slug) && !isBlank(attrs.title)) {
attrs.slug = attrs.title.dasherize();
// NOTE: this does not use the post factory to fill in blank fields
post = db.posts.insert(attrs);
return {
posts: [post]
this.get('/posts/', function (db, request) {
// TODO: handle status/staticPages/author params
let response = paginatedResponse('posts', db.posts, request);
return response;
this.get('/posts/:id/', function (db, request) {
Timezones: Always use the timezone of blog setting closes TryGhost/Ghost#6406 follow-up PR of #2 - adds a `timeZone` Service to provide the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) of the users blog settings - `gh-datetime-input` will read the offset of the timezone now and adjust the `publishedAt` date with it. This is the date which will be shown in the PSM 'Publish Date' field. When the user writes a new date/time, the offset is considered and will be deducted again before saving it to the model. This way, we always work with a UTC publish date except for this input field. - gets `availableTimezones` from `configuration/timezones` API endpoint - adds a `moment-utc` transform on all date attr (`createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `publishedAt`, `unsubscribedAt` and `lastLogin`) to only work with UTC times on serverside - when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone - `createdAt`-property in `gh-user-invited` returns now `moment(createdAt).fromNow()` as `createdAt` is a moment date already - added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box - default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London' - if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used - shows the local time in 'Publish Date' in PSM by default, until user overwrites it - adds dependency `moment-timezone 0.5.4` to `bower.json` --------- **Tests:** - sets except for clock service in test env - adds fixtures to mirage - adds `service.ajax` and `service:ghostPaths` to navigation-test.js - adds unit test for `gh-format-timeago` helper - updates acceptance test `general-setting` - adds acceptance test for `editor` - adds integration tests for `services/config` and `services/time-zone` --------- **Todos:** - [ ] Integration tests: ~~`services/config`~~, ~~`services/time-zone`~~, `components/gh-datetime-input` - [x] Acceptance test: `editor` - [ ] Unit tests: `utils/date-formatting` - [ ] write issue for renaming date properties (e. g. `createdAt` to `createdAtUTC`) and translate those for server side with serializers
2016-02-02 08:04:40 +01:00
let {id} = request.params;
let post = db.posts.find(id);
if (!post) {
return new Mirage.Response(404, {}, {
errors: [{
errorType: 'NotFoundError',
message: 'Post not found.'
} else {
return {posts: [post]};
Timezones: Always use the timezone of blog setting closes TryGhost/Ghost#6406 follow-up PR of #2 - adds a `timeZone` Service to provide the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) of the users blog settings - `gh-datetime-input` will read the offset of the timezone now and adjust the `publishedAt` date with it. This is the date which will be shown in the PSM 'Publish Date' field. When the user writes a new date/time, the offset is considered and will be deducted again before saving it to the model. This way, we always work with a UTC publish date except for this input field. - gets `availableTimezones` from `configuration/timezones` API endpoint - adds a `moment-utc` transform on all date attr (`createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `publishedAt`, `unsubscribedAt` and `lastLogin`) to only work with UTC times on serverside - when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone - `createdAt`-property in `gh-user-invited` returns now `moment(createdAt).fromNow()` as `createdAt` is a moment date already - added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box - default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London' - if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used - shows the local time in 'Publish Date' in PSM by default, until user overwrites it - adds dependency `moment-timezone 0.5.4` to `bower.json` --------- **Tests:** - sets except for clock service in test env - adds fixtures to mirage - adds `service.ajax` and `service:ghostPaths` to navigation-test.js - adds unit test for `gh-format-timeago` helper - updates acceptance test `general-setting` - adds acceptance test for `editor` - adds integration tests for `services/config` and `services/time-zone` --------- **Todos:** - [ ] Integration tests: ~~`services/config`~~, ~~`services/time-zone`~~, `components/gh-datetime-input` - [x] Acceptance test: `editor` - [ ] Unit tests: `utils/date-formatting` - [ ] write issue for renaming date properties (e. g. `createdAt` to `createdAtUTC`) and translate those for server side with serializers
2016-02-02 08:04:40 +01:00
this.put('/posts/:id/', function (db, request) {
let {id} = request.params;
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).posts;
delete attrs.id;
let post = db.posts.update(id, attrs);
return {
posts: [post]
this.del('/posts/:id/', function (db, request) {
return new Mirage.Response(204, {}, {});
/* Roles ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
2015-12-06 22:24:06 +01:00
this.get('/roles/', function (db, request) {
if (request.queryParams.permissions === 'assign') {
let roles = db.roles.find([1,2,3]);
return {roles};
return {
roles: db.roles
/* Settings ------------------------------------------------------------- */
this.get('/settings/', function (db, request) {
let filters = request.queryParams.type.split(',');
let settings = [];
filters.forEach((filter) => {
settings.pushObjects(db.settings.where({type: filter}));
return {
meta: {
filters: {
type: request.queryParams.type
this.put('/settings/', function (db, request) {
let newSettings = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).settings;
return {
meta: {},
settings: db.settings
/* Apps - Slack Test Notification --------------------------------------------------------- */
this.post('/slack/test', function () {
return {};
Timezones: Always use the timezone of blog setting closes TryGhost/Ghost#6406 follow-up PR of #2 - adds a `timeZone` Service to provide the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) of the users blog settings - `gh-datetime-input` will read the offset of the timezone now and adjust the `publishedAt` date with it. This is the date which will be shown in the PSM 'Publish Date' field. When the user writes a new date/time, the offset is considered and will be deducted again before saving it to the model. This way, we always work with a UTC publish date except for this input field. - gets `availableTimezones` from `configuration/timezones` API endpoint - adds a `moment-utc` transform on all date attr (`createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `publishedAt`, `unsubscribedAt` and `lastLogin`) to only work with UTC times on serverside - when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone - `createdAt`-property in `gh-user-invited` returns now `moment(createdAt).fromNow()` as `createdAt` is a moment date already - added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box - default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London' - if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used - shows the local time in 'Publish Date' in PSM by default, until user overwrites it - adds dependency `moment-timezone 0.5.4` to `bower.json` --------- **Tests:** - sets except for clock service in test env - adds fixtures to mirage - adds `service.ajax` and `service:ghostPaths` to navigation-test.js - adds unit test for `gh-format-timeago` helper - updates acceptance test `general-setting` - adds acceptance test for `editor` - adds integration tests for `services/config` and `services/time-zone` --------- **Todos:** - [ ] Integration tests: ~~`services/config`~~, ~~`services/time-zone`~~, `components/gh-datetime-input` - [x] Acceptance test: `editor` - [ ] Unit tests: `utils/date-formatting` - [ ] write issue for renaming date properties (e. g. `createdAt` to `createdAtUTC`) and translate those for server side with serializers
2016-02-02 08:04:40 +01:00
/* Configuration -------------------------------------------------------- */
this.get('/configuration/timezones/', function (db) {
return {
configuration: [{
timezones: db.timezones
/* Slugs ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
this.get('/slugs/post/:slug/', function (db, request) {
return {
slugs: [
{slug: dasherize(decodeURIComponent(request.params.slug))}
2015-12-06 22:24:06 +01:00
this.get('/slugs/user/:slug/', function (db, request) {
return {
slugs: [
{slug: dasherize(decodeURIComponent(request.params.slug))}
/* Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
this.post('/authentication/setup', function (db, request) {
let [attrs] = $.deparam(request.requestBody).setup;
let [role] = db.roles.where({name: 'Owner'});
let user;
// create owner role unless already exists
if (!role) {
role = db.roles.insert({name: 'Owner'});
attrs.roles = [role];
if (!isBlank(attrs.email)) {
attrs.slug = attrs.email.split('@')[0].dasherize();
// NOTE: this does not use the user factory to fill in blank fields
user = db.users.insert(attrs);
delete user.roles;
return {
users: [user]
this.get('/authentication/setup/', function () {
return {
setup: [
{status: true}
Subscribers: Admin User Interface v1 Initial Subscribers screen - set up mocked api endpoints - basic subscribers screen with data loading, infinite scroll "Add Subscriber" screen - uses modal to display a new subscriber form - validates subscriber e-mail address - moves pagination from route into controller to use filtered/sorted CPs on top of a live-query so that new subscribers are added to the list and the total can be properly managed TODO: - there is currently a pretty serious performance issue where the whole table is re-rendered when the live-query is updated. `ember-light-table` doesn't allow for live-binding and has no options to easily manipulate it's rows using an external interface - it's possible to move the page loading into the component so we only render new rows but that leaves it difficult to react to new subscribers being added through the UI. I believe the number of components used within the table is also adding to the performance problems. - most likely solution is to drop `ember-light-table` in favour of rendering the table directly - glimmer should do a good job of fast updates even though the underlying array will be completely swapped out "Import subscribers" screen - uses modal to display an import subscribers CSV file upload form - displays upload progress - displays import stats and reloads subscribers table once import has completed - adds `gh-file-uploader` component (NB. pared down copy of `gh-image-uploader`, ripe for some refactoring) - fixes subscribers acceptance test failing because fixtures did not have the labs flag enabled Unfortunately this doesn't have 100% test coverage as we're limited in how we can simulate file uploads 😞 Fix performance issues with subscribers table - moves the table definition from the component up to the controller - switches back to manually manipulating table rows instead of using a live-query This is a quick-fix in that it allows us to continue using the `ember-light-table` component but it does mean that we lose some flexibility that the live-query gave us. For now it's not much of an issue and it allows us to defer deeper performance/flexibility work until we have a concrete need and requirements. Hook up Export CSV button - use a hidden iFrame to trigger the browser to hit the CSV export endpoint and download the file Re-order subscribers table by clicking column headers - displays currently sorted column and sort direction - clicking a column header re-fetches the data from the server with the appropriate query params Fix scroll triggers for infinite pagination + icon change - adds a debounce as well as the throttle so that we always get a final scroll trigger once scrolling has stopped - changes the subscribers icon from the temporary team icon to the mail icon
2016-04-15 16:45:50 +02:00
/* Subscribers ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Tags ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
this.post('/tags/', function (db, request) {
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).tags;
let tag;
if (isBlank(attrs.slug) && !isBlank(attrs.name)) {
attrs.slug = attrs.name.dasherize();
// NOTE: this does not use the tag factory to fill in blank fields
tag = db.tags.insert(attrs);
return {
this.get('/tags/', function (db, request) {
let response = paginatedResponse('tags', db.tags, request);
// TODO: remove post_count unless requested?
return response;
this.get('/tags/slug/:slug/', function (db, request) {
let [tag] = db.tags.where({slug: request.params.slug});
// TODO: remove post_count unless requested?
return {
this.put('/tags/:id/', function (db, request) {
let {id} = request.params;
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).tags;
let record = db.tags.update(id, attrs);
return {
tag: record
this.del('/tags/:id/', function (db, request) {
return new Mirage.Response(204, {}, {});
/* Users ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
this.post('/users/', function (db, request) {
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).users;
let user;
if (!isBlank(attrs.email)) {
attrs.slug = attrs.email.split('@')[0].dasherize();
// NOTE: this does not use the user factory to fill in blank fields
user = db.users.insert(attrs);
return {
users: [user]
// /users/me = Always return the user with ID=1
this.get('/users/me', function (db) {
return {
users: [db.users.find(1)]
this.get('/users/', 'users');
2015-12-06 22:24:06 +01:00
this.get('/users/slug/:slug/', function (db, request) {
let user = db.users.where({slug: request.params.slug});
return {
users: user
this.del('/users/:id/', function (db, request) {
return new Mirage.Response(204, {}, {});
2015-12-06 22:24:06 +01:00
this.get('/users/:id', function (db, request) {
return {
users: [db.users.find(request.params.id)]
this.put('/users/:id/', function (db, request) {
let {id} = request.params;
if (id === 'password') {
return {
password: [{message: 'Password changed successfully.'}]
} else {
let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).users;
let record = db.users.update(id, attrs);
return {
user: record
/* External sites ------------------------------------------------------- */
this.get('http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/:md5', function () {
return '';
}, 200);