
176 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<section class="gh-view">
<header class="view-header">
{{#gh-view-title openMobileMenu="openMobileMenu"}}<span>General</span>{{/gh-view-title}}
<section class="view-actions">
{{#gh-spin-button class="gh-btn gh-btn-blue" action="save" submitting=submitting}}<span>Save</span>{{/gh-spin-button}}
<section class="view-content">
<form id="settings-general" novalidate="novalidate">
{{#gh-form-group errors=model.errors hasValidated=model.hasValidated property="title"}}
<label for="blog-title">Blog Title</label>
{{gh-input model.title id="blog-title" name="general[title]" type="text" focusOut=(action "validate" "title" target=model) update=(action (mut model.title))}}
{{gh-error-message errors=model.errors property="title"}}
<p>The name of your blog</p>
{{#gh-form-group errors=model.errors hasValidated=model.hasValidated property="description" class="description-container"}}
<label for="blog-description">Blog Description</label>
{{gh-textarea model.description id="blog-description" name="general[description]" focusOut=(action "validate" "description" target=model) update=(action (mut model.description))}}
{{gh-error-message errors=model.errors property="description"}}
Describe what your blog is about
{{gh-count-characters model.description}}
<div class="form-group">
<label>Blog Logo</label>
{{#if model.logo}}
<img class="blog-logo" src="{{model.logo}}" alt="logo" role="button" {{action "toggleUploadLogoModal"}}>
<button type="button" class="gh-btn gh-btn-green js-modal-logo" {{action "toggleUploadLogoModal"}}><span>Upload Image</span></button>
<p>Display a logo for your publication</p>
{{#if showUploadLogoModal}}
{{gh-fullscreen-modal "upload-image"
model=(hash model=model imageProperty="logo" allowUrlInput=true)
close=(action "toggleUploadLogoModal")
modifier="action wide"}}
{{#if config.fileStorage}}
<div class="form-group">
<label>Blog Icon</label>
{{#if model.icon}}
<img class="blog-icon" src="{{model.icon}}" alt="icon" role="button" {{action "toggleUploadIconModal"}}>
<button type="button" class="gh-btn gh-btn-green js-modal-logo" {{action "toggleUploadIconModal"}}><span>Upload Image</span></button>
<p>Upload a square blog icon ('.ico' or '.png', max. 100kb, 32px * 32px up to 1,000px * 1,000px) for your publication</p>
{{#if showUploadIconModal}}
{{gh-fullscreen-modal "upload-image"
model=(hash model=model imageProperty="icon" accept=iconMimeTypes extensions=iconExtensions allowUrlInput=false uploadUrl="/uploads/icon/")
close=(action "toggleUploadIconModal")
modifier="action wide"}}
<div class="form-group">
<label>Blog Cover</label>
{{#if model.cover}}
<img class="blog-cover" src="{{model.cover}}" alt="cover photo" role="button" {{action "toggleUploadCoverModal"}}>
<button type="button" class="gh-btn gh-btn-green js-modal-cover" {{action "toggleUploadCoverModal"}}><span>Upload Image</span></button>
<p>Display a cover image on your site</p>
{{#if showUploadCoverModal}}
{{gh-fullscreen-modal "upload-image"
model=(hash model=model imageProperty="cover" allowUrlInput=true)
close=(action "toggleUploadCoverModal")
modifier="action wide"}}
<div class="form-group">
{{#gh-form-group errors=model.errors hasValidated=model.hasValidated property="postsPerPage"}}
<label for="postsPerPage">Posts per page</label>
{{! `pattern` brings up numeric keypad allowing any number of digits}}
{{gh-input model.postsPerPage id="postsPerPage" name="general[postsPerPage]" focusOut=(action "validate" "postsPerPage" target=model) min="1" max="1000" type="number" pattern="[0-9]*" update=(action (mut model.postsPerPage))}}
{{gh-error-message errors=model.errors property="postsPerPage"}}
<p>How many posts should be displayed on each page</p>
<div class="form-group for-checkbox">
<label for="permalinks">Dated Permalinks</label>
<label class="checkbox" for="permalinks">
{{one-way-checkbox isDatedPermalinks id="permalinks" class="gh-input" name="general[permalinks]" update=(action (mut isDatedPermalinks))}}
<span class="input-toggle-component"></span>
<p>Include the date in your post URLs</p>
<div class="form-group">
{{#gh-form-group errors=model.errors hasValidated=model.hasValidated property="facebook"}}
<label for="facebook">Facebook Page</label>
<input value={{model.facebook}} oninput={{action (mut _scratchFacebook) value="target.value"}} {{action "validateFacebookUrl" on="focusOut"}} type="url" class="gh-input" id="facebook" name="general[facebook]" placeholder="" autocorrect="off" />
{{gh-error-message errors=model.errors property="facebook"}}
<p>URL of your blog's Facebook Page</p>
<div class="form-group">
{{#gh-form-group errors=model.errors hasValidated=model.hasValidated property="twitter"}}
<label for="twitter">Twitter Profile</label>
<input value={{model.twitter}} oninput={{action (mut _scratchTwitter) value="target.value"}} {{action "validateTwitterUrl" on="focusOut"}} type="url" class="gh-input" id="facebook" name="general[twitter]" placeholder="" autocorrect="off" />
{{gh-error-message errors=model.errors property="twitter"}}
<p>URL of your blog's Twitter profile</p>
update=(action "setTimezone")}}
Timezones: Always use the timezone of blog setting closes TryGhost/Ghost#6406 follow-up PR of #2 - adds a `timeZone` Service to provide the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) of the users blog settings - `gh-datetime-input` will read the offset of the timezone now and adjust the `publishedAt` date with it. This is the date which will be shown in the PSM 'Publish Date' field. When the user writes a new date/time, the offset is considered and will be deducted again before saving it to the model. This way, we always work with a UTC publish date except for this input field. - gets `availableTimezones` from `configuration/timezones` API endpoint - adds a `moment-utc` transform on all date attr (`createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `publishedAt`, `unsubscribedAt` and `lastLogin`) to only work with UTC times on serverside - when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone - `createdAt`-property in `gh-user-invited` returns now `moment(createdAt).fromNow()` as `createdAt` is a moment date already - added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box - default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London' - if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used - shows the local time in 'Publish Date' in PSM by default, until user overwrites it - adds dependency `moment-timezone 0.5.4` to `bower.json` --------- **Tests:** - sets except for clock service in test env - adds fixtures to mirage - adds `service.ajax` and `service:ghostPaths` to navigation-test.js - adds unit test for `gh-format-timeago` helper - updates acceptance test `general-setting` - adds acceptance test for `editor` - adds integration tests for `services/config` and `services/time-zone` --------- **Todos:** - [ ] Integration tests: ~~`services/config`~~, ~~`services/time-zone`~~, `components/gh-datetime-input` - [x] Acceptance test: `editor` - [ ] Unit tests: `utils/date-formatting` - [ ] write issue for renaming date properties (e. g. `createdAt` to `createdAtUTC`) and translate those for server side with serializers
2016-02-02 08:04:40 +01:00
<div class="form-group for-checkbox">
<label for="isPrivate">Make this blog private</label>
<label class="checkbox" for="isPrivate">
{{one-way-checkbox model.isPrivate id="isPrivate" name="general[isPrivate]" type="checkbox" update=(action (mut model.isPrivate))}}
<span class="input-toggle-component"></span>
<p>Enable password protection</p>
{{#if model.isPrivate}}
{{#gh-form-group errors=model.errors hasValidated=model.hasValidated property="password"}}
{{gh-input model.password name="general[password]" type="text" focusOut=(action "validate" "password" target=model) update=(action (mut model.password))}}
{{gh-error-message errors=model.errors property="password"}}
<p>This password will be needed to access your blog. All search engine optimization and social features are now disabled. This password is stored in plaintext.</p>
<div class="settings-themes">
<h3 id="themes">Themes</h3>
activateTheme=(action "setTheme")
downloadTheme=(action "downloadTheme")
deleteTheme=(action "deleteTheme")}}
<div class="form-group">
{{#link-to "settings.general.uploadtheme" class="gh-btn gh-btn-green"}}
<span>Upload a theme</span>
{{#if showDeleteThemeModal}}
{{gh-fullscreen-modal "delete-theme"
download=(action "downloadTheme" themeToDelete)
close=(action "hideDeleteThemeModal")
confirm=(action "deleteTheme")
modifier="action wide"}}