
140 lines
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import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
export default Service.extend(Evented, {
ghostPaths: service(),
session: service(),
// this service is responsible for managing tour item visibility and syncing
// the viewed state with the server
// tour items need to be centrally defined here so that we have a single
// source of truth for marking all tour items as viewed
// a <GhTourItem @trobberId="unique-id"/> component can be inserted in any template,
// this will use the tour service to grab content and determine visibility
// with the component in control of rendering the throbber/controlling the
// modal - this allows the component lifecycle hooks to perform automatic
// display/cleanup when the relevant UI is visible.
viewed: null,
// IDs should **NOT** be changed if they have been part of a release unless
// the re-display of the throbber should be forced. In that case it may be
// useful to add a version number eg. `my-feature` -> `my-feature-v2`.
// Format is as follows:
// {
// id: 'test',
// title: 'This is a test',
// message: 'This is a test of our <strong>feature tour</strong> feature'
// }
// TODO: it may be better to keep this configuration elsewhere to keep the
// service clean. Eventually we'll want apps to be able to register their
// own throbbers and tour content
throbbers: null,
init() {
let adminUrl = `${window.location.origin}${this.get('ghostPaths.url').admin()}`;
let adminDisplayUrl = adminUrl.replace(`${window.location.protocol}//`, '');
this.viewed = [];
this.throbbers = [{
id: 'getting-started',
title: 'Getting started with Ghost',
message: `Welcome to Ghost Admin! From here you can browse your site, manage your content, and edit your settings.<br><br>You can always login to Ghost Admin by visiting <a href="${adminUrl}" target="_blank">${adminDisplayUrl}</a>`
}, {
id: 'using-the-editor',
title: 'Using the Ghost editor',
message: 'Ghost uses Markdown to allow you to write and format content quickly and easily. This toolbar also helps! Hit the <strong>?</strong> icon for more editor shortcuts.'
}, {
id: 'featured-post',
title: 'Setting a featured post',
message: 'Depending on your theme, featured posts receive special styling to make them stand out as a particularly important or emphasised story.'
}, {
id: 'upload-a-theme',
title: 'Customising your publication',
message: 'Using custom themes you can completely control the look and feel of your site to suit your brand. Here\'s a full guide to help: <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong>'
_activeThrobbers: computed('viewed.[]', 'throbbers.[]', function () {
// return throbbers that haven't been viewed
let viewed = this.viewed;
let throbbers = this.throbbers;
return throbbers.reject(throbber => viewed.includes(;
// retrieve the IDs of the viewed throbbers from the server, always returns
// a promise
fetchViewed() {
return this.get('session.user').then((user) => {
let viewed = user.get('tour') || [];
this.set('viewed', viewed);
return viewed;
// save the list of viewed throbbers to the server overwriting the
// entire list
syncViewed() {
let viewed = this.viewed;
return this.get('session.user').then((user) => {
user.set('tour', viewed);
// returns throbber content for a given ID only if that throbber hasn't been
// viewed. Used by the <GhTourItem /> component to determine visibility
activeThrobber(id) {
let activeThrobbers = this._activeThrobbers;
return activeThrobbers.findBy('id', id);
// when a throbber is opened the component will call this method to mark
// it as viewed and sync with the server. Always returns a promise
markThrobberAsViewed(id) {
let viewed = this.viewed;
if (!viewed.includes(id)) {
this.trigger('viewed', id);
return this.syncViewed();
} else {
return RSVP.resolve(true);
// opting-out will use the list of IDs defined in this file making it the
// single-source-of-truth and allowing future client updates to control when
// new UI should be surfaced through tour items
optOut() {
let allThrobberIds = this.throbbers.mapBy('id');
this.set('viewed', allThrobberIds);
return this.syncViewed();
// this is not used anywhere at the moment but it's useful to use via ember
// inspector as a reset mechanism
reEnable() {
this.set('viewed', []);
return this.syncViewed();