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Git Code of Conduct Schedule


We find ourselves in the streets and alleys, in a realm of sweaty, white-knucked survival, where high tech is a constant hum, subliminar and constant, "like a deranged experiment in social Darwinism, designed by a bored researcher who kept one thumb permanently on the fast-foward button.

Big Science in this world is not a source of quaint Mr. Wizard marvels, but an omnipresent, all-permeating, definitive force.

- Bruce Sterling, Preface, Burning Chrome

We, from the Paradigma collective, organize a weekly meeting every saturnday, from 2 to 6 p.m., open to all for the exploration and expansion of our domain over the Command Line Interface, or CLI for short. Through the CLI and its Shell, that is, its dialect to issue commands, we can interact with the source code of the Operational System, or OS for short, and its programs. Either to modify them or even to create new ones.

An atitude of autonomy and critical sense, that seeks to appropriate the OS in all its capabilities, gives the mood of SHELLPUNKS. Where the participants demonstrate and discuss among themselves new and interesting manners of extending their capabilities to manipulate code.

Oriented by facilitators, each participant has an opportunity to demonstrate how he or she makes use of the CLI in an interactive manner, through a program or function the participant has either discovered or created. Whenever possible, following its presentation, his or her contribution is registered in a repository for the use of all of those interested.

To participate

  • With the interest of having the best environment possible for the participation of all, we deem indispensable the application of our Code of Conduct, which we urge everyone to familiarize themselves with.

  • Bring a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Preferentially already with access to a terminal emulator. If you're unable to bring one of these devices, you can ask a facilitator to borrow you one. If you wish to access a terminal emulator on your own and you don't know how, consult one of the links bellow depending on your OS:

  • We organize this activity together with all participants. Manifest, where you see fit, your necessities and capacities to participate and contribute.


The event starts with demonstrations being made by its participants, under time constraints established by the moderators listed below. For the remaining time until the end of the activity, participants are invited to collaborate with us in the resolution of technical challenges such as Over the Wire and CMD Challenge.

Guilherme de Abreu - guilherme(dot)abreu(at)pm(dot)me PGP

For more information, come talk to us on Riot