2002-11-11 08:31:55 +01:00
2011-06-10 16:05:58 +02:00
# MOVED -- A list of (recently) moved or removed ports
2002-11-11 08:31:55 +01:00
# $FreeBSD$
# Each entry consists of a single line containing the following four
# fields in the order named, separated with the pipe (`|') character:
2011-06-10 16:05:58 +02:00
# Port: A port that was moved (category/portname)
# Moved to: Where the port was moved to, or which port users can
# and should migrate to (category/portname); no entry
# indicates that the port was deleted
2002-11-21 20:25:49 +01:00
# Date: When the moving or the removal was done (YYYY-MM-DD,
2011-06-10 16:05:58 +02:00
# in PST/PDT)
# Why: The reason why the port was moved or removed
2002-11-11 08:31:55 +01:00
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
# Keep this list sorted in the chronological order. New entries must be
# added at the tail. Reason for (re)move should start with a capital letter
# (unless it's a file or other special name) and not end with the dot.
2002-11-11 08:31:55 +01:00
2006-01-27 20:41:01 +01:00
# If previously removed port gets restored, make sure to delete the relevant
2006-01-27 23:02:00 +01:00
# line. If a port is copied to a new location and the old location is kept
# (e.g. upgraded to a later version), don't record it here.
2006-01-27 20:41:01 +01:00
2002-11-11 08:31:55 +01:00
# Port|Moved to|Date|Why
2008-01-01 23:41:52 +01:00
audio/polypaudio|audio/pulseaudio|2008-01-01|Project renamed
audio/akode-plugins-polypaudio||2008-01-01|Polypaudio is obsolete in favor of pulseaudio
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
audio/teknap|net-p2p/teknap|2008-01-09|Moved to net-p2p category
2008-01-18 22:19:47 +01:00
net/freeradius-devel|net/freeradius2|2008-01-18|Development version no longer necessary
2008-01-20 13:09:16 +01:00
devel/p5-gearmand|devel/p5-Gearman-Server|2008-01-20|Replaced by p5-Gearman-Server
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
databases/mysqltoolkit|databases/maatkit|2008-01-21|Project was renamed
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
games/sturmbahnfahrer|games/stormbaancoureur|2008-01-27|Project was renamed
net/cactid|net-mgmt/cacti-spine|2008-01-27|Project was renamed
2008-02-11 00:14:08 +01:00
devel/wxGlade-devel||2008-02-11|Has expired: has been the same version as wxGlade for a long time; use it instead
2008-02-12 22:03:09 +01:00
sysutils/sge|sysutils/sge60|2008-02-12|Splitting into 6.0 and 6.1 versions
2008-02-13 15:57:33 +01:00
mail/linux-netscape-messenger|mail/thunderbird|2008-02-13|Abandoned by AOL
www/linux-netscape-navigator|www/firefox|2008-02-13|Abandoned by AOL
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
audio/daapd||2008-02-26|Has expired: Development stalled, outdated. Does not support newer versions of DAAP protocol
audio/daaplib||2008-02-26|Has expired: Development stalled for years, outdated. Does not support newer versions of DAAP protocol
www/libhttpd-persistent||2008-02-27|Has expired: Development stalled for years, outdated
2008-02-28 00:52:07 +01:00
www/vtiger4||2008-02-27|Has expired: This version is no longer supported by the developers
www/xpi-surfkeys||2008-02-27|Has expired: Development has been ceased
sysutils/eventwatcher||2008-02-27|Has expired: no active development
sysutils/p5-UPS-Nut||2008-02-27|Has expired: Version branch long since retired
net-mgmt/netsaint||2008-02-27|Has expired: Now developed as Nagios, see net-mgmt/nagios port
net-mgmt/netsaint-plugins||2008-02-27|Has expired: Now developed as Nagios, see net-mgmt/nagios port
benchmarks/tsung||2008-02-27|Has expired: "fails to install"
games/ggo||2008-02-27|Has expired: developer's focus have moved elsewhere
mail/claws-mail-etpan_privacy||2008-02-27|Has expired: no longer supported by developers
2008-02-28 02:07:11 +01:00
x11-themes/indubstrial||2008-02-28|Has expired: yes
x11-themes/gtk-smooth-engine||2008-02-28|Has expired: Redundant port (now included in gtk-engines), no release since 2005
security/amavis-perl||2008-02-28|Has expired: depends on misc/compat3x, which has security problems
sysutils/cdbakeoven||2008-02-28|Has expired: Abandonware
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net/gnu-finger||2008-02-28|Has expired: no active development and known security vulnerabilities
2008-02-28 02:07:11 +01:00
misc/seizedesktop||2008-02-28|Has expired: development stalled for years, outdated, unmaintained
2008-02-28 08:50:46 +01:00
net-im/wildfire||2008-02-28|Has expired: Use net-im/openfire instead of this port
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
www/gekko||2008-02-28|Has expired: This port is not being developed anymore. This was replaced by textmotion (http://code.google.com/p/textmotion/)
www/gekko-modules||2008-02-28|Has expired: This port is not being developed anymore. This was replaced by textmotion (http://code.google.com/p/textmotion/)
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
java/linux-blackdown-jre11||2008-02-28|Has expired: Obsolete version; support for Java 1.1 is to be removed from the ports tree
2008-02-28 08:50:46 +01:00
french/pluxml||2008-02-28|Has expired: no active development and known security vulnerabilities, see http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/24607/info for details
french/pluxml-theme-bridge||2008-02-28|Has expired: pluxml is marked as deprecated
french/pluxml-theme-snowxml||2008-02-28|Has expired: pluxml is marked as deprecated
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
databases/pgbash||2008-02-28|Has expired: Last release in 2003, relies on outdated PostgreSQL 7.3 and bash 2.05a
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
audio/nogger||2008-02-28|Has expired: "just makes a humming noise"
2008-02-28 13:08:24 +01:00
x11-wm/wmDeskGuide||2008-02-28|Has expired: Version branch long since retired
ftp/axelq||2008-02-28|Has expired: Unmaintained, website disappeared
lang/fpc-devel||2008-02-28|Has expired: now lags behind version in lang/fpc; use that instead
devel/php-dbg||2008-02-28|Has expired: does not work with php5 and does not compile on gcc4.2
graphics/jgv||2008-02-28|Has expired: development stalled for years, outdated, unmaintained
editors/muggy||2008-02-28|Has expired: development stalled for years, unmaintained
x11-fm/binder||2008-02-28|Has expired: development stalled for years, outdated, unmaintained
2008-03-02 21:30:08 +01:00
x11-toolkits/guile-gnome||2008-03-02|Software is obsolete
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
security/openssh||2008-03-02|Has expired: Outdated and has security issues
2008-03-07 10:32:27 +01:00
www/p5-FastCGI-ProcManager||2008-03-07|Duplicate of www/p5-FCGI-ProcManager
2008-03-07 16:29:10 +01:00
x11/compositeext|x11/compositeproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/damageext|x11/damageproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/fixesext|x11/fixesproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/panoramixext||2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/randrext|x11/randrproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/renderext|x11/renderproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/resourceext|x11/resourceproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/xextensions||2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
2008-03-07 17:56:13 +01:00
x11/printext|x11/printproto|2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/libXxf86||2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
x11/xf86ext||2008-03-07|Port has been outdated since X.org 7.2 merge
2008-03-07 22:56:23 +01:00
devel/imake-4||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
graphics/xfree86-dri||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-font100dpi||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-font75dpi||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontCyrillic||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontDefaultBitmaps||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontEncodings||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-servers/XFree86-4-FontServer||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-servers/XFree86-4-NestServer||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-servers/XFree86-4-PrintServer||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-servers/XFree86-4-Server||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11-servers/XFree86-4-VirtualFramebufferServer||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11/XFree86-4||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11/XFree86-4-clients||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11/XFree86-4-documents||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11/XFree86-4-libraries||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
x11/XFree86-4-manuals||2008-03-07|XFree86-4 is no longer supported on FreeBSD
2008-03-11 22:19:54 +01:00
x11/ecore|devel/ecore|2008-03-12|Change category
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
www/scout||2008-03-12|Has expired: Abandonware, website disappeared
2008-03-14 22:38:10 +01:00
security/nmapfe|security/zenmap|2008-03-14|Project renamed
2008-03-14 22:55:14 +01:00
x11/hs-x11-extras-ghc||2008-03-14|Has expired: Use x11/hs-x11-ghc instead
2008-03-14 23:40:21 +01:00
www/mod_dosevasise20||2008-03-14|Has expired: Use www/mod_evasive20 instead
2008-03-18 10:29:47 +01:00
devel/hc12mem|devel/hcs12mem|2008-03-17|Project renamed
2008-03-21 17:27:31 +01:00
mail/claws-mail-maildir||2008-03-21|Has expired: no longer supported by developers
x11/e17-module-devian||2008-03-21|Has expired: abandoned by developer
x11/e17-module-engage||2008-03-21|Has expired: abandoned by developer
x11/e17-module-eveil||2008-03-21|Has expired: abandoned by developer
2008-03-24 04:52:36 +01:00
sysutils/hal-device-manager|sysutils/gnome-device-manager|2008-03-23|hal-device-manager has been retired
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
security/gnome-keyring-manager|security/seahorse|2008-03-23|Functionality has been rolled into seahorse
2008-03-31 17:13:21 +02:00
ports-mgmt/pkg_install-devel|ports-mgmt/pkg_install|2008-03-31|Port has been unmaintained for a few years
2008-04-02 11:13:10 +02:00
x11-toolkits/qwt|x11-toolkits/qwt4|2008-04-02|Renamed for better naming
x11-toolkits/qwt-devel|x11-toolkits/qwt5|2008-04-02|Renamed for better naming
2008-04-04 16:54:51 +02:00
audio/csound-manual||2008-04-04|Merged with main port
2008-04-04 18:00:48 +02:00
security/acid||2008-04-04|Has expired: development has ceased, use security/base
2008-04-07 18:39:11 +02:00
devel/check|devel/libcheck|2008-04-07|Removed in favour to devel/libcheck
2008-04-09 16:19:00 +02:00
archivers/deepforest||2008-04-09|Has expired: development stalled for years, outdated, unmaintained
graphics/libimg-tkstep80||2008-04-09|Has expired: tkstep80 scheduled for expiration
x11-toolkits/tkstep80||2008-04-09|Has expired: development stalled for years, outdated, unmaintained
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/p5-Tie-Watch|x11-toolkits/p5-Tk|2008-04-14|Bundled with p5-Tk
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
games/teewars|games/teeworlds|2008-04-17|Project renamed
2008-04-21 00:38:23 +02:00
multimedia/exportvideo||2008-04-21|Add-on for soon to be removed nuppelvideo port
2008-04-21 00:40:35 +02:00
multimedia/nuppelvideo||2008-04-21|Unmaintained upstream for years. The nuppelvideo format is now supported by mencoder
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
graphics/ascii0|graphics/asciio|2008-04-22|Renamed by delete+add
misc/kde3-i18n-id||2008-04-25|Has expired: Distfile no longer available, outdated
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
net/dhcp-agent||2008-04-25|Has expired: Dhcp-agent has not been updated since 2003, it does not build with guile-1.8, and it is unmaintained
2008-04-25 22:23:35 +02:00
net/ocaml-netclient||2008-04-25|Has expired: is part of ocaml-net
net/samplicator||2008-04-25|Has expired: Project has vanished
graphics/entice||2008-04-25|Has expired: Broken and unmaintained
2008-04-26 01:21:09 +02:00
security/wpa_supplicant||2008-04-26|Obsolete, newer version in base
2008-04-28 10:45:43 +02:00
games/glpuzzle|games/jigzo|2008-04-28|Project renamed
2008-04-29 09:55:16 +02:00
ftp/greed||2008-04-29|Has expired: No longer maintained
2008-04-30 05:43:11 +02:00
x11-themes/gnome-industrial-theme||2008-04-29|Has expired: gnome-themes-extras no longer has industrial engine
2008-04-30 09:20:21 +02:00
www/firefox15||2008-04-30|Has expired: Obsolete version, use Firefox 2.0 or greater instead
www/phpadsnew||2008-04-30|Has expired: replaced by www/openx
x11-wm/yawm||2008-04-30|Has expired: project no longer exists
x11-wm/uwm||2008-04-30|Has expired: Version branch long since retired
2008-04-30 09:50:15 +02:00
arabic/katoob||2008-04-30|Removed on maintainers request due to inactivity of project
2008-04-30 22:38:10 +02:00
security/drupal4-ldap_integration||2008-04-30|Removed due to being broken and clearly not used
2008-05-05 23:38:58 +02:00
www/neon|www/neon26|2008-05-05|Moved to be able to integrate www/neon26
2008-05-07 01:25:46 +02:00
ports-mgmt/instant-tinderbox||2008-05-07|No longer functional in the current infrastructure
2008-05-11 09:52:17 +02:00
devel/swigruby||2008-05-11|Has expired: use devel/swig13 instead, last release was 8 years ago
2008-05-12 19:33:17 +02:00
japanese/epson-ttfonts||2008-05-12|Removed because of extremely restrictive license
2008-05-16 00:00:09 +02:00
x11-servers/xorg-printserver||2008-05-15|Has expired, software is obsolete
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
www/mod_evasive20|www/mod_evasive|2008-05-17|No reason to have the 20 in the name, so remove it
multimedia/smplayer-qt4||2008-05-17|Functionality is now included in smplayer
2008-05-20 01:21:30 +02:00
devel/php-Net_Gearman|devel/pear-Net_Gearman|2008-05-19|Now it is a pear module
2008-05-21 11:10:35 +02:00
devel/swig11||2008-05-21|Has expired: use devel/swig13 instead, last release of 1.1 was 8 years ago
2008-05-25 09:02:31 +02:00
japanese/truetypefonts||2008-05-25|Removed due to copyright problem
2008-05-25 12:21:12 +02:00
japanese/kochi-cidfonts||2008-05-25|Removed due to copyright problem
2008-05-26 06:32:47 +02:00
japanese/latex-japanese|japanese/platex-japanese|2008-05-26|Works only with platex
2008-05-27 08:27:46 +02:00
ports-mgmt/newportsversioncheck||2008-05-27|Obsoleted by portscout
2008-05-30 21:15:53 +02:00
net-p2p/dclibc||2008-05-30|Has expired: Abandoned, not used, website disappeared
multimedia/xfce4-xmms-controller-plugin||2008-05-30|Has expired: Project is dead
www/pear-HTTP_Session||2008-05-30|Has expired: Use www/pear-HTTP_Session2 instead
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
security/bioapitool||2008-05-30|Has expired: All functionality of these tools has been merged with pam_bsdbioapi
2008-05-31 09:26:48 +02:00
japanese/motoya-ttfonts||2008-05-31|Removed because of extremely restrictive license
2008-06-02 17:28:56 +02:00
devel/libffi-devel||2008-06-02|Has expired: Use devel/libffi instead
2008-06-17 21:00:24 +02:00
www/mod_auth_pwcheck||2008-06-17|Depends on expired port, website disappeared
2008-06-17 21:01:59 +02:00
security/cyrus-sasl||2008-06-17|Has expired: Unsupported, please move to cyrus-sasl2
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
converters/compface|mail/faces|2008-06-17|Removed in favour to mail/faces
2008-06-18 23:00:59 +02:00
security/p5-openxpki-client-cli||2008-06-18|Has expired: no longer supported. Use p5-openxpki-client-html-mason instead
2008-06-19 00:11:00 +02:00
audio/mbrola||2008-06-18|Has expired: relies on forbidden port misc/compat3x; last release 2000
2009-08-01 15:16:10 +02:00
emulators/linux-winetools||2008-06-18|Has expired: very old, discontinued, and replaced by emulators/wine-doors
2008-06-19 00:26:27 +02:00
games/linux-x-plane||2008-06-18|Relies on expired, unfetchable installer port
2009-08-01 15:16:10 +02:00
games/linux-x-plane-net-installer||2008-06-18|Has expired: unfetchable
japanese/vje30||2008-06-18|Has expired: depends on forbidden port misc/compat3x
math/umfpack||2008-06-18|Has expired: Outdated subset of math/suitesparse
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net/apache-soap||2008-06-18|Has expired: Development has been ceased, superseded by www/axis
2009-08-01 15:16:10 +02:00
net/archie||2008-06-18|Has expired: No servers active anymore
net/xarchie||2008-06-18|Has expired: No servers active anymore
net/p5-Net-Z3950||2008-06-18|Has expired: does not compile with yaz 3.x, deprecated in favor of ZOOM-Perl (net/p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM)
net/vls||2008-06-18|Has expired: Does not build with current libdvbpsi. Development has been moved to multimedia/vlc
net-mgmt/nsc||2008-06-18|Has expired: Project abandoned
security/amavisd||2008-06-18|Has expired: depends on misc/compat3x, which has security problems; old version
games/linux-goodway||2008-06-18|A tool for a port that was removed
graphics/gtkcairo||2008-06-19|Unused, unfetchable, obsolete
net/openospfd-devel||2008-06-19|Has expired: no longer maintained
2008-06-19 17:35:39 +02:00
x11-servers/xorg-server-snap|x11-servers/xorg-server|2008-06-19|Has expired: no longer maintained
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
archivers/dynamite|archivers/libdynamite|2008-06-22|Moved to archivers/libdynamite
archivers/orange|archivers/liborange|2008-06-22|Moved to archivers/liborange
2008-06-23 01:49:48 +02:00
security/barnyard-sguil6|security/barnyard-sguil|2008-06-22|Moved to security/barnyard-sguil
2008-06-23 02:45:15 +02:00
java/bsh|lang/bsh|2008-06-22|Moved to lang/bsh
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
www/mod_security2|www/mod_security21|2008-06-22|Moved to www/mod_security2
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
devel/dumb|audio/dumb|2008-06-23|Moved to better category audio
2008-06-29 18:48:01 +02:00
security/ca-roots||2008-06-29|No longer supported by FreeBSD Security Officer
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/subversion-perl|devel/p5-subversion|2008-06-30|Rename to reflect official perl5 modules naming scheme
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
devel/subversion-python|devel/py-subversion|2008-06-30|Rename to reflect official Python modules naming scheme
devel/subversion-ruby|devel/ruby-subversion|2008-06-30|Rename to reflect official Ruby modules naming scheme
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
misc/goblin|math/goblin|2008-06-30|Moved to a better category
2008-07-02 04:54:31 +02:00
2008-07-04 05:11:37 +02:00
deskutils/gdeskcal||2008-07-03|Disappeared from master site
deskutils/gdeskcal-skins||2008-07-03|Disappeared from master site
2008-07-04 05:13:51 +02:00
deskutils/gnome-menu-editor||2008-07-03|Disappeared from master site and take over by alacarte
2008-07-05 02:14:19 +02:00
textproc/dictum-emacs22||2008-07-05|Assimilated into textproc/dictum
2008-10-04 09:47:44 +02:00
sysutils/gnu-unifont|x11-fonts/gnu-unifont|2008-07-05|Category change
2008-07-05 23:59:33 +02:00
chinese/links||2008-07-05|Has been ignored for 15 months
2008-07-11 01:29:39 +02:00
net-im/psi-gentoo||2008-07-11|Removed because no longer supported
2008-07-11 15:02:53 +02:00
lang/yarv|lang/ruby19|2008-07-11|Officially released as Ruby 1.9
2008-07-21 23:52:32 +02:00
japanese/samba|japanese/samba3|2008-07-21|Superseded by japanese/samba3
2008-07-22 04:20:45 +02:00
net/silky||2008-07-21|Broken with newer silc-toolkit version
2008-07-24 17:03:38 +02:00
japanese/kterm16c|japanese/kterm|2008-07-24|Deprecated in favor of japanese/kterm
2008-07-25 05:27:57 +02:00
lang/gambc|lang/gambit-c|2008-07-24|Port was renamed
2008-07-26 09:59:05 +02:00
devel/legoctl|devel/roboctl|2008-07-26|Port was renamed
2008-07-26 20:55:03 +02:00
games/ssamtse|games/linux-ssamtse|2008-07-26|Upgraded to Linux version of the game
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
palm/synce-rra|palm/synce-librra|2008-07-27|Port was renamed
palm/synce-dccm|palm/synce-vdccm|2008-07-27|Port was renamed
2008-08-04 06:04:51 +02:00
arabic/php_doc||2008-08-04|Manual in this language was removed
chinese/php_doc-hk||2008-08-04|Manual in this language was removed
chinese/php_doc-tw||2008-08-04|Manual in this language was removed
chinese/php_doc-zh||2008-08-04|Manual in this language was removed
hungarian/php_doc||2008-08-04|Manual in this language was removed
2008-08-16 11:09:28 +02:00
mbone/rtpmon||2008-08-16|Abandoned upstream and needs gcc32 which is going to be removed
2008-08-16 11:38:38 +02:00
games/ssc||2008-08-16|Abandoned upstream and needs gcc32 which is going to be removed
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
mail/mutt-ng||2008-08-18|Has expired: Abandoned by upstream maintainers; use mail/mutt-devel
x11-wm/heliodor||2008-08-18|No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl-core||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl-manager||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl-plugins||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl-plugins-unsupported||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl-settings||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
x11-wm/beryl-settings-bindings||2008-08-18|Has expired: No longer supported -- use compiz
2008-08-18 21:02:41 +02:00
japanese/lyx|print/lyx|2008-08-18|No longer maintained and print/lyx now supports Unicode
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
games/blobandconquer||2008-08-20|Removed due to copyright problems
games/blobwars||2008-08-20|Removed due to copyright problems
games/randomshooter||2008-08-20|Removed due to copyright problems
games/starfighter||2008-08-20|Removed due to copyright problems
2008-08-20 02:57:32 +02:00
devel/autoconf261|devel/autoconf262|2008-08-20|Migration to autoconf-2.62
2008-08-20 11:22:49 +02:00
x11-themes/enlightenment-theme-BlueSteel||2008-08-20|Deprecated by x11-themes/e16-themes
x11-themes/enlightenment-theme-BrushedMetal-Tigert||2008-08-20|Deprecated by x11-themes/e16-themes
2008-09-04 13:12:47 +02:00
x11-themes/enlightenment-theme-Ganymede||2008-08-20|Deprecated by x11-themes/e16-themes
2008-08-20 11:22:49 +02:00
x11-themes/enlightenment-theme-ShinyMetal||2008-08-20|Deprecated by x11-themes/e16-themes
2008-08-22 14:09:20 +02:00
www/mediawiki17||2008-08-22|Expired, use www/mediawiki instead
www/mediawiki18||2008-08-22|Expired, use www/mediawiki instead
2008-08-22 17:02:08 +02:00
x11-wm/9wm||2008-08-22|Has expired: Project is dead, last release from 2002
x11-wm/gwm||2008-08-22|Has expired: Project is dead
x11-wm/mlvwm||2008-08-22|Has expired: Project is dead
x11-wm/novawm||2008-08-22|Has expired: Project is dead
x11-wm/orion||2008-08-22|Has expired: Version branch long since retired
2008-08-22 17:05:05 +02:00
x11-wm/ude||2008-08-22|Has expired: Remove dead project
2008-08-23 11:52:01 +02:00
lang/gcc32|lang/gcc42|2008-08-23|Abandoned upstream more than five years ago; superseded by lang/gcc42 and later
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
irc/iip||2008-08-24|Abandonware, long since deprecated
2008-08-26 16:46:54 +02:00
www/mediawiki19||2008-08-26|Expired, use www/mediawiki instead
www/mediawiki110||2008-08-26|Expired, use www/mediawiki instead
www/mediawiki111||2008-08-26|Expired, use www/mediawiki instead
2008-08-27 19:51:07 +02:00
graphics/openproducer||2008-08-27|Now included in graphics/osg
devel/openthreads||2008-08-27|Now included in graphics/osg
2008-08-28 04:52:01 +02:00
www/cherokee-devel||2008-08-27|Removed, use www/cherokee instead
2008-08-29 06:52:47 +02:00
irc/tirc||2008-08-28|Has expired: Project is dead
2008-08-29 16:35:48 +02:00
x11-toolkits/gtkdatabox2||2008-08-29|Removed, use x11-toolkits/gtkdatabox instead
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
chinese/BBMan||2008-08-30|Removed, abandoned by upstream maintainer
2008-09-01 03:55:52 +02:00
games/q3base||2008-09-01|Project gone, website defaced
2008-09-01 22:08:49 +02:00
editors/ooo-build||2008-09-01|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
Remove the port for Pine, and the slave port for Pico. UW has discontinued
development on the Pine branch, and is instead focusing its efforts on the
successor, Alpine. http://www.washington.edu/alpine/
Alpine has more features, much better localization, better organized
(and largely rewritten) code, is BSD licensed, and should be a drop-in
replacement in terms of configuration files.
Alpine version 1.00 was released on March 17, 2008 after over a year of
development and community testing, and has since had 2 releases for
bugfixes and new features, so it's safe to say that this is a mature
2008-09-01 22:21:47 +02:00
mail/pine4|mail/alpine|2008-09-01|No further development for pine, alpine has more features and is config-compatible
editors/pico|editors/pico-alpine|2008-09-01|No further development for pine, alpine has more features and is config-compatible
2008-09-05 21:41:48 +02:00
print/ghostscript-gnu|print/ghostscript7|2008-09-05|Renamed for better naming
print/ghostscript-gnu-nox11|print/ghostscript7-nox11|2008-09-05|Renamed for better naming
print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont|print/ghostscript7-commfont|2008-09-05|Renamed for better naming
japanese/ghostscript-gnu-jpnfont|print/ghostscript7-jpnfont|2008-09-05|Renamed for better naming
korean/ghostscript-gnu-korfont|print/ghostscript7-korfont|2008-09-05|Renamed for better naming
print/ghostscript-gpl-nox11|print/ghostscript8-nox11|2008-09-05|Renamed for better naming
2008-09-06 06:59:52 +02:00
chinese/acroread-zh_CN|chinese/acroread8-zh_CN|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
chinese/acroread-zh_TW|chinese/acroread8-zh_TW|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
french/acroread|french/acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
german/acroread|german/acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
japanese/acroread|japanese/acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
korean/acroread|korean/acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
portuguese/acroread|portuguese/acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/acroread7|print/acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/dk-acroread|print/dk-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/es-acroread|print/es-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/fi-acroread|print/fi-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/it-acroread|print/it-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/nl-acroread|print/nl-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/no-acroread|print/no-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
print/sv-acroread|print/sv-acroread8|2008-09-06|Removed because of security vulnerability
2012-01-29 16:40:40 +01:00
net/py-zsi-devel||2008-09-07|Removed in favor of py-zsi
2008-09-07 23:52:31 +02:00
audio/squeezecenter-transitionupdater||2008-09-07|Plugin integrated in to SqueezeCenter 7.1
2008-10-05 04:59:53 +02:00
japanese/xjman||2008-10-05|No longer maintained
japanese/xjman-3||2008-10-05|No longer maintained
2008-10-15 23:15:49 +02:00
net/isc-dhcp3-server|net/isc-dhcp30-server|2008-10-13|Swap to multiple versions
net/isc-dhcp3-relay|net/isc-dhcp30-relay|2008-10-13|Swap to multiple versions
net/isc-dhcp3-client|net/isc-dhcp30-client|2008-10-13|Swap to multiple versions
2008-10-26 20:35:08 +01:00
japanese/sj3|japanese/sj3-server|2008-10-26|Renamed for -server/-lib separation
2008-10-26 20:48:19 +01:00
japanese/Canna|japanese/canna-server|2008-10-26|Renamed for -server/-lib separation
2008-10-26 21:00:25 +01:00
japanese/kinput2-canna|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+freewnn|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+freewnn+sj3|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn6|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn7|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+wnn6|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-canna+wnn7|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-freewnn|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-freewnn+sj3|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-sj3|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-sj3+wnn6|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-sj3+wnn7|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-wnn6|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
japanese/kinput2-wnn7|japanese/kinput2|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/kinput2
2008-10-26 21:17:36 +01:00
japanese/onew-canna|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
japanese/onew-canna+freewnn|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
japanese/onew-canna+wnn6|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
japanese/onew-canna+wnn7|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
japanese/onew-freewnn|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
japanese/onew-wnn6|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
japanese/onew-wnn7|japanese/onew|2008-10-26|Integrated into japanese/onew
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
japanese/jvim||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-canna||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-canna+freewnn||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-canna+wnn6||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-canna+wnn7||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-freewnn||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-wnn6||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
japanese/jvim-wnn7||2008-10-26|Removed: no longer maintained
2008-10-28 16:09:25 +01:00
japanese/jvim3-canna|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-canna+freewnn|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-canna+wnn6|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-canna+wnn7|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-direct_canna|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-freewnn|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-wnn6|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
japanese/jvim3-wnn7|japanese/jvim3|2008-10-28|Integrated into japanese/jvim3
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
security/libfwbuilder2|security/libfwbuilder|2008-11-05|Replaced by libfwbuilder 3.0
security/fwbuilder2|security/fwbuilder|2008-11-05|Replaced by fwbuilder 3.0
2008-11-07 19:08:59 +01:00
japanese/magicpoint|misc/magicpoint|2008-11-07|Integrated into misc/magicpoint
2008-11-18 15:10:16 +01:00
x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom|x11-drivers/input-wacom|2008-11-18|Port was renamed
2008-11-24 07:22:36 +01:00
2008-11-25 00:08:06 +01:00
2008-12-03 21:34:46 +01:00
2008-12-07 20:02:51 +01:00
portuguese/aspell|portuguese/aspell-pt_PT|2008-12-07|Repocopy finished for proper package naming
2008-12-07 20:49:39 +01:00
x11-wm/kahakai||2008-12-07|Has expired: "Development ceased"
palm/synce-gnomevfs||2008-12-07|Has expired: No longer supported by developers
palm/synce-kde||2008-12-07|Has expired: No longer supported by developers
palm/synce-multisync||2008-12-07|Has expired: No longer supported by developers
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
shells/ksh93-devel||2008-12-07|Has expired: This port is outdated, please use shells/ksh93
2008-12-07 20:49:39 +01:00
sysutils/dtc-toaster||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
sysutils/dusage||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
games/linux-alienarena||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-07 21:36:48 +01:00
japanese/escpf||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
java/java-gcj-compat||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
lang/screamer||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
misc/documancer||2008-12-07|Has expired: Unmaintained upstream
multimedia/manslide||2008-12-07|Has expired: Use multimedia/smile instead
net/globus4||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
net/p5-Parallel-MPI||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
net/p54u||2008-12-07|Has expired: website disappeared
net-im/ginsu||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
net-p2p/py-kenosis-bittorrent||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
sysutils/sjog||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
textproc/Ebnf2ps||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
www/roxen||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
x11-fm/evidence||2008-12-07|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-09 15:33:40 +01:00
www/yui||2008-12-09|Already exists as www/yahoo-ui
2008-12-11 10:05:55 +01:00
security/pecl-filter|security/php5-filter|2008-12-11|Now bundled in php5
2008-12-12 16:47:10 +01:00
math/py-numeric17||2008-12-12|Old obsolete version
2008-12-13 17:44:03 +01:00
devel/hs-buddha||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
devel/hs-tclhaskell-ghc||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
devel/pear-apd||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-13 17:47:52 +01:00
databases/py-tada||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
databases/qdbm-java||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
audio/shellac||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
audio/snett||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-13 17:55:08 +01:00
x11-wm/alloywm||2008-12-13|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
x11/9term||2008-12-13|Has expired: depends on expired port
2008-12-15 06:40:16 +01:00
textproc/rubygem-spreadsheet-excel|textproc/rubygem-spreadsheet|2008-12-14|Project renamed
2008-12-19 07:19:16 +01:00
textproc/hs-utf8-string||2008-12-19|Duplicate of devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc
2008-12-19 21:38:34 +01:00
audio/euphoria||2008-12-19|Has been broken or ignored for past 24 months, depends on broken, expired port
2008-12-19 21:39:46 +01:00
audio/ruby-xmms2-ecore||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 21:47:03 +01:00
databases/p5-DBD-PgSPI||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 21:50:42 +01:00
databases/mysql-query-browser||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 22:01:48 +01:00
games/clanbomber||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 22:07:38 +01:00
graphics/gstreamer-plugins-swfdec||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 22:14:37 +01:00
irc/erc||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 22:21:59 +01:00
lang/chameleon||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 22:31:02 +01:00
math/ses||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2008-12-19 22:58:16 +01:00
x11-toolkits/p5-qt||2008-12-19|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/phpSysInfo||2008-12-24|Split into www/phpsysinfo and www/phpsysinfo-dev
2008-12-28 11:34:28 +01:00
japanese/msdosfs||2008-12-28|Removed: only for 5.x
korean/msdosfs||2008-12-28|Removed: only for 5.x
2008-12-30 14:52:57 +01:00
security/openssl-stable|security/openssl|2008-12-30|Removed: only for 6.0
2008-12-31 09:34:37 +01:00
dns/bind9-dlz|dns/bind94|2008-12-31|DLZ patches are now in bind 9.4 distribution
2009-01-05 22:01:29 +01:00
x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810|x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel|2009-01-05|Replaced by the xf86-video-intel driver
2009-01-05 22:09:42 +01:00
misc/utf8locale||2009-01-05|Part of the base system since FreeBSD 5.3
2009-01-06 06:41:47 +01:00
2009-01-06 19:53:34 +01:00
audio/dream||2009-01-06|Has expired: Needs DRM enabled in FAAD
2009-01-06 23:06:24 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-sound||2009-01-06|No supported anymore by mupen64plus team
2009-01-07 15:02:53 +01:00
misc/heyu||2009-01-07|Has expired: no longer under development, use misc/heyu2
2009-01-07 15:35:16 +01:00
sysutils/pkill||2009-01-07|Part of the base system since FreeBSD 5.3
2009-01-07 22:34:27 +01:00
ports-mgmt/portsnap||2009-01-07|Part of the base system since FreeBSD 5.5
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
lang/py-compiler||2009-01-08|Included with Python since 2.2
2009-01-08 11:24:05 +01:00
net/nvnet||2009-01-08|Part of the base system since FreeBSD 6.0
2009-01-09 17:37:28 +01:00
2009-01-10 06:25:15 +01:00
accessibility/gail|x11-toolkits/gtk20|2009-01-10|Now included with Gtk20
accessibility/gail-reference|x11-toolkits/gtk20-reference|2009-01-10|Now included with Gtk20
x11/fast-user-switch-applet|x11/gdm|2009-01-10|This is now part of GDM
2009-01-10 21:19:50 +01:00
net-mgmt/bsnmpd||2009-01-10|Part of the base system since FreeBSD 6.0
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
devel/cogito||2009-01-11|Broken and abandoned upstream
2009-01-11 22:14:29 +01:00
2009-01-13 19:17:29 +01:00
science/gchempaint|science/gchemutils|2009-01-13|gchempaint was integrated into gchemutils
2009-01-14 07:24:05 +01:00
net/fpc-libasync|devel/fpc-fcl-async|2009-01-13|This unit was renamed
2009-01-14 07:27:18 +01:00
x11-toolkits/forms|x11-toolkits/xforms|2009-01-13|This unit was renamed
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
x11-toolkits/gtk|x11-toolkits/gtk12|2009-01-13|This unit was renamed
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
devel/fpc-gconf||2009-01-13|This is now part of fpc-gnome1
x11-toolkits/fpc-zvt||2009-01-13|This is now part of fpc-gnome1
net/fpc-netdb||2009-01-13|This is now part of fpc-fcl-net
2009-01-14 19:46:06 +01:00
textproc/p5-Text-CSV_PP||2009-01-14|Has expired: textproc/Text-CSV_PP was merged into textproc/p5-Text-CSV
2009-01-15 23:28:00 +01:00
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
lang/gcc41|lang/gcc42|2009-01-17|Abandoned upstream, superseded by gcc42 and, preferably, gcc43
o Remove devel/apr-svn and replace with devel/apr
o devel/apr:
defaults changed: WITH_BDB=yes [1]
convert APR_UTIL_* flags to KNOBS flag names
optionify and add IPV6, NDBM, LDAP, MYSQL, PGSQL
o Remove devel/apr-svn and replace with devel/apr
o devel/apr:
defaults changed: WITH_BDB=yes [1]
convert APR_UTIL_* flags to KNOBS flag names
optionify and add IPV6, NDBM, LDAP, MYSQL, PGSQL
(sqlite,orcale,freetds,odbc -- PATCHES welcome, MAINTAINER does not use)
GMAKE is not needed, so remove it
split ./configure args into apr and apr-util args, they do not accept all the same options
standardize on naming apr and apu to match other oses and the C code.
create APR_WRKDIR And APU_WRKDIR for simplicity
delete pre-extract target
NOTE: port still breaks hier(7), need to fix
o devel/kdesvn, devel/rapidsvn, devel/subcommander*, devel/subversion*
devel/apr-svn -> devel/apr
(subversion will pull in devel/apr)
Notes: dev@apr.apache.org, trunk in svn is as of TODAY(2008/01/03) 2.0.x, ports infra needs to prep for
[devel/apr-0,] devel/apr-1, devel/apr-2
Helpful for PRs: ports/117596, ports/83644, ports/96749, ports/110651, ports/118003, ports/128078
Fixes PRs: ports/126053 [1]
Requeted by: many on ports@, many on #bsdports [1]
Exp Run by : pav
2009-01-18 20:43:53 +01:00
devel/apr-svn|devel/apr|2009-01-18|Only needed for FreeBSD 5.2 and below for threading
2009-01-19 01:18:10 +01:00
2009-08-01 15:16:10 +02:00
textproc/py-wbxml||2009-01-19|Expired: No longer supported by developers
2009-01-19 20:49:50 +01:00
mail/claws-mail-smime|mail/claws-mail|2009-01-19|The SMIME plugin is included in the main port via the GPGME option now
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
www/fpc-httpd||2009-01-19|Split into www/fpc-httpd13, www/fpc-httpd20, and www/fpc-httpd22
multimedia/vlc-devel||2009-01-19|Removed: merged into multimedia/vlc
2009-01-21 08:03:05 +01:00
2009-01-21 18:07:12 +01:00
x11-toolkits/fox10||2009-01-21|Removed deprecated port, use x11-toolkits/fox16 instead
x11-toolkits/fxscintilla-fox10||2009-01-21|Removed deprecated port, use x11-toolkits/fxscintilla instead
x11-toolkits/py-fox||2009-01-21|Removed deprecated port, has a broken dependency
x11-toolkits/ruby-fox10||2009-01-21|Removed deprecated port, use x11-toolkits/ruby-fox16 instead
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/linux-glib2||2009-01-21|Removed since the port is incorporated into all Linux base ports
2009-01-23 21:41:36 +01:00
x11/xorg-protos||2009-01-23|Not really necessary
x11-drivers/synaptics|x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics|2009-01-23|Now an official X.org driver
2009-01-23 13:36:41 +01:00
net/mpich|net/mpich2|2009-01-23|Broken and superseded by mpich2
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
lang/gcc28|lang/gcc42|2009-01-24|Abandoned upstream, superseded by gcc42 and, preferably, gcc43
2009-01-25 10:35:58 +01:00
x11/xphelloworld||2009-01-24|Xprint application, deprecated upstream
2009-01-28 17:32:52 +01:00
x11/xclock|x11-clocks/xclock|2009-01-28|Moved to a more appropriate category
2009-02-01 20:43:11 +01:00
2009-02-01 22:52:00 +01:00
devel/libmcve|devel/libmonetra|2009-02-01|Project renamed
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
misc/gnomesword|misc/xiphos|2009-02-02|Project renamed
2009-02-03 10:24:01 +01:00
2009-02-03 23:38:25 +01:00
games/emacs-chess||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
devel/subversion-devel||2009-02-03|Has expired: Use devel/subversion or devel/subversion-freebsd instead of this port
devel/hs-hpl||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
databases/mysqlbigram||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
mail/claws-mail-clamav||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
mail/sylpheed2-devel||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
www/pecl-mnogosearch||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11-fonts/mathfonts||2009-02-03|Has expired: This port was supported by Mozilla 1.8 (including Firefox 2.0) - to be replaced by STIX fonts for Firefox 3.x
2009-02-03 23:38:25 +01:00
x11-wm/fluxspace||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
x11-wm/expocity||2009-02-03|Has expired: project has been abandoned
x11/bbuname||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
security/squidclam||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
print/virtualpaper||2009-02-03|Has expired: depends on broken, expired port
print/ifhp||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net-p2p/peercast||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been forbidden for more than 6 months
palm/pdbc||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net-mgmt/NeTraMet||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net-im/sulci||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
multimedia/mjpegtools-yuvfilters||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
multimedia/helixplayer||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
lang/quack||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
misc/pybliographer||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net/versuch||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net/py-mantissa||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net/libunpipc||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net/gnometelnet||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
net/gacxtool||2009-02-03|Has expired: depends on expired, broken port
devel/py-coro||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
chinese/stardict2-dict-zh_TW||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
x11-themes/gtk-industrial-theme||2009-02-03|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-02-07 21:45:25 +01:00
sysutils/srmt||2009-02-07|Moved into archivers/star
2009-02-08 04:14:14 +01:00
devel/libslang|devel/libslang2|2009-02-07|Abandoned upstream, replaced by devel/libslang2
2009-02-09 22:32:45 +01:00
graphics/processing-devel|graphics/processing|2009-02-09|Retire, as non-devel port was updated to newer version
2009-02-13 17:38:42 +01:00
audio/xmms-imms||2009-02-13|Has expired: does not configure or build
devel/libgnugetopt||2009-02-13|Has expired: was only relevant on FreeBSD 4.x
games/planeshift||2009-02-13|Has expired: Depends on broken, expired port
net-mgmt/nfsen-devel||2009-02-13|Has expired: no separate development version exists anymore
www/ocaml-wdialog||2009-02-13|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
news/sabnzbd||2009-02-13|Has expired: no longer developed, use news/sabnzbdplus instead
2009-02-14 20:41:50 +01:00
devel/erlslang||2009-02-14|Broken with libslang2; no upstream development
2009-02-15 00:58:10 +01:00
mail/py-pyclamd|security/py-pyclamd|2009-02-14|Category change
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
deskutils/zbgset|deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet|2009-02-15|Integrated into deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet
deskutils/zbgset-admin|deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet|2009-02-15|Integrated into deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet
net/samba32-devel|net/samba32|2009-02-16|Samba 3.2 became stable enough to be used in production
2009-02-19 20:02:32 +01:00
editors/sam||2009-02-19|Has expired: distfile and homepage disappeared
2009-03-01 00:01:49 +01:00
math/slsc||2009-02-28|Has expired: No longer maintained by author
2009-03-02 17:48:47 +01:00
finance/eqonomize|finance/eqonomize-kde3|2009-03-02|Use finance/eqonomize-kde3
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
x11/libxfce4mcs||2009-03-02|Got obsolete by Xfce 4.6 update
sysutils/xfce4-mcs-manager||2009-03-02|Got obsolete by Xfce 4.6 update
sysutils/xfce4-mcs-plugins||2009-03-02|Got obsolete by Xfce 4.6 update
x11-themes/xfce4-icon-theme||2009-03-02|Got obsolete by Xfce 4.6 update
comms/py-gammu||2009-03-04|Incorporated into comms/gammu
2009-03-06 22:20:22 +01:00
x11-toolkits/scx||2009-03-06|Abandoned upstream
2009-03-06 22:41:11 +01:00
x11-toolkits/xg||2009-03-06|Abandoned upstream
2009-03-07 04:05:43 +01:00
audio/quelcom||2009-03-07|Abandoned upstream, requires obsolete version of GCC
2009-03-07 04:10:30 +01:00
math/cxsc||2009-03-07|Abandoned upstream, requires obsolete version of GCC
2009-03-07 14:09:28 +01:00
devel/prcs||2009-03-07|Abandoned upstream, requires obsolete version of GCC
devel/tvision||2009-03-07|Abandoned upstream, requires obsolete version of GCC
2009-03-07 20:01:07 +01:00
textproc/latte||2009-03-07|Abandoned upstream, requires obsolete version of GCC
textproc/nicetext||2009-03-07|Abandoned upstream, requires obsolete version of GCC
2009-03-08 17:15:06 +01:00
multimedia/libspiff|multimedia/libxspf|2009-03-08|Project renamed
2009-03-09 09:45:36 +01:00
graphics/libgdgeda||2009-03-09|Has expired: is not required anymore
2009-03-09 09:57:57 +01:00
japanese/ruby-tk||2009-03-09|Has expired: uses old Tk, not required with newer versions
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
databases/rubygem-rrdtool||2009-03-09|Has expired: port no longer maintained upstream; use rrdtools' own Ruby bindings instead
2009-03-09 22:29:10 +01:00
graphics/crystalentitylayer-devel||2009-03-09|Has expired: Depends on broken, expired port
graphics/crystalspace-devel||2009-03-09|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
ftp/downloader||2009-03-09|Has expired: sources unavailable - website disappeared
2009-03-09 22:44:06 +01:00
devel/rubygem-mojombo-grit||2009-03-09|Has expired: Obsolete, use devel/rubygem-grit instead
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
mail/postfix1||2009-03-09|Has expired: Not supported anymore by vendor. Please choose a new one version
mail/postfix21||2009-03-09|Has expired: Not supported anymore by vendor. Please choose a new one version
mail/postfix22||2009-03-09|Has expired: Not supported anymore by vendor. Please choose a new one version
2009-03-09 22:44:06 +01:00
www/rubygem-actionwebservice||2009-03-09|Has expired: from rails 2.0 www/rubygem-rails use www/rubygem-activeresource instead
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
x11-toolkits/inti-gconf||2009-03-09|Has expired: not maintained upstream for more than five years and no port depend on this
x11-toolkits/inti-gl||2009-03-09|Has expired: not maintained upstream for more than five years and no port depend on this
x11-toolkits/inti-sourceview||2009-03-09|Has expired: not maintained upstream for more than five years and no port depend on this
2009-03-14 14:40:33 +01:00
2009-03-14 23:39:10 +01:00
lang/gcc33|lang/gcc43|2009-03-14|Abandoned upstream, superseded by later versions
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
sysutils/libisoburn|sysutils/xorriso|2009-03-16|Project was renamed
games/PySolFC|games/pysolfc|2009-03-19|Port renamed
2009-03-21 00:52:12 +01:00
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
audio/rhythmbox-devel|audio/rhythmbox|2009-03-21|Main port updated to the latest stable version
net/penguintv-devel||2009-03-23|Main port updated to the latest stable version
2009-03-23 12:36:19 +01:00
x11/oclock|x11-clocks/oclock|2009-03-23|Moved to a more appropriate category
2009-03-23 15:09:14 +01:00
2009-03-22 emulators/dlx: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 java/javel: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 java/guavac: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 graphics/xrml: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 graphics/renderpark: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 games/jumpnbump: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
2009-03-17 irc/blackened: Broken and abandonware
2009-03-22 devel/libg++: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 devel/freescope: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 misc/menushki: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 misc/vbidecode: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 lang/wamcc: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 multimedia/mpegedit: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 mail/dkimap4: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 net-mgmt/oproute: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-22 x11/tkgoodstuff: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
2009-02-11 x11-toolkits/inti: not maintain by upstream for more than five years and no port depend on this
2009-03-23 21:53:42 +01:00
emulators/dlx||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
java/javel||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
java/guavac||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
graphics/xrml||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
graphics/renderpark||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
games/jumpnbump||2009-03-23|Has expired: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
irc/blackened||2009-03-23|Has expired: Broken and abandonware
devel/libg++||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
devel/freescope||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
misc/menushki||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
misc/vbidecode||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
lang/wamcc||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
multimedia/mpegedit||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
mail/dkimap4||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
net-mgmt/oproute||2009-03-23|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
x11/tkgoodstuff||2009-03-23|Has expired: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
x11-toolkits/inti||2009-03-23|Has expired: not maintained upstream for more than five years and no port depend on this
2009-03-23 22:01:47 +01:00
mbone/nte||2009-03-23|Has expired: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
mbone/relate||2009-03-23|Has expired: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
mbone/wbd||2009-03-23|Has expired: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
2009-03-24 19:27:23 +01:00
comms/plp||2009-03-24|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-03-26 07:46:33 +01:00
2009-03-28 23:52:24 +01:00
net/sipxcalllib||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating
net/sipxcommserverlib||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating, and does not compile
net/sipxconfig||2009-03-28|Has expired: depends on broken port net/sipxcommserverlib
net/sipxmediaadapterlib||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating
net/sipxmedialib||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating
net/sipxpbx||2009-03-28|Has expired: depends on broken port net/sipxcommserverlib
net/sipxproxy||2009-03-28|Has expired: depends on broken port net/sipxcommserverlib
net/sipxportlib||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating
net/sipxpublisher||2009-03-28|Has expired: depends on broken port net/sipxcommserverlib
net/sipxregistry||2009-03-28|Has expired: depends on broken port net/sipxcommserverlib
net/sipxtacklib||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating
net/sipxvxml||2009-03-28|Has expired: old version, needs updating
2009-04-04 20:14:33 +02:00
www/drupal4-attachment||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4-filemanager||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4-gsitemap||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4-i18n||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4-nice_menus||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4-taxonomy_access||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4-textile||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/drupal4||2009-04-04|Has expired: Drupal 4.7.x is end-of-life since 200802. Please migrate to Drupal 6.x
www/squid26||2009-04-04|Has expired: The 2.6 series is no longer actively maintained by the Squid developers
x11-themes/camaelon-nesedah||2009-04-04|Has expired: now included in camaelon
2009-04-08 08:55:30 +02:00
x11-wm/compiz-fusion-plugins-main|x11-wm/compiz-plugins-main|2009-04-08|Dropping the fusion name
x11-wm/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra|x11-wm/compiz-plugins-extra|2009-04-08|Dropping the fusion name
x11-wm/compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported|x11-wm/compiz-plugins-unsupported|2009-04-08|Dropping the fusion name
2009-04-10 07:56:28 +02:00
devel/gnome-build||2009-04-10|This port has been merged into anjuta and is now obsolete
sysutils/gnome-volume-manager||2009-04-10|This port has been obsoleted by Nautilus
2009-04-11 11:58:39 +02:00
science/oof||2009-04-11|Has expired: Broken with GCC 4.2 and beyond
www/raqdevil||2009-04-11|Has expired: Master site gone, distfiles not fetchable
2009-04-11 23:24:04 +02:00
devel/arm-rtems-g77|devel/arm-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use arm-rtems-gcc instead
devel/arm-rtems-objc|devel/arm-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use arm-rtems-gcc instead
devel/i386-rtems-g77|devel/i386-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use i386-rtems-gcc instead
devel/i386-rtems-objc|devel/i386-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use i386-rtems-gcc instead
devel/i960-rtems-binutils||2009-04-11|Has expired: abandoned by mainstream
devel/i960-rtems-gcc||2009-04-11|Has expired: abandoned by mainstream
devel/i960-rtems-gdb||2009-04-11|Has expired: abandoned by mainstream
devel/m68k-rtems-g77|devel/m68k-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use m68k-rtems-gcc instead
devel/m68k-rtems-objc|devel/m68k-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use m68k-rtems-gcc instead
devel/mips-rtems-g77|devel/mips-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use mips-rtems-gcc instead
devel/mips-rtems-objc|devel/mips-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use mips-rtems-gcc instead
devel/powerpc-rtems-g77|devel/powerpc-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use powerpc-rtems-gcc instead
devel/powerpc-rtems-objc|devel/powerpc-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use powerpc-rtems-gcc instead
devel/sh-rtems-g77|devel/sh-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use sh-rtems-gcc instead
devel/sh-rtems-objc|devel/sh-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use sh-rtems-gcc instead
devel/sparc-rtems-g77|devel/sparc-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use sparc-rtems-gcc instead
devel/sparc-rtems-objc|devel/sparc-rtems-gcc|2009-04-11|Has expired: use sparc-rtems-gcc instead
polish/gnugadu|polish/gnugadu2|2009-04-11|Has expired: Not developed anymore, unmaintained
security/cutlass||2009-04-11|Has expired: does not work with current version of security/botan
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/rt2|www/rt38|2009-04-11|Obsolete version, use www/rt38 instead
www/rt32|www/rt38|2009-04-11|Obsolete version, use www/rt38 instead
www/rt34|www/rt38|2009-04-11|Obsolete version, use www/rt38 instead
2009-04-12 06:07:11 +02:00
www/mod_snake||2009-04-12|Doesn't compile; abandoned upstream since 2002
2009-04-13 05:32:07 +02:00
www/mod_mya||2009-04-13|Depends on broken databases/mysql323-client
2009-04-13 05:44:40 +02:00
www/mod_mysqluserdir||2009-04-13|Depends on broken databases/mysql323-client
2009-04-13 09:57:34 +02:00
2009-04-25 22:32:23 +02:00
2009-04-27 01:36:13 +02:00
2009-04-27 02:24:42 +02:00
russian/xneur|deskutils/xneur|2009-04-27|Better category: supports many languages
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
audio/rubygem-mp3info|audio/rubygem-ruby-mp3info|2009-04-28|Updated to match GEM name, use rubygem-ruby-mp3info instead
2009-04-30 13:41:27 +02:00
sysutils/linux-megacli2|sysutils/linux-megacli|2009-04-30|Folded into unversioned port directory
2009-04-30 19:41:50 +02:00
net/vnstati|net/vnstat|2009-04-30|Use net/vnstat
2009-05-01 18:19:48 +02:00
audio/snowstar||2009-05-01|Has expired: tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
devel/cppadvio||2009-05-01|Has expired: abandoned upstream, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
irc/olirc||2009-05-01|Has expired: project is discontinued and tcl82 support is going to be dropped
multimedia/toxine||2009-05-01|Has expired: has been inactive for almost 5 years
net-mgmt/nagios12||2009-05-01|Has expired: Obsolete version, consider migration to net-mgmt/nagios
sysutils/bbsmount||2009-05-01|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
sysutils/puppet-devel||2009-05-01|Has expired: Use sysutils/puppet instead
sysutils/tua||2009-05-01|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
x11/qrash||2009-05-01|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-05-03 23:02:16 +02:00
textproc/sp||2009-05-03|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-05-05 00:42:59 +02:00
net-mgmt/nrpe||2009-05-04|Has expired: Obsolete version, consider migration to net-mgmt/nrpe2
2009-05-05 01:31:05 +02:00
www/phpsurveyor|www/limesurvey|2009-05-05|Project was renamed
2009-05-07 20:48:13 +02:00
devel/oskit||2009-05-07|Has expired: does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months, no active maintainer
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/p5-WWW-Nicovideo-Download|www/p5-WWW-NicoVideo-Download|2009-05-07|Directory renamed
german/swissgerman-ding|german/ding|2009-05-12|Integrated into german/ding
2009-05-29 01:03:15 +02:00
misc/sonytv||2009-05-28|Has expired: tcl8.3 support is going to be dropped
mail/postilion||2009-05-28|Has expired: tcl8.3 support is going to be dropped
x11-toolkits/p5-TclTk||2009-05-28|Has expired: replaced by x11-toolkits/p5-Tcl-Tk
2009-05-31 11:15:47 +02:00
2009-05-31 22:59:51 +02:00
net/tftp-hpa|ftp/tftp-hpa|2009-05-31|Duplicate port
2009-06-05 22:38:36 +02:00
biology/p5-bioperl-devel||2009-06-05|Has expired: no longer under development
biology/p5-bioperl-run-devel||2009-06-05|Has expired: no longer under development
net-p2p/deluge05||2009-06-05|Has expired: use net-p2p/deluge instead
textproc/gmat||2009-06-05|Has expired: failed to build for a long time, no maintainer and apparently no users either
2009-06-06 09:41:40 +02:00
devel/powerpc-gcc||2009-06-06|Has expired: use cross-gcc instead
devel/powerpc-binutils||2009-06-06|Has expired: use cross-binutils instead
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
www/apache-jserv|www/tomcat6|2009-06-08|Has expired: superseded by tomcat
2009-06-08 16:56:32 +02:00
lang/perl5.6||2009-06-08|Has expired: no longer under development, use lang/perl5.10 or lang/perl5.8
2009-06-09 18:04:31 +02:00
multimedia/dplay|multimedia/playd|2009-06-10|Port renamed
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
www/epiphany-webkit|www/epiphany|2009-06-10|Webkit backend isn't supported
devel/avr-gcc-devel|devel/avr-gcc|2009-06-11|AVR-GCC 4.3.x becomes the default version
2009-06-13 16:49:49 +02:00
2009-06-13 17:24:18 +02:00
chinese/wordpress||2009-06-13|Removed due to security vulnerabilities
2009-06-13 17:28:50 +02:00
www/amaya||2009-06-13|Removed due to security vulnerabilities
2009-06-13 17:30:50 +02:00
www/awstats-devel||2009-06-13|Removed due to security vulnerabilities
Remove expired ports in audio:
2009-04-28 audio/festival+OGI: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-06-10 audio/festlex-ifd: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-10 audio/festogi-italian: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festogi-spanish: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-abc: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no user interest.
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-hvs: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no user interest.
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-jph: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-10 audio/festvox-lp: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-mwm: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-ogirab: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-10 audio/festvox-pc: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-tll: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-01-19 audio/py-sdl_mixer: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-06-13 17:47:09 +02:00
audio/festival+OGI||2009-06-13|Has expired: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
audio/festlex-ifd||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
audio/festogi-italian||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
audio/festogi-spanish||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
audio/festvox-abc||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no user interest
audio/festvox-hvs||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no user interest
Remove expired ports in audio:
2009-04-28 audio/festival+OGI: unmaintained, does not work with current versions of GCC, needs gcc295 which has been failing to build for months
2009-06-10 audio/festlex-ifd: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-10 audio/festogi-italian: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festogi-spanish: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-abc: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no user interest.
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-hvs: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no user interest.
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-jph: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-10 audio/festvox-lp: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-mwm: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-ogirab: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-10 audio/festvox-pc: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
2009-06-09 audio/festvox-tll: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
2009-01-19 audio/py-sdl_mixer: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-06-13 17:47:09 +02:00
audio/festvox-jph||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
audio/festvox-lp||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
audio/festvox-mwm||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
audio/festvox-ogirab||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
audio/festvox-pc||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no active maintainer, no user interest
audio/festvox-tll||2009-06-13|Has expired: unfulfilled dependencies for 8+ months, no maintainer, no user interest
audio/py-sdl_mixer||2009-06-13|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-06-13 18:01:34 +02:00
graphics/libimg-tk83||2009-06-13|Has expired: tcl8.3 support is going to be dropped
2009-06-13 18:08:36 +02:00
multimedia/manencode||2009-06-13|Has expired
2009-06-13 18:16:40 +02:00
www/mnogosearch31||2009-06-13|Has expired: Use www/mnogosearch instead, this version is ancient
2009-06-13 18:18:19 +02:00
www/winhelpcgi||2009-06-13|Has expired
2009-06-13 18:33:32 +02:00
x11-toolkits/p5-GtkXmHTML||2009-06-13|Has expired: depends on a broken, expired port
2009-06-13 18:36:35 +02:00
x11-toolkits/wxmozilla||2009-06-13|Has expired: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-06-13 20:58:30 +02:00
2009-06-13 20:59:51 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:01:45 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:05:42 +02:00
comms/xcept||2009-06-13|Removed; obsolete protocol no longer in use by telcos
2009-06-13 21:03:47 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:09:57 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:12:22 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:13:51 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:18:48 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:21:16 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:25:34 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:29:20 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:32:11 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:36:19 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:39:37 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:41:08 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:45:19 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:47:38 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:49:29 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:51:20 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:53:56 +02:00
2009-06-13 21:57:57 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:00:48 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:02:50 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:08:20 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:13:20 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:22:15 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:23:52 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:26:56 +02:00
2009-06-13 22:31:03 +02:00
2009-06-15 12:26:49 +02:00
multimedia/mlt++|multimedia/mlt|2009-06-15|Project reorganization
2009-06-15 13:53:25 +02:00
2009-06-15 16:42:15 +02:00
lang/pm3-base||2009-06-15|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
lang/pm3-forms||2009-06-15|Has expired: depends on broken, expired port
lang/pm3-gui||2009-06-15|Has expired: depends on broken, expired port
lang/pm3-m3tk||2009-06-15|Has expired: depends on broken, expired port
lang/pm3-net||2009-06-15|Has expired: depends on broken, expired port
lang/pm3-netobj||2009-06-15|Has expired: depends on broken, expired port
2009-06-15 22:19:57 +02:00
net/p5-ZConf-Mail|mail/p5-ZConf-Mail|2009-06-15|Moved to mail/p5-ZConf-Mail
2009-06-15 22:30:18 +02:00
net/p5-ZConf-BGSet|deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet|2009-06-15|Moved to deskutils/p5-ZConf-BGSet
2009-06-18 03:15:56 +02:00
www/postnuke||2009-06-16|Project abandoned
x11-toolkits/py-anygui||2009-06-16|No longer actively developed or supported
2009-06-18 05:36:37 +02:00
mail/mailrep||2009-06-18|Project abandoned
2009-06-22 09:55:50 +02:00
devel/monodoc||2009-06-19|Now included in lang/mono
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
misc/koffice-i18n|editors/koffice-i18n|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-af|editors/koffice-i18n-af|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-bg|editors/koffice-i18n-bg|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-br|editors/koffice-i18n-br|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-bs|editors/koffice-i18n-bs|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-ca|editors/koffice-i18n-ca|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-cs|editors/koffice-i18n-cs|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-cy|editors/koffice-i18n-cy|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-da|editors/koffice-i18n-da|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-el|editors/koffice-i18n-el|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
misc/koffice-i18n-en_GB|editors/koffice-i18n-en_GB|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
misc/koffice-i18n-eo|editors/koffice-i18n-eo|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-es|editors/koffice-i18n-es|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-et|editors/koffice-i18n-et|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-eu|editors/koffice-i18n-eu|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-fa|editors/koffice-i18n-fa|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-fi|editors/koffice-i18n-fi|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-ga|editors/koffice-i18n-ga|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-gl|editors/koffice-i18n-gl|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-hi|editors/koffice-i18n-hi|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-hsb|editors/koffice-i18n-hsb|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-is|editors/koffice-i18n-is|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-it|editors/koffice-i18n-it|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-km|editors/koffice-i18n-km|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-lo|editors/koffice-i18n-lo|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-lt|editors/koffice-i18n-lt|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-lv|editors/koffice-i18n-lv|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-mk|editors/koffice-i18n-mk|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-ms|editors/koffice-i18n-ms|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-mt|editors/koffice-i18n-mt|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-nb|editors/koffice-i18n-nb|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-nl|editors/koffice-i18n-nl|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-nn|editors/koffice-i18n-nn|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-ro|editors/koffice-i18n-ro|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-se|editors/koffice-i18n-se|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-sk|editors/koffice-i18n-sk|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-sl|editors/koffice-i18n-sl|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-sr|editors/koffice-i18n-sr|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-sr@Latn|editors/koffice-i18n-sr@Latn|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-sv|editors/koffice-i18n-sv|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-ta|editors/koffice-i18n-ta|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-tg|editors/koffice-i18n-tg|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-th|editors/koffice-i18n-th|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-tr|editors/koffice-i18n-tr|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-uz|editors/koffice-i18n-uz|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-ven|editors/koffice-i18n-ven|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-xh|editors/koffice-i18n-xh|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
misc/koffice-i18n-zu|editors/koffice-i18n-zu|2009-06-29|Moved to editors category
2009-07-07 09:25:45 +02:00
x11-toolkits/tk80||2009-07-07|Has expired: tcl8.0 support dropped
2009-07-07 09:32:22 +02:00
lang/tcl80||2009-07-07|Has expired: tcl8.0 support dropped
2009-07-07 09:40:52 +02:00
audio/gai-album||2009-07-07|Has expired: abandoned project, does not build
audio/gai-visual-audio||2009-07-07|Has expired: abandoned project, does not build
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/linxt||2009-07-07|Has expired: Use devel/roboctl instead
2009-07-07 16:01:03 +02:00
german/citrix_ica|net/citrix_ica|2009-07-07|Has expired: Use net/citrix_ica
japanese/citrix_ica|net/citrix_ica|2009-07-07|Has expired: Use net/citrix_ica
2009-07-07 09:40:52 +02:00
mail/bogofilter-qdbm||2009-07-07|Has expired: Migrate to bogofilter-tc instead
mail/xc-mail||2009-07-07|Has expired: depends on a port that expired in 2007
www/trac-blog||2009-07-07|Has expired: Not supported anymore for trac > 0.10; use FullBlogPlugin instead
www/trac-restrictedarea||2009-07-07|Has expired: Not supported anymore; functionality included in trac since 0.11
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
mail/claws-mail-pdf_viewer||2009-07-07|Licensing problems
2009-07-10 05:24:24 +02:00
deskutils/plasma-applet-quicklauncher||2009-07-10|Not supported anymore; functionality in kdebase4-workspace now
2009-07-14 06:49:55 +02:00
net-mgmt/net-snmp53||2009-07-13|Has expired: Use net-mgmt/net-snmp
2009-07-15 00:12:13 +02:00
www/firefox-devel||2009-07-13|Please use www/firefox3 or www/firefox35
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
databases/phpminadmin|databases/adminer|2009-07-14|Project was renamed
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
math/R-sp|math/R-cran-sp|2009-07-17|Port was renamed
2009-07-18 22:05:36 +02:00
lang/gcc-ooo|lang/gcc43|2009-07-18|Not used by OpenOffice any more, superseded by gcc43
2009-07-19 20:31:22 +02:00
2009-07-21 06:17:49 +02:00
2009-07-28 11:01:57 +02:00
games/amy||2009-07-28|Has expired: mastersite disappeared, does not build on recent version
security/hashish||2009-07-28|Has expired: "does not compile"
security/smtpmap||2009-07-28|Has expired: depends on GCC 2.95 which has not been available for 9+ months
2009-07-28 13:45:08 +02:00
devel/boost|devel/boost-libs|2009-07-28|Boost ports were split and sliced
devel/boost-python|devel/boost-python-libs|2009-07-28|Boost ports were split and sliced
2009-07-31 20:21:09 +02:00
2009-08-03 05:44:24 +02:00
editors/koffice-i18n-sr@Latn|editors/koffice-i18n-sr_Latn|2009-08-02|Use editors/koffice-i18n-sr_Latn
misc/kde3-i18n-sr@Latn|misc/kde3-i18n-sr_Latn|2009-08-02|Use misc/kde3-i18n-sr_Latn
2009-08-08 17:56:43 +02:00
lang/tinycobol||2009-08-08|Has expired: no longer being developed; consider using lang/open-cobol instead
2009-08-08 18:34:08 +02:00
net/ppptraf||2009-08-08|Removed: "author has abandoned this program"
2009-08-08 18:40:06 +02:00
www/zope-guf||2009-08-08|Removed: "no longer being developed: use SimpleUserFolder or exUserFolder instead"
2009-08-08 18:45:13 +02:00
misc/xenmenu||2009-08-08|Removed: Project abandoned in 1998
2009-08-09 15:20:47 +02:00
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
security/trans-proxy-tor||2009-08-09|Removed: trans-proxy-tor is rendered obsolete by Tor's TransPort option (currently only available in tor-devel)
2009-08-11 07:14:53 +02:00
2009-08-17 17:00:52 +02:00
misc/bibletime-devel||2009-08-17|Has expired
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
2009-08-19 23:08:43 +02:00
lang/gcc42-withgcjawt|lang/gcc42|2009-08-19|Not needed any longer, still an option for the regular lang/gcc ports
2009-08-23 21:46:33 +02:00
math/octave-forge-windows||2009-08-23|Abandoned upstream
2009-08-23 21:55:07 +02:00
math/freefem++||2009-08-23|Has expired: unmaintained and consistently unportable
math/it++||2009-08-23|Has expired: unmaintained and consistently unportable
2009-08-27 14:17:03 +02:00
graphics/rubygem-rmagick||2009-08-27|Duplicate of graphics/ruby-rmagick
2009-09-03 17:23:49 +02:00
databases/firebird-client||2009-09-03|Removed: no longer under development
databases/firebird-server||2009-09-03|Removed: no longer under development
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
audio/slimserver|audio/squeezecenter|2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
audio/slimserver-dynamicplaylist|audio/squeezecenter-dynamicplaylist|2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
audio/slimserver-dynamictransition||2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
audio/slimserver-lastfm||2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
audio/slimserver-lazysearch|audio/squeezecenter-lazysearch|2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
2009-09-05 00:53:27 +02:00
audio/slimserver-slimscrobbler||2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
audio/slimserver-sqlplaylist|audio/squeezecenter-sqlplaylist|2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
audio/slimserver-superdatetime|audio/squeezecenter-superdatetime|2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
audio/slimserver-trackstat|audio/squeezecenter-trackstat|2009-09-04|SlimServer has been superseded by SqueezeCenter
2009-09-05 17:55:54 +02:00
www/conkeror|www/xpi-conkeror|2009-09-05|Please use www/xpi-conkeror
2009-09-10 01:09:50 +02:00
www/nvu|www/kompozer|2009-09-10|Abandoned upstream since 2005
2009-09-13 20:40:40 +02:00
editors/bed||2009-09-13|Removed: marked IGNORE for more than two years, unmaintained
2009-09-16 09:27:12 +02:00
devel/eric||2009-09-16|Removed: obsoleted by devel/eric4
2009-09-16 14:59:02 +02:00
devel/p5-Algorithm-MDiff||2009-09-16|Has expired: the module was removed from CPAN
devel/p5-Data-Postponed||2009-09-16|Has expired: the module was removed from CPAN
net/asterisk12-addons||2009-09-16|Has expired: does not build
2009-09-21 18:38:48 +02:00
archivers/lzmautils|archivers/xz|2009-09-21|Project was renamed
2009-09-21 16:27:37 +02:00
archivers/lzmautils-devel|archivers/xz|2009-09-21|Project was renamed
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
audio/audacious-mac||2009-09-21|Does not work with audacious 2 and audacious-plugins already delivers a demac plugin
2009-09-23 16:26:24 +02:00
systutils/uptimec||2009-09-23|Project is gone since 2007
2009-09-23 21:44:03 +02:00
www/cakephp||2009-09-23|Repomoved to www/cakephp11
www/cakephp-devel||2009-09-23|Repomoved to www/cakephp12
2009-09-24 22:56:26 +02:00
audio/gmpccaa||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-osd||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-qosd||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-random-playlist||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-serverstats||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-favorites||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-autoplaylist||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
audio/gmpc-stopbutton||2009-09-24|Unmaintained upstream
2009-09-30 16:35:56 +02:00
sysutils/zccron|sysutils/p5-ZConf-Cron|2009-09-27|Please use sysutils/p5-ZConf-Cron
2009-09-30 20:22:14 +02:00
devel/p5-Cwd|devel/p5-PathTools|2009-09-30|Please use devel/p5-PathTools
2009-10-02 20:54:33 +02:00
x11/electricsheep||2009-10-02|No source tarball, Unix code unmaintained
2009-10-05 15:16:32 +02:00
2009-10-07 22:24:52 +02:00
x11/kxgenerator||2009-10-07|Has expired: Project abandoned, master site disappeared
2009-10-08 14:49:03 +02:00
hebrew/geresh||2009-10-08|No longer maintained upstream
2009-10-14 17:04:51 +02:00
misc/tmux|sysutils/tmux|2009-10-14|Moved to sysutils category
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
audio/xmms-uade|audio/uade|2009-10-18|Decoupled from xmms port
2009-10-19 14:00:26 +02:00
net-p2p/mute-net-gui|net-p2p/mute-net|2009-10-19|Broken for extensive period of time and unmaintained
net-p2p/mute-net-text|net-p2p/mute-net|2009-10-19|Broken for extensive period of time and unmaintained
2009-10-20 00:36:24 +02:00
2009-10-25 15:29:12 +01:00
graphics/libwpcg||2009-10-25|Unmaintained upstream, depends on an old version of GCC, lacks a maintainer, and not used by anything else
2009-10-29 09:37:16 +01:00
databases/ruby-dbd_msql||2009-10-29|Has expired: no longer under development
2009-10-29 10:12:53 +01:00
databases/ruby-dbd_proxy||2009-10-29|Has expired: no longer under development
2009-10-29 10:21:37 +01:00
databases/ruby-dbd_interbase||2009-10-29|Has expired: no longer under development
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
2009-10-30 20:33:08 +01:00
misc/bibletime-kde4|misc/bibletime|2009-10-30|Renamed now that KDE dependencies are removed
2009-10-31 19:00:47 +01:00
net/xmlrpc++||2009-10-31|Unmaintained upstream and on the FreeBSD side
2009-10-31 22:18:55 +01:00
net-p2p/mute-net||2009-10-31|Broken for extensive period of time and unmaintained
2009-11-05 19:24:24 +01:00
emulators/fceu|emulators/fceux|2009-11-04|Repocopied to new location
2009-11-11 09:57:58 +01:00
net/p5-Net-EPP-Frame|net/p5-Net-EPP|2009-11-11|Please use net/p5-Net-EPP
net/p5-Net-EPP-Client|net/p5-Net-EPP|2009-11-11|Please use net/p5-Net-EPP
2009-11-19 08:01:37 +01:00
editors/qemacs||2009-11-19|Has expired: depends on old version of GCC, no maintainer, not used by any other port, dead upstream
mail/postfix-gps-devel||2009-11-19|Has expired: Older than main port, no sign of maintainer activity beyond port creation 4+ years ago
graphics/php4-ffmpeg||2009-11-19|Has expired: development continues only for php5
net-p2p/nicotine||2009-11-19|Has expired: development stalled years ago, use net-p2p/nicotine-plus instead
sysutils/rsyslog||2009-11-19|Has expired: Use sysutils/rsyslog3 or sysutils/rsyslog4 instead
sysutils/rsyslog-gssapi||2009-11-19|Has expired: Use sysutils/rsyslog3 or sysutils/rsyslog4 instead
sysutils/rsyslog-mysql||2009-11-19|Has expired: Use sysutils/rsyslog3 or sysutils/rsyslog4 instead
sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql||2009-11-19|Has expired: Use sysutils/rsyslog3 or sysutils/rsyslog4 instead
2009-11-19 08:04:54 +01:00
misc/kde4-l10n-ta||2009-11-19|Has expired: unfetchable and unmaintained upstream
2009-11-20 16:21:02 +01:00
security/f-prot-sig||2009-11-20|No longer needed with security/f-prot update
2009-11-21 23:02:00 +01:00
lang/gcc295|lang/gcc44|2009-11-21|Abandoned upstream, superseded by later versions
2009-11-21 23:08:26 +01:00
games/freebsd-games|games/bsdgames|2009-11-21|Superseded by and equivalent to freebsd-games
2009-11-21 23:30:23 +01:00
devel/arm-elf-gcc295|devel/cross-gcc|2009-11-21|Broken with current versions of FreeBSD, abandoned upstream, superseded by later versions
2009-11-24 16:48:04 +01:00
x11-toolkits/xclasses||2009-11-24|Has expired: Version branch long since retired
2009-11-24 22:44:44 +01:00
mail/p5-Email-MIME-Creator||2009-11-24|Folded into p5-Email-MIME package
mail/p5-Email-MIME-Modifier||2009-11-24|Folded into p5-Email-MIME package
mail/p5-Email-Simple-Creator||2009-11-24|Folded into p5-Email-Simple package
2009-11-26 22:26:15 +01:00
www/gecko-sharp10|www/gecko-sharp20|2009-11-26|Superseded by later version
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/tclxml-libxml2|devel/tclxml|2009-11-26|Port now is part of devel/tclxml
devel/tclxml-expat|devel/tclxml|2009-11-26|Port now is part of devel/tclxml
www/tcldom|devel/tclxml|2009-11-26|Port now is part of devel/tclxml
www/tcldom-libxml2|devel/tclxml|2009-11-26|Port now is part of devel/tclxml
2009-11-27 14:23:26 +01:00
lang/erlang-doc||2009-11-27|Documentation now part of lang/erlang package
2009-11-27 17:30:36 +01:00
devel/gtkmozedit||2009-11-27|No longer under development, does not build with libxul
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
audio/exaile-devel|audio/exaile|2009-11-28|Main port updated to the latest stable version
2009-11-28 10:33:36 +01:00
finance/p5-HTML-Query|www/p5-HTML-Query|2009-11-28|Moved to www category
Presenting GNOME 2.28.1 for FreeBSD. The official release notes for this
release can be found at http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.28/ .
Officially, this is mostly a polishing release in preparation for GNOME 3.0
due in about a year.
On the FreeBSD front, though, a lot went into this release. Major thanks
goes to kwm and avl who did a lot of the porting work for this release.
In particular, kwm brought in Evolution MAPI support for better Microsoft
Exchange integration. Avl made sure that the new gobject introspection
repository ports were nicely compartmentalized so that large dependencies
aren't brought in wholesale.
But, every GNOME team member (ahze, avl, bland, kwm, mezz, and myself)
contributed to this release.
Other major improvements include an updated HAL with better volume
probing code, ufsid integration, and support for volume names containing
spaces (big thanks to J.R. Oldroyd); a new WebKit; updated AbiWord;
an updated Gimp; and a preview of the new GNOME Shell project (thanks to
Pawel Worach).
The FreeBSD GNOME Team would like to that the following additional
contributors to this release whose patches and testing really helped
make it a success:
Andrius Morkunas
Dominique Goncalves
Eric L. Chen
J.R. Oldroyd
Joseph S. Atkinson
Pawel Worach
Romain Tartière
Thomas Vogt
Yasuda Keisuke
Rui Paulo
Martin Wilke
(and an extra shout out to miwi and pav for pointyhat runs)
We would like to send this release out to Alexander Loginov (avl) in
hopes that he feels better soon.
PR: 136676
138872 (obsolete with new epiphany-webkit)
2009-11-28 21:06:37 +01:00
graphics/clutter-cairo|graphics/clutter|2009-11-28|This port is obsolete, all functionality is now in graphics/clutter
www/galeon||2009-11-28|This port is obsolete; similar functionality can be found in www/epiphany
2009-11-29 13:12:09 +01:00
sysutils/policykit-kde||2009-11-29|This port is obsolete; all functionality included in x11/kdebase4
2009-12-01 01:09:01 +01:00
audio/squeezecenter-trackstat|audio/squeezeboxserver-trackstat|2009-11-30|Has expired: Replaced by audio/squeezeboxserver-trackstat
audio/squeezecenter-superdatetime|audio/squeezeboxserver-superdatetime|2009-11-30|Has expired: Replaced by audio/squeezeboxserver-superdatetime
audio/squeezecenter-sqlplaylist|audio/squeezeboxserver-sqlplaylist|2009-11-30|Has expired: Replaced by audio/squeezeboxserver-sqlplaylist
audio/squeezecenter-lazysearch|audio/squeezeboxserver-lazysearch|2009-11-30|Has expired: Replaced by audio/squeezeboxserver-lazysearch
audio/squeezecenter-dynamicplaylist|audio/squeezeboxserver-dynamicplaylist|2009-11-30|Has expired: Replaced by audio/squeezeboxserver-dynamicplaylist
audio/squeezecenter|audio/squeezeboxserver|2009-11-30|Has expired: Replaced by audio/squeezeboxserver
2009-11-30 15:14:31 +01:00
www/mod_auth_mysql41_ap2||2009-11-30|Has expired: distfile no longer fetchable
x11-toolkits/gtkscintilla||2009-11-30|Has expired: no longer under development, last release in 2002
x11-toolkits/py-gtkscintilla||2009-11-30|Has expired: no longer under development, last release in 2002
2009-12-02 14:00:05 +01:00
www/xulrunner|www/libxul|2009-12-02|Superseded by www/libxul
2009-12-07 13:57:38 +01:00
security/pear-Crypt_HMAC||2009-12-07|Please use security/pear-Crypt_HMAC2
2009-12-08 09:24:39 +01:00
mail/dovecot-devel|mail/dovecot|2009-12-08|Non-devel version is newer
2009-12-08 10:06:54 +01:00
net-mgmt/net-snmp-tkmib||2009-12-08|Depends on expired port p5-SNMP
2009-12-08 10:08:24 +01:00
2009-12-08 10:25:37 +01:00
www/jakarta-tomcat4||2009-12-08|Has expired: www/jakarta-tomcat5 is recommended instead for new installations
2009-12-08 10:34:43 +01:00
x11-toolkits/p5-Gnome||2009-12-08|Has expired: Has been broken for more than 6 months
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
editors/abiword-extras|editors/abiword|2009-12-08|This subport has been included in the main port
editors/abiword-plugins|editors/abiword|2009-12-08|This subport has been included in the main port
2009-12-10 14:22:21 +01:00
www/jakarta-tomcat5||2009-12-10|Has expired: Old version, consider using www/tomcat55 or www/tomcat6 instead
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
net-mgmt/zabbix|net-mgmt/zabbix-server|2009-12-13|Port was split into three components
2009-12-14 03:15:16 +01:00
net/grdc|net/remmina|2009-12-14|Project was renamed
2009-12-14 03:26:33 +01:00
net/grdc-applet|net/remmina-applet|2009-12-14|Project was renamed
2009-12-14 17:29:17 +01:00
security/pfw||2009-12-14|Project is no longer maintainer
2009-12-15 10:28:39 +01:00
ftp/pftpx||2009-12-15|Broken by libevent update and the project is dead
2009-12-15 16:28:40 +01:00
x11-toolkits/evilvte|x11/evilvte|2009-12-15|Moved to x11 category
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
lang/python23||2009-12-18|No longer under development
lang/python30||2009-12-18|No longer under development
cad/fandango||2009-12-18|No longer under development
math/py-mpz||2009-12-18|Depends on expired Python ports
2009-12-19 00:37:49 +01:00
www/neon26|www/neon28|2009-12-19|Removed due to security vulnerabilities
2009-12-24 21:41:05 +01:00
misc/bsdiff||2009-12-24|Incorporated into base system long ago
security/freebsd-update||2009-12-24|Incorporated into base system long ago
sysutils/est||2009-12-24|Incorporated into base system long ago
sysutils/estctrl||2009-12-24|Incorporated into base system long ago
sysutils/freebsd-sha1||2009-12-24|Incorporated into base system long ago
sysutils/freebsd-sha256||2009-12-24|Incorporated into base system long ago
2009-12-24 22:03:16 +01:00
irc/znc-extras||2009-12-24|Has expired: Migrate to irc/znc instead
2009-12-26 04:35:49 +01:00
games/love|devel/love|2009-12-26|Move to better category
2009-12-26 11:26:55 +01:00
2010-01-04 11:54:33 +01:00
databases/mysql54-client|databases/mysql55-client|2010-01-04|Updated to milestone 2
databases/mysql54-server|databases/mysql55-server|2010-01-04|Updated to milestone 2
databases/mysql54-scripts|databases/mysql55-scripts|2010-01-04|Updated to milestone 2
databases/p5-DBD-mysql54|databases/p5-DBD-mysql55|2010-01-04|Updated to milestone 2
2010-01-06 14:05:32 +01:00
misc/sword15|misc/sword|2010-01-06|Has expired: use misc/sword
misc/bibletime-kde3|misc/bibletime|2010-01-06|Has expired: use misc/bibletime
2010-01-11 16:16:14 +01:00
mail/squirrelmail-devel|mail/squirrelmail|2010-01-06|Has expired: use mail/squirrelmail
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
lang/drscheme|lang/plt-scheme|2010-01-07|Superseded by lang/plt-scheme
2010-01-11 12:58:42 +01:00
databases/mysql60-client||2010-01-10|Has expired: no longer under development
databases/mysql60-server||2010-01-10|Has expired: no longer under development
databases/mysql60-scripts||2010-01-10|Has expired: no longer under development
databases/p5-DBD-mysql60||2010-01-10|Has expired: no longer under development
2010-01-12 23:03:25 +01:00
devel/cl-asdf-sbcl||2010-01-12|lang/sbcl has a bundled asdf version
- Remove emulators/virtualbox port. Renamed to emulators/virtualbox-ose
and seperate port for the kernel modules created:
- Update to 3.1.2
- Update guest additions to 3.1.2
- Port has been renamed to virtualbox-ose to reflect that we are using
the OSE version. [1]
- Added proper PulseAudio support for FreeBSD [2]
- procfs is not required anymore because vbox uses sysctl(3) now [3]
- Update pkg-message to reflect recent changes
- Add nox's FreeBSD host networking patches that are now also in the
upstream vbox svn (modulo vbox variable naming style adjustments:)
1. Allow direct tap networking again (for users that need the best
network performance and/or need more complex network setups, like when
they want to use routing instead of bridging to e.g. protect from guests
messing with the lan's arp tables; a tap + routing + proxy arp example
is in the above freebsd-emulation posting.)
2. Enable vbox' shared mac feature when using bridged mode on a wifi
interface, together with the virtualbox-ose-kmod change this
should fix bridged mode for wifi users. [4]
- Update to 3.1.2
- Add rc.d script to load kernel modules
- Fix build with a non-standard location for the system source [5]
- Merge aeichner's vboxnetflt fix committed to upstream vbox svn
(thanks!) that makes the shared mac feature enabled above actually work
on FreeBSD hosts. [6]
Please see http://wiki.freebsd.org/VirtualBox for update instructions.
Many thanks to the VirtualBox developers, all tester, patch submitter and
the whole vbox@ team.
PR: ports/141630 [2]
Noticed by: mm@ [1]
Submitted by: Noriyoshi Kawano <bowie AT nrik.jp> [2],
Baptiste Daroussin <baptiste.daroussin AT gmail.com> [3]
and Bernhard Froehlich <decke AT bluelife.at> [3],
nox@ [4], scf@ [5]
Obtained from: http://www.virtualbox.org/changeset/25699 [6]
On behalf of: vbox@ (decke, dhn, itetcu, miwi, nox)
2010-01-13 09:03:17 +01:00
emulators/virtualbox|emulators/virtualbox-ose|2010-01-13|Renamed and split into two components
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/gold|devel/binutils|2010-01-13|Part of binutils
2010-01-15 03:48:17 +01:00
2010-01-18 07:46:44 +01:00
audio/ccaudio||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 4 months
audio/py-libmpdclient||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
chinese/gbk2uni||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 6 months
chinese/iiimf-le-xcin||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/adabindx||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/agide||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 6 months
devel/asis||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/callgrind||2010-01-18|Has expired: Included in devel/valgrind
devel/florist||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
graphics/gephex||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
graphics/irit||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
graphics/pixieplus||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 6 months
japanese/expect||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
lang/pnetc||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 5 months
mail/libnewmail||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
net-mgmt/flowscan||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 5 months
net/astmanproxy||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
palm/prc-tools||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 4 months
print/latex-msc||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
science/xloops-ginac||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
shells/bush||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
textproc/iiimf-gnome-im-switcher||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 4 months
textproc/iiimf-gtk||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
x11-toolkits/gtkada-devel||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
x11-wm/ion-2||2010-01-18|Has expired: has been broken for 4 months
2010-01-20 15:22:39 +01:00
2010-01-20 20:14:56 +01:00
audio/dino||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 7 months
devel/asis-gpl||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/florist-gpl||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/kdesvn||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 4 months
devel/radrails||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/rubygem-rtags||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 5 months
games/hattrickorganizer||2010-01-20|Has expired: Has been broken for quite some time
games/laughingman||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/aunit||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
devel/gdb53||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
lang/ccscript||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 4 months
lang/gnat-glade||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
lang/xsb||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 6 months
multimedia/nmm||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
net/adasockets||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
textproc/bidiv||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
textproc/xmlada-gps||2010-01-20|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
2010-01-23 14:55:34 +01:00
net/mugshot||2010-01-23|No longer working, Mastersite disappeared
2010-01-24 14:26:57 +01:00
lang/gnat-gcc41|lang/gnat-gcc44|2010-01-24|Superseded by newer upstream versions
2010-01-24 17:54:27 +01:00
x11-toolkits/gtkada-gcc||2010-01-24|Not really maintained for a while and depended on lang/gnat-gcc41 which is gone
2010-01-28 02:59:05 +01:00
x11-toolkits/gtkada-gps||2010-01-28|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
x11-fm/velocity||2010-01-28|Has expired: has been broken for 7 months
x11-drivers/xf86-video-nsc||2010-01-28|Has expired: has been broken for 5 months
security/shibboleth-sp||2010-01-28|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/pecl-pecl_http|www/pecl-http|2010-01-31|Duplicate ports
2010-01-31 15:38:51 +01:00
chinese/stardict2-dict-zh_CN||2010-01-31|Please use chinese/stardict-dict-zh_CN
2010-02-03 00:31:37 +01:00
math/octave-forge-ann||2010-02-02|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
math/octave-forge-fixed||2010-02-02|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
math/octave-forge-ftp||2010-02-02|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
math/octave-forge-graceplot||2010-02-02|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
math/octave-forge-triangular||2010-02-02|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
math/octave-forge-vrml||2010-02-02|Has expired: has been broken for 3 months
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
sysutils/lugtools|sysutils/p5-Plugtools|2010-02-04|Superseded by sysutils/p5-Plugtools
2010-02-04 03:29:28 +01:00
irc/conspire||2010-02-04|Upstream development abandoned
2010-02-07 16:03:49 +01:00
x11-toolkits/swt31|x11-toolkits/swt|2010-02-07|Superseded by x11-toolkits/swt
2010-02-10 04:06:14 +01:00
sysutils/smartmontools-devel|sysutils/smartmontools|2010-02-10|Removed, use sysutils/smartmontools instead
2010-02-17 22:36:25 +01:00
ports-mgmt/portbrowser||2010-02-16|No longer maintained
2010-02-19 01:32:42 +01:00
2010-02-22 01:53:10 +01:00
net-p2p/rblibtorrent-devel|net-p2p/libtorrent-rasterbar-14|2010-02-21|No longer devel, recognize project name
2010-02-23 14:55:00 +01:00
sysutils/munin-main|sysutils/munin-master|2010-02-22|Reorganized upstream
2010-02-24 18:14:58 +01:00
multimedia/tsMuxeR|multimedia/linux-tsmuxer|2010-02-24|Port was given a better name
2010-02-26 02:22:28 +01:00
japanese/stardict2-dict-ja||2010-02-25|Please use japanese/stardict-dict-ja
2010-02-25 13:47:29 +01:00
net/mpd||2010-02-25|Has expired: obsoleted, unsupported port. Use net/mpd4, net/mpd5 instead
2010-02-27 23:09:53 +01:00
textproc/xmlada-gcc||2010-02-27|Has expired: broken and practically unmaintained
2010-03-16 03:44:22 +01:00
www/cheetah||2010-03-16|Has expired: broken, unmaintained, development ceased in 2001
2010-03-16 04:08:02 +01:00
net-p2p/rblibtorrent-devel||2010-03-16|Old version, no longer depended on
2010-03-23 20:32:39 +01:00
mail/sylpheed2|mail/sylpheed3|2010-03-23|Update to new major version
2010-03-24 17:24:04 +01:00
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
2010-03-26 16:53:00 +01:00
japanese/asterisk-sound|japanese/asterisk-sounds|2010-03-26|Fix port name typo
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
x11-drivers/xf86-input-calcomp||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-digitaledge||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-dmc||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-dynapro||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-elo2300||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-jamstudio||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-magellan||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-microtouch||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-palmax||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-spaceorb||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-summa||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
x11-drivers/xf86-input-tek4957||2010-03-27|Unmaintained upstream. Notify x11 Maintainers if you have this device
2010-03-27 17:10:15 +01:00
audio/ym2wav|audio/stymulator|2010-03-27|ym2wav is now part of stymulator
2010-03-30 04:35:09 +02:00
www/trac-webadmin||2010-03-30|Incorporated to www/trac
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
audio/gstreamer-plugins-ivorbis|audio/gstreamer-plugins-vorbis|2010-03-30|ivorbis plugin got merged into the vorbis plugin
2010-04-02 19:02:37 +02:00
math/octave-forge-arpack||2010-04-02|Incorporated to math/octave-forge
2010-04-03 07:13:47 +02:00
www/p5-Plack-Request||2010-04-03|Incorporated to www/p5-Plack
2010-04-05 06:26:41 +02:00
net-im/pidgin-birthday_reminder|net-im/pidgin-birthday-reminder|2010-04-05|Project was renamed
2010-04-05 12:44:00 +02:00
2010-04-05 21:51:06 +02:00
sysutils/phplogcon|sysutils/loganalyzer|2010-04-05|Project was renamed
2010-04-09 11:34:43 +02:00
databases/php5-dbase||2010-04-09|Removed from core php
devel/php5-ncurses||2010-04-09|Removed from core php
devel/php5-pcre|lang/php5|2010-04-09|Bundled in core php
devel/php5-spl|lang/php5|2010-04-09|Bundled in core php
graphics/php5-ming||2010-04-09|Removed from core php
security/php5-mhash|security/php5-hash|2010-04-09|Wrapper in hash extension
2010-04-11 10:42:24 +02:00
databases/php5-oci8||2010-04-11|Doesn't support Oracle8 client library
databases/php5-pdo_oci||2010-04-11|Doesn't support Oracle8 client library
2010-04-16 22:28:40 +02:00
sysutils/rc_subr||2010-04-16|No longer needed
2010-04-19 12:43:42 +02:00
math/libgmp4|math/gmp|2010-04-19|Switch to newer performance release
2010-04-19 18:24:37 +02:00
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
security/krb5-17||2010-04-25|Deleted: no longer builds with new OpenSSL 1.0; security/krb5 now contains 1.8.1
2010-04-26 18:12:34 +02:00
www/blogd|www/ephemera|2010-04-26|Port renamed
2011-01-01 01:34:09 +01:00
net-p2p/qbittorrent||2010-05-01|Old version no longer updated
2010-05-02 12:45:51 +02:00
audio/py-flac||2010-05-02|Has expired: has been marked IGNORE for past 24 months
databases/mysql-connector-java50||2010-05-02|Has expired: Old version: please use databases/mysql-connector-java instead
databases/p5-DBIx-Class-HTML-FormFu||2010-05-02|Has expired: This module is obsoleted by www/p5-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC
devel/py-rbtree||2010-05-02|Has expired: "does not build with new pyrex and it's not active maintained"
devel/tavrasm||2010-05-02|Has expired: No longer maintained, use devel/avra instead
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
mail/postfix23||2010-05-02|Has expired: No longer maintained by upstream developer
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
math/libgmp4||2010-05-02|Has expired: Use math/gmp instead
2010-05-02 12:45:51 +02:00
misc/ezload||2010-05-02|Has expired: does not build with new USB stack in 8-STABLE
misc/gkrellmbgchg||2010-05-02|Has expired: use misc/gkrellmbgchg2
multimedia/kbtv||2010-05-02|Has expired: no longer under development by author
net/plb||2010-05-02|Has expired: broken; abandoned by author; use net/relayd or www/nginx instead
security/vpnd||2010-05-02|Has expired: This software is no longer developed
textproc/isearch||2010-05-02|Has expired: abandoned upstream, uses an obsolete version of GCC, not used by any other port
www/caudium12||2010-05-02|Has expired: No longer maintained upstream, please switch to www/caudium14
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache||2010-05-02|Has expired: Deprecated by module author in favor of www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache
Presenting GNOME 2.30.1 for FreeBSD. The offical release notes for this
release can be found at http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.30/ .
This release brings initial PackageKit support, Upower (replaces power
management part of hal), cuse4bsd integration with HAL and cheese, and a
faster Evolution.
Sadly GNOME 2.30.x will be the last release with FreeBSD 6.X support. This
will also be the last of the 2.x releases. The next release will be the
highly-anticipated GNOME 3.0 which will bring with it a new UI experience.
Currently, there are a few bugs with GNOME 2.30 that may be of note for our
users. Be sure to consult the UPGRADING note or the 2.30 upgrade FAQ at
http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq230.html for specific upgrading
instructions, and the up-to-date list of known issues.
This release features commits by avl, ahze, bland, marcus, mezz, and myself.
The FreeBSD GNOME Team would like to thank Anders F Bjorklund for doing the
initual packagekit porting.
And the following contributors & testers for there help with this release:
Eric L. Chen
Vladimir Grebenschikov
Sergio de Almeida Lenzi
Kevin Oberman
Michal Varga
Pavel Plesov
and ITetcu for two exp-run
PR: ports/143852
2010-05-10 23:19:08 +02:00
accessibility/gir-repository-atk|accessibility/atk|2010-05-10|Now installed by accessibility/atk
multimedia/totem-xine|multimedia/totem|2010-05-10|Totem xine backend is dead for quite some time
www/gir-repository-webkit|www/webkit-gtk2|2010-05-10|Now installed by www/webkit-gtk2
x11-toolkits/gir-repository-gtk20|x11-toolkits/gtk20|2010-05-10|Now installed by x11-toolkits/gtk20
x11-toolkits/gir-repository-libwnck|x11-toolkits/libwnck|2010-05-10|Now installed by x11-toolkits/libwnck
x11-toolkits/gir-repository-pango|x11-toolkits/pango|2010-05-10|Now installed by x11-toolkits/pango
x11/gir-repository-gnome-menus|x11/gnome-menus|2010-05-10|Now installed by x11/gnome-menus
2010-05-11 16:29:37 +02:00
x11/kdelibs4-experimental|x11/kdelibs4|2010-05-11|Now integrated to x11/kdelibs4
2010-05-13 00:46:35 +02:00
www/mod_extract_forwarded2||2010-05-12|Use www/mod_extract_forwarded instead
2010-05-14 21:48:55 +02:00
misc/ldconfig_compat||2010-05-14|Supported releases don't need the port anymore
2010-05-15 00:31:30 +02:00
devel/nx||2010-05-14|Remove due math/py-networkx be the same port and with more appropriated name
2010-05-17 10:34:30 +02:00
math/libranlib|math/librandlib|2010-05-17|Project renamed
2010-05-17 13:51:26 +02:00
print/hplip3|print/hplip|2010-05-17|hplip port updated to 3.X version
2010-05-18 00:20:41 +02:00
emulators/sdlmame|emulators/mame|2010-05-17|SDL port has been integrated into mainstream
2010-05-18 06:34:24 +02:00
devel/apr|devel/apr1|2010-05-18|Renamed to devel/apr1
2010-05-19 02:17:09 +02:00
science/pyNN|science/pynn|2010-05-19|Rename to science/pynn
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
databases/postgresql-contrib|databases/postgresql82-contrib|2010-05-20|Use databases/postgresqlNN-contrib, select version to match your PostgreSQL server
2010-05-20 23:13:14 +02:00
lang/yorick-doc||2010-05-20|Has expired: up-to-date docs are included in the lang/yorick port
2010-05-21 01:34:47 +02:00
devel/perforce|devel/p4|2010-05-20|Split into multiple ports
2010-05-24 13:46:29 +02:00
net/dgd-net||2010-05-24|Has expired: all network functionality is included in net/dgd
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
archivers/hs-zip-archive-ghc|archivers/hs-zip-archive|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
devel/hs-binary-ghc|devel/hs-binary|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
devel/darcs|devel/hs-darcs|2010-05-24|Renamed: It has become a hackage transcript
devel/hs-language-c-ghc|devel/hs-language-c|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
devel/hs-lazysmallcheck-ghc|devel/hs-lazysmallcheck|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
devel/hs-pcre-light-ghc|devel/hs-pcre-light|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc|devel/hs-utf8-string|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
graphics/hs-HGL-ghc|graphics/hs-HGL|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
ports-mgmt/porte|ports-mgmt/hs-porte|2010-05-24|Renamed: It has become a hackage transcript
security/hs-digest-ghc|security/hs-digest|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
textproc/hs-haxml|textproc/hs-HaXml|2010-05-24|Renamed: Brought in sync with HackageDB
textproc/hs-highlighting-kate-ghc|textproc/hs-highlighting-kate|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
textproc/hs-polyparse-ghc|textproc/hs-polyparse|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
textproc/pandoc|textproc/hs-pandoc|2010-05-24|Renamed: It has become a Cabal transcript
x11/hs-x11-ghc|x11/hs-X11|2010-05-24|Renamed: Brought in sync with HackageDB and no need for suffix
x11/hs-x11-xft-ghc|x11/hs-X11-xft|2010-05-24|Renamed: Brought in sync with HackageDB and no need for suffix
x11/xmobar|x11/hs-xmobar|2010-05-24|Renamed: It has become a hackage transcript
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
x11-toolkits/hs-OpenGLRaw-ghc|x11-toolkits/hs-OpenGLRaw|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
x11-toolkits/hs-GLURaw-ghc|x11-toolkits/hs-GLURaw|2010-05-24|Renamed: No need for suffix
x11-toolkits/hs-opengl-ghc|x11-toolkits/hs-OpenGL|2010-05-24|Renamed: Brought in sync with HackageDB and no need for suffix
x11-toolkits/hs-glut-ghc|x11-toolkits/hs-GLUT|2010-05-24|Renamed: Brought in sync with HackageDB and no need for suffix
x11-wm/xmonad|x11-wm/hs-xmonad|2010-05-24|Renamed: It has become a Cabal transcript
2011-07-20 06:44:24 +02:00
x11-wm/xmonad-contrib|x11-wm/hs-xmonad-contrib|2010-05-24|Renamed: It has become a Cabal transcript
2010-05-24 23:57:57 +02:00
devel/ruby-game|devel/rubygem-rubygame|2010-05-24|Use devel/rubygem-rubygame instead
2010-05-25 05:30:40 +02:00
devel/py-ro||2010-05-25|Use devel/py-pyro instead
2010-06-01 04:13:07 +02:00
devel/runawk|lang/runawk|2010-05-31|Port duplicate with lang/runawk
2010-06-02 04:40:10 +02:00
misc/ipod-sharp|audio/ipod-sharp|2010-06-02|Fix category
2010-06-02 05:08:07 +02:00
lang/pike72|lang/pike76|2010-06-02|Has expired: Please use pike76 or pike78
lang/pexts||2010-06-02|Depends on expired port lang/pike72
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
databases/ptop||2010-06-04|Broken with no update from maintainer or upstream
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
deskutils/dolphin-plugins-mplayerthumbs||2010-06-05|No longer supported by upstream
irc/p5-IRC|irc/p5-Bot-BasicBot|2010-06-07|Has been deceased for over 5 years
2010-06-08 09:19:00 +02:00
emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage1||2010-06-08|Expired: please use emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage3
emulators/linux_dist-gentoo-stage1||2010-06-08|Expired: please use emulators/linux_dist-gentoo-stage3
2010-06-09 10:53:37 +02:00
www/weave|www/firefox-sync|2010-06-09|Project was renamed
2010-06-10 05:40:42 +02:00
misc/freedialog||2010-06-10|Removed, has been in base for a decade
2010-06-14 20:22:16 +02:00
print/lyx15||2010-06-14|Removed, print/lyx has been updated to the latest version
2010-06-19 06:34:18 +02:00
sysutils/tinybsd||2010-06-18|Incorporated into base system long ago
2010-06-21 15:39:38 +02:00
www/mythweb|www/mythplugin-mythweb|2010-06-21|Renamed: Common prefix for all MythTV plugins
2010-06-23 22:14:40 +02:00
www/firefox3|www/firefox35|2010-06-23|Upstream support dropped
2010-06-23 22:18:29 +02:00
www/firefox3-i18n|www/firefox35-i18n|2010-06-23|Upstream support dropped
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
security/krb4||2010-06-26|Security vulnerability and no longer developed
2010-06-27 15:06:08 +02:00
www/linux-mozilla|www/linux-seamonkey|2010-06-27|Security vulnerabilities and abandoned upstream since 2006
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
security/audit||2010-07-01|Development has been discontinued
2010-07-18 18:16:38 +02:00
net/isc-dhcp30-client|net/isc-dhcp31-client|2010-07-09|Has expired: deprecated upstream since March 2009
net/isc-dhcp30-relay|net/isc-dhcp31-relay|2010-07-09|Has expired: deprecated upstream since March 2009
net/isc-dhcp30-server|net/isc-dhcp31-server|2010-07-09|Has expired: deprecated upstream since March 2009
2010-07-16 01:04:03 +02:00
net/nss_ldapd|net/nss-pam-ldapd|2010-07-16|Project was renamed
2010-07-17 03:08:15 +02:00
2010-07-17 18:29:10 +02:00
java/eclipse-v4all||2010-07-16|Not useful with Eclipse 3.x
2010-07-17 21:20:20 +02:00
irc/kvirc-devel||2010-07-17|irc/kvirc has been updated to the latest version
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/p5-Plack-Server-AnyEvent||2010-07-19|Use www/p5-Twiggy instead
2010-07-21 11:59:14 +02:00
science/qelectrotech|cad/qelectrotech|2010-07-21|Fix category
2010-07-21 19:30:36 +02:00
mail/squirrelmail-compatibility-plugin1|mail/squirrelmail-compatibility-plugin|2010-07-21|Has expired: use mail/squirrelmail-compatibility-plugin
mail/squirrelmail-newuser_wiz-plugin|mail/squirrelmail-askuserinfo-plugin|2010-07-21|Has expired: use mail/squirrelmail-askuserinfo-plugin
2010-07-25 13:24:16 +02:00
textproc/mini-xml|textproc/mxml|2010-07-25|Duplicate port
2010-07-27 01:24:20 +02:00
net/gir-repository-avahi|net/avahi-app|2010-07-25|Handled by net/avahi-app now
2010-07-31 00:14:49 +02:00
www/neonpp||2010-07-30|Does not build with neon 0.28 and above
www/neon28|www/neon29|2010-07-30|Replaced by neon 0.29.x
2010-08-03 16:36:38 +02:00
sysutils/aaccli||2010-08-03|Has expired: see sysutils/arcconf instead, no longer maintained by Adaptec
2010-08-03 21:47:43 +02:00
mail/moztraybiff|mail/mail-notification|2010-08-03|Depends on obsolete Thunderbird 2.0
2010-08-03 22:44:24 +02:00
deskutils/lightning-xpi|deskutils/lightning|2010-08-03|Depends on obsolete Thunderbird 2.0
2010-08-03 23:04:12 +02:00
sysutils/zfSnap|sysutils/zfsnap|2010-08-03|Change name to lower case
2010-08-03 23:15:11 +02:00
mail/lightning|deskutils/lightning|2010-08-03|Upstream development discontinued
2010-08-06 11:28:20 +02:00
devel/py_otp_interface|devel/py-interface|2010-08-06|Duplicate py-interface port has better distutils handling
2010-08-08 10:46:24 +02:00
www/mplayer-plugin|www/gecko-mediaplayer|2010-08-08|Upstream support dropped
2010-08-08 14:38:25 +02:00
lang/plt-scheme|lang/racket|2010-08-08|Upstream development discontinued
2010-08-08 14:58:10 +02:00
emulators/sdlmess|emulators/mess|2010-08-08|SDL port has been integrated into mainstream
2010-08-08 22:36:39 +02:00
security/libassuan-1||2010-08-08|This is an ex-library (Superseded by security/libassuan, but not compatible)
2010-08-09 00:19:12 +02:00
2010-08-10 04:26:45 +02:00
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
net-p2p/ktorrent-devel||2010-08-11|Obsoleted: please use net-p2p/ktorrent2 or net-p2p/ktorrent
2010-08-11 22:59:32 +02:00
multimedia/mpeg4ip-libmp4v2|multimedia/mp4v2|2010-08-11|Superseded by multimedia/mp4v2
2010-08-13 03:34:26 +02:00
lang/ifc7||2010-08-12|Distfile no longer available
2010-08-14 15:52:53 +02:00
multimedia/kaffeine-devel|multimedia/kaffeine|2010-08-14|New non-development version
2010-08-17 08:54:32 +02:00
www/peacock||2010-08-17|Has runtime errors, upstream development discontinued
www/gtkhtml38||2010-08-17|Removed, because there are no more users of this library
2010-08-17 15:04:26 +02:00
security/isolate||2010-08-17|Security vulnerability
2010-08-20 01:08:48 +02:00
www/wordpress-mu|www/wordpress|2010-08-19|Multiuser support was incorporate in the upstream version
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
archivers/py-tarfile||2010-08-21|Has expired: all development activity in this port has been merged into mainline Python after 2.4
2010-08-22 00:24:43 +02:00
www/rssdler|www/py-rssdler|2010-08-21|Rename to consistency with other Python ports
2010-08-23 07:16:47 +02:00
www/mod_webobjects||2010-08-23|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
2010-08-23 07:18:48 +02:00
www/woadaptor||2010-08-23|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
2010-08-23 09:35:03 +02:00
www/woadaptor-cgi||2010-08-23|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
2010-08-23 13:49:12 +02:00
2010-08-23 13:55:12 +02:00
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
x11-toolkits/fox12||2010-08-23|Has expired: Unsupported, please use x11-toolkits/fox14 or x11-toolkits/fox16 instead
2010-08-23 14:02:42 +02:00
2010-08-23 14:04:32 +02:00
2010-08-23 14:40:49 +02:00
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
x11-themes/kde4-windeco-aurorae||2010-08-23|Integrated into x11/kdebase4-workspace
2010-08-24 00:16:19 +02:00
2010-08-24 12:14:15 +02:00
net/tintin++-devel|net/tintin++|2010-08-24|net/tintin++-devel is no longer devel, merged back to net/tintin++
2010-08-24 17:18:30 +02:00
audio/gmm|audio/gogglesmm|2010-08-24|Project was renamed
2010-08-25 21:54:46 +02:00
irc/irssi-xmpp-devel||2010-08-25|Devel is unmaintained and older than stable
2010-08-28 12:59:47 +02:00
www/lighttpd-mysqlauth|www/lighttpd|2010-08-28|Integrated into www/lighttpd
2010-08-29 17:34:10 +02:00
games/jfduke3d||2010-08-28|Development ceased; see games/eduke32 for alternative
2010-08-30 21:46:05 +02:00
www/dotproject-devel||2010-08-30|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-30 21:49:20 +02:00
www/dokuwiki-devel||2010-08-30|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-30 21:54:30 +02:00
www/linux-seamonkey-devel||2010-08-30|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-31 17:13:42 +02:00
chinese/gcin-devel||2010-08-31|Older than stable port, broken and unmaintained
2010-08-31 17:18:58 +02:00
graphics/xfractint-devel||2010-08-31|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-31 17:23:15 +02:00
misc/kcd-devel||2010-08-31|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-31 17:28:15 +02:00
sysutils/logtool-devel||2010-08-31|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-31 17:30:00 +02:00
textproc/smartdoc-devel||2010-08-31|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-31 19:27:35 +02:00
comms/spandsp-devel5||2010-08-31|Older than stable port and unmaintained
2010-08-31 19:33:29 +02:00
french/pluxml-devel||2010-08-31|Stable was removed 2 years ago, doesn't make sense to keep -devel
2010-08-31 19:43:15 +02:00
graphics/lphoto||2010-08-31|Has expired: broken
2010-08-31 19:49:29 +02:00
mail/ngmp||2010-08-31|Has expired: does not compile and no longer supported by upstream
2010-09-02 23:38:33 +02:00
multimedia/libdvdnav-mplayer||2010-09-02|Removed in favour of updated multimedia/libdvdnav
2010-09-04 18:46:30 +02:00
lang/gcc43|lang/gcc44|2010-09-04|Superseded by gcc44 or gcc45
2010-09-05 03:06:44 +02:00
databases/sybase-ocsd||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
editors/staroffice5||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
editors/staroffice52||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
editors/staroffice60||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
editors/staroffice70||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
emulators/linux-vmware-toolbox2||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
french/staroffice52||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
german/staroffice5||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
german/staroffice52||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
german/staroffice70||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
java/simplicity||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
lang/icc7||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
portuguese/staroffice52||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
sysutils/linux-acu||2010-09-04|Distfile(s) no longer available
2010-09-07 15:57:07 +02:00
lang/ficl-devel|lang/ficl|2010-09-07|Moved to lang/ficl since it's a stable version
2010-09-07 17:55:29 +02:00
games/abridge||2010-09-07|Broken, abandoned upstream
2010-09-07 23:00:13 +02:00
deskutils/linux-sunbird|deskutils/lightning|2010-09-07|Upstream development discontinued
deskutils/sunbird|deskutils/lightning|2010-09-07|Upstream development discontinued
deskutils/sunbird-i18n||2010-09-07|Upstream development discontinued
audio/audacious-crossfade||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
audio/ecamegapedal||2010-09-08|Has expired: Abandonned since 2004, please use audio/jack-rack or audio/creox instead.
comms/asmodem||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/ltmdm||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/yawmppp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
devel/p5-ORBit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
emulators/p-interp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
graphics/visionegg||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
japanese/okphone||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
java/openjit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
multimedia/xmps-win32-plugin||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net-mgmt/tknetmon||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/arpd||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/vomit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
sysutils/xwipower||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
www/lws||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
Reported by: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
monthly reminder
2010-09-08 07:25:12 +02:00
audio/audacious-crossfade||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
audio/ecamegapedal||2010-09-08|Has expired: Abandoned since 2004, please use audio/jack-rack or audio/creox instead
audio/audacious-crossfade||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
audio/ecamegapedal||2010-09-08|Has expired: Abandonned since 2004, please use audio/jack-rack or audio/creox instead.
comms/asmodem||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/ltmdm||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/yawmppp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
devel/p5-ORBit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
emulators/p-interp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
graphics/visionegg||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
japanese/okphone||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
java/openjit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
multimedia/xmps-win32-plugin||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net-mgmt/tknetmon||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/arpd||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/vomit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
sysutils/xwipower||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
www/lws||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
Reported by: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
monthly reminder
2010-09-08 07:25:12 +02:00
comms/asmodem||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/ltmdm||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/yawmppp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
devel/p5-ORBit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
emulators/p-interp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
graphics/visionegg||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
japanese/okphone||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
java/openjit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
multimedia/xmps-win32-plugin||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net-mgmt/tknetmon||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/arpd||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/vomit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
sysutils/xwipower||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
www/lws||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
2010-09-08 07:37:23 +02:00
net-p2p/javadc||2010-09-08|Has expired: is ancient, unmaintained, works only with JDK 1.3, no master site
net/pathchar||2010-09-08|Has expired: has been broken for 2+ years, no sources available
www/linux-nvu|www/kompozer|2010-09-08|Has expired: NVU 1.0 last release June 2005, use www/kompozer instead
2010-09-09 23:59:06 +02:00
print/cupsddk||2010-09-09|Now part of print/cups-base
2010-09-11 14:32:25 +02:00
databases/mongodb-devel||2010-09-11|Older than databases/mongodb
2010-09-12 05:08:44 +02:00
2010-09-13 03:41:06 +02:00
multimedia/playd2|multimedia/playd|2010-09-13|Has expired: Use multimedia/playd instead
2010-09-14 05:44:59 +02:00
mail/mailscanner-devel|mail/mailscanner|2010-09-14|Removed, mail/mailscanner is newer
2010-09-14 13:51:42 +02:00
databases/sqlite-ext-inet||2010-09-14|Has expired: Please install databases/sqlite-ext-mobigroup instead
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/codeville||2010-09-14|Has expired: Dead project
2010-09-14 13:51:42 +02:00
editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-fy||2010-09-14|Has expired
editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-hne||2010-09-14|Has expired
graphics/xaralx-devel||2010-09-14|Has expired: Does not compile with png-1.4 and latest version is from Aug 2006
graphics/xaralx||2010-09-14|Has expired: Does not compile with png-1.4 and latest version is from Aug 2006
misc/kde4-l10n-bn_IN||2010-09-14|Has expired
misc/kde4-l10n-hne||2010-09-14|Has expired
misc/kde4-l10n-ku||2010-09-14|Has expired
misc/kde4-l10n-mr||2010-09-14|Has expired
2010-09-14 14:31:45 +02:00
multimedia/vlconwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
net-im/wooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
russian/php_doc||2010-09-14|Has expired: Support for the Russian translation of the PHP manual seems to have stopped
sysutils/ipmi-kmod||2010-09-14|Has expired: in base system since 6.2-RELEASE
www/p5-Plack-Server-AnyEvent||2010-09-14|Has expired: yes
www/xpi-dailymotiononwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-deezeronwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-firefoxonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-googlevideoonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-imeemonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-jiwaonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-lastfmonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-vimeoonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
www/xpi-youtubeonwooztalk||2010-09-14|Has expired: wooztalk website not responding as of 20100731
x11/chameleon||2010-09-14|Has expired: No longer under development, master site disappeared years ago
2010-09-14 17:54:06 +02:00
net/csup||2010-09-14|Has expired: is already included in base system of all supported releases
2010-09-15 18:21:39 +02:00
2010-09-15 20:35:24 +02:00
devel/autoconf262|devel/autoconf267|2010-09-15|Migration to autoconf-2.67
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
editors/vim6||2010-09-17|Has expired: Outdated, superseded by editors/vim7 and has multiple security issues
editors/vim6+ruby||2010-09-17|Has expired: Outdated, superseded by editors/vim7 and has multiple security issues
2010-09-17 10:09:22 +02:00
sysutils/cdrtools-cjk|sysutils/cdrtools|2010-09-17|Obsoleted by iconv support in mainstream kit
2010-09-20 18:42:42 +02:00
lang/pfe-devel|lang/pfe|2010-09-20|Moved to lang/pfe since it's a stable version
2010-09-20 19:57:03 +02:00
databases/redis-devel|databases/redis|2010-09-20|Moved to databases/redis since it's a stable version
2010-09-21 10:15:40 +02:00
archivers/p5-Compress-Zlib|archivers/p5-IO-Compress|2010-09-21|Replaced by archivers/p5-IO-Compress
archivers/p5-IO-Compress-Base|archivers/p5-IO-Compress|2010-09-21|Replaced by archivers/p5-IO-Compress
archivers/p5-IO-Compress-Bzip2|archivers/p5-IO-Compress|2010-09-21|Replaced by archivers/p5-IO-Compress
archivers/p5-IO-Compress-Zlib|archivers/p5-IO-Compress|2010-09-21|Replaced by archivers/p5-IO-Compress
2010-09-22 06:44:36 +02:00
audio/linux-nerodigitalaudio|audio/linux-neroaaccodec|2010-09-22|Project was renamed
2010-09-23 02:40:50 +02:00
devel/automake16||2010-09-22|Outdated, no longer required by any port
devel/automake17||2010-09-22|Outdated, was not being used by any port
devel/automake18||2010-09-22|Outdated, ports (2) migrated to automake19
2010-09-24 05:24:38 +02:00
devel/automake15||2010-09-23|Outdated, ports migrated to automake19
2010-09-28 04:12:27 +02:00
www/xpi-gbutts|www/xpi-google_shortcuts|2010-09-28|Plugin was renamed
2010-09-28 13:46:34 +02:00
mail/sympa-elixus||2010-09-28|Has expired: no longer maintained, no longer fetchable, no longer builds with sympa
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net-mgmt/zabbix16-server||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has ceased. Please upgrade to Zabbix 1.8
net-mgmt/zabbix16-agent||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has ceased. Please upgrade to Zabbix 1.8
net-mgmt/zabbix16-frontend||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has ceased. Please upgrade to Zabbix 1.8
net-mgmt/zabbix16-proxy||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has ceased. Please upgrade to Zabbix 1.8
2010-10-01 15:45:47 +02:00
net-p2p/mutella||2010-10-01|Has expired: No longer under active development
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
www/xpi-hit-a-hint||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 2
www/xpi-preferential||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 2
www/xpi-statusbarclock||2010-10-01|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 2
2010-10-02 01:14:11 +02:00
devel/cego-base|devel/lfc|2010-10-02|Project was renamed
devel/cego-xml|devel/lfcxml|2010-10-02|Project was renamed
2010-10-02 09:17:50 +02:00
www/p5-WWW-Pastebin-RafbNet-Create||2010-10-02|http://rafb.net service is dead
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/maven||2010-10-03|Has expired: Development has been ceased, superseded by devel/maven2
2010-10-04 09:15:12 +02:00
2010-10-06 02:40:40 +02:00
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
net-p2p/amule2|net-p2p/amule|2010-10-05|Split to -devel and non-devel ports
2010-10-07 18:54:28 +02:00
devel/automake19||2010-10-07|No longer required by any port
devel/automake110||2010-10-07|No longer required by any port
2010-10-10 04:14:26 +02:00
japanese/p5-jcode.pl|japanese/jcode.pl|2010-10-10|Duplicate port
2010-10-11 17:35:47 +02:00
www/p5-Plack-Server-ServerSimple|www/p5-Plack|2010-10-11|Included in p5-Plack now
2010-10-11 18:38:59 +02:00
www/trac-multirepos||2010-10-11|Has expired: Multiple repositories support has been merged in trunk, please use Trac 0.12+ (www/trac) instead
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/p5-P4||2010-10-14|Has expired: Depends of p5-P4-Client, which is DEPRECATED
2010-10-14 13:36:43 +02:00
devel/p5-P4-Client||2010-10-14|Has expired: has been broken for 11 months
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net-p2p/btpeer||2010-10-14|Has expired: Does not build with net/Sockets and is unmaintained
2010-10-14 13:36:43 +02:00
net-mgmt/net-snmp4||2010-10-14|Has expired: Use net-mgmt/net-snmp port instead
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net/gkrellm_snmp||2010-10-14|Has expired: Depends of net-snmp4, that is deprecated also and will be removed soon
net/Sockets-devel||2010-10-14|Has expired: Older than net/Sockets and unmaintained
2010-10-14 21:29:22 +02:00
devel/clang|lang/clang|2010-10-14|Compilers typically live in the lang category
2010-10-15 19:40:31 +02:00
security/ssh2||2010-10-15|Has expired: abandoned upstream
security/ssh2-nox11||2010-10-15|Has expired: abandoned upstream
2010-10-16 13:44:43 +02:00
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net/samba3||2010-10-18|Has expired: Unsupported by the upstream. Please, consider to upgrade
net/samba32||2010-10-18|Has expired: Unsupported by the upstream. Please, consider to upgrade
net/samba33||2010-10-18|Has expired: Unsupported by the upstream. Please, consider to upgrade
japanese/samba3||2010-10-18|Has expired: Unsupported by the upstream. Please, consider to upgrade
net/py-samba||2010-10-18|Has expired: Unsupported by the upstream. Please, consider to upgrade
2010-10-18 14:54:32 +02:00
2010-10-24 13:14:47 +02:00
www/firefox3-devel|www/firefox|2010-10-24|Upstream development focuses on Firefox 4.0
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
editors/vim5||2010-10-26|Has expired: Outdated, superseded by editors/vim7 and has security issues
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
sysutils/sfdisk||2010-10-27|Has expired: All supported FreeBSD versions now have sade, sfdisk 0.2 is outdated
2010-11-01 07:20:15 +01:00
sysutils/synergy-plus|sysutils/synergy|2010-11-01|Synergy+ and Synergy have merged
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
ftp/kwebget||2010-11-04|Has expired: Development has ceased
2010-11-04 16:20:27 +01:00
multimedia/clive-utils||2010-11-04|Has expired: development has ceased; use multimedia/umph instead
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
ports-mgmt/barry||2010-11-04|Has expired: Development has ceased
www/wb0||2010-11-04|Has expired: Development has ceased
2010-11-07 08:52:24 +01:00
x11/e17-module-bling|x11-wm/e17-module-bling|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-calendar|x11-wm/e17-module-calendar|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-cpu|x11-wm/e17-module-cpu|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-deskshow|x11-wm/e17-module-deskshow|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-flame|x11-wm/e17-module-flame|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-language|x11-wm/e17-module-language|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-mail|x11-wm/e17-module-mail|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-mem|x11-wm/e17-module-mem|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-mixer|x11-wm/e17-module-mixer|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-moon|x11-wm/e17-module-moon|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-rain|x11-wm/e17-module-rain|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-screenshot|x11-wm/e17-module-screenshot|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-slideshow|x11-wm/e17-module-slideshow|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-snow|x11-wm/e17-module-snow|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-uptime|x11-wm/e17-module-uptime|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-weather|x11-wm/e17-module-weather|2010-11-07|Fix category
x11/e17-module-winselector|x11-wm/e17-module-winselector|2010-11-07|Fix category
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
devel/libisc||2010-11-08|Has expired: Unlikely to be used...
2010-11-08 11:08:47 +01:00
emulators/vmware-guestd3||2010-11-08|Has expired: Depends of misc/compat3x, that is deprecated and set to be removed
emulators/vmware-tools3||2010-11-08|Has expired: Depends of misc/compat3x, that is deprecated and set to be removed
misc/compat3x||2010-11-08|Has expired: "Only FreeBSD 6.4+ are supported in ports"
misc/bidwatcher||2010-11-08|Has expired: Obsoleted by JBidwatcher and changes at http://ebay.com
security/vscan||2010-11-08|Has expired: Depends of misc/compat3x, that is deprecated and set to be removed
www/ssserver||2010-11-08|Has expired: Depends of misc/compat3x, that is deprecated and set to be removed
2010-11-12 13:28:25 +01:00
graphics/qtpfsgui|graphics/luminance|2010-11-12|Project has been renamed
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/gir-repository-gconf2|devel/gconf2|2010-11-20|Merged into gconf2
x11-fm/gir-repository-nautilus|x11-fm/nautilus|2010-11-20|Merged into nautilus
devel/gir-repository-libsoup|devel/libsoup|2010-11-20|Merged into libsoup
x11-toolkits/gir-repository-gtksourceview2|x11-toolkits/gtksourceview2|2010-11-20|Merged into gtksourceview2
2010-11-20 16:37:08 +01:00
security/gir-repository-gnome-keyring||2010-11-20|Not buildable
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/gir-repository-dbus|devel/gobject-introspection|2010-11-20|Merged into gobject-introspection
2011-03-04 08:14:40 +01:00
net/asterisk-addons|net/asterisk14-addons|2010-11-22|Renamed via repocopy
2010-11-24 21:49:13 +01:00
devel/gdb6|devel/gdb66|2010-11-24|Directory renamed
2010-11-26 15:47:08 +01:00
net-p2p/eiskaltdc|net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-qt|2010-11-26|GUI ports separated
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
japanese/uim-canna|textproc/uim|2010-11-26|Integrated into textproc/uim
japanese/uim-prime|textproc/uim|2010-11-26|Integrated into textproc/uim
2010-11-26 20:40:06 +01:00
www/google_shortcuts|www/xpi-google_shortcuts|2010-11-26|Use www/xpi-google_shortcuts instead
2010-11-27 04:49:44 +01:00
2010-11-28 20:44:40 +01:00
misc/libpri-bristuff||2010-11-28|Superseded by asterisk 1.8
net/asterisk-bristuff||2010-11-28|Superseded by asterisk 1.8
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
www/p5-Mojo|www/p5-Mojolicious|2010-11-29|Project's distfile name has changed
2010-11-29 15:54:06 +01:00
shells/bash-completion-classic|shells/bash-completion|2010-11-29|amd64 workaround no longer required
2010-11-29 16:33:57 +01:00
devel/p5-usb|devel/p5-Device-USB|2010-11-29|Directory renamed
2010-11-30 21:35:48 +01:00
www/phpwebgallery|www/piwigo|2010-11-29|Project renamed
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
net/asterisk12||2010-11-30|EOL'ed upstream on 21 Nov 2010
net/asterisk12-app-ldap||2010-11-30|EOL'ed upstream on 21 Nov 2010
2010-12-01 01:48:10 +01:00
dns/bind9||2010-12-01|EOL - Update to dns/bind97 or dns/bind96
2010-12-04 22:32:34 +01:00
archivers/linux-par2cmdline||2010-12-04|Has expired: Native version available
audio/bmp-musepack||2010-12-04|Has expired: does not build with audio/musepack
2010-12-05 22:00:37 +01:00
audio/libmpcdec|audio/musepack|2010-12-04|Has expired: superseded by audio/musepack
2010-12-04 22:32:34 +01:00
audio/py-musepack||2010-12-04|Has expired: does not build with audio/musepack
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
chinese/chinput3||2010-12-04|Has expired: Development has ceased
2010-12-04 22:32:34 +01:00
emulators/dynagen-devel||2010-12-04|Has expired: Please install emulators/dynagen instead
net-p2p/gift-fasttrack||2010-12-04|Has expired: unmaintained upstream
net-p2p/gift-gnutella||2010-12-04|Has expired: unmaintained upstream
net-p2p/gift-openft||2010-12-04|Has expired: unmaintained upstream
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
net-p2p/pyslsk||2010-12-04|Has expired: unmaintained upstream, use net-p2p/nicotine-plus
2010-12-04 22:32:34 +01:00
security/pamsfs||2010-12-04|Has expired: SFS is dead, this project is dead, and site is gone
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-CommandLine||2010-12-04|Has expired: The module is not needed any more. With new Catalyst (at least 5.7014) it works out of the box
2010-12-08 20:58:49 +01:00
devel/autoconf268|devel/autoconf|2010-12-08|Autotools cleanup
devel/automake111|devel/automake|2010-12-08|Autotools cleanup
devel/libtool22|devel/libtool|2010-12-08|Autotools cleanup
devel/libltdl22|devel/libltdl|2010-12-08|Autotools cleanup
2010-12-11 19:19:13 +01:00
devel/rubygem-image_science|graphics/rubygem-image_science|2010-12-11|Moved category
2010-12-13 09:42:19 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-base|emulators/mupen64plus-core|2010-12-13|Port was renamed
2010-12-13 09:43:24 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-sdlaudio|emulators/mupen64plus-audio-sdl|2010-12-13|Port was renamed
2010-12-13 09:44:37 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-sdlinput|emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl|2010-12-13|Port was renamed
2010-12-13 09:45:41 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-rsp|emulators/mupen64plus-rsp-hle|2010-12-13|Port was renamed
2010-12-13 09:46:40 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-rice|emulators/mupen64plus-video-rice|2010-12-13|Port was renamed
2010-12-13 09:48:31 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-dummyaudio||2010-12-13|Port was removed, now it is obsolete
2010-12-13 09:49:24 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-dummyvideo||2010-12-13|Port was removed, now it is obsolete
2010-12-13 09:50:40 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-glide||2010-12-13|Port was removed, now it is obsolete
2010-12-13 09:51:32 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-gln64||2010-12-13|Port was removed, now it is obsolete
2010-12-13 09:52:39 +01:00
emulators/mupen64plus-input||2010-12-13|Port was removed, now it is obsolete
2010-12-14 03:33:24 +01:00
misc/zaptel||2010-12-14|Superseded by misc/dahdi
2010-12-15 20:29:46 +01:00
japanese/mozilla-jlp||2010-12-15|Has expired: Depends on obsolete port www/mozilla
2010-12-16 08:28:45 +01:00
devel/icu2|devel/icu|2010-12-16|Removed: now obsolete and unused please use newer devel/icu instead
2010-12-17 07:57:27 +01:00
devel/icu4|devel/icu|2010-12-17|Removed: devel/icu is now following 4.x version
2010-12-24 04:17:36 +01:00
multimedia/flv2mpeg4||2010-12-23|Abandoned upstream
2010-12-27 16:02:38 +01:00
databases/mysql55-scripts||2010-12-27|Merged in other mysql ports
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
databases/p5-sqlrelay||2010-12-31|Has expired: broken and upstream disappeared
2010-12-31 18:35:17 +01:00
devel/php-dbg2||2010-12-31|Has expired: No upstream support
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
dns/fourcdns||2010-12-31|Has expired: upstream has disappeared
2010-12-31 18:35:17 +01:00
emulators/win4bsd||2010-12-31|Has expired: Development has ceased and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
french/mozilla-flp||2010-12-31|Has expired: www/seamonkey port is deprecated. Consider using the www/firefox-i18n
french/xtel||2010-12-31|Has expired: Minitel services will be discontinued at the end of 2010
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
ftp/ftpq||2010-12-31|Has expired: upstream has disappeared
2010-12-31 18:35:17 +01:00
graphics/paintlib||2010-12-31|Has expired: does not compile with new tiff and no more maintained upstream
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
graphics/g3dviewer||2010-12-31|Has expired: does not build with gcc 4.2, upstream disappeared
2010-12-31 18:35:17 +01:00
lang/scriba||2010-12-31|Has expired: Does not compile with gcc 4.2+, looks like abandonware
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
math/rascal||2010-12-31|Has expired: Broken on every arch since 2008, looks like abandonware
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
net-mgmt/nrg|net-mgmt/cacti|2010-12-31|Has expired: Project has vanished. Use cacti instead
security/hostsentry||2010-12-31|Has expired: Project is dead
2010-12-31 18:35:17 +01:00
sysutils/kcube||2010-12-31|Has expired: Project has vanished
www/cybercalendar||2010-12-31|Has expired: has been unmaintained since 2001 and is unusable with dates after 2010 (see ports/150974)
www/flock||2010-12-31|Has expired: Flock 3 moves from Firefox to Chromium
www/linux-flock||2010-12-31|Has expired: Flock 3 moves from Firefox to Chromium
x11-clocks/xtu||2010-12-31|Has expired: Looks like abandonware
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
java/tya||2010-12-31|Has expired: looks like abandonware and does not compile with gcc4.2
2011-01-01 01:34:09 +01:00
net-p2p/qbittorrent-22||2011-01-01|Old version no longer updated
2011-01-01 01:38:44 +01:00
dns/bind95||2011-01-01|Entered EOL 2010-09 - Update to dns/bind97 or dns/bind96
2011-01-01 15:09:09 +01:00
www/mozilla|www/seamonkey2|2011-01-01|Unmaintained upstream for years and has security issues
2011-01-02 22:49:02 +01:00
security/lxnb||2011-01-02|Has expired: Development has ceased, mastersite disappeared
x11-wm/lxsession-lite|x11-wm/lxsession|2011-01-02|Has expired: Superseded by x11-wm/lxsession
2011-01-03 15:38:01 +01:00
audio/emphasis||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
converters/ecore-txt||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
deskutils/estickies||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
devel/ecore-job||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
devel/engrave||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
devel/evfs||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
devel/ruby-ecore||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/exhibit||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/epsilon||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/esmart||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/ruby-edje||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/ruby-esmart||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/ruby-evas||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
graphics/ruby-redact||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
multimedia/eclair||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
security/phpmyid||2011-01-03|Has expired: Development has ceased
2011-01-03 15:38:01 +01:00
sysutils/ecore-config||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
sysutils/extrackt||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
textproc/exml||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
www/mod_accesscookie||2011-01-03|Has expired: upstream is gone
www/mod_vdbh||2011-01-03|Has expired: upstream is gone
www/mod_auth_any||2011-01-03|Has expired: upstream is gone
www/mod_log_data||2011-01-03|Has expired: upstream is gone and will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
x11-fm/entropyfm||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-fortune||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-shiny||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-takara||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-blue_eyed||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-dali||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-gant||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-japan2007||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-kor||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-milky||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-night_bling||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-theme-simply_white||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-azul||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-blue||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-clean||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-themes/e17-splash-logo||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-toolkits/etk||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-toolkits/ewl||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-toolkits/enhance||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-wm/e17-module-bling||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-wm/e17-module-mixer||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-wm/e17-utils||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11/elicit||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11/enity||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11/examine||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11/ecore-desktop||2011-01-03|Has expired: abandoned upstream
2011-01-03 16:32:33 +01:00
2011-01-04 04:32:21 +01:00
deskutils/gnome-pim||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
mail/pmail||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
mail/pygmy||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
math/scigraphica||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
net/geotrace||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
security/nofgpg||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
sysutils/gnome-control-center1||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
www/gtkhtml||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
x11/libcapplet||2011-01-03|Removed: broken and unmaintained upstream
2011-01-04 04:32:21 +01:00
x11/wmmenu||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
x11-toolkits/py-gnome||2011-01-03|Removed due to x11/libcapplet broke
2011-01-04 13:22:53 +01:00
www/glibwww||2011-01-04|Removed due to no port depend on it
2011-01-13 10:21:03 +01:00
math/octave-forge-spanish|math/octave-forge-es|2011-01-13|Replaced by math/octave-forge-es
2011-01-24 09:57:45 +01:00
devel/cvsnt||2011-01-15|Removed: abandoned upstream
2011-01-24 09:55:41 +01:00
net-p2p/qbittorrent-23||2011-01-24|Old, no longer updated. Try net-p2p/qbittorrent-26
2011-01-30 00:28:35 +01:00
dns/staticcharge||2011-01-29|Has expired: abandoned by author
2011-03-26 11:06:56 +01:00
shells/bash3|shells/bash|2011-01-29|Has expired: Use shells/bash or shells/bash-static instead
2011-01-30 00:28:35 +01:00
shells/bash3-static|shells/bash-static|2011-01-29|Has expired: Use shells/bash or shells/bash-static instead
2011-02-01 17:35:55 +01:00
audio/ecawave||2011-02-01|Has expired: has been broken for over one year
mail/spamass-rules_du_jour||2011-02-01|Has expired: Use sa-update instead
x11/accessx||2011-02-01|Has expired: Project abandoned, mastersite disappeared
x11/kde3-apireference||2011-02-01|Has expired: outdated and obsolete
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
misc/py-distutils||2011-02-02|Included in current Python versions
2011-02-04 22:03:15 +01:00
databases/qt-ibase-plugin||2011-02-04|Has expired: Port is broken on all supported versions of FreeBSD
devel/ace+tao||2011-02-04|Has expired: Outdated and does not compile on any supported version of FreeBSD
graphics/ray++||2011-02-04|Has expired: Does not compile on supported versions of FreeBSD
japanese/oleo||2011-02-04|Has expired: Does not compile on supported versions of FreeBSD
lang/dylan||2011-02-04|Has expired: does not build
multimedia/jahshaka||2011-02-04|Has expired: Does not compile on supported versions of FreeBSD
2011-02-11 20:38:09 +01:00
audio/libjackasyn|audio/jack|2011-02-11|Has expired: development has ceased; try audio/jack instead
audio/xmms-jackasyn|audio/xmms-jack|2011-02-11|Has expired: development has ceased; try audio/xmms-jack instead
2011-02-13 08:12:56 +01:00
lang/p5-SQL-Tokenizer|textproc/p5-SQL-Tokenizer|2011-02-13|Moved to a more appropriate category
2011-02-14 14:32:34 +01:00
2011-02-21 23:17:16 +01:00
devel/root||2011-02-21|Has expired: Port does not build on supported versions of FreeBSD
net/ztelnet||2011-02-21|Has expired: unfetchable
print/kaspaliste||2011-02-21|Has expired: yes
sysutils/perf||2011-02-21|Has expired: Does not build on supported versions of FreeBSD
2011-02-24 20:48:19 +01:00
2011-02-24 23:10:52 +01:00
devel/pmake||2011-02-24|Has expired: does not build on any supported version of FreeBSD
net-p2p/linux-agsatellite||2011-02-24|Has expired: the whole service went to cloud
2011-02-25 08:50:32 +01:00
databases/redis2||2011-02-25|Removed, use databases/redis instead
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
textproc/py-expat||2011-02-25|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
devel/py-ctypes||2011-02-25|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
security/py-hashlib||2011-02-25|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
www/py-hashlib||2011-02-25|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
2011-02-25 11:58:42 +01:00
x11/gstreamer-plugins-vdpau|multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-vdpau|2011-02-25|Move to the multimedia category
2011-02-25 17:14:29 +01:00
x11/gir-repository-babl|x11/babl|2011-02-25|Merged into babl
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net/gnet|net/gnet2|2011-02-27|No longer maintained or updated, try to use net/gnet2
www/py-turbodjango||2011-02-27|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
www/py-turbosetup||2011-02-27|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
textproc/py-csv||2011-02-27|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
devel/py-uuid||2011-02-27|Removed, part of Python since 2.5
2011-02-28 20:29:36 +01:00
graphics/libv3d||2011-02-28|Has expired: unmaintained and failed to build for months
2011-03-06 23:34:01 +01:00
mbone/rat|audio/rat|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/rat30|audio/rat30|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/speak_freely|audio/speak_freely|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/vat|audio/vat|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/xspeakfree|audio/xspeakfree|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/vic|multimedia/vic|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/imm|net/imm|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/mcl|net/mcl|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/rqm|net/rqm|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/rtptools|net/rtptools|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/sdr|net/sdr|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/udpcast|net/udpcast|2011-03-06|Changed category
mbone/wb|net/wb|2011-03-06|Changed category
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
lang/gnat-doc-html||2011-03-07|Unmaintained and obsolete
lang/gnat-doc-info||2011-03-07|Unmaintained and obsolete
lang/gnat-doc-ps||2011-03-07|Unmaintained and obsolete
lang/gnat-doc-texi||2011-03-07|Unmaintained and obsolete
lang/gnat-doc-txt||2011-03-07|Unmaintained and obsolete
2011-03-15 01:49:38 +01:00
www/py-cherrypy-devel|www/py-cherrypy|2011-03-15|Removed, use www/py-cherrypy instead
2011-03-16 11:00:21 +01:00
science/py-obspy.core|science/py-obspy-core|2011-03-16|Removed, use science/py-obspy-core instead
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
devel/py-unit||2011-03-17|Unmaintained and obsolete, included in Python distribution since 2.1
2011-03-17 17:20:43 +01:00
lang/gnat-gcc42||2011-03-17|Removed unmaintained and obsolete
lang/gnat-gcc43||2011-03-17|Removed unmaintained and obsolete
lang/gnat-gcc44||2011-03-17|Removed unmaintained and obsolete
2011-03-18 09:58:51 +01:00
games/wormux-devel||2011-03-17|Project was renamed
2011-03-18 10:27:10 +01:00
games/etuxracer|games/etracer|2011-03-18|Removed it is a duplicate of games/etracer
2011-03-19 11:24:32 +01:00
net/p5-Net-IP-Anonymous|net/p5-IP-Anonymous|2011-03-19|Move to a correct directory
2011-03-21 21:41:49 +01:00
databases/db50||2011-03-21|Removed, use databases/db51 instead
2011-03-21 22:41:54 +01:00
games/wormux|games/warmux|2011-03-21|Project was renamed
2011-03-30 10:22:50 +02:00
2011-03-27 16:21:24 +02:00
devel/thunar-svn-plugin|devel/thunar-vcs-plugin|2011-03-27|Removed, use devel/thunar-vcs-plugin instead
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
devel/id-utils|devel/idutils|2011-03-28|Project renamed
2011-03-30 10:22:50 +02:00
2011-03-31 08:41:41 +02:00
java/netbeans3|java/netbeans|2011-03-31|Has expired: old, unmaintained, use java/netbeans instead
java/netbeans4|java/netbeans|2011-03-31|Has expired: old, unmaintained, use java/netbeans instead
java/netbeans5|java/netbeans|2011-03-31|Has expired: old, unmaintained, use java/netbeans instead
2011-04-03 17:39:20 +02:00
Garbage collect expired ports
2011-04-01 accessibility/linux-f8-atk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-ucl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-upx: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-alsa-lib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-arts: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-esound: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-freealut: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libaudiofile: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libogg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libvorbis: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-mikmod: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-nas-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-openal: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-sdl_mixer: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 databases/linux-f8-sqlite3: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql81-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql73-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql74-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql80-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-sdl12: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-allegro: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libsigc++20: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-nspr: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 dns/linux-f8-libidn: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f8: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f9: End of Life since Jul 10, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-fc6: End of Life since December 7, 2007
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f7: End of Life since June 13, 2008
2011-04-01 ftp/linux-f8-curl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-sdl_image: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-ungif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-imlib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-cairo: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-dri: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-jpeg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libGLU: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libmng: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-tiff: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-libg2c: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-tcl84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 multimedia/linux-f8-libtheora: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 net-p2p/dcd: No fetch sources and looks like project abandoned
2011-03-31 net/straw: abandoned upstream and does not work with python 2.6+
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-libssh2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-nss: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-openssl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-expat: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-aspell: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 www/linux-f8-flashplugin10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki112: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki113: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki114: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki16: abandoned upstream
2011-04-01 x11-fonts/linux-f8-fontconfig: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-01 x11-themes/gnome-icons-cool-gorilla: "no mastersite"
2011-04-01 x11-themes/linux-f8-hicolor-icon-theme: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-openmotif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-pango: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-qt33: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-tk84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11/linux-f8-xorg-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-04 19:12:43 +02:00
accessibility/linux-f8-atk||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
archivers/linux-f8-ucl||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
archivers/linux-f8-upx||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-alsa-lib||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-arts||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-esound||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-freealut||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-libaudiofile||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-libogg||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-libvorbis||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-mikmod||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-nas-libs||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-openal||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
audio/linux-f8-sdl_mixer||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
databases/linux-f8-sqlite3||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
databases/postgresql81-server||2011-04-04|Has expired: EOL; see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
databases/postgresql73-server||2011-04-04|Has expired: EOL; see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
databases/postgresql74-server||2011-04-04|Has expired: EOL; see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
databases/postgresql80-server||2011-04-04|Has expired: EOL; see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
Garbage collect expired ports
2011-04-01 accessibility/linux-f8-atk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-ucl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-upx: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-alsa-lib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-arts: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-esound: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-freealut: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libaudiofile: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libogg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libvorbis: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-mikmod: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-nas-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-openal: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-sdl_mixer: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 databases/linux-f8-sqlite3: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql81-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql73-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql74-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql80-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-sdl12: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-allegro: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libsigc++20: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-nspr: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 dns/linux-f8-libidn: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f8: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f9: End of Life since Jul 10, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-fc6: End of Life since December 7, 2007
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f7: End of Life since June 13, 2008
2011-04-01 ftp/linux-f8-curl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-sdl_image: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-ungif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-imlib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-cairo: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-dri: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-jpeg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libGLU: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libmng: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-tiff: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-libg2c: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-tcl84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 multimedia/linux-f8-libtheora: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 net-p2p/dcd: No fetch sources and looks like project abandoned
2011-03-31 net/straw: abandoned upstream and does not work with python 2.6+
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-libssh2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-nss: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-openssl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-expat: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-aspell: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 www/linux-f8-flashplugin10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki112: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki113: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki114: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki16: abandoned upstream
2011-04-01 x11-fonts/linux-f8-fontconfig: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-01 x11-themes/gnome-icons-cool-gorilla: "no mastersite"
2011-04-01 x11-themes/linux-f8-hicolor-icon-theme: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-openmotif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-pango: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-qt33: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-tk84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11/linux-f8-xorg-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-04 19:12:43 +02:00
devel/linux-f8-libglade||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
devel/linux-f8-sdl12||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
devel/linux-f8-allegro||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
devel/linux-f8-libsigc++20||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
devel/linux-f8-libglade2||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
devel/linux-f8-nspr||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
dns/linux-f8-libidn||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
emulators/linux_base-f8||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
emulators/linux_base-f9||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jul 10, 2009
emulators/linux_base-fc6||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since December 7, 2007
emulators/linux_base-f7||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since June 13, 2008
ftp/linux-f8-curl||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-sdl_image||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-ungif||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-imlib||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-cairo||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-dri||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-jpeg||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-png||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-libGLU||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-libmng||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-png10||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
graphics/linux-f8-tiff||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
lang/linux-f8-libg2c||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
lang/linux-f8-tcl84||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
multimedia/linux-f8-libtheora||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
net-p2p/dcd||2011-04-04|Has expired: No fetch sources and looks like project abandoned
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net/straw||2011-04-04|Has expired: abandoned upstream and does not work with Python 2.6+
Garbage collect expired ports
2011-04-01 accessibility/linux-f8-atk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-ucl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 archivers/linux-f8-upx: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-alsa-lib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-arts: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-esound: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-freealut: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libaudiofile: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libogg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-libvorbis: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-mikmod: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-nas-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-openal: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 audio/linux-f8-sdl_mixer: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 databases/linux-f8-sqlite3: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql81-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql73-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql74-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-02 databases/postgresql80-server: EOL see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Release_Support_Policy
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-sdl12: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-allegro: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libsigc++20: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-libglade2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 devel/linux-f8-nspr: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 dns/linux-f8-libidn: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f8: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f9: End of Life since Jul 10, 2009
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-fc6: End of Life since December 7, 2007
2011-04-01 emulators/linux_base-f7: End of Life since June 13, 2008
2011-04-01 ftp/linux-f8-curl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-sdl_image: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-ungif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-imlib: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-cairo: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-dri: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-gdk-pixbuf: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-jpeg: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libGLU: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-libmng: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-png10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 graphics/linux-f8-tiff: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-libg2c: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 lang/linux-f8-tcl84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 multimedia/linux-f8-libtheora: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-02 net-p2p/dcd: No fetch sources and looks like project abandoned
2011-03-31 net/straw: abandoned upstream and does not work with python 2.6+
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-libssh2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-nss: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 security/linux-f8-openssl: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-scim-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-expat: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-libxml: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 textproc/linux-f8-aspell: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 www/linux-f8-flashplugin10: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki112: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki113: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki114: abandoned upstream
2011-03-30 www/mediawiki16: abandoned upstream
2011-04-01 x11-fonts/linux-f8-fontconfig: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-03-01 x11-themes/gnome-icons-cool-gorilla: "no mastersite"
2011-04-01 x11-themes/linux-f8-hicolor-icon-theme: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk2: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-openmotif: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-pango: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-qt33: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11-toolkits/linux-f8-tk84: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-01 x11/linux-f8-xorg-libs: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-04 19:12:43 +02:00
security/linux-f8-libssh2||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
security/linux-f8-nss||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
security/linux-f8-openssl||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
textproc/linux-f8-libxml2||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
textproc/linux-f8-scim-gtk||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
textproc/linux-f8-scim-libs||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
textproc/linux-f8-expat||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
textproc/linux-f8-libxml||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
textproc/linux-f8-aspell||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
www/linux-f8-flashplugin10||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
www/mediawiki112||2011-04-04|Has expired: abandoned upstream
www/mediawiki113||2011-04-04|Has expired: abandoned upstream
www/mediawiki114||2011-04-04|Has expired: abandoned upstream
www/mediawiki16||2011-04-04|Has expired: abandoned upstream
x11-fonts/linux-f8-fontconfig||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-themes/gnome-icons-cool-gorilla||2011-04-04|Has expired: "no mastersite"
x11-themes/linux-f8-hicolor-icon-theme||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-toolkits/linux-f8-gtk2||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-toolkits/linux-f8-openmotif||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-toolkits/linux-f8-pango||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-toolkits/linux-f8-qt33||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11-toolkits/linux-f8-tk84||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
x11/linux-f8-xorg-libs||2011-04-04|Has expired: End of Life since Jan 7, 2009
2011-04-04 19:43:36 +02:00
databases/erserver||2011-04-04|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-04-04 20:06:54 +02:00
2011-05-15 19:09:38 +02:00
security/barnyard||2011-04-04|Has expired: use barnyard2 instead
2011-04-07 12:14:21 +02:00
graphics/linux_dri-devel|graphics/linux_dri|2011-04-07|Retire: is older than non-devel port
2011-04-08 00:33:39 +02:00
math/linux-SHA-1_collision_search_graz||2011-04-07|Has expired: Project discontinued
2011-04-09 18:22:05 +02:00
lang/compaq-cc||2011-04-09|Does not work on a supported platform
2011-04-12 11:03:50 +02:00
devel/thistest||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased; website disappeared
emulators/xmamegui||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased; try emulators/qmc2 instead
games/airrox||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased
games/bfm||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased; website disappeared
games/xracer||2011-04-12|Has expired: has not been developed for 10 years
net-p2p/gift-ares||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased; does not work
net-p2p/torrent_swapper||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased (last release is of 2006)
net-p2p/torrentvolve||2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased, and last release is beta
sysutils/gag||2011-04-12|Has expired: no point in having it as a port, can be downloaded from the website and burned
2011-04-12 20:10:33 +02:00
lang/gpc|lang/fpc|2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased; use lang/fpc instead
security/mypasswordsafe|security/gorilla|2011-04-12|Has expired: development has ceased; try security/gorilla instead
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
databases/db2||2011-04-12|Deprecated; use newer databases/db5* instead
2011-04-15 00:10:02 +02:00
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel|sysutils/rsyslog5|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-dbi|sysutils/rsyslog5-dbi|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-gnutls|sysutils/rsyslog5-gnutls|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-gssapi|sysutils/rsyslog5-gssapi|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-mysql|sysutils/rsyslog5-mysql|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-pgsql|sysutils/rsyslog5-pgsql|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-relp|sysutils/rsyslog5-relp|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-rfc3195|sysutils/rsyslog5-rfc3195|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
sysutils/rsyslog5-devel-snmp|sysutils/rsyslog5-snmp|2011-04-14|5.8.0 is the -stable for 5.7.x, and 5.6.x is now deprecated
2011-04-16 05:17:16 +02:00
net-im/pickwick|net-im/chattahoochie|2011-04-15|Project renamed
2011-04-19 00:25:41 +02:00
cad/tclspice||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for more than a year
comms/hcfmdm||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on 7.X or higher
databases/mysqlcc||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for almost a year
devel/ruby-rjudy||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
devel/xfc||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
devel/lamson||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a half year
devel/cocktail||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
devel/djgpp-gcc||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for half a year
devel/gauche-sdl||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a year
devel/gdb53-act||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x and up
editors/zed||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
games/aqbubble||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
graphics/libvisual-plugins||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for 3 years
japanese/roundcube||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for almost a year
japanese/tkstep80||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
lang/u++||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a half year
lang/pugs||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a year
lang/mozart||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
math/linalg||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
misc/ftree||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a half year
multimedia/katchtv||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a half year
multimedia/libomxil-bellagio||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for almost a year
multimedia/banshee-mirage||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a half year
net-p2p/trackerbt||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a half year
net/cap||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
net/ggsd||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
net/b2bua||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
net/penguintv||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a half year
news/openftd||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for almost a year
palm/romeo||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
science/pcp||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
science/elmer-fem||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a year
security/newpki-lib||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
security/newpki-server||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
security/xmlsec||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
security/f-protd||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a year
sysutils/xwlans||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
www/bk_edit||2011-04-18|Has expired: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x and newer
www/bricolage||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a half year
x11-toolkits/gauche-gtk||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for a year
x11-toolkits/php-gtk2||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for over a half year
x11-toolkits/p5-Tcl-Tk||2011-04-18|Has expired: has been broken for 2 year
2011-04-19 00:27:44 +02:00
2011-04-19 06:17:54 +02:00
lang/gnustep-objc|lang/gnustep-libobjc|2011-04-19|Replaced with libobjc
2011-04-22 08:06:55 +02:00
graphics/netpbm-devel|graphics/netpbm|2011-04-22|updated to default
2011-04-30 01:44:00 +02:00
ports-mgmt/portmk||2011-04-29|Has expired: has not been kept up to date for > 6 months
ports-mgmt/portsman||2011-04-29|Has expired: hardwires an ancient version of INDEX
mail/kiltdown||2011-04-29|Has expired: upstream seems dead since 2001
2011-04-30 05:14:33 +02:00
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11-wm/kappdock||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-wm/wmg||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-toolkits/gtkglarea--||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-01 18:06:51 +02:00
x11-toolkits/php-gtk||2011-05-01|Has expired: Abandoned upstream
x11-toolkits/py-gtkextra||2011-05-01|Has expired: Abandoned upstream
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11-toolkits/viewkit||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/buffy||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/clean-theme-gtk||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/colorstep||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/engradient||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/flux-art||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/gtk-Mac2-theme||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/gtk-flat-theme||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/gtkbe||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/gtkstep||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/gtkstep-pastel||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/icegradient||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/notif2||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/whistlerk||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/xenophilia||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-themes/xenostep||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-fm/cfm||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-01 19:57:52 +02:00
x11-fm/gnome-commander||2011-05-01|Has expired: Gnome1 is deprecated, consider using gnome-commander2
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11-fm/jaffm||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-fm/workplace||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-clocks/bdesktopclock||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-clocks/washerdryer||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-clocks/wmtz||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-clocks/xmms-alarm||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/buttonbox||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/cnslock||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/gnome-launch-box||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/gtk-themepreview||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/gxset||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/portoseguro||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/wmfstatus||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/wmoldmenu2new||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/xbindkeys_config||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/xmold||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11/xtattr||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
www/indexme||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-01 20:21:08 +02:00
www/osb-browser||2011-05-01|Has expired: Abandonware, please use www/webkit-gtk2
www/osb-nrcit||2011-05-01|Has expired: Abandonware, please use www/webkit-gtk2
www/osb-nrcore||2011-05-01|Has expired: Abandonware, please use www/webkit-gtk2
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
www/pumperweb||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
www/py-ez_web||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-01 20:21:08 +02:00
www/py-pullparser||2011-05-01|Has expired: Obsolete and deprecated
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
www/sidplug||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
www/twhttpd||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
www/wnews||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
www/xpath2rss||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-01 21:18:22 +02:00
japanese/iiimf-le-freewnn||2011-05-01|Removed, depends on expired library
japanese/iiimf-le-canna||2011-05-01|Removed, depends on expired library
chinese/iiimf-le-newpy||2011-05-01|Removed, depends on expired library
korean/iiimf-le-hangul||2011-05-01|Removed, depends on expired library
chinese/iiimf-le-ude||2011-05-01|Removed, depends on expired library
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
textproc/ctpp|textproc/ctpp2|2011-05-01|Has expired: Deprecated; please use textproc/ctpp2
textproc/dsssl-docbook-cygnus||2011-05-01|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
textproc/fdp-tools||2011-05-01|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
textproc/iiimf-client-lib||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-csconv||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-headers||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-le-unit||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-protocol-lib||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-server||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-x||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/iiimf-x-lib||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/maketeidtd||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/minidom||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/ocaml-yaxpo||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/p5-LJ-SpellCheck||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/py-HyperText||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/smartdoc||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
textproc/xmlpp||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/acidlaunch||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/cpbk||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/dc42wrap||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/deleted||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/dolly+||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/durep||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/dvdtape||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/fontedit||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/ftrace||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/gfslicer||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/ghasher||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/gkrellmouse||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/gkrellmwho||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/glload||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-01 21:52:00 +02:00
sysutils/gnomefind||2011-05-01|Has expired: Abandoned upstream
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
sysutils/graft||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/growspd||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/gtoaster||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/idled||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available, consider using sysutils/doinkd
sysutils/maint||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/ndir||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/p5-LJ-Cache||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/p5-LJ-TextMessage||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/reclinker||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/rotate||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/ticker.app||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/upsmon||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/usbutil||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/uwatch||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmavgload||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmfsm||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmhm||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wminet||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmlmmon||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmlongrun||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmmemmon||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmmount||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmpccard||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmshutdown||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
sysutils/wmzazof||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/aafid2||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/bjorb||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/borzoi||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/cmd5checkpw||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/find_ddos||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/ftpmap||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/hafiye||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/ident2||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/liedentd||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/pam_pop3||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/poc||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/portscanner||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/ppgen||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/qident||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/quintuple-agent||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/rc5pipe||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/rid||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/ssh||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/tea-total||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
security/uberkey||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilter360||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilter850||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilter850ug||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilter860||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilter870||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfiltercom||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilters600||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilters630||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bjfilters6300||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/bsd_lpr||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/dvi2xx||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/envelope||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/pclprint||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/psmark||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/tipograf||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/tr2latex||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
print/wmlpq||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
palm/jfconv||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
palm/palmpower||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
palm/sitescooper||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
palm/uppc-kmod||2011-05-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
news/leafnode+||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
news/pyne||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
news/slurp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
news/unpost||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 07:47:14 +02:00
net-p2p/edonkey-gui-gtk||2011-05-02|Removed, depends on linux-edonkey-core which has expired
net-p2p/edonkey-gui-gtk-urlslave||2011-05-02|Removed, depends on linux-edonkey-core which has expired
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
net-p2p/fcptools||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-p2p/hx||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-p2p/linux-edonkey-core||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-p2p/linux-edonkey-server||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-p2p/linux-edonkey-tool-recovermet||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 08:01:28 +02:00
net-mgmt/junipoll||2011-05-02|Removed, depends on expired net-mgmt/p5-Altoids
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
net-mgmt/annextools||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-mgmt/asused||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-mgmt/ipsectrace||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-mgmt/knowlan||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-mgmt/p5-Altoids||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-mgmt/pktstat||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-mgmt/scotty3||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-im/aim||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-im/jit||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net-im/kf||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/bbsnet||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/bing||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/brutecopy||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/crescendo||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/danamics||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/etunnel||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/gastman||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/generic-nqs||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/gkrellmmultiping2||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/gkrellmwireless||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/gnoemoe||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/gnosamba||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/merlinmon||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/msntp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/ntalk||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/onion-fec||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/openverse||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/poink||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/roadrunner||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/sambasentinel||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/scand||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/tacshell||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/telserv||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/tvark||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/warppipe||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/wistumbler2||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/wmq3||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 08:39:12 +02:00
net/xbone-gui||2011-05-02|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
net/xsmbrowser||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/xtraceroute||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/ytalk||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/zniper||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/gtksubtitler||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/hayes||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
multimedia/netshow||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
multimedia/smpeg-xmms||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
multimedia/streamdvd||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/sublib||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/tkxanim||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/tosvcd||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/tv_grab_au||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/xdvshow||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/xmms-avi||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
multimedia/xmps||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
multimedia/xvid4conf||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
misc/acron||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/chord||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/datedif||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/earthview||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/fcalc||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/gkrellscore||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/goldstr||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/gtl||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/kp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/nserver||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/patanjali||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/qmc||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/snowflake||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/translator||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
misc/videotext||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 09:13:27 +02:00
misc/wmweather||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available, try misc/wmweather+
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
misc/wmx10||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
math/fudgit||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
math/kaskade||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
math/qscanplot||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
math/rpc||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
math/ss||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
math/wmcalc||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/crashecho||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/drbl||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/glbiff||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/libsrs||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/majorcool||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/messagewall||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/pgen||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/regm||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/ricochet||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/smtpclient||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/smtpproxy||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/solidpop3d||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/spruce||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/teapop-devel||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/wmmail||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/wmmultipop3||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
mail/wmymail||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
java/avalon-logkit||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
java/gnu-regexp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
java/jce-aba||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
java/jsdk||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
irc/garnaxfs||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
irc/party||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/cqcam||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/dc3play||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/dore||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/fig2pstricks||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/geist||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/gfont||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 10:56:41 +02:00
graphics/gimp-greycstoration||2011-05-02|Has expired: Superseded by graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
graphics/glean||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/gltk||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/gridpix||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/gtkfig||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/gview||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/icod||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/isreal||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/oglext||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/ophoto||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/py-gdchart||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/py-gdchart2||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/qglviewer||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/robot||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/s3switch||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/sced||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/shim||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/snx101util||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/tcm||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/vertex||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/vvv||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/xdl||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/xmms-goom||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
graphics/xmms-infinity||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
ftp/axyftp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
ftp/emacs-wget||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
ftp/moftpd||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
ftp/wu-ftpd||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
ftp/xrmftp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
ftp/yale-tftpd||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
emulators/basiliskII||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available; official website has older distfiles
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
emulators/tkhfs||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
emulators/twin||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
emulators/vgb||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available (latest binaries provided by upstream are for 5.x)
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
emulators/vpce||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
chinese/nvi-big5||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
chinese/nvi-euc-cn||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
chinese/nvi-euc-tw||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
editors/nvi-perl||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
japanese/nvi-euc-jp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
japanese/nvi-iso-2022-jp||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
japanese/nvi-sjis||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
korean/nvi-euc-kr||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
korean/nvi-iso-2022-kr||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 11:33:54 +02:00
editors/MathPlanner||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream says project is canceled and no more distfiles can be found
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
editors/bitmap||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
editors/bitmap-emacs21||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
editors/cle||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
editors/dedit||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
editors/em||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
editors/leim21||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
editors/lpe||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
editors/vilearn||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
editors/xenon||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/a2dev||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/c2lib||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/c2man||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/c2mdoc||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/c_parser||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/cdoc||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/diffconvert||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/ecgi||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/error||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/excalibur-configuration||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/freelibiberty||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/gengameng||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/hptools||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/invitation_to_ruby||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/kimwitu++||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/libU77||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/libcoro||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/libpperl||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/lincvs||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
devel/linux-runrev||2011-05-02|Has expired: Abandoned upstream and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
devel/makeplus||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/maketool||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/mob||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/mprof||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/ngpt||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/pedisassem||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/rinfo||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/templ||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
devel/towitoko||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-fonts/avifonts||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
x11-fonts/bitmap-fonts||2011-05-02|Has expired: Distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11-fonts/mozilla-fonts||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-fonts/xfed||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
x11-fonts/xmbdfed||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/dap||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
audio/gdrdao||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and no more distfiles available
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
databases/gmysql||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
deskutils/kuake||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 14:48:13 +02:00
finance/xinvest||2011-05-02|Has expired: Outdated, abandoned
finance/xquote||2011-05-02|Has expired: Outdated, abandoned
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
french/plgrenouille||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 14:55:34 +02:00
editors/xemacs-devel-mule-xft||2011-05-02|Remove, editors/xemacs-devel-mule builds with xft support now
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
lang/cim||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
lang/clips||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
lang/eiffel||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
lang/libutils||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
lang/linux-libperl5.8||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-02 16:09:03 +02:00
lang/osb-jscore||2011-05-02|Has expired: Abandonware, please use www/webkit-gtk2
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
devel/kxl||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
games/geki2||2011-05-02|Removed, Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
games/geki3||2011-05-02|Removed, Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
games/grande||2011-05-02|Removed, Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
games/spacearyarya||2011-05-02|Removed, Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-03 00:04:38 +02:00
ftp/ftptool||2011-05-02|Removed, depend on this expired editors/textedit
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
editors/textedit||2011-05-02|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-03 05:11:13 +02:00
security/libfwbuilder||2011-05-02|libfwbuilder merged into fwbuilder
2011-05-03 14:29:40 +02:00
games/monopd||2011-05-03|Removed, depends on an expired library: devel/libcapsinetwork
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
devel/libcapsinetwork||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/albumart||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/aylet||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/cantus||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/xaylet||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
science/oases||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
shells/pash||2011-05-03|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-05-03 16:42:03 +02:00
2011-05-03 23:09:09 +02:00
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/hs-FileManip|devel/hs-filemanip|2011-05-08|Renamed: Cabal package has been renamed
devel/lhs2TeX|textproc/hs-lhs2tex|2011-05-08|Renamed: It has become a Cabal transcript
devel/bnfc|devel/hs-BNFC|2011-05-08|Renamed: It has become a Cabal transcript
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
graphics/hs-hgl||2011-05-08|Deleted: overridden by graphics/hs-HGL
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
x11-toolkits/hs-GLURaw||2011-05-08|Removed: It has become obsoleted by Haskell Platform
x11-toolkits/hs-OpenGLRaw||2011-05-08|Removed: It has become obsoleted by Haskell Platform
net/hs-network-bytestring||2011-05-08|Removed: It is deprecated by net/hs-network
devel/hs-uvector||2011-05-08|Removed: It is deprecated by devel/hs-vector
devel/hs-uvector-algorithms||2011-05-08|Removed: It is deprecated by devel/hs-vector-algorithms
2011-05-09 15:01:54 +02:00
devel/jude-community|devel/astah-community|2011-05-09|Project was renamed
2011-05-09 18:31:08 +02:00
net/skype12|net-im/skype12|2011-05-09|Moved to better category
2011-05-11 11:51:07 +02:00
net/skype|net-im/skype|2011-05-09|Moved to better category
2011-05-12 18:56:02 +02:00
net/skype-devel|net-im/skype-devel|2011-05-12|Moved to better category
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
2011-05-14 21:34:12 +02:00
sysutils/libgksuui|sysutils/libgksu|2011-05-14|Removed: It is a part of sysutils/libgksu now
2011-07-20 06:44:24 +02:00
security/barnyard-sguil|security/barnyard2-sguil|2011-05-15|barnyard2 has build in sguil support
2011-05-16 11:03:09 +02:00
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
devel/tcl-neo||2011-05-22|Removed: deprecated and no maintainer interest
www/neowebscript||2011-05-22|Removed: deprecated and no maintainer interest
databases/db3||2011-05-23|Removed: all users set USE_BDB=3+ and have been using 4.0+
databases/db45|databases/db46|2011-05-28|Removed: no users left that require exactly 4.5
2011-05-29 15:28:25 +02:00
textproc/scim-kmfl-european-latin|textproc/kmfl-european-latin|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ezra|textproc/kmfl-sil-ezra|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-galatia|textproc/kmfl-sil-galatia|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode5|textproc/kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
2011-05-29 15:28:25 +02:00
textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin|textproc/kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-yi|textproc/kmfl-sil-yi|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
textproc/scim-kmfl-varamozhi-malayalam|textproc/kmfl-varamozhi-malayalam|2011-05-29|KMFL keyboard ports are now platform-independent
2011-06-01 02:22:22 +02:00
dns/bind94||2011-05-31|EOL - Update to dns/bind97 or dns/bind96
dns/bind94-geoip||2011-05-31|BIND 9.4.x is EOL
2011-06-06 14:16:47 +02:00
german/citrix_xenapp||2011-06-01|Has expired: "crashes with f10"
japanese/citrix_xenapp||2011-06-01|Has expired: "crashes with f10"
net/citrix_xenapp||2011-06-01|Has expired: "crashes with f10"
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
comms/gammu-python||2011-06-01|Has expired: since version 1.29.0 comms/gammu uses Python by default
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
java/gj||2011-06-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
net/ipv6socket_scrub||2011-06-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
graphics/lodju||2011-06-01|Has expired: depends on rep-gtk, which doesn't build anymore
2011-06-06 14:16:47 +02:00
www/mod_pubcookie||2011-06-01|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
ftp/prozilla||2011-06-01|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-06 14:16:47 +02:00
www/py-django11||2011-06-01|Has expired: Unsupported (no longer receive security updates or bugfixes)
2011-06-20 04:36:23 +02:00
x11-toolkits/rep-gtk||2011-06-01|Has expired: missing rep-config from librep port broke the build
2011-06-06 14:16:47 +02:00
games/tnl||2011-06-01|Has expired: Upstream development has ceased, it doesn't work with newer CEGUI and is generally broken
net/vnc2swf|deskutils/vnc2flv|2011-06-01|Has expired: Development is now superseded by deskutils/vnc2flv
mail/postfix24||2011-06-03|Has expired: no further upstream development; please consider upgrading
www/mod_roaming2||2011-06-04|Has expired: no supported browser and no further upstream development; see PR 73383
2012-02-08 05:00:46 +01:00
net-p2p/qbittorrent26|net-p2p/qbittorrent-29|2011-06-05|Old version no longer updated
net-p2p/qbittorrent26-nox11|net-p2p/qbittorrent-29-nox11|2011-06-05|Old version no longer updated
net-p2p/qbittorrent27|net-p2p/qbittorrent-29|2011-06-05|Old version no longer updated
net-p2p/qbittorrent27-nox11|net-p2p/qbittorrent-29-nox11|2011-06-05|Old version no longer updated
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
www/pubcookie-login-server||2011-06-06|Has expired: Unused by maintainer, needs updates
2011-06-07 20:53:09 +02:00
databases/mariadb||2011-06-06|Split into databases/mariadb-{client,scripts,server}
2011-06-07 18:00:26 +02:00
devel/bugzilla2||2011-06-07|Removed: no longer under development
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
lang/ruby-js||2011-06-09|Removed: depends on expired port, seems abandonware itself
textproc/ruby-xml-script||2011-06-09|Removed: depends on expired port, seems abandonware itself
www/ruby-asp||2011-06-09|Removed: depends on expired port, seems abandonware itself
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
lang/njs||2011-06-09|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-09 18:17:37 +02:00
editors/wily||2011-06-09|Removed, depends on an expired port
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11-fonts/Xg||2011-06-09|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-13 03:26:44 +02:00
irc/bitlbee-otr||2011-06-13|Removed, overridden by irc/bitlbee
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
deskutils/mcatalog||2011-06-13|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-14 01:28:12 +02:00
mail/evolution-sharp||2011-06-13|Has expired: has been broken for over a year
2011-06-15 17:22:37 +02:00
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
irc/ezbounce-devel|irc/ezbounce|2011-06-19|Main port updated to the latest available version
2011-06-21 00:29:26 +02:00
2011-06-23 09:18:23 +02:00
x11/widgetfactory|x11-themes/thewidgetfactory|2011-06-23|Duplicate ports merged
2011-06-24 22:40:58 +02:00
deskutils/opengoo|deskutils/fengoffice|2011-06-24|It was renamed to deskutils/fengoffice
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
irc/gdesklets-irc||2011-06-25|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-06-25 11:23:47 +02:00
net/libevnet||2011-06-25|Has expired: no longer necessary now that libevent2 has been released
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
www/mod_auth_ldap||2011-06-25|Has expired: apache 13/20 is scheduled for deletion, migrate to 2.2.x+ and mod_authnz_ldap now
2011-06-25 11:23:47 +02:00
www/mod_auth_remote||2011-06-25|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
www/mod_authenticache||2011-06-25|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
www/mod_layout2||2011-06-25|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
www/mod_macro2||2011-06-25|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
www/mod_traf_thief||2011-06-25|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
www/mod_transform||2011-06-25|Has expired: will be unsupported by ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
comms/ruby-termios|comms/rubygem-ruby-termios|2011-06-25|Development has moved, <=0.9.5 doesn't work with Ruby 1.9.x
2011-06-28 20:57:18 +02:00
java/jdk14||2011-06-28|Has expired: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
2011-10-10 10:27:31 +02:00
mail/vpopmail-devel|mail/vpopmail|2011-06-28|Has expired: Obsolete version, install mail/vpopmail port
2011-07-01 22:01:50 +02:00
audio/rat||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
audio/rat30||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
audio/speak_freely||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
audio/vat||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
audio/xspeakfree||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
net/imm||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
net/mcl||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
net/rqm||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
net/sdr||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
net/udpcast||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
net/wb||2011-07-01|The mbone is no more
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
math/femlab||2011-07-02|Has expired: No more distfiles, looks like abandonware
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
japanese/wikicker||2011-07-02|Has expired: Looks like abandonware
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
emulators/vmware3||2011-07-02|Has expired: No more distfiles available; emulators/virtualbox-ose can be used as a replacement
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
devel/libevocosm||2011-07-02|Has expired: Looks like abandonware
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
devel/acovea||2011-07-02|Has expired: Looks like abandonware
devel/acovea-gtk||2011-07-02|Has expired: Looks like abandonware
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
sysutils/service-config||2011-07-02|Has expired: mastersite disappeared
2011-07-05 00:04:38 +02:00
print/lyx-devel||2011-07-03|print/lyx has been updated to a newer version, use it instead
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
archivers/lzo||2011-07-07|Use archivers/lzo2 instead
2011-07-07 23:46:35 +02:00
2011-07-07 23:49:54 +02:00
2011-07-07 23:52:51 +02:00
2011-07-08 00:03:13 +02:00
2011-07-08 00:05:19 +02:00
2011-07-08 00:07:19 +02:00
2011-07-08 12:27:20 +02:00
x11-wm/boxtools|x11-wm/blackbox|2011-07-08|Ports merged together
2011-07-09 16:40:01 +02:00
audio/ruby-ogginfo||2011-07-09|Replaced with audio/rubygem-ogginfo
2011-07-10 02:49:06 +02:00
audio/ruby-shout||2011-07-10|Replaced with audio/rubygem-shout
2011-07-11 13:49:38 +02:00
textproc/xpp3||2011-07-11|Removed depends on an expired ports
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
textproc/xmlpull||2011-07-11|Has expired: Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
2011-07-13 22:25:54 +02:00
java/shujit||2011-07-13|Has expired: ancient version of Java
net-im/skype12||2011-07-13|Has expired: very old version
2012-01-29 16:44:24 +01:00
net-p2p/tvrss||2011-07-14|tvrss site does not exist anymore
2011-07-15 00:27:59 +02:00
2011-07-17 16:27:53 +02:00
graphics/crystalspace||2011-07-17|Has expired: has been broken for a year
2011-07-18 19:13:32 +02:00
mail/qmail-vida||2011-07-18|Has expired: UID collisions, IGNOREd for four years with no-one caring
2011-07-21 10:39:40 +02:00
java/jdk13|java/jdk15|2011-07-21|Has expired: ancient version of Java
java/linux-sun-jdk13|java/linux-sun-jdk15|2011-07-21|Has expired: ancient version of Java
2011-07-21 11:48:33 +02:00
java/jboss3||2011-07-21|Has expired: Depends on expired Java 1.4
textproc/galax||2011-07-21|Has expired: Depends on expired Java 1.4
2011-07-21 13:22:41 +02:00
devel/colorer||2011-07-21|Has expired: Depends on deprecated Java 1.4
security/jce_policy14||2011-07-21|Has expired: Only for Java 1.4, which is deprecated
2011-07-21 13:56:54 +02:00
java/linux-blackdown-jdk14||2011-07-21|Has expired: ancient version of Java
2011-07-21 14:06:18 +02:00
java/linux-sun-jdk14|java/linux-sun-jdk15|2011-07-21|Has expired: ancient version of Java
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
2011-07-28 09:16:00 +02:00
dns/dhid||2011-07-28|Has expired: Unmaintained, distfile has changed with no explanation
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
math/librandlib|math/randlib|2011-07-28|Move to a location that matches the name
science/bblimage|science/pyvox|2011-07-28|Track the upstream name change
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net-im/gnome-jabber|net-im/empathy|2011-07-28|Has expired: No longer maintained upstream since 2005; use net-im/empathy instead
2011-07-30 11:07:46 +02:00
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
2011-07-30 12:31:40 +02:00
mail/rubygem-smtp_tls||2011-07-30|Has expired: no supported version of FreeBSD have < 1.8.7.p72
2011-07-31 10:51:22 +02:00
textproc/pl-hunspell|polish/hunspell|2011-07-31|Move to a better place via repocopy
2011-08-01 00:11:23 +02:00
www/mod_roaming||2011-08-01|Has expired: no supported browser and no further upstream development; see PR 73383
Bye bye abandonwares
2011-08-01 archivers/zipios++: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 astro/sattrack: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/bladeenc: Looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/cdplayer.app: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/id3ed: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/linux-vsound: Abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/mpegaudio: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/mpmf20: Abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/mutemix: abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/phatbeat: abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/pimp3: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/rbscrobbler: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/ripenc: Looks like and abandonware, No more distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmcdplay: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmfmixer: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/wmmixer: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmmp3: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmusic: Looks like an abandonware, no more distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/xmms-kj: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/xmms-pipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/xmms-speex: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/xsidplay: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/xtuner: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 06:16:36 +02:00
archivers/zipios++||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
astro/sattrack||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
audio/bladeenc||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware
audio/cdplayer.app||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares
2011-08-01 archivers/zipios++: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 astro/sattrack: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/bladeenc: Looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/cdplayer.app: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/id3ed: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/linux-vsound: Abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/mpegaudio: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/mpmf20: Abandonware
2011-08-01 audio/mutemix: abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/phatbeat: abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/pimp3: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/rbscrobbler: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/ripenc: Looks like and abandonware, No more distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmcdplay: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmfmixer: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/wmmixer: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmmp3: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/wmusic: Looks like an abandonware, no more distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/xmms-kj: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 audio/xmms-pipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/xmms-speex: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/xsidplay: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 audio/xtuner: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 06:16:36 +02:00
audio/linux-vsound||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware
audio/mpegaudio||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
audio/mpmf20||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware
audio/mutemix||2011-08-01|Has expired: abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/phatbeat||2011-08-01|Has expired: abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/pimp3||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
audio/rbscrobbler||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/ripenc||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/wmcdplay||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/wmfmixer||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/wmmp3||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/wmusic||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/xmms-kj||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/xmms-pipe||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/xmms-speex||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/xsidplay||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
audio/xtuner||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
benchmarks/rawio||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 2)
2011-08-01 benchmarks/rawio: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 benchmarks/tmetric: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 biology/L-Breeder: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/crimap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/distribfold: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 biology/kinemage: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/lsysexp: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/chm2html: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/ntuttf: No more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 chinese/reciteword: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/tocps: No more pulic distfiles
2011-08-01 chinese/xttmgr: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/mserver: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 comms/qicosi: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/sms_client: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/smstools: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 converters/siconv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 converters/utf8conv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/pgcluster: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-MySQL: Please use databases/py-MySQLdb instead
2011-08-01 databases/py-SQLDict: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-rrdpipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/sybase_ase: no more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 06:29:44 +02:00
benchmarks/tmetric||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
biology/L-Breeder||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
biology/crimap||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
biology/distribfold||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more upstream, looks like abandonware
biology/kinemage||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
biology/lsysexp||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
chinese/chm2html||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 2)
2011-08-01 benchmarks/rawio: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 benchmarks/tmetric: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 biology/L-Breeder: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/crimap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/distribfold: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 biology/kinemage: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/lsysexp: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/chm2html: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/ntuttf: No more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 chinese/reciteword: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/tocps: No more pulic distfiles
2011-08-01 chinese/xttmgr: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/mserver: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 comms/qicosi: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/sms_client: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/smstools: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 converters/siconv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 converters/utf8conv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/pgcluster: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-MySQL: Please use databases/py-MySQLdb instead
2011-08-01 databases/py-SQLDict: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-rrdpipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/sybase_ase: no more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 06:29:44 +02:00
chinese/ntuttf||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles available
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
chinese/tocps||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles available
chinese/xttmgr||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
comms/mserver||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
comms/qicosi||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
comms/sms_client||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
comms/smstools||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
converters/siconv||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
converters/utf8conv||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
databases/pgcluster||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 2)
2011-08-01 benchmarks/rawio: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 benchmarks/tmetric: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 biology/L-Breeder: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/crimap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/distribfold: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 biology/kinemage: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/lsysexp: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/chm2html: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/ntuttf: No more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 chinese/reciteword: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/tocps: No more pulic distfiles
2011-08-01 chinese/xttmgr: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/mserver: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 comms/qicosi: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/sms_client: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/smstools: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 converters/siconv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 converters/utf8conv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/pgcluster: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-MySQL: Please use databases/py-MySQLdb instead
2011-08-01 databases/py-SQLDict: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-rrdpipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/sybase_ase: no more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 06:29:44 +02:00
databases/py-MySQL||2011-08-01|Has expired: Please use databases/py-MySQLdb instead
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
databases/py-SQLDict||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
databases/py-rrdpipe||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 2)
2011-08-01 benchmarks/rawio: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 benchmarks/tmetric: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 biology/L-Breeder: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/crimap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/distribfold: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 biology/kinemage: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 biology/lsysexp: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/chm2html: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/ntuttf: No more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 chinese/reciteword: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 chinese/tocps: No more pulic distfiles
2011-08-01 chinese/xttmgr: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/mserver: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 comms/qicosi: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/sms_client: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 comms/smstools: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 converters/siconv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 converters/utf8conv: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/pgcluster: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-MySQL: Please use databases/py-MySQLdb instead
2011-08-01 databases/py-SQLDict: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/py-rrdpipe: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 databases/sybase_ase: no more public distfiles available
2011-08-01 06:29:44 +02:00
databases/sybase_ase||2011-08-01|Has expired: no more public distfiles available
Bye bye abandonwares (part 3)
2011-08-01 deskutils/gkrellm-timers: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/py-tagfu: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/taskstep: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/c_c++_reference: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/libcoyotl: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/libfs++: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/mkmf: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/p5-Include: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/rubygem-newgem: broken since 2010/09/22
2011-08-01 devel/tpg: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/amphetamine: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/anagramarama: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/connect4
2011-08-01 games/wrogue: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 graphics/xmms-msa: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 japanese/chimera: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/drpl: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/dvi2tty: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/easypr: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/elisp-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/emacs-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ircII: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/jhd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/libjconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/mimekit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/nethack32: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/paledit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/plain2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/recjis: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/typist: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/weblint97: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xmsgsaver: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xshodo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-euc: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-sjis: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xyagamo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 07:01:13 +02:00
deskutils/gkrellm-timers||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfile
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
deskutils/py-tagfu||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
deskutils/taskstep||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 3)
2011-08-01 deskutils/gkrellm-timers: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/py-tagfu: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/taskstep: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/c_c++_reference: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/libcoyotl: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/libfs++: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/mkmf: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/p5-Include: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/rubygem-newgem: broken since 2010/09/22
2011-08-01 devel/tpg: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/amphetamine: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/anagramarama: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/connect4
2011-08-01 games/wrogue: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 graphics/xmms-msa: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 japanese/chimera: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/drpl: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/dvi2tty: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/easypr: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/elisp-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/emacs-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ircII: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/jhd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/libjconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/mimekit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/nethack32: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/paledit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/plain2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/recjis: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/typist: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/weblint97: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xmsgsaver: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xshodo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-euc: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-sjis: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xyagamo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 07:01:13 +02:00
devel/c_c++_reference||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
devel/libcoyotl||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
devel/libfs++||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
devel/mkmf||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 3)
2011-08-01 deskutils/gkrellm-timers: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/py-tagfu: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/taskstep: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/c_c++_reference: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/libcoyotl: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/libfs++: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/mkmf: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/p5-Include: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/rubygem-newgem: broken since 2010/09/22
2011-08-01 devel/tpg: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/amphetamine: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/anagramarama: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/connect4
2011-08-01 games/wrogue: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 graphics/xmms-msa: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 japanese/chimera: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/drpl: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/dvi2tty: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/easypr: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/elisp-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/emacs-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ircII: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/jhd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/libjconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/mimekit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/nethack32: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/paledit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/plain2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/recjis: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/typist: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/weblint97: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xmsgsaver: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xshodo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-euc: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-sjis: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xyagamo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 07:01:13 +02:00
devel/p5-Include||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/rubygem-newgem||2011-08-01|Has expired: broken since 2010/09/22
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
devel/tpg||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
games/amphetamine||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
games/anagramarama||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 3)
2011-08-01 deskutils/gkrellm-timers: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/py-tagfu: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/taskstep: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/c_c++_reference: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/libcoyotl: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/libfs++: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/mkmf: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/p5-Include: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/rubygem-newgem: broken since 2010/09/22
2011-08-01 devel/tpg: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/amphetamine: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/anagramarama: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/connect4
2011-08-01 games/wrogue: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 graphics/xmms-msa: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 japanese/chimera: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/drpl: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/dvi2tty: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/easypr: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/elisp-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/emacs-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ircII: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/jhd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/libjconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/mimekit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/nethack32: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/paledit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/plain2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/recjis: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/typist: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/weblint97: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xmsgsaver: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xshodo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-euc: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-sjis: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xyagamo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 07:01:13 +02:00
games/connect4||2011-08-01|Has expired
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
games/wrogue||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
graphics/xmms-msa||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/chimera||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/drpl||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/easypr||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/elisp-manual||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/emacs-manual||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/ewipe||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/ircII||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/jhd||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/libjconv||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/mimekit||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/nethack32||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/paledit||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/recjis||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/typist||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/weblint97||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/xmsgsaver||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
japanese/xshodo||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 3)
2011-08-01 deskutils/gkrellm-timers: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/py-tagfu: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 deskutils/taskstep: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/c_c++_reference: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/libcoyotl: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/libfs++: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/mkmf: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 devel/p5-Include: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 devel/rubygem-newgem: broken since 2010/09/22
2011-08-01 devel/tpg: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/amphetamine: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/anagramarama: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 games/connect4
2011-08-01 games/wrogue: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 graphics/xmms-msa: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfile
2011-08-01 japanese/chimera: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/drpl: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/dvi2tty: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/easypr: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/elisp-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/emacs-manual: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/ircII: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/jhd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/libjconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/mimekit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/nethack32: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/paledit: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/plain2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/recjis: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/typist: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/weblint97: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xmsgsaver: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xshodo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-euc: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xvi-sjis: No more public distfiles
2011-08-01 japanese/xyagamo: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 07:01:13 +02:00
japanese/xvi-euc||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
japanese/xvi-sjis||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
japanese/xyagamo||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
korean/a2ps||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
korean/bitchx||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
korean/elm||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
korean/linuxdoc-sgml||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
korean/mod_url||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
korean/nh2ps||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 4)
2011-08-01 korean/a2ps: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 korean/bitchx: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/elm: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/linuxdoc-sgml: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/mod_url: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/nh2ps: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/pinetreefonts: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 mail/bincimap: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 mail/cmail: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 math/hexcalc: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 math/qgfe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/gkrellmfmonitor2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/gkx86info: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 multimedia/goggles: Abandonware, see: http://www.fifthplanet.net/2010/01/dead-projects-goggles-dvd-player.html
2011-08-01 multimedia/ldvd: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/linux-divx4linux: No more needed
2011-08-01 multimedia/linux-divx4linux4: No more needed
2011-08-01 multimedia/ogle: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/ogle-gui: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/okle: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/subconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net/callgen323: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net/lyntin: No longer under active development
2011-08-01 net/py-rt: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 net/rwhoisd: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 net/traffic: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-07-23 net-im/gnomeicu: No longer maintain by upstream, use net-im/empathy instead
2011-08-01 net-mgmt/trafd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net-p2p/gkrellm-gift: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 news/bgrab: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 news/rkive: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 polish/sap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 print/nenscript: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:24:51 +02:00
korean/pinetreefonts||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfile
mail/bincimap||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfile
mail/cmail||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfile
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
math/hexcalc||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
math/qgfe||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
misc/ewipe||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
misc/gkrellmfmonitor2||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
misc/gkx86info||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 4)
2011-08-01 korean/a2ps: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 korean/bitchx: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/elm: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/linuxdoc-sgml: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/mod_url: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/nh2ps: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/pinetreefonts: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 mail/bincimap: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 mail/cmail: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 math/hexcalc: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 math/qgfe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/gkrellmfmonitor2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/gkx86info: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 multimedia/goggles: Abandonware, see: http://www.fifthplanet.net/2010/01/dead-projects-goggles-dvd-player.html
2011-08-01 multimedia/ldvd: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/linux-divx4linux: No more needed
2011-08-01 multimedia/linux-divx4linux4: No more needed
2011-08-01 multimedia/ogle: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/ogle-gui: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/okle: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/subconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net/callgen323: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net/lyntin: No longer under active development
2011-08-01 net/py-rt: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 net/rwhoisd: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 net/traffic: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-07-23 net-im/gnomeicu: No longer maintain by upstream, use net-im/empathy instead
2011-08-01 net-mgmt/trafd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net-p2p/gkrellm-gift: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 news/bgrab: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 news/rkive: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 polish/sap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 print/nenscript: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:24:51 +02:00
multimedia/goggles||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware, see: http://www.fifthplanet.net/2010/01/dead-projects-goggles-dvd-player.html
multimedia/ldvd||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware
multimedia/linux-divx4linux||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more needed
multimedia/linux-divx4linux4||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more needed
multimedia/ogle||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware
multimedia/ogle-gui||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware
multimedia/okle||2011-08-01|Has expired: Abandonware
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
multimedia/subconv||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
net/callgen323||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 4)
2011-08-01 korean/a2ps: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 korean/bitchx: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/elm: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/linuxdoc-sgml: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/mod_url: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/nh2ps: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 korean/pinetreefonts: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 mail/bincimap: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 mail/cmail: No more public distfile
2011-08-01 math/hexcalc: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 math/qgfe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/ewipe: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/gkrellmfmonitor2: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 misc/gkx86info: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 multimedia/goggles: Abandonware, see: http://www.fifthplanet.net/2010/01/dead-projects-goggles-dvd-player.html
2011-08-01 multimedia/ldvd: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/linux-divx4linux: No more needed
2011-08-01 multimedia/linux-divx4linux4: No more needed
2011-08-01 multimedia/ogle: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/ogle-gui: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/okle: Abandonware
2011-08-01 multimedia/subconv: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net/callgen323: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net/lyntin: No longer under active development
2011-08-01 net/py-rt: No more public distfiles, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-01 net/rwhoisd: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 net/traffic: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-07-23 net-im/gnomeicu: No longer maintain by upstream, use net-im/empathy instead
2011-08-01 net-mgmt/trafd: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 net-p2p/gkrellm-gift: Look like an abandonware, no more public distifles
2011-08-01 news/bgrab: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 news/rkive: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 polish/sap: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 print/nenscript: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:24:51 +02:00
net/lyntin||2011-08-01|Has expired: No longer under active development
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
net/py-rt||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
net/traffic||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net-im/gnomeicu||2011-08-01|Has expired: No longer maintained upstream, use net-im/empathy instead
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
net-mgmt/trafd||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
net-p2p/gkrellm-gift||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
news/bgrab||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
news/rkive||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
polish/sap||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 5)
2011-08-08 russian/messarge: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 russian/pgp.language: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/ifd-gempc410: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/libidea: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/rain: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/Tee: Has expired: No more public distfile
2011-08-08 sysutils/curly: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/i855vidctl10: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/ltrace: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/rsyslog3-snmp: Has expired: unsupported upstream
2011-08-08 sysutils/xapply: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/asm2html: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/diff-mode.el: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 vietnamese/gtk-im-vi: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 www/campsite: Has expired: Does not work
2011-08-08 www/p5-PLP: Has expired: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-08 www/wcol: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 x11-toolkits/sdl_gui: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:52:02 +02:00
devel/eboxy||2011-08-01|Removed: depends on expired sdl_gui
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
russian/messarge||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
russian/pgp.language||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
security/ifd-gempc410||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
security/libidea||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
security/rain||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 5)
2011-08-08 russian/messarge: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 russian/pgp.language: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/ifd-gempc410: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/libidea: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/rain: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/Tee: Has expired: No more public distfile
2011-08-08 sysutils/curly: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/i855vidctl10: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/ltrace: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/rsyslog3-snmp: Has expired: unsupported upstream
2011-08-08 sysutils/xapply: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/asm2html: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/diff-mode.el: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 vietnamese/gtk-im-vi: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 www/campsite: Has expired: Does not work
2011-08-08 www/p5-PLP: Has expired: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-08 www/wcol: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 x11-toolkits/sdl_gui: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:52:02 +02:00
sysutils/Tee||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfile
sysutils/i855vidctl10||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
sysutils/ltrace||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 5)
2011-08-08 russian/messarge: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 russian/pgp.language: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/ifd-gempc410: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/libidea: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/rain: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/Tee: Has expired: No more public distfile
2011-08-08 sysutils/curly: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/i855vidctl10: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/ltrace: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/rsyslog3-snmp: Has expired: unsupported upstream
2011-08-08 sysutils/xapply: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/asm2html: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/diff-mode.el: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 vietnamese/gtk-im-vi: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 www/campsite: Has expired: Does not work
2011-08-08 www/p5-PLP: Has expired: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-08 www/wcol: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 x11-toolkits/sdl_gui: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:52:02 +02:00
sysutils/rsyslog3-snmp||2011-08-01|Has expired: unsupported upstream
sysutils/xapply||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
textproc/asm2html||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
textproc/diff-mode.el||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
vietnamese/gtk-im-vi||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
Bye bye abandonwares (part 5)
2011-08-08 russian/messarge: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 russian/pgp.language: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/ifd-gempc410: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/libidea: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 security/rain: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/Tee: Has expired: No more public distfile
2011-08-08 sysutils/curly: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/i855vidctl10: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/ltrace: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 sysutils/rsyslog3-snmp: Has expired: unsupported upstream
2011-08-08 sysutils/xapply: Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/asm2html: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 textproc/diff-mode.el: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 vietnamese/gtk-im-vi: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 www/campsite: Has expired: Does not work
2011-08-08 www/p5-PLP: Has expired: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-08-08 www/wcol: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-08 x11-toolkits/sdl_gui: Has expired: Looks like an abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 07:52:02 +02:00
www/campsite||2011-08-01|Has expired: Does not work
www/p5-PLP||2011-08-01|Has expired: No more upstream, looks like an abandonware
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
www/wcol||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
x11-toolkits/sdl_gui||2011-08-01|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-01 22:14:00 +02:00
www/contenido||2011-08-01|Has expired: ancient version of PHP needed
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
audio/rio||2011-08-02|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-08-02 08:31:29 +02:00
audio/ruby-musicextras||2011-08-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
deskutils/sshmenu||2011-08-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
japanese/gsuica||2011-08-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
science/gave||2011-08-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
x11-themes/gnome-art||2011-08-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
x11-themes/gnome-splashscreen-manager||2011-08-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
devel/simian||2011-08-02|Removed BROKEN for more than 6 months
databases/mysql-gui-tools||2011-08-02|Removed BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-08-02 11:32:59 +02:00
www/adblock|www/xpi-adblock|2011-08-02|Depends on obsolete SeaMonkey 1.1
www/bugmenot|www/bugmenot-firefox|2011-08-02|Depends on obsolete SeaMonkey 1.1
www/mozex|www/xpi-mozex|2011-08-02|Depends on obsolete SeaMonkey 1.1
www/preferential||2011-08-02|Depends on obsolete SeaMonkey 1.1
2011-08-03 08:49:58 +02:00
comms/ruby-serialport||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
databases/ruby-search-namazu||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
databases/ruby-sqlite||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
databases/rubygem-kirbybase||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-eet||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-filelock||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-filemagic||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-metaruby||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-poll||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-rrb||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-strongtyping||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
devel/ruby-textbuf||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
graphics/ruby-graph||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
graphics/ruby-libpng||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
japanese/ruby-kakasi||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
lang/ruby-extensions||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
lang/ruby-lua||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
lang/ruby-perl||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
mail/ruby-tmail||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
math/ruby-bitset||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
math/ruby-bitvector||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
math/ruby-gmp||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
net/ruby-mpi||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
net/ruby-nis||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
net/ruby-pcap||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
net/ruby-romp||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
net/ruby-spread||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
print/ruby-pdflib||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
security/ruby-aes||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
security/ruby-blowfish||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
security/ruby-cast_256||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
security/ruby-mcrypt||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
security/ruby-pam||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
sysutils/ruby-log4r||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-csv||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-formvalidator||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-gdome||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-htmltools||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-nqxml||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-quixml||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-raspell||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-tempura||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
textproc/ruby-xtemplate||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
www/ruby-tmpl||2011-08-03|Has expired: Doesn't work with Ruby 1.9
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
x11/gcursor||2011-08-03|No longer maintained upstream
www/firefox35||2011-08-03|Has expired: Upstream support dropped. Please consider using www/firefox instead
www/firefox35-i18n||2011-08-03|Has expired: Upstream support dropped. Please consider using www/firefox-i18n instead
2011-08-05 12:29:49 +02:00
graphics/leptonlib|graphics/leptonica|2011-08-05|Follow upstream name change
2011-08-06 18:54:47 +02:00
lang/gnustep-libobjc|lang/libobjc2|2011-08-06|Replaced with libobjc2
2011-08-08 16:08:09 +02:00
sysutils/p5-mogilefs-server|sysutils/p5-MogileFS-Server|2011-08-08|Move to a better place via repocopy
2011-08-09 13:30:05 +02:00
devel/fossology||2011-08-09|Has expired: Broken for four months with no-one caring
2011-08-10 18:18:32 +02:00
deskutils/alexandria||2011-08-10|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome removes dependencies
security/drweb||2011-08-10|Has expired: fails to fetch (website rearranged)
security/drweb-postfix||2011-08-10|Has expired: fails to fetch (website rearranged)
security/drweb-qmail||2011-08-10|Has expired: fails to fetch (website rearranged)
security/drweb-sendmail||2011-08-10|Has expired: fails to fetch (website rearranged)
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
math/hs-category-extras||2011-08-14|Removed: this package is obsolete
2011-08-14 18:15:01 +02:00
2011-08-14 20:02:34 +02:00
java/jdk14-doc|java/jdk16-doc|2011-08-14|Removed: jdk14 has been removed
2011-08-15 00:38:49 +02:00
audio/coverhunter||2011-08-14|Has expired: required Amazon Developer Tokens are no longer available
2011-08-15 01:05:51 +02:00
databases/gauche-gdbm||2011-08-14|Has expired: has been broken for more than a year
www/wiliki||2011-08-14|Removed: depends on expired gauche-gdbm
mail/scmail||2011-08-14|Removed: depends on expired gauche-gdbm
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
x11-themes/fluxbox-sid-pack||2011-08-14|Has expired: No longer maintained upstream
2011-08-15 09:52:37 +02:00
2011-08-16 07:54:55 +02:00
lang/ocamlduce||2011-08-16|Has expired: has been broken for over a year
2011-08-16 22:55:42 +02:00
devel/cl-asdf-binary-locations||2011-08-16|Obsoleted by ASDF 2 capabilities
2011-08-17 07:46:57 +02:00
devel/py-istring||2011-08-17|Has expired: port is unmaintained and broken
2011-08-22 10:41:28 +02:00
mail/sylpheed3|mail/sylpheed|2011-08-22|Removed: please use mail/sylpheed instead
2011-08-24 08:23:17 +02:00
www/p5-FastCGI|www/p5-FCGI|2011-08-23|Rename to reflect official module name
2011-08-26 01:17:17 +02:00
databases/db51|databases/db5|2011-08-26|Removed: please use the newer databases/db5 instead
2011-08-30 08:40:46 +02:00
chinese/firebird||2011-08-30|Has expired: Broken, maintainer timed out, untouched for five years
www/drupal5-securepages||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-xmlsitemap||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-token||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-cck||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-disknode||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-views||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-ubercart||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-taxonomy_access||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-insert-view||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-thickbox||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-taxonomy_ticker||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-tinymce||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-adsense||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-tagadelic||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-imagefield||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-nodewords||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-bluebreeze||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-imagecache||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-nice_menus||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-ubrowser||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-google_analytics||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-bookreview||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-tapir||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-i18n||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-simplenews||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
www/drupal5-workflow_ng||2011-08-30|Has expired: Use drupal[67] instead
2011-09-01 08:47:46 +02:00
astro/gkrellmoon||2011-09-01|Has expired: Abandonware
astro/spacechart||2011-09-01|Has expired: Abandonware
audio/adpcm||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
audio/aube||2011-09-01|Has expired: Abandonware
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
audio/festvox-aec||2011-09-01|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-09-01 08:47:46 +02:00
audio/gtkgep||2011-09-01|Has expired: Abandonware
audio/gtkhirad||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
audio/opmixer||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more upstream
audio/swami||2011-09-01|Has expired: Abandonware
audio/xmms-sndstretch||2011-09-01|Has expired: No Master Site
cad/linux-gid||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
chinese/gbscript||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
chinese/mplayer-fonts||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
chinese/oxford||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
chinese/vflib||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
databases/mysql++||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
databases/mysql_last_value||2011-09-01|Has expired: No Master Site
databases/p5-DBIx-Table||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-09-01 09:03:48 +02:00
deskutils/gkrellm-gtodo||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
deskutils/xopps||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/adocman||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/bisongen||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
devel/crow||2011-09-01|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-09-01 09:03:48 +02:00
devel/p5-Config-INI-MVP||2011-09-01|Has expired: Disappear from CPAN
devel/p5-Date-Set||2011-09-01|Has expired: Disappear from CPAN
devel/p5-File-FTS||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/p5-PerlMenu||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/p5-Proc-PIDFile||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-exports||2011-09-01|Has expired: Disappear from CPAN
devel/ruby-rbtree||2011-09-01|Has expired: No Master Site
dns/host||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
emulators/linux-padjoy||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
emulators/mame-extras||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-09-03 09:23:04 +02:00
emulators/snespp||2011-09-01|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-09-01 09:03:48 +02:00
emulators/xgs||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
ftp/gproftpd||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
ftp/muddleftpd||2011-09-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-09-03 11:38:44 +02:00
audio/gx2osd||2011-09-03|Has expired: No more public distfiles
devel/p5-Getopt-Mixed||2011-09-03|Use devel/p5-Getopt-Long instead
net/AquaGatekeeper2||2011-09-03|Binary port of software abandoned by the vendor
net/xwhois||2011-09-03|Unmaintained upstream for several years
www/p5-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-POE||2011-09-03|Use p5-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-Prefork instead
www/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC||2011-09-03|Obsoleted by www/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap||2011-09-03|Deprecated, not depended on
2012-01-16 04:07:03 +01:00
www/p5-HTTP-MobileAttribute||2011-09-03|Use www/p5-HTTP-MobileAgent instead
2011-09-03 16:56:36 +02:00
irc/ptlink-ircd||2011-09-03|Has expired: No upstream source, no distfile and no maintainer
irc/ptlink-services||2011-09-03|Has expired: No upstream source, no distfile and no maintainer
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/mediawiki115||2011-09-03|Unsupported upstream
2011-09-04 01:55:57 +02:00
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC||2011-09-03|Use p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class instead
2011-09-05 04:28:40 +02:00
net/uproxy||2011-09-04|Master site disappeared, abandonware
2011-09-05 11:46:11 +02:00
x11/ebuttons||2011-09-05|Has expired: Website has disappeared
cad/oregano||2011-09-05|Has expired: Website has disappeared
devel/jakelib2||2011-09-05|Has expired: Website has disappeared
2011-09-07 11:30:17 +02:00
x11-wm/epiwm||2011-09-07|Has expired: Abandonware
x11-toolkits/p5-GdkPixbuf||2011-09-07|Has expired: Disappear from CPAN
x11-toolkits/XawPlus||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
x11-fonts/gnome-font-sampler||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/xitami||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/webredirect||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/webglimpse||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/squishdot||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/py-forgethtml||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/mmosaic||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/ljsm||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/ljpms||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/ashe||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
textproc/europass-xsl||2011-09-07|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-09-07 11:30:17 +02:00
textproc/carthage||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-09-07 12:10:11 +02:00
korean/hlatexfonts-ocf||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
korean/pgp.language||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/xgammon||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
korean/hanIM||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
misc/gplbp||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
net/vyqchat||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
news/xmitbin||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/tvp||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/glasteroids||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
korean/hanmiscutils||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
net-p2p/hagelslag||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/cgoban2||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/krosswordplayer||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
korean/helvis||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
print/mgv||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
japanese/linux-JM||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/xlines||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/xgame||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
net/ttt||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/merlin||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/slige||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/wmtimebomb||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
net-mgmt/cfgstoragemk||2011-09-07|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-09-09 10:20:59 +02:00
mail/libspf2-10||2011-09-09|Vulnerable, use mail/libspf2 instead
mail/postfix-policyd-spf||2011-09-09|Relies on vulnerable mail/libspf2-10
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
multimedia/bmpx||2011-09-11|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
editors/openoffice.org-2|editors/openoffice.org-3|2011-09-20|Unsupported upstream and vulnerable
2011-09-21 21:14:02 +02:00
2011-09-22 08:26:46 +02:00
www/ruby-http-access||2011-09-22|Has expired: Deprecated upstream, please use www/rubygem-httpclient
sysutils/wots||2011-09-22|Has expired: No more public distfiles
sysutils/gpart||2011-09-22|Has expired: Upstream disappeared
sysutils/plod||2011-09-22|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
sysutils/checkservice||2011-09-22|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
security/nsm-console||2011-09-22|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-09-22 08:26:46 +02:00
security/fressh||2011-09-22|Has expired: No more public distfiles
palm/pose||2011-09-22|Has expired: No more public distfiles
palm/isilo||2011-09-22|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
news/ija||2011-09-22|Has expired: BROKEN for more than 6 months
2011-09-22 08:26:46 +02:00
news/PicMonger||2011-09-22|Has expired: Abandonware
2011-09-23 03:52:47 +02:00
net/py-zopeproxy|net/py-zope.proxy|2011-09-23|Removed: please use net/py-zope.proxy instead
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
devel/libnotifymm||2011-09-23|Has expired: Doesn't build and isn't used by anything
2011-09-23 15:25:21 +02:00
games/abuse||2011-09-23|Has expired: BROKEN after games/abuse_sdl update
security/donkey||2011-09-23|Has expired: No more public distfiles
graphics/moth||2011-09-23|Has expired: No more public distfiles
net-mgmt/aguri||2011-09-23|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/senso||2011-09-23|Has expired: No more public distfiles
net-im/jabber-users-agent||2011-09-23|Has expired: No more public distfiles
games/cchess||2011-09-23|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2011-09-26 22:49:55 +02:00
devel/git-annex|devel/hs-git-annex|2011-09-26|It has become a Cabal transcript
2011-09-30 00:03:02 +02:00
devel/py-zopetesting|devel/py-zope.testing|2011-09-27|Removed: please use devel/py-zope.testing instead
2011-09-27 19:42:48 +02:00
astro/boinc-milkyway||2011-09-27|No more useful
2011-09-27 21:42:14 +02:00
www/linux-firefox-devel|www/linux-firefox|2011-09-27|Older than www/linux-firefox
2011-09-28 08:24:33 +02:00
graphics/pgperl|graphics/p5-PGPLOT|2011-09-28|Move to a better place via repocopy
2011-09-30 00:03:02 +02:00
devel/py-zopeInterface|devel/py-zope.interface|2011-09-29|Removed: please use devel/py-zope.interface instead
As previously advertised, remove ports that previously had been
DEPRECATED without EXPIRATION_DATE, and the ports that depend
on them.
Use audio/firefly instead
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use gnash instead
Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use graphics/gnash, \
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Disappear from CPAN
No longer supported by fvwm.org
2011-09-30 10:58:22 +02:00
audio/mt-daapd||2011-09-30|Use audio/firefly instead
databases/p5-DBIx-Class-Validation||2011-09-30|Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor||2011-09-30|Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
graphics/libflash||2011-09-30|gplflash is no longer supported, please use gnash instead
As previously advertised, remove ports that previously had been
DEPRECATED without EXPIRATION_DATE, and the ports that depend
on them.
Use audio/firefly instead
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use gnash instead
Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use graphics/gnash, \
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Disappear from CPAN
No longer supported by fvwm.org
2011-09-30 10:58:22 +02:00
graphics/flashplayer||2011-09-30|Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
japanese/p5-FormValidator-Simple-Plugin-Number-Phone-JP||2011-09-30|Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
net/p5-OAuth-Lite||2011-09-30|Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
net-mgmt/py-snmp||2011-09-30|Use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
As previously advertised, remove ports that previously had been
DEPRECATED without EXPIRATION_DATE, and the ports that depend
on them.
Use audio/firefly instead
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use gnash instead
Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use graphics/gnash, \
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Disappear from CPAN
No longer supported by fvwm.org
2011-09-30 10:58:22 +02:00
net-mgmt/py-twistedSNMP||2011-09-30|Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
net-p2p/gift||2011-09-30|Unmaintained upstream for several years
net-p2p/giftcurs||2011-09-30|Unmaintained upstream for several years
net-p2p/giftoxic||2011-09-30|Unmaintained upstream for several years
net-p2p/giftui||2011-09-30|Unmaintained upstream for several years
As previously advertised, remove ports that previously had been
DEPRECATED without EXPIRATION_DATE, and the ports that depend
on them.
Use audio/firefly instead
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use gnash instead
Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use graphics/gnash, \
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Disappear from CPAN
No longer supported by fvwm.org
2011-09-30 10:58:22 +02:00
net-p2p/apollon||2011-09-30|Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple||2011-09-30|Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
www/flashplugin-mozilla||2011-09-30|gplflash is no longer supported, please use graphics/gnash
As previously advertised, remove ports that previously had been
DEPRECATED without EXPIRATION_DATE, and the ports that depend
on them.
Use audio/firefly instead
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Please consider using p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped or p5-Moose
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use gnash instead
Depends on DEPRECATED graphics/libflash
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
use net-mgmt/py-snmp4 instead
Relies on net-mgmt/py-snmp, which is DEPRECATED
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
unmaintained upstream for several years
Depends on net-p2p/gift, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
gplflash is no longer supported. Please use graphics/gnash, \
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
Disappear from CPAN
No longer supported by fvwm.org
2011-09-30 10:58:22 +02:00
www/p5-HTML-Widget||2011-09-30|Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart||2011-09-30|Depends on devel/p5-Class-Data-Accessor, which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUD||2011-09-30|Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-Simple||2011-09-30|Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget||2011-09-30|Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
www/asterisk-fop||2011-09-30|Depends on www/flashplugin-mozilla which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-Handel||2011-09-30|Depends on textproc/p5-FormValidator-Simple, which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget||2011-09-30|Depends on www/p5-HTML-Widget, which is DEPRECATED
www/p5-HTML-Widget-DBIC||2011-09-30|Disappear from CPAN
x11-wm/fvwm24||2011-09-30|No longer supported by fvwm.org
As previously advertised, delete ports that have
vulnerabilities listed in portaudit, and those
that depend on them - part 1
Relies on xpm, vulnerable since 2004-09-15
Vulnerable since 2006-10-07
Vulnerable since 2009-12-17
Vulnerable since 2005-07-31
Only works with www/rt36, which is FORBIDDEN
Only works with www/rt36, which is FORBIDDEN
Only works with www/rt36, which is FORBIDDEN
Vulnerable since 2011-02-10
Vulnerable since 2009-02-11
Vulnerable since 2009-12-09
Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
2011-09-30 11:12:36 +02:00
math/mupad||2011-09-30|Relies on xpm, vulnerable since 2004-09-15
net-p2p/torrentflux||2011-09-30|Vulnerable since 2006-10-07
net/tptest||2011-09-30|Vulnerable since 2009-12-17
security/pgp6||2011-09-30|Vulnerable since 2005-07-31
www/p5-RTx-RightsMatrix||2011-09-30|Only works with www/rt36, which is FORBIDDEN
www/p5-RTx-Shredder||2011-09-30|Only works with www/rt36, which is FORBIDDEN
www/p5-RTx-Statistics||2011-09-30|Only works with www/rt36, which is FORBIDDEN
www/plone||2011-09-30|Vulnerable since 2011-02-10
www/rt36||2011-09-30|Vulnerable since 2009-12-09
www/zope-archetypes||2011-09-30|Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
www/zope-calendaring||2011-09-30|Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
www/zope-coreblog2||2011-09-30|Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
www/zope-i18nlayer||2011-09-30|Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
www/zope-plonelanguagetool||2011-09-30|Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
www/zope-simpleblog||2011-09-30|Depends on www/plone, which is FORBIDDEN
2011-10-10 07:20:56 +02:00
dns/nsd2||2011-09-30|EOL since 2007, unsupported. Use dns/nsd instead
2011-10-01 11:49:17 +02:00
audio/orpheus|audio/cmus|2011-10-01|Has expired: Contains problem with autotools, security CVE-2005-3863. Use audio/cmus instead
2011-10-03 18:06:10 +02:00
sysutils/syslog-ng3-devel|sysutils/syslog-ng-devel|2011-10-04|Port renamed
2011-10-04 18:42:09 +02:00
sysutils/cfvers||2011-10-04|Has expired: Dead upstream, author disowns it, use git/hg instead
2011-10-05 01:16:30 +02:00
security/cfs||2011-10-04|Has expired: Locks don't work, ports/137378, unmaintained, dead upstream, insecure
2011-10-05 06:39:22 +02:00
devel/p5-Scalar-Util-Clone||2011-10-05|Disappear from CPAN
2011-10-05 23:47:49 +02:00
print/lyx14||2011-10-05|Has expired: last release in 2007, use print/lyx16 or print/lyx instead
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
multimedia/enjoympeg||2011-10-05|Has expired: Looks like abandonware, no more public distfiles
2011-10-08 03:57:40 +02:00
devel/py-zopeevent|devel/py-zope.event|2011-10-08|Removed: please use devel/py-zope.event instead
2011-10-09 04:47:51 +02:00
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
astro/xrmap||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
2011-10-09 04:47:51 +02:00
databases/xbase||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
databases/xbsql||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/gtkabale||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/battleball||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles, does not compile on ia64 or sparc64
games/race||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/stvef-paks||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/stvef-server||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/tome||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/qkmj||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/oilwar||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/xbaby||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
games/kslide||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
graphics/xmrm||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles, does not compile on amd64 or sparc64
graphics/giftrans||2011-10-08|Upstream disappeared and distfile is not available
graphics/wildmagic||2011-10-08|BROKEN for more than 6 months, does not fetch
irc/ircd-rusnet||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
irc/tkirc||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
korean/mizifont||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
lang/freetxl||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
math/nsc2ke||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
misc/mgp-mode.el||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
multimedia/p5-RIFF-Info||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
net/p5-Net-OpenDHT||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
net/mudix||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
net-im/newsbot||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net-im/gossip||2011-10-08|No longer maintained upstream, use net-im/empathy instead
2011-10-09 04:47:51 +02:00
2011-10-10 08:21:56 +02:00
net-mgmt/nipper||2011-10-08|BROKEN for more than 6 months, does not fetch
2011-10-09 04:47:51 +02:00
net-p2p/mldonkey-serverspy||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
news/p5-Gateway||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
print/epsmerge||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
science/at||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
science/pyvox||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
security/p5-Email-Obfuscate||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
security/libparanoia||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
security/execwrap||2011-10-08|No more public distfiles
2011-10-09 06:23:19 +02:00
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-TRM||2011-10-08|Disappeared from CPAN
mail/p5-Mail-QuoteWrap||2011-10-08|Disappeared from CPAN
www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormCanary||2011-10-08|Disappeared from CPAN
2011-10-09 18:57:06 +02:00
security/snort_inline||2011-10-09|Does not build properly, no longer supported upstream
2011-10-10 09:11:48 +02:00
databases/ruby-pg|databases/rubygem-pg|2011-10-10|Replaced by rubygem-pg
databases/rubygem-postgres|databases/rubygem-pg|2011-10-10|Replaced by rubygem-pg
databases/ruby-postgres|databases/rubygem-pg|2011-10-10|Replaced by rubygem-pg
As previously advertised, complete removal of vulnerable ports that
no one has stepped up to deal with:
archivers/pecl-phar Vulnerable since 2011-01-13
comms/libsyncml Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
databases/mysql323-server Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-client Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-scripts Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-server Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-client Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-scripts Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
Depends on databases/mysql40-server, which is FORBIDDEN
deskutils/buoh Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on comms/libsyncml, which is DEPRECATED
devel/libsoup22 Vulnerable since 2011-07-28
dns/bind9-sdb-ldap Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
dns/bind9-sdb-postgresql Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
ftp/wgetpro Vulnerable since 2004-12-14
games/quake2forge Vulnerable since 2005-01-21
graphics/linux-tiff Vulnerable since 2004-10-13
japanese/mutt Vulnerable since 2007-07-29
japanese/asterisk14-sounds Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk14 Vulnerable since 2011-06-25
net/isc-dhcp31-client Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-server Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-relay Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/asterisk-app-ldap Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk-app-notify Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN, does not compile on sparc64
net/asterisk14-addons Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/astfax Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net-mgmt/nagios2 Vulnerable since 2009-06-30
www/gforge Vulnerable since 2005-08-09
www/linux-flashplugin7 Vulnerable since at least 2008-05-30
www/opera-devel Vulnerable since 2010-06-25, does not fetch
www/plone3 Vulnerable and unsupported upstream
www/serendipity-devel Vulnerable since 2008-04-25
www/ziproxy Vulnerable since 2010-06-15
www/asterisk-gui Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
x11-toolkits/linux-pango Vulnerable since 2009-05-13
2011-10-15 00:30:49 +02:00
archivers/pecl-phar||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-01-13
comms/libsyncml||2011-10-14|Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
databases/mysql323-server||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-client||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-scripts||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-server||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-client||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-scripts||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/p5-DBD-mysql40||2011-10-14|Depends on databases/mysql40-server, which is FORBIDDEN
deskutils/buoh||2011-10-14|Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
deskutils/libopensync-plugin-syncml||2011-10-14|Depends on comms/libsyncml, which is DEPRECATED
devel/libsoup22||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-07-28
dns/bind9-sdb-ldap||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
dns/bind9-sdb-postgresql||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
ftp/wgetpro||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2004-12-14
games/quake2forge||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2005-01-21
japanese/mutt||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2007-07-29
japanese/asterisk14-sounds||2011-10-14|Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
2011-10-15 01:00:43 +02:00
net/isc-dhcp3-devel||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
As previously advertised, complete removal of vulnerable ports that
no one has stepped up to deal with:
archivers/pecl-phar Vulnerable since 2011-01-13
comms/libsyncml Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
databases/mysql323-server Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-client Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql323-scripts Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-server Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-client Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
databases/mysql40-scripts Vulnerable since 2006-10-29
Depends on databases/mysql40-server, which is FORBIDDEN
deskutils/buoh Depends on devel/libsoup22, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on comms/libsyncml, which is DEPRECATED
devel/libsoup22 Vulnerable since 2011-07-28
dns/bind9-sdb-ldap Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
dns/bind9-sdb-postgresql Vulnerable since 2011-06-04
ftp/wgetpro Vulnerable since 2004-12-14
games/quake2forge Vulnerable since 2005-01-21
graphics/linux-tiff Vulnerable since 2004-10-13
japanese/mutt Vulnerable since 2007-07-29
japanese/asterisk14-sounds Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk14 Vulnerable since 2011-06-25
net/isc-dhcp31-client Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-server Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-relay Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/asterisk-app-ldap Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk-app-notify Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN, does not compile on sparc64
net/asterisk14-addons Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/astfax Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net-mgmt/nagios2 Vulnerable since 2009-06-30
www/gforge Vulnerable since 2005-08-09
www/linux-flashplugin7 Vulnerable since at least 2008-05-30
www/opera-devel Vulnerable since 2010-06-25, does not fetch
www/plone3 Vulnerable and unsupported upstream
www/serendipity-devel Vulnerable since 2008-04-25
www/ziproxy Vulnerable since 2010-06-15
www/asterisk-gui Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
x11-toolkits/linux-pango Vulnerable since 2009-05-13
2011-10-15 00:30:49 +02:00
net/isc-dhcp31-client||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-server||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/isc-dhcp31-relay||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2011-04-10
net/asterisk-app-ldap||2011-10-14|Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/asterisk-app-notify||2011-10-14|Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net/astfax||2011-10-14|Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
net-mgmt/nagios2||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2009-06-30
www/gforge||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2005-08-09
www/linux-flashplugin7||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since at least 2008-05-30
www/plone3||2011-10-14|Vulnerable and unsupported upstream
www/serendipity-devel||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2008-04-25
www/ziproxy||2011-10-14|Vulnerable since 2010-06-15
www/asterisk-gui||2011-10-14|Depends on net/asterisk14, which is FORBIDDEN
2011-10-15 01:29:43 +02:00
databases/dbmetrix||2011-10-14|Depends on databases/mysql323-client, which is FORBIDDEN
databases/xmysqladmin||2011-10-14|Depends on databases/mysql323-client, which is FORBIDDEN
2011-10-16 16:31:47 +02:00
devel/subversion-freebsd||2011-10-16|Merged with devel/subversion
2011-10-17 02:03:42 +02:00
accessibility/ktts|accessibility/jovie|2011-10-16|Renamed upstream
misc/konq-plugins-kde4||2011-10-16|Merged with x11/kde4-baseapps
misc/nepomukcontroller||2011-10-16|Merged with x11/kde4-runtime
x11/kdebase4|x11/kde4-baseapps|2011-10-16|Renamed upstream
x11/kdebase4-runtime|x11/kde4-runtime|2011-10-16|Renamed upstream
x11/kdebase4-workspace|x11/kde4-workspace|2011-10-16|Renamed upstream
2011-10-19 17:21:58 +02:00
deskutils/lightning|www/seamonkey|2011-10-19|Superseded by LIGHTNING option in SeaMonkey
deskutils/lightning-thunderbird|mail/thunderbird|2011-10-19|Superseded by LIGHTNING option in Thunderbird
2011-10-19 17:51:24 +02:00
mail/enigmail-seamonkey2|mail/enigmail-seamonkey|2011-10-19|Depends on outdated and vulnerable SeaMonkey 2.0
2011-10-19 18:00:44 +02:00
www/seamonkey2-i18n|www/seamonkey-i18n|2011-10-19|Depends on outdated and vulnerable SeaMonkey 2.0
www/seamonkey2|www/seamonkey|2011-10-19|Upstream support dropped and multiple vulnerabilities
2011-10-20 23:06:10 +02:00
security/py-arm||2011-10-20|Renamed to security/arm
2011-10-22 16:56:47 +02:00
devel/boost-pyste||2011-10-22|Has expired: Still requires GCC 3.4 (strictly) and gccxml which is deprecated (and has been broken for a while)
2011-10-22 17:21:25 +02:00
devel/gccxml||2011-10-22|Has expired: Unmaintained upstream, still requires GCC 3.4 (strictly), just used by boost-pyste which is of archeological interest only itself
2011-10-23 16:20:33 +02:00
java/java-tutorial||2011-10-23|Has expired: disappeared from vendor a long time ago
2011-10-23 16:27:41 +02:00
lang/smarteiffel||2011-10-23|Has expired: Dead upstream, broken on amd64 with gcc>4
2011-10-24 20:21:36 +02:00
sysutils/syslog-ng1||2011-10-24|Has expired: Suggested by syslog-ng upline, no longer supported
2011-10-25 07:38:12 +02:00
www/tomcat41||2011-10-24|No more upstream support
2011-10-25 07:46:50 +02:00
graphics/gnash-devel||2011-10-24|Outdated, use graphics/gnash instead
2011-10-25 11:29:59 +02:00
net-p2p/transmisson-remote-gui||2011-10-25|Renamed to net-p2p/transmission-remote-gui
2011-10-26 05:43:30 +02:00
x11-wm/fvwm2-devel||2011-10-25|Has expired: No longer supported by fvwm.org
2011-10-27 11:28:17 +02:00
devel/py-myghtyutils||2011-10-27|Has expired: Merged into Beaker; use www/py-beaker instead
www/myghty||2011-10-27|Has expired: Upstream suggests textproc/py-mako instead
2011-10-27 14:29:42 +02:00
astro/weatherget||2011-10-27|Has expired: Broken b/c of weather.com new licensing rules not agreed by author
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
devel/py-reverse||2011-10-27|Has expired: now part of pylint
devel/py-vmaps||2011-10-27|Has expired: author recommends using math/py-numpy instead
2011-10-28 03:41:59 +02:00
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
graphics/tumbler|deskutils/xfce4-tumbler|2011-10-29|Duplicate ports merged
2011-10-31 10:53:19 +01:00
graphics/poppler-gtk|graphics/poppler-glib|2011-10-31|Move to match library name
audio/mp3butler Depends on audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client which is DEPRECATED
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client Disappeared from CPAN
editors/doxymacs Depends on www/w3-4, which is DEPRECATED
graphics/libart Does not fetch, no more public distfiles
java/jboss4 Does not build with new ant
korean/hanterm Depends on korean/johabfonts, which is DEPRECATED, fails to build with new utmpx
korean/johabfonts No more public distfiles, installs into /
korean/hlatex-psfonts-uhc-extra Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/texinfo Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/hlatex No more public distfiles
mail/jboss-mailservices Depends on java/jboss4, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid-TW Depends on misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid Disappeared from CPAN
multimedia/fxtv Depends on multimedia/mplex, which is DEPRECATED
multimedia/mplex Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
net/py-timeoutsocket Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
textproc/p5-XML-LibRSVG Unmaintained and not used anymore
textproc/javacc No more public distfiles
www/w3-4/Makefile Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
www/commonist Depends on textproc/javacc, which is DEPRECATED
www/newsfeed Depends on net/py-timeoutsocket, which is DEPRECATED
x11/fbsd-icons Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
x11-themes/geramik Depends on x11-toolkits/qtpixmap, which is DEPRECATED
x11-toolkits/qtpixmap No more public distfiles
x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
x11-wm/fvwm95 Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
2011-11-01 05:34:28 +01:00
audio/mp3butler||2011-10-31|Depends on audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client which is DEPRECATED
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client||2011-10-31|Disappeared from CPAN
editors/doxymacs||2011-10-31|Depends on www/w3-4, which is DEPRECATED
graphics/libart||2011-10-31|Does not fetch, no more public distfiles
java/jboss4||2011-10-31|Does not build with new ant
korean/hanterm||2011-10-31|Depends on korean/johabfonts, which is DEPRECATED, fails to build with new utmpx
korean/johabfonts||2011-10-31|No more public distfiles, installs into /
korean/hlatex-psfonts-uhc-extra||2011-10-31|Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/texinfo||2011-10-31|Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/hlatex||2011-10-31|No more public distfiles
mail/jboss-mailservices||2011-10-31|Depends on java/jboss4, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid-TW||2011-10-31|Depends on misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid||2011-10-31|Disappeared from CPAN
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net/py-timeoutsocket||2011-10-31|Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/mp3butler Depends on audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client which is DEPRECATED
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client Disappeared from CPAN
editors/doxymacs Depends on www/w3-4, which is DEPRECATED
graphics/libart Does not fetch, no more public distfiles
java/jboss4 Does not build with new ant
korean/hanterm Depends on korean/johabfonts, which is DEPRECATED, fails to build with new utmpx
korean/johabfonts No more public distfiles, installs into /
korean/hlatex-psfonts-uhc-extra Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/texinfo Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/hlatex No more public distfiles
mail/jboss-mailservices Depends on java/jboss4, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid-TW Depends on misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid Disappeared from CPAN
multimedia/fxtv Depends on multimedia/mplex, which is DEPRECATED
multimedia/mplex Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
net/py-timeoutsocket Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
textproc/p5-XML-LibRSVG Unmaintained and not used anymore
textproc/javacc No more public distfiles
www/w3-4/Makefile Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
www/commonist Depends on textproc/javacc, which is DEPRECATED
www/newsfeed Depends on net/py-timeoutsocket, which is DEPRECATED
x11/fbsd-icons Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
x11-themes/geramik Depends on x11-toolkits/qtpixmap, which is DEPRECATED
x11-toolkits/qtpixmap No more public distfiles
x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
x11-wm/fvwm95 Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
2011-11-01 05:34:28 +01:00
textproc/p5-XML-LibRSVG||2011-10-31|Unmaintained and not used anymore
textproc/javacc||2011-10-31|No more public distfiles
2011-11-30 16:19:05 +01:00
www/w3-4||2011-10-31|Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/mp3butler Depends on audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client which is DEPRECATED
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client Disappeared from CPAN
editors/doxymacs Depends on www/w3-4, which is DEPRECATED
graphics/libart Does not fetch, no more public distfiles
java/jboss4 Does not build with new ant
korean/hanterm Depends on korean/johabfonts, which is DEPRECATED, fails to build with new utmpx
korean/johabfonts No more public distfiles, installs into /
korean/hlatex-psfonts-uhc-extra Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/texinfo Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/hlatex No more public distfiles
mail/jboss-mailservices Depends on java/jboss4, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid-TW Depends on misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid Disappeared from CPAN
multimedia/fxtv Depends on multimedia/mplex, which is DEPRECATED
multimedia/mplex Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
net/py-timeoutsocket Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
textproc/p5-XML-LibRSVG Unmaintained and not used anymore
textproc/javacc No more public distfiles
www/w3-4/Makefile Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
www/commonist Depends on textproc/javacc, which is DEPRECATED
www/newsfeed Depends on net/py-timeoutsocket, which is DEPRECATED
x11/fbsd-icons Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
x11-themes/geramik Depends on x11-toolkits/qtpixmap, which is DEPRECATED
x11-toolkits/qtpixmap No more public distfiles
x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
x11-wm/fvwm95 Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
2011-11-01 05:34:28 +01:00
www/commonist||2011-10-31|Depends on textproc/javacc, which is DEPRECATED
www/newsfeed||2011-10-31|Depends on net/py-timeoutsocket, which is DEPRECATED
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
x11/fbsd-icons||2011-10-31|Upstream disappeared and distfile is no longer available
audio/mp3butler Depends on audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client which is DEPRECATED
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client Disappeared from CPAN
editors/doxymacs Depends on www/w3-4, which is DEPRECATED
graphics/libart Does not fetch, no more public distfiles
java/jboss4 Does not build with new ant
korean/hanterm Depends on korean/johabfonts, which is DEPRECATED, fails to build with new utmpx
korean/johabfonts No more public distfiles, installs into /
korean/hlatex-psfonts-uhc-extra Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/texinfo Depends on korean/hlatex, which is DEPRECATED
korean/hlatex No more public distfiles
mail/jboss-mailservices Depends on java/jboss4, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid-TW Depends on misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid, which is DEPRECATED
misc/p5-Geography-NationalGrid Disappeared from CPAN
multimedia/fxtv Depends on multimedia/mplex, which is DEPRECATED
multimedia/mplex Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
net/py-timeoutsocket Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
textproc/p5-XML-LibRSVG Unmaintained and not used anymore
textproc/javacc No more public distfiles
www/w3-4/Makefile Upstream disapeared and distfile is not available
www/commonist Depends on textproc/javacc, which is DEPRECATED
www/newsfeed Depends on net/py-timeoutsocket, which is DEPRECATED
x11/fbsd-icons Upstream disapear and distfile is no more available
x11-themes/geramik Depends on x11-toolkits/qtpixmap, which is DEPRECATED
x11-toolkits/qtpixmap No more public distfiles
x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
x11-wm/fvwm95 Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
2011-11-01 05:34:28 +01:00
x11-themes/geramik||2011-10-31|Depends on x11-toolkits/qtpixmap, which is DEPRECATED
x11-toolkits/qtpixmap||2011-10-31|No more public distfiles
x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n||2011-10-31|Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
x11-wm/fvwm95||2011-10-31|Depends on x11/fbsd-icons, which is DEPRECATED
2011-11-01 06:19:50 +01:00
x11-toolkits/gambas2-gb-qt||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
archivers/gambas2-gb-compress-bzlib2||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
archivers/gambas2-gb-compress-zlib||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
audio/gambas2-gb-sdl-sound||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
databases/gambas2-gb-db-firebird||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
databases/gambas2-gb-db-mysql||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
databases/gambas2-gb-db-odbc||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
databases/gambas2-gb-db-postgresql||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
databases/gambas2-gb-db-sqlite2||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
databases/gambas2-gb-db-sqlite3||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
devel/gambas2-gb-corba||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
devel/gambas2-gb-pcre||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
devel/gambas2-gb-sdl||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
editors/gambas2-ide||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
ftp/gambas2-gb-net-curl||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
graphics/gambas2-gb-gtk-svg||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
graphics/gambas2-gb-image||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
graphics/gambas2-gb-opengl||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
graphics/gambas2-gb-pdf||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
lang/gambas2||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
lang/gambas2-base||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
lang/gambas2-components||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
lang/gambas2-examples||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
mail/gambas2-gb-net-smtp||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
net/gambas2-gb-net||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
security/gambas2-gb-crypt||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
textproc/gambas2-gb-xml||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
x11-toolkits/gambas2-gb-gtk||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
x11/gambas2-gb-desktop||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
x11/gambas2-gb-qt-kde||2011-10-31|Has been broken for over a year
2011-11-01 08:35:46 +01:00
games/phpua-ut2003||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on phpua-engine
games/phpua-engine||2011-11-01|Has expired: apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
games/phpua-hl||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on phpua-engine
games/phpua-ut||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on phpua-engine
games/phpua-cod||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on phpua-engine
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
games/uox3||2011-11-01|Has expired: no more public distfiles
2011-11-01 08:35:46 +01:00
games/phpua-q3||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on phpua-engine
games/phpua-bf||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on phpua-engine
graphics/kallery||2011-11-01|Has expired: does not build; last release 20010511
graphics/gtksee||2011-11-01|Has expired: depends on unfetchable port archivers/bzip; last release 2004
mail/mailscanner-mrtg||2011-11-01|Has expired: apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
net-p2p/qbittorrent-28-nox11||2011-11-01|Has expired: please migrate to net-p2p/qbittorrent-29
net-p2p/qbittorrent-28||2011-11-01|Has expired: please migrate to net-p2p/qbittorrent-29
2011-11-01 08:35:46 +01:00
net-p2p/dctc||2011-11-01|Has expired: No more public distfiles
www/slash||2011-11-01|Has expired: apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
databases/maatkit||2011-11-01|Has expired: upstream support dropped; please consider using databases/percona-toolkit
2011-11-01 08:35:46 +01:00
databases/mysqlman||2011-11-01|Has expired: apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
databases/mysql-editor||2011-11-01|Has expired: apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
databases/gnats||2011-11-01|Has expired: security issues
graphics/poppler-qt||2011-11-01|Poppler upstream removed support for Qt3
2011-11-02 02:35:45 +01:00
audio/linux-shoutcast||2011-11-01|Unfetchable; website rearranged
chinese/scim-chewing||2011-11-01|Does not configure
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
converters/py-cjkcodecs||2011-11-01|Integrated into every Python version in the tree
2011-11-02 02:35:45 +01:00
databases/kpogre||2011-11-01|Does not compile
deskutils/mhc||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
deskutils/org-mode.el6||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
deskutils/gemcal||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
devel/erlang-thrift||2011-11-01|Does not build
dns/domtools||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
editors/richtext||2011-11-01|Does not compile
games/vultures-claw||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
games/bomb||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
games/lgeneral-data||2011-11-01|Bad plist
games/xphotohunter||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
graphics/gimpshop||2011-11-01|Fails to patch
graphics/lightspark-devel||2011-11-01|Does not compile
graphics/xmms-plazma||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
graphics/py-cgkit||2011-11-01|Does not fetch, does not compile on ia64, powerpc, or sparc64
japanese/rxvt||2011-11-01|Does not fetch, fails to build with new utmpx
japanese/epic4||2011-11-01|Some distfiles do not fetch
java/jde||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
java/kaffe||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
korean/gdick||2011-11-01|HTMLs from the Yahoo! Korea Dictionary cannot be parsed, other runtime problems
korean/hanterm-xf86||2011-11-01|Does not compile
korean/stardict2-dict-kr||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
lang/p5-JavaScript||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
lang/TenDRA||2011-11-01|Website disappeared; last release in 2006, does not compile on recent FreeBSD-9
2011-11-02 02:35:45 +01:00
mail/freepops||2011-11-01|Does not build
mail/itraxp||2011-11-01|Does not build
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
misc/tellico||2011-11-01|Leaves files behind on deinstall
2011-11-02 02:35:45 +01:00
net/gsambad||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
net/nocatauth-gateway||2011-11-01|Uses a UID registered to another port
net/nocatauth-server||2011-11-01|Uses a UID registered to another port
net/libosip2||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
net/kmuddy||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
net/netboot||2011-11-01|Does not build
net-mgmt/jffnms||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
net-p2p/frostwire||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
net-p2p/azureus||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
news/cleanscore||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
news/nntpswitch||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
news/p5-NewsLib||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
russian/cyrproxy||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
science/gerris||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
security/opensaml||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
sysutils/wmbattery||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
textproc/tei-guidelines-p4||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
2011-11-02 02:35:45 +01:00
textproc/tei-p4||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
textproc/py-hyperestraier||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
textproc/tdtd.el||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
textproc/tei-lite||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
www/phpwiki13||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
www/p5-Apache-Scoreboard||2011-11-01|Depends on mod_perl
2011-11-02 02:35:45 +01:00
www/p5-B-LexInfo||2011-11-01|Broken due the new mod_perl2 API
www/phpwiki||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
www/smb2www||2011-11-01|Apache13 is deprecated, migrate to 2.2.x+ now
www/spip||2011-11-01|Checksum is changing daily
www/monkey||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
x11-toolkits/jdic||2011-11-01|Does not fetch
x11-toolkits/py-kde||2011-11-01|Does not compile
2011-11-02 03:42:46 +01:00
sysutils/rsyslog3||2011-11-02|Has expired: unsupported upstream
sysutils/rsyslog3-dbi||2011-11-02|Has expired: unsupported upstream
sysutils/rsyslog3-gssapi||2011-11-02|Has expired: unsupported upstream
sysutils/rsyslog3-mysql||2011-11-02|Has expired: unsupported upstream
sysutils/rsyslog3-pgsql||2011-11-02|Has expired: unsupported upstream
sysutils/rsyslog3-relp||2011-11-02|Has expired: unsupported upstream
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-dbi||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-gnutls||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-gssapi||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-mysql||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-pgsql||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-relp||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-rfc3195||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
sysutils/rsyslog4-devel-snmp||2011-11-02|Is now stable; see sysutils/rsyslog4
www/php-yaf|www/pecl-yaf|2011-11-02|The project has been moved to PECL
2011-11-06 17:28:43 +01:00
sysutils/xfce4-places-plugin||2011-11-06|Removed, integrated in Xfce 4.8 panel
2011-11-07 18:40:20 +01:00
lang/p5-F77|lang/p5-ExtUtils-F77|2011-11-07|Move to a better place via repocopy
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
devel/soup||2011-11-09|Has expired: Unmaintained, use devel/libsoup
graphics/clutter-qt||2011-11-09|Has expired: upstream distfile disappeared, doesn't build, and doesn't seem to be developed anymore
graphics/p5-clutter||2011-11-09|Has expired: upstream distfile disappeared, and doesn't seem to be developed anymore
2011-11-09 14:14:01 +01:00
graphics/librsvg||2011-11-09|Has expired: unmaintained and not used anymore
2011-11-09 15:02:11 +01:00
www/p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl||2011-11-09|Has expired: Use Log::Log4perl::Catalyst (devel/p5-Log-Log4perl) instead.
lang/open-cobol-devel||2011-11-09|Has expired: No activity since 2007
2011-11-19 15:03:58 +01:00
databases/py-axiom||2011-11-11|Has expired: Distfile is missing, runtime broken; use databases/py-sqlobject instead
2011-11-13 01:51:46 +01:00
sysutils/duplicity-devel||2011-11-12|Much older than current version, use sysutils/duplicity instead
2011-11-14 22:00:02 +01:00
security/libfwbuilder-devel||2011-11-14|libfwbuilder-devel merged into fwbuilder-devel
2011-11-15 19:36:20 +01:00
russian/apache13||2011-11-15|Has expired: no active development and known security vulnerabilities
2011-11-22 19:05:30 +01:00
devel/tortoisehg1|devel/tortoisehg2|2011-11-22|Has expired: does not work with current devel/mercurial, use tortoisehg2
2011-11-22 19:14:40 +01:00
mail/zms||2011-11-22|Has expired: No longer under development, since 2009.
2011-11-23 22:18:26 +01:00
mail/dkim-milter|mail/opendkim|2011-11-23|Has expired: switch to mail/opendkim instead
2011-11-23 23:33:35 +01:00
lang/gcc45|lang/gcc46|2011-11-23|Superseded by gcc46
2011-11-27 19:02:34 +01:00
japanese/pycodec-zope||2011-11-27|Has expired: Handled in Python-2.4 upwards
japanese/zope-ejsplitter||2011-11-27|Has expired: Plone4 has newer and better splitter mechanism than ejSplitter
japanese/zope-jamailhost||2011-11-27|Has expired: Zope has changed MailHost specification and it is not sure jaMailHost works well
2011-11-27 19:14:55 +01:00
japanese/pycodec||2011-11-27|Has expired: Handled in Python-2.4 upwards
2011-11-28 13:05:46 +01:00
net-im/py-turpial||2011-11-28|Renamed to net-im/turpial
2011-11-28 17:18:16 +01:00
databases/p5-Mysql-Diff|databases/p5-MySQL-Diff|2011-11-28|Move to a better place via repocopy
2011-12-02 20:56:39 +01:00
mail/gtray||2011-12-02|Has expired: Upcoming ruby-gnome update removes dependencies
2011-12-05 23:53:04 +01:00
2011-12-06 21:25:25 +01:00
devel/zeroinstall-injector||2011-12-06|Duplicates PBI functionality, and 0install feeds are available as ports
2011-12-06 21:53:47 +01:00
audio/py-taglib||2011-12-07|Only compatible with Python 2.4. Use audio/py-tagpy instead
2011-12-10 07:42:17 +01:00
x11-wm/wmthemeinstall||2011-12-10|Abandonware: no more upstream, no more public distfiles
2011-12-11 11:51:38 +01:00
databases/py-pysqlite20||2011-12-11|Unmaintained upstream, only useful for python2.4 or less, no consumers in the ports tree
databases/py-pysqlite21||2011-12-11|Unmaintained upstream, only useful for python2.4 or less, no consumers in the ports tree
databases/py-pysqlite22||2011-12-11|Unmaintained upstream, only useful for python2.4 or less, no consumers in the ports tree
databases/py-pysqlite23||2011-12-11|Unmaintained upstream, only useful for python2.4 or less, no consumers in the ports tree
databases/py-PySQLite10||2011-12-11|Unmaintained upstream, only useful for python2.4 or less, no consumers in the ports tree
databases/py-PySQLite11||2011-12-11|Unmaintained upstream, only useful for python2.4 or less, no consumers in the ports tree
2011-12-12 12:24:28 +01:00
converters/py-iconvcodec||2011-12-12|Included into python itself since version 2.4
2012-01-05 21:11:03 +01:00
devel/py-waf||2011-12-12|Port is outdated. Author discourages system-wide installation. Download it manually
2011-12-20 17:40:43 +01:00
security/p5-Digest-SHA256||2011-12-20|Removed: use the builtin Digest::SHA instead
2011-12-21 15:31:07 +01:00
2011-12-21 19:14:39 +01:00
japanese/ruby-refe||2011-12-21|Has been broken for 11 months
2012-01-05 21:11:03 +01:00
www/zope-epoz||2011-12-25|Unmaintained upstream, isn't used by anything
math/mingw32-libgmp4|math/mingw32-libgmp|2011-12-25|Version is no longer 4
devel/py-kss.core|devel/py-kss-core|2011-12-26|Remove bad-named port (with .core in it's name)
2011-12-28 18:49:04 +01:00
textproc/skribe||2011-12-28|Has expired
emulators/wahcade||2011-12-28|Has expired
databases/keximdb||2011-12-28|Has expired: Depends on editors/koffice-kde3, which is scheduled for deletion
editors/koffice-kde3||2011-12-28|Has expired
net/keepalived||2011-12-28|Has expired: Depends on net/ipvs, which is scheduled for deletion
net/ipvs||2011-12-28|Has expired: Designed for FreeBSD 5.x, which is no longer supported
databases/fireprofile||2011-12-28|Has expired
audio/gnowavcut||2011-12-28|Has expired: Abandonware
mail/demime||2011-12-28|Has expired: No upstream development since 2007
x11/wmmsg||2011-12-28|Has expired: No more public distfiles
x11-toolkits/libgtkeditor||2011-12-28|Has expired: No more supported upstream, not depend on anymore.
misc/demoniac||2011-12-28|Has expired: No more upstream, no more public distfiles
cad/gtkwave||2011-12-28|Has expired: No more public distfiles, no more upstream
databases/clip||2011-12-28|Has expired: No develop anymore for long
x11-toolkits/gtkextra||2011-12-28|Has expired: no longer supported upstream, no more depend on
2011-12-28 20:22:00 +01:00
www/xpi-mousegestures||2011-12-28|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 2.
www/xpi-mozex||2011-12-28|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 3.
2012-01-01 12:45:10 +01:00
sysutils/duplicity05||2012-01-01|Has expired: This version is out of date, and the 0.6.x branch is considered stable
japanese/py-kanjilib||2012-01-01|Has expired: This port is not needed with any supported python version
2012-01-01 13:07:55 +01:00
www/squid30||2012-01-01|Has expired: This version of Squid is no longer actively maintained upstream
devel/slglade||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on non-functional x11-toolkits/slgtk
x11-toolkits/slgtk||2012-01-01|Has expired: Does not work with newer GTK+, upstream development has ceased
x11-toolkits/slgtkdatabox||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on non-functional x11-toolkits/slgtk
2012-01-01 20:30:58 +01:00
www/apache13|www/apache22|2012-01-01|apache13 is deprecated, use www/apache22
www/apache-contrib||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/apache13+ipv6|www/apache22|2012-01-01|apache13 is deprecated, use www/apache22
www/apache13-modperl|www/apache22|2012-01-01|apache13 is deprecated, use www/apache22
www/apache13-modssl|www/apache22|2012-01-01|apache13 is deprecated, use www/apache22
www/apache13-modssl+ipv6|www/apache22|2012-01-01|apache13 is deprecated, use www/apache22
www/apache13-ssl|www/apache22|2012-01-01|apache13 is deprecated, use www/apache22
databases/p5-ApacheDBILogConfig||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
databases/p5-ApacheDBILogger||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
textproc/p5-Apache-XBEL||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/auth_ldap||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/kdedict||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_access_identd||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_access_referer||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_accounting||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_cookie_mysql|www/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_external|www/mod_auth_external2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_imap|www/mod_auth_imap2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_kerb|www/mod_auth_kerb2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_mysql|www/mod_auth_mysql2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_pam|www/mod_auth_pam2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_pgsql|www/mod_auth_pgsql2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_auth_useragent||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_backhand||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_bandwidth||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_bf||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_blosxom||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_blowchunks||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_bunzip2||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_cgi_debug||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_color||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_curb||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_cvs|www/mod_cvs2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_dav||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_dtcl||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_extract_forwarded_ap13|www/mod_extract_forwarded|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_filter||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_geoip|www/mod_geoip2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_gzip|www/mod_gzip2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_index_rss||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_layout|www/mod_layout22|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_limitipconn|www/mod_limitipconn2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_log_spread||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_log_sql|www/mod_log_sql2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_macro|www/mod_macro22|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_mp3||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_mylo||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_ntlm|www/mod_ntlm2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_perl|www/mod_perl2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_proxy_add_forward||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_put||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_python|www/mod_python3|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_realip||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_rpaf|www/mod_rpaf2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_sed||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_sequester||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_shapvh||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_sqlinclude||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_ticket||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_trigger||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/mod_tsunami||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-AntiSpam||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-AuthenCache||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-AuthenURL||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-AutoIndex||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-AxKit-Plugin-AddXSLParams-Request||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Clean|www/p5-Apache-Clean2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Compress||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-CompressClientFixup||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
2012-01-05 19:52:30 +01:00
www/p5-Apache-DBI-mp1|www/p5-Apache-DBI|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
2012-01-01 20:30:58 +01:00
www/p5-Apache-DebugInfo||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-DumpHeaders||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Filter||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Icon||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Language||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-NNTPGateway||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-PageKit||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Peek||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Radius||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Reload||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-SSI||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-SubProcess||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Apache-Template||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Cookie||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-ESQL||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Exception||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-IfParam||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Param||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-PerForm||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Sendmail||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Util||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-WebUtils||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Bundle-Slash||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-Text-Markdown-ApacheHandler||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-libapreq|www/p5-libapreq2|2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/p5-libapreq-static||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/web-traceroute||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
www/wget4web||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
2012-01-01 21:01:07 +01:00
www/p5-Apache-Test||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
2012-01-04 19:09:03 +01:00
net-im/jwchat||2012-01-01|Has expired: Depends on expired www/apache13
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
www/p5-Apache-DBI-mp2|www/p5-Apache-DBI|2012-01-01|This sub-port is no longer needed
2012-01-04 19:09:03 +01:00
editors/ged||2012-01-04|Removed: Use ed from base instead
2012-01-04 21:20:31 +01:00
2012-01-06 17:55:20 +01:00
devel/ruby-thrift|devel/rubygem-thrift|2012-01-04|Renamed: now a rubygems module
2012-01-06 10:16:12 +01:00
www/knowledgekit||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 1999. Doesn't works with Zope 2.13
www/znavigator||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2000
www/zope-FileSystemSite||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-annotations||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-btreefolder2||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-cmfactionicons||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-cmfformcontroller||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-cmfforum||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2002
www/zope-cmfphoto||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2004
www/zope-cmfphotoalbum||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2004
www/zope-cmfquickinstaller||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-coreblog||2012-01-06|Development ceased
www/zope-exuserfolder||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-formulator||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-generator||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release from 2005
www/zope-groupuserfolder||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-kupu||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-mimetypesregistry||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-mindmapbbs||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2004
www/zope-mysqluserfolder||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2005
www/zope-parsedxml||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-placelesstranslationservice||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-portaltransforms||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-proxyindex||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-silva||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-silvaviews||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-ttwtype||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2003
www/zope-validation||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-xmlmethods||2012-01-06|Development seems stalled. Last release is from 2003
www/zope-xmlwidgets||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-zmysqlda||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-zsyncer||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope-zwiki||2012-01-06|Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
www/zope210||2012-01-06|End of life is reached
www/zope28||2012-01-06|End of life is reached
www/zope29||2012-01-06|End of life is reached
www/zope3||2012-01-06|End of life is reached
2012-01-07 23:54:42 +01:00
2012-01-08 18:49:03 +01:00
multimedia/avifile||2012-01-08|Has expired: Broken for an extended period, superseded by other multimedia players
2012-01-08 22:53:15 +01:00
devel/bonobo-conf||2012-01-08|Has expired: No more supported upstream, not depend on anymore.
2012-01-08 22:56:55 +01:00
www/typo343||2012-01-08|Has expired: Support will end in the near future, see http://typo3.org/download/packages/ for details
2012-01-08 23:08:35 +01:00
devel/gnome-crash||2012-01-08|Has expired: No more supported upstream, not depend on anymore.
2012-01-08 23:09:25 +01:00
x11-toolkits/gob||2012-01-08|Has expired: No more supported upstream, not depend on anymore.
2012-01-08 23:18:52 +01:00
www/rubygem-htauth||2012-01-08|Has expired: broke for ~12 months
www/instiki||2012-01-08|Has expired: has been marked ignore since 2010/09/16
2012-01-08 23:19:54 +01:00
mail/msmtpqueue||2012-01-08|Has expired: These scripts now come with mail/msmtp
2012-01-08 23:21:37 +01:00
security/cryptplug||2012-01-08|Has expired: development has ceased
security/gpgme03||2012-01-08|Has expired: superceded by security/gpgme
2012-01-09 00:43:41 +01:00
databases/pear-Doctrine||2012-01-08|Has expired: Please upgrade to 1.2.x: http://svn.doctrine-project.org/tags/1.2.4/UPGRADE_TO_1_2
2012-01-09 00:46:03 +01:00
x11-themes/gtk-qn-x11-theme||2012-01-08|Has expired: No more public distfiles
x11-themes/gtk-zenith-theme||2012-01-08|Has expired: No more public distfiles
2012-01-12 19:38:04 +01:00
graphics/stl2pov|graphics/py-stl|2012-01-08|New port graphics/py-stl deprecates graphics/stl2pov
2012-02-14 17:53:27 +01:00
devel/py-py_static_check|devel/py_static_check|2012-01-12|Rename for consistency
2012-01-13 05:39:31 +01:00
databases/phpmyadmin211||2012-01-13|Has expired: No longer supported by the phpMyAdmin project
2012-01-14 06:59:58 +01:00
www/xpi-autobrowse||2012-01-14|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 7.
2012-01-14 07:05:47 +01:00
www/xpi-joga||2012-01-14|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 7.
www/xpi-num2web||2012-01-14|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 7.
www/xpi-savegenpage||2012-01-14|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 7.
www/xpi-videodownloader||2012-01-14|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 7.
www/xpi-xpcom-component-viewer||2012-01-14|Has expired: Development has been ceased and not compatible with Firefox > 7.
2012-01-14 17:11:37 +01:00
net-im/skype20||2012-01-14|Has expired: old version without many of the newer features; please try net-im/skype instead
2012-02-08 04:54:21 +01:00
sysutils/rsyslog4|sysutils/rsyslog5|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-dbi|sysutils/rsyslog5-dbi|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-gnutls|sysutils/rsyslog5-gnutls|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-gssapi|sysutils/rsyslog5-gssapi|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-mysql|sysutils/rsyslog5-mysql|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-pgsql|sysutils/rsyslog5-pgsql|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-relp|sysutils/rsyslog5-relp|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-rfc3195|sysutils/rsyslog5-rfc3195|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
sysutils/rsyslog4-snmp|sysutils/rsyslog5-snmp|2012-01-16|EOL Upstream
2012-01-18 08:43:04 +01:00
net-im/gicq||2012-01-18|Runtime is broken. Unmaintained upstream
net-im/libicq||2012-01-18|Runtime is broken. Unmaintained upstream
2012-01-19 19:09:09 +01:00
devel/luajit|lang/luajit|2012-01-19|Compilers typically live in the lang category
2012-01-20 20:59:40 +01:00
2012-01-20 23:11:48 +01:00
textproc/qgoogletranslator||2012-01-20|Has expired: Runtime is broken because Google close free usage of API. Project closed.
2012-02-08 05:00:46 +01:00
www/py-rssdler||2012-01-25|Runtime is mostly broken, abandoned upstream. Use www/py-flexget instead
2012-01-26 10:50:51 +01:00
ftp/proftpd-mysql|databases/proftpd-mod_sql_mysql|2012-01-26|Module now in slave port
2012-01-31 08:16:48 +01:00
games/flightgear-aircrafts|games/flightgear-aircraft|2012-01-31|Renamed for better naming
2012-02-01 19:24:50 +01:00
audio/wmmixer||2012-02-01|EOL Upstream; please use audio/wmsmixer instead
2012-02-02 17:07:26 +01:00
x11-wm/xfce|x11-wm/xfce4|2012-02-02|Has expired: abandoned upstream, use x11-wm/xfce4 instead
2012-02-03 11:26:18 +01:00
sysutils/py-dvdvideo|sysutils/dvdvideo|2012-02-03|Renamed for better naming
2012-02-03 13:04:14 +01:00
science/R-cran-survival||2012-02-03|This CRAN port has been included in math/R
2012-02-06 07:16:54 +01:00
editors/openoffice.org-3-devel|editors/openoffice-3-devel|2012-02-06|Project was taken over and renamed.
2012-02-07 21:18:12 +01:00
www/zope-cmf||2012-02-07|Has expired: Doesn't work with modern Zope versions
2012-02-08 08:07:05 +01:00
chinese/fcitx-keyboard|textproc/fcitx-keyboard|2012-02-07|Moved to more appropriate category
2012-02-13 07:13:00 +01:00
textproc/hs-attoparsec-text||2012-02-13|Removed: The package is deprecated.
2012-02-13 07:18:08 +01:00
devel/hs-hmake||2012-02-13|Removed: Broken, unmaintained upstream.