
2318 lines
61 KiB
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1999-08-25 07:57:29 +02:00
# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Development utilities
SUBDIR += 9base
1997-11-20 06:22:14 +01:00
SUBDIR += ElectricFence
1998-08-19 08:16:01 +02:00
2002-02-13 19:43:35 +01:00
SUBDIR += ORBit2-reference
SUBDIR += SpecTcl
SUBDIR += ZendOptimizer
SUBDIR += a2dev
SUBDIR += aap
SUBDIR += ace
SUBDIR += ace+tao
SUBDIR += ace+tao-doc
SUBDIR += acovea
SUBDIR += acovea-gtk
SUBDIR += acpicatools
SUBDIR += activitymail
SUBDIR += adabindx
SUBDIR += adabooch
SUBDIR += adabooch-doc-html
SUBDIR += adacurses
SUBDIR += adasdl
SUBDIR += adime
SUBDIR += adocman
SUBDIR += afay
SUBDIR += agide
SUBDIR += aifad
SUBDIR += alabastra
SUBDIR += ald
2002-09-04 14:19:55 +02:00
SUBDIR += alf
SUBDIR += allegro
SUBDIR += allegro-devel
SUBDIR += anjuta
SUBDIR += antlr
SUBDIR += antlrworks
SUBDIR += apache-ant
SUBDIR += apr
SUBDIR += apr-svn
SUBDIR += argouml
SUBDIR += argp-standalone
SUBDIR += argtable
SUBDIR += arm-elf-binutils
SUBDIR += arm-elf-gcc295
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += aros-sdk
SUBDIR += as31
SUBDIR += asis
SUBDIR += asis-gpl
1997-06-20 10:14:58 +02:00
SUBDIR += asl
SUBDIR += asmutils
1999-04-03 03:26:45 +02:00
SUBDIR += astyle
SUBDIR += atlas
SUBDIR += atlas-devel
SUBDIR += aunit
SUBDIR += autobook
SUBDIR += autoconf-archive
SUBDIR += autoconf-wrapper
SUBDIR += autoconf213
SUBDIR += autoconf261
SUBDIR += autodia
SUBDIR += autodist
SUBDIR += autogen
SUBDIR += automake-wrapper
SUBDIR += automake110
SUBDIR += automake14
SUBDIR += automake15
SUBDIR += automake16
SUBDIR += automake17
SUBDIR += automake18
SUBDIR += automake19
SUBDIR += autotools
SUBDIR += avalon-framework
SUBDIR += avarice
SUBDIR += avltree
SUBDIR += avr-binutils
2006-10-10 01:36:48 +02:00
SUBDIR += avr-gcc
SUBDIR += avr-gcc-3
SUBDIR += avr-gdb
SUBDIR += avr-libc
SUBDIR += avra
SUBDIR += avrdude
SUBDIR += bazaar
SUBDIR += bazaar-ng
SUBDIR += bcc
SUBDIR += bcpp
SUBDIR += beautifyphp
SUBDIR += bglibs
SUBDIR += bicyclerepair
SUBDIR += bin86
2000-01-19 16:56:38 +01:00
SUBDIR += bison
2005-11-17 01:17:54 +01:00
SUBDIR += bison2
SUBDIR += bisongen
SUBDIR += bnf
SUBDIR += bnfc
SUBDIR += boaconstructor
1996-11-16 02:55:06 +01:00
SUBDIR += boehm-gc
1999-10-14 07:04:28 +02:00
SUBDIR += bonobo
SUBDIR += bonobo-conf
SUBDIR += boost
SUBDIR += boost-python
SUBDIR += bouml
SUBDIR += bug-buddy
SUBDIR += bugzilla
SUBDIR += bugzilla2
SUBDIR += buildbot
SUBDIR += buildtool
SUBDIR += buildtool-doc
SUBDIR += byaccj
SUBDIR += bzr-gtk
SUBDIR += bzrtools
SUBDIR += c2lib
SUBDIR += c2man
SUBDIR += c2mdoc
SUBDIR += c4
SUBDIR += c_c++_reference
2002-01-18 15:38:49 +01:00
SUBDIR += c_parser
SUBDIR += calibrator
SUBDIR += callgrind
SUBDIR += cbind
2000-04-20 15:12:58 +02:00
SUBDIR += cbrowser
SUBDIR += cc65
SUBDIR += ccache
1997-11-03 11:04:54 +01:00
SUBDIR += cccc
SUBDIR += ccdoc
SUBDIR += ccmalloc
SUBDIR += ccrtp
1999-09-05 07:07:50 +02:00
SUBDIR += cdecl
SUBDIR += cdialog
1999-05-09 19:39:48 +02:00
SUBDIR += cdk
SUBDIR += cdoc
SUBDIR += cedet
1995-10-03 10:36:17 +01:00
SUBDIR += cflow
SUBDIR += cflow2vcg
SUBDIR += cgdb
SUBDIR += cgilib
SUBDIR += cgprof
SUBDIR += charva
SUBDIR += check
SUBDIR += cil
SUBDIR += cl-asdf
SUBDIR += cl-asdf-clisp
SUBDIR += cl-asdf-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-infix
SUBDIR += cl-infix-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-port
SUBDIR += cl-port-clisp
SUBDIR += cl-port-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence-clisp
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-uffi
SUBDIR += cl-uffi-sbcl
SUBDIR += clanlib
1998-07-30 17:24:14 +02:00
SUBDIR += clig
SUBDIR += clint
SUBDIR += clisp-hyperspec
SUBDIR += cmake
SUBDIR += cmunge
SUBDIR += cobf
SUBDIR += cocktail
SUBDIR += codeblocks
SUBDIR += codeville
SUBDIR += codeworker
SUBDIR += cogito
SUBDIR += colorer
SUBDIR += commoncpp
SUBDIR += compiz-bcop
1998-12-15 22:06:56 +01:00
SUBDIR += cons
SUBDIR += cons-test
2000-02-01 08:43:07 +01:00
SUBDIR += cook
SUBDIR += cpan-upload
SUBDIR += cppadvio
SUBDIR += cppi
SUBDIR += cppunit
2000-02-29 21:11:08 +01:00
SUBDIR += cproto
SUBDIR += cross-binutils
SUBDIR += cross-gcc
SUBDIR += cross-gdb
SUBDIR += crossvc
SUBDIR += crow
1999-04-13 19:17:58 +02:00
SUBDIR += cscope
SUBDIR += cscout
1999-03-31 07:35:36 +02:00
SUBDIR += cssc
SUBDIR += cstringbuffer
1999-06-04 09:19:54 +02:00
SUBDIR += ctags
SUBDIR += cunit
SUBDIR += cut
1996-12-08 23:27:01 +01:00
SUBDIR += cutils
SUBDIR += cvs+ipv6
SUBDIR += cvs-syncmail
2002-11-27 21:28:08 +01:00
SUBDIR += cvs2cl
SUBDIR += cvs2darcs
SUBDIR += cvs2html
SUBDIR += cvs2p4
SUBDIR += cvs2svn
SUBDIR += cvsadmin
SUBDIR += cvsbook
SUBDIR += cvschangelogbuilder
SUBDIR += cvschk
2001-12-31 06:33:17 +01:00
SUBDIR += cvsd
SUBDIR += cvsdadm
SUBDIR += cvsdelta
SUBDIR += cvsdiff2patch
SUBDIR += cvsgraph
2002-02-09 01:09:48 +01:00
SUBDIR += cvslines
SUBDIR += cvsmapfs
SUBDIR += cvsmonitor
SUBDIR += cvsnt
SUBDIR += cvsplot
2002-02-09 10:38:49 +01:00
SUBDIR += cvsps
SUBDIR += cvsps-devel
SUBDIR += cvsspam
SUBDIR += cvsstat
SUBDIR += cvstrac
2000-06-06 15:56:26 +02:00
SUBDIR += cvsutils
SUBDIR += cvsweb
2004-05-17 19:14:19 +02:00
SUBDIR += cvsweb3
SUBDIR += cvswrap
1998-02-11 08:46:59 +01:00
SUBDIR += cweb
SUBDIR += cxmon
SUBDIR += cxref
SUBDIR += cxxtest
SUBDIR += darcs
SUBDIR += darts
SUBDIR += datadesigner
SUBDIR += datadraw
SUBDIR += dbus
SUBDIR += dbus-glib
SUBDIR += dbus-qt3
SUBDIR += dbus-qt4
SUBDIR += dbus-sharp
1997-05-22 23:42:20 +02:00
SUBDIR += ddd
SUBDIR += deputy
SUBDIR += desktop-file-utils
SUBDIR += devhelp
SUBDIR += devtodo
SUBDIR += dfuife-curses
SUBDIR += dia2code
SUBDIR += diffconvert
SUBDIR += directfb
SUBDIR += distcc
SUBDIR += distel
SUBDIR += ditrack
SUBDIR += dits
SUBDIR += djgpp-binutils
SUBDIR += djgpp-crx
SUBDIR += djgpp-gcc
SUBDIR += dmake
SUBDIR += dmalloc
SUBDIR += doctorj
SUBDIR += dotconf
SUBDIR += dotconf++
1999-06-10 02:29:12 +02:00
SUBDIR += doxygen
SUBDIR += dparser
SUBDIR += dprog
SUBDIR += drpython
SUBDIR += dumb
SUBDIR += duplo
SUBDIR += dwarfdump
SUBDIR += e4graph
2001-07-02 19:33:46 +02:00
SUBDIR += ebnf2yacc
SUBDIR += eboxy
SUBDIR += ecb
SUBDIR += ecgi
SUBDIR += ecos-tools
SUBDIR += eet
SUBDIR += egypt
SUBDIR += eieio
SUBDIR += eieio-emacs20
SUBDIR += eiffelstudio
SUBDIR += elf
SUBDIR += elfio
SUBDIR += elfrc
SUBDIR += elfsh
1999-04-12 02:04:02 +02:00
SUBDIR += elftoaout
SUBDIR += elib
SUBDIR += elib-emacs21
SUBDIR += engrave
SUBDIR += entity
SUBDIR += epm
SUBDIR += epydoc
SUBDIR += eric
SUBDIR += eric4
SUBDIR += eris
SUBDIR += erlslang
SUBDIR += error
SUBDIR += esdl
SUBDIR += esvn
SUBDIR += etl
SUBDIR += etoile-collectionkit
SUBDIR += etoile-foundation
SUBDIR += etoile-unitkit
SUBDIR += eventxx
SUBDIR += evfs
SUBDIR += evolution-gconf-tools
SUBDIR += excalibur-configuration
1997-06-30 14:14:02 +02:00
SUBDIR += f77flow
SUBDIR += fam
SUBDIR += fampp
1999-05-01 05:36:27 +02:00
SUBDIR += fastcrc
SUBDIR += fastdep
2001-10-10 16:36:22 +02:00
SUBDIR += fc++
SUBDIR += ffcall
SUBDIR += fga
SUBDIR += fhist
SUBDIR += fib
SUBDIR += fistgen
SUBDIR += flatzebra
SUBDIR += flexjson
1999-01-11 06:18:26 +01:00
SUBDIR += flick
SUBDIR += florist
SUBDIR += florist-gpl
SUBDIR += flowdesigner
SUBDIR += flyspray
SUBDIR += fnccheck
SUBDIR += fnorb
1999-12-22 16:02:26 +01:00
SUBDIR += fortran-utils
SUBDIR += fortytwo-encore
SUBDIR += fpc-bfd
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-base
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-db
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-fpcunit
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-image
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-net
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-passrc
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-registry
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-web
SUBDIR += fpc-fcl-xml
SUBDIR += fpc-fpmkunit
SUBDIR += fpc-fv
SUBDIR += fpc-gconf
SUBDIR += fpc-gdbint
SUBDIR += fpc-pthreads
SUBDIR += fpc-regexpr
SUBDIR += fpc-zlib
1997-02-16 20:45:23 +01:00
SUBDIR += fpp
SUBDIR += freebase
1999-11-05 04:51:22 +01:00
SUBDIR += freelibiberty
SUBDIR += freeride
SUBDIR += freescope
SUBDIR += frink
SUBDIR += fsmgenerator
SUBDIR += ftjam
1998-05-05 07:08:39 +02:00
SUBDIR += ftnchek
SUBDIR += fujaba
SUBDIR += funnelweb
SUBDIR += g-wrap
2002-06-03 05:35:17 +02:00
SUBDIR += g2c
1999-02-10 16:56:10 +01:00
SUBDIR += gaa
SUBDIR += gamin
SUBDIR += gaphor
SUBDIR += gauche-gaunit
SUBDIR += gauche-readline
SUBDIR += gauche-sdl
SUBDIR += gaul
SUBDIR += gazpacho
SUBDIR += gccmakedep
SUBDIR += gccxml
SUBDIR += gconf
SUBDIR += gconf2
SUBDIR += gconf2-reference
SUBDIR += gconfmm
SUBDIR += gconfmm26
SUBDIR += gcvs
SUBDIR += gdb53
SUBDIR += gdb53-act
2004-04-04 14:28:18 +02:00
SUBDIR += gdb6
SUBDIR += gdbmods
SUBDIR += geany
SUBDIR += generate
SUBDIR += gengameng
SUBDIR += gengetopt
SUBDIR += genproto
1998-08-25 18:14:05 +02:00
SUBDIR += gettext
SUBDIR += gettext-lint
SUBDIR += gettext-msghack
SUBDIR += getxml
SUBDIR += gflags
1997-08-29 11:21:07 +02:00
SUBDIR += gindent
SUBDIR += git
2002-06-12 02:11:15 +02:00
SUBDIR += glade2
SUBDIR += glade3
SUBDIR += glademm
SUBDIR += glib-java
Upgrade to GNOME 1.0. The following are the details: ports/audio/esound 0.2.7 -> 0.2.8 PR ports/10422 ports/audio/gnomeaudio 0.99.8 -> 1.0.0 PR ports/10426 ports/audio/libaudiofile 0.1.5 -> 0.1.6 PR ports/10421 ports/deskutils/gnomepim -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10435 ports/devel/ORBit 0.3.98 -> 0.4.0 PR ports/10423 ports/devel/gettext shared libs now PR ports/10293 ports/devel/glib12 1.1.16 -> 1.2.0 PR ports/10419 ports/devel/libgtop 0.99.8 -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10430 ports/games/gnomegames 0.99.8 -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10436 ports/graphics/electriceyes distfile moved PR ports/10437 ports/graphics/imlib 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 PR ports/10424 ports/lang/gnomeobjc 0.99.3 -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10441 ports/math/gnumeric 0.6 -> 0.15 PR ports/10439 ports/misc/gnomeutils 0.99.5 -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10442 ports/sysutils/gnomeadmin 0.99.1 -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10445 ports/sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10446 ports/sysutils/gtop 0.99.2 -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10477 ports/textproc/libxml 0.99.8 -> 1.0.0 PR ports/10438 ports/www/libghttp distfile moved PR ports/10429 ports/x11/gnome 0.99.3 -> 1.0.0 PR ports/10450 ports/x11/gnomecore -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10432 ports/x11/gnomelibs -> 1.0.1 PR ports/10425 ports/x11-fm/gnomemc 4.5.10 -> 4.5.23 PR ports/10448 ports/x11-toolkits/gtk-engines 0.1 -> 0.5 PR ports/10427 ports/x11-toolkits/gtk12 1.1.6 -> 1.2.0 PR ports/10420 Note that repository copies were made before this commit, as follows: ports/devel/glib11-devel -> ports/devel/glib12 ports/x11-toolkits/gtk11-devel -> ports/x11-toolkits/gtk12 Submitted by: Jeremy Lea <>
1999-03-09 02:13:40 +01:00
SUBDIR += glib12
SUBDIR += glib20
SUBDIR += glib20-reference
SUBDIR += glibmm
SUBDIR += glibmm-reference
2000-06-28 03:05:46 +02:00
SUBDIR += global
SUBDIR += glrparser
SUBDIR += glui
SUBDIR += gmake
SUBDIR += gnome-build
SUBDIR += gnome-common
SUBDIR += gnome-crash
SUBDIR += gnome-vfs
SUBDIR += gnome-vfs-monikers
SUBDIR += gnome-vfs-reference
SUBDIR += gnome-vfs1
SUBDIR += gnome-vfsmm
SUBDIR += gnome2-hacker-tools
SUBDIR += gnulibiberty
1999-05-10 13:34:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += gnustep
SUBDIR += gnustep-make
2002-11-13 18:54:50 +01:00
SUBDIR += gob2
SUBDIR += goffice
SUBDIR += goffice1
SUBDIR += gonzui
SUBDIR += google-perftools
SUBDIR += google-sparsehash
SUBDIR += gorm
SUBDIR += gperf
2006-03-19 23:43:05 +01:00
SUBDIR += gpsim
SUBDIR += gputils
SUBDIR += gsoap
SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gconf
SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs
SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-sdl
SUBDIR += gtgt
SUBDIR += gtkmozedit
SUBDIR += gtranslator
SUBDIR += guichan
SUBDIR += guikachu
SUBDIR += guile-lib
SUBDIR += guiloader
SUBDIR += guiloader-c++
SUBDIR += gwenhywfar
SUBDIR += gzstream
SUBDIR += hachoir-core
SUBDIR += hachoir-parser
SUBDIR += hachoir-regex
SUBDIR += happydoc
SUBDIR += hapy
SUBDIR += hc12mem
SUBDIR += highlighterkit
SUBDIR += horde-chora
SUBDIR += hp48cc
SUBDIR += hp48xgcc
SUBDIR += hptools
SUBDIR += hs-alex
SUBDIR += hs-buddha
SUBDIR += hs-c2hs
SUBDIR += hs-cpphs
SUBDIR += hs-drift
SUBDIR += hs-fps
SUBDIR += hs-haddock
SUBDIR += hs-happy
SUBDIR += hs-hat
SUBDIR += hs-hdoc
SUBDIR += hs-hmake
SUBDIR += hs-hpl
SUBDIR += hs-idoc
SUBDIR += hs-tclhaskell-ghc
SUBDIR += hypersrc
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += i960-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += i960-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += i960-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += ice
SUBDIR += icu
SUBDIR += icu2
1996-09-16 02:31:05 +02:00
SUBDIR += id-utils
SUBDIR += ifd-test
SUBDIR += imake
SUBDIR += imake-4
SUBDIR += inilib
SUBDIR += initutil
SUBDIR += invitation_to_ruby
SUBDIR += ipython
SUBDIR += ireport
2004-04-07 10:32:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += itext
SUBDIR += ixlib
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-chain
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-configuration
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-daemon
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-io
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-jxpath
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-modeler
SUBDIR += jakelib2
1998-07-11 04:42:47 +02:00
SUBDIR += jam
SUBDIR += java-util-concurrent
SUBDIR += javolution
SUBDIR += jclassinfo
SUBDIR += jcmdline
SUBDIR += jep
SUBDIR += jline
SUBDIR += jrtplib
SUBDIR += jsap
SUBDIR += jsmin
SUBDIR += json-c
SUBDIR += jtag
SUBDIR += jude-community
SUBDIR += judy
SUBDIR += k8048
SUBDIR += kaptain
SUBDIR += kcachegrind
SUBDIR += kdbg
Please welcome Qt3/KDE3 to our ports tree. This includes work since the original versions of these ports, so some PORTREVISIONs were bumped. See and mailing lists linked to from there for info on the packages generated to test these ports. has already been updated a few days ago to work with these. Some patches applied to fix a few bugs were: deskutils/kdepim3: [1] Remove kpilot from build because it wasn't ready at release. editors/koffice-kde3: [2] Fix compile time bugs for FreeBSD. misc/kdeedu3: [3] Fix compile problem with kvoctrain. x11/kdebase3: [4] Fix KDM CPU usage and login bug. Some caveats: * All PLISTs are broken for deinstall due to script bug that I didn't notice until very recently. This will be fixed when I commit an update tomorrow. These ports should still install perfectly fine though. They should also deinstall without giving errors, but will leave directories behind. * You can't install this with any other version of QT or KDE already installed. I am not sure the checks are 100% working, but fixes for these will be forthcoming. This is mainly due to a policy decision made by kde@ to make QT/KDE ports install the way the rest of the world expects it to while also still conforming to FreeBSD's hier(7). For reference on this decision, please consult the KDE/FreeBSD mailing list archives. This decision fixes 2-year-old bug reports relating to how we handled this for KDE2 vs KDE1. Submitted by: [1] Adrian de Groot <>, [2] David Faure <>, Andy Fawcett <> Lauri Watts <> [3] Lauri Watts <> [4] Alan Eldridge <> Oswald Buddenhagen <> Reviewed by: kde
2002-04-22 01:47:50 +02:00
SUBDIR += kdesdk3
SUBDIR += kdesvn
2000-02-12 22:54:08 +01:00
SUBDIR += kdevelop
SUBDIR += kimwitu
SUBDIR += kimwitu++
SUBDIR += klassmodeler
SUBDIR += kodos
SUBDIR += kprof
SUBDIR += kscope
SUBDIR += kxl
SUBDIR += kyra
SUBDIR += lasi
SUBDIR += lbpp
SUBDIR += leaktracer
SUBDIR += legoctl
SUBDIR += lemon
SUBDIR += lexi
SUBDIR += lhs2TeX
1999-02-02 15:32:32 +01:00
SUBDIR += libPropList
SUBDIR += libU77
SUBDIR += libafterbase
SUBDIR += libarena
SUBDIR += libassa
SUBDIR += libassetml
SUBDIR += libast
SUBDIR += libaura
SUBDIR += libavl
SUBDIR += libbegemot
SUBDIR += libbfd
SUBDIR += libbinio
SUBDIR += libbnr
SUBDIR += libbonobo
SUBDIR += libbonobo-reference
SUBDIR += libbonobomm
SUBDIR += libcapsinetwork
SUBDIR += libccid
SUBDIR += libcfg
SUBDIR += libcheck
SUBDIR += libchipcard
SUBDIR += libchipcard-kde
1999-01-10 20:06:11 +01:00
SUBDIR += libcii
SUBDIR += libconfig
SUBDIR += libconfuse
SUBDIR += libcoro
SUBDIR += libcoyotl
SUBDIR += libcwd
SUBDIR += libdaemon
SUBDIR += libdasm
SUBDIR += libdfui
SUBDIR += libdict
SUBDIR += libdisasm
SUBDIR += libdlmalloc
SUBDIR += libdnsres
SUBDIR += libds
SUBDIR += libdsp
SUBDIR += libdwarf
2002-02-14 16:29:35 +01:00
SUBDIR += libedit
SUBDIR += libelf
SUBDIR += libepp-nicbr
SUBDIR += libevent
SUBDIR += libevocosm
SUBDIR += libexecinfo
1998-08-10 02:09:42 +02:00
SUBDIR += libffi
SUBDIR += libfs++
SUBDIR += libftdi
2000-02-27 20:25:59 +01:00
SUBDIR += libg++
SUBDIR += libgalago
SUBDIR += libgconf-java
1999-04-30 19:21:41 +02:00
SUBDIR += libgetline
SUBDIR += libghthash
SUBDIR += libgii
SUBDIR += libgiigic
1999-08-22 05:57:25 +02:00
SUBDIR += libglade
SUBDIR += libglade-java
2002-02-14 14:41:25 +01:00
SUBDIR += libglade2
SUBDIR += libglade2-reference
SUBDIR += libglademm
SUBDIR += libglademm24
SUBDIR += libgnugetopt
SUBDIR += libgpc
SUBDIR += libgsf
SUBDIR += libgsf-gnome
SUBDIR += libgtop
SUBDIR += libgutenfetch
SUBDIR += libhash
SUBDIR += libhid
SUBDIR += libhoard
SUBDIR += libical
SUBDIR += libisc
SUBDIR += libixp
SUBDIR += libleaftag
SUBDIR += liblogging
SUBDIR += libltdl15
SUBDIR += libmatheval
SUBDIR += libmba
SUBDIR += libmcs
SUBDIR += libmcve
SUBDIR += libmimedir
SUBDIR += libmowgli
SUBDIR += libmpcbdm
SUBDIR += libmtrie
SUBDIR += libnaji
SUBDIR += libnotify
SUBDIR += libnxt
SUBDIR += liboil
SUBDIR += libol
SUBDIR += libole2
SUBDIR += liboobs
SUBDIR += liboop
SUBDIR += libopendaap
SUBDIR += libopensync
2007-07-03 23:45:30 +02:00
SUBDIR += libopensync022
SUBDIR += libowfat
SUBDIR += libpasori
SUBDIR += libpci
SUBDIR += libpdel
SUBDIR += libpeak
SUBDIR += libphish
SUBDIR += libpperl
SUBDIR += libpthread-stubs
SUBDIR += libredblack
SUBDIR += libruin
SUBDIR += libs11n
SUBDIR += libshbuf
1999-04-03 03:20:55 +02:00
SUBDIR += libshhmsg
1999-04-03 03:16:08 +02:00
SUBDIR += libshhopt
SUBDIR += libsigc++
2002-10-12 09:38:08 +02:00
SUBDIR += libsigc++12
SUBDIR += libsigc++20
2003-04-06 09:16:01 +02:00
SUBDIR += libsigcx
SUBDIR += libsigsegv
1996-07-11 19:36:25 +02:00
SUBDIR += libslang
SUBDIR += libslang2
2003-05-07 07:57:27 +02:00
SUBDIR += libsoup
SUBDIR += libsoup-reference
SUBDIR += libstatgrab
SUBDIR += libstrfunc
SUBDIR += libstroke
SUBDIR += libtai
SUBDIR += libtap
SUBDIR += libtar
SUBDIR += libtecla
SUBDIR += libthai
SUBDIR += libticalcs
SUBDIR += libtifiles
SUBDIR += libtifiles2
SUBDIR += libtool15
SUBDIR += libublio
SUBDIR += libukcprog
SUBDIR += libunicode
SUBDIR += libuninum
SUBDIR += libusb
SUBDIR += libvanessa_adt
SUBDIR += libvanessa_logger
SUBDIR += libvanessa_socket
SUBDIR += libvc
SUBDIR += libvolume_id
SUBDIR += libwfut
1999-04-03 03:23:47 +02:00
SUBDIR += libxalloc
SUBDIR += libytnef
SUBDIR += libzrtpcpp
SUBDIR += libzvbi
SUBDIR += lightning
1999-12-05 00:52:04 +01:00
SUBDIR += lincvs
SUBDIR += linux-allegro
SUBDIR += linux-glib2
SUBDIR += linux-js
2007-02-02 19:09:46 +01:00
SUBDIR += linux-kmod-compat
2001-02-12 17:40:05 +01:00
SUBDIR += linux-libglade
SUBDIR += linux-libsigc++20
SUBDIR += linux-runrev
SUBDIR += linux-sdl12
2006-01-05 21:57:06 +01:00
SUBDIR += linux_kdump
2000-01-26 06:57:13 +01:00
SUBDIR += linuxthreads
SUBDIR += linxt
SUBDIR += lion
SUBDIR += llvm
2002-07-04 07:32:19 +02:00
SUBDIR += log4c
SUBDIR += log4cplus
SUBDIR += log4cpp
SUBDIR += log4cxx
SUBDIR += log4j
SUBDIR += log4sh
SUBDIR += loki
SUBDIR += looks
SUBDIR += lrmi
SUBDIR += lua-filename
SUBDIR += lua-gettext
SUBDIR += lua-posix
SUBDIR += lua-pty
SUBDIR += lua50-app
SUBDIR += lua50-compat51
SUBDIR += lua50-dfui
SUBDIR += lua50-filename
SUBDIR += lua50-gettext
SUBDIR += lua50-posix
SUBDIR += lua50-pty
SUBDIR += luabind
2000-05-29 06:23:18 +02:00
SUBDIR += lwp
SUBDIR += m17n-db
SUBDIR += m17n-docs
SUBDIR += m17n-lib
SUBDIR += m4
SUBDIR += m6811-binutils
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += make++
1997-09-01 18:45:48 +02:00
SUBDIR += makedepend
SUBDIR += makeplus
2003-10-15 11:41:53 +02:00
SUBDIR += maketool
SUBDIR += maven
SUBDIR += maven2
SUBDIR += mcpp
SUBDIR += memcheck
SUBDIR += menhir
SUBDIR += mercator
SUBDIR += mercurial
SUBDIR += meta-cvs
SUBDIR += mico
2000-06-20 01:43:01 +02:00
SUBDIR += mime
SUBDIR += mimir
SUBDIR += mingw32-bin-msvcrt
SUBDIR += mingw32-binutils
SUBDIR += mingw32-directx
SUBDIR += mingw32-gcc
SUBDIR += mingw32-pdcurses
SUBDIR += mingw32-pthreads
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-gcc
2002-11-03 07:17:32 +01:00
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += mk
SUBDIR += mkcmd
1996-07-10 10:12:38 +02:00
SUBDIR += mkmf
SUBDIR += ml-doc
1999-03-24 15:16:17 +01:00
SUBDIR += mm
SUBDIR += mob
SUBDIR += mono-tools
SUBDIR += monodoc
SUBDIR += monotone
SUBDIR += monotone-viz
SUBDIR += motor
SUBDIR += mpatrol
SUBDIR += mph
SUBDIR += mprof
SUBDIR += mq4cpp
SUBDIR += msp430-binutils
SUBDIR += msp430-gcc
SUBDIR += msp430-gdb
SUBDIR += msp430-libc
SUBDIR += msrc0
1997-10-15 22:02:14 +02:00
SUBDIR += nana
SUBDIR += nant
1997-10-27 01:19:10 +01:00
SUBDIR += nasm
SUBDIR += naturaldocs
SUBDIR += ncc
SUBDIR += ncnf
2002-11-01 07:45:27 +01:00
SUBDIR += ncurses
2007-01-31 19:41:30 +01:00
SUBDIR += ncurses-devel
SUBDIR += netscape-java40
SUBDIR += newfile
SUBDIR += newt
SUBDIR += ngpt
SUBDIR += noweb
SUBDIR += nspr
SUBDIR += nx
SUBDIR += oaf
SUBDIR += obby
SUBDIR += obfuscatejs
SUBDIR += objcunit
SUBDIR += objectivelib
SUBDIR += ocaml-annexlib
SUBDIR += ocaml-calendar
SUBDIR += ocaml-camljava
SUBDIR += ocaml-camomile
SUBDIR += ocaml-camomile-examples
SUBDIR += ocaml-cfg
SUBDIR += ocaml-classes
SUBDIR += ocaml-equeue
SUBDIR += ocaml-event
SUBDIR += ocaml-extlib
SUBDIR += ocaml-findlib
SUBDIR += ocaml-lacaml
SUBDIR += ocaml-magic
SUBDIR += ocaml-ounit
SUBDIR += ocaml-pcre
SUBDIR += ocaml-pomap
SUBDIR += ocaml-res
SUBDIR += ocaml-sdl
SUBDIR += ocaml-sem
SUBDIR += ocaml-sexplib
SUBDIR += ocaml-ulex
SUBDIR += ocaml-xstr
SUBDIR += ocaml-xstrp4
SUBDIR += ocamlweb
SUBDIR += ode
SUBDIR += ode-devel
SUBDIR += omake
2004-11-23 01:08:11 +01:00
SUBDIR += omniNotify
1997-06-04 07:55:00 +02:00
SUBDIR += oniguruma
2006-12-22 13:49:21 +01:00
SUBDIR += oniguruma4
SUBDIR += open-beagle
SUBDIR += openthreads
SUBDIR += openwince-include
SUBDIR += openzz
SUBDIR += orbitcpp
SUBDIR += oskit
SUBDIR += ossp-al
SUBDIR += ossp-cfg
SUBDIR += ossp-ex
SUBDIR += ossp-l2
SUBDIR += ossp-val
2003-02-01 05:39:40 +01:00
SUBDIR += ossp-var
SUBDIR += ossp-xds
SUBDIR += otrs
SUBDIR += p4.el
SUBDIR += p4api
SUBDIR += p4db
SUBDIR += p4delta
SUBDIR += p4genpatch
SUBDIR += p4v
SUBDIR += p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar
SUBDIR += p5-AI-Prolog
SUBDIR += p5-Acme-MetaSyntactic
SUBDIR += p5-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Accounting
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Annotate
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Bucketizer
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-C3
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Cluster
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Dependency
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Dependency-Objects
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Diff
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Evolutionary
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-IncludeExclude
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-LCS
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-LUHN
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MDiff
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MinMax
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Networksort
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Permute
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVM
SUBDIR += p5-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-Alzabo
SUBDIR += p5-Alzabo-GUI-Mason
SUBDIR += p5-AnyData
SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent
SUBDIR += p5-App-CLI
SUBDIR += p5-App-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-App-Control
SUBDIR += p5-App-Info
SUBDIR += p5-App-Options
SUBDIR += p5-App-Trace
SUBDIR += p5-AppConfig
SUBDIR += p5-AppConfig-Std
SUBDIR += p5-Array-Group
SUBDIR += p5-Array-Iterator
SUBDIR += p5-Array-Window
SUBDIR += p5-AtExit
SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Handlers
SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Handlers-Prospective
SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Persistent
SUBDIR += p5-AutoLoader
SUBDIR += p5-B-Deobfuscate
SUBDIR += p5-B-Generate
SUBDIR += p5-B-Graph
SUBDIR += p5-B-Keywords
SUBDIR += p5-B-Size
SUBDIR += p5-B-Utils
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-BSD-Resource
SUBDIR += p5-BSD-stat
SUBDIR += p5-Best
SUBDIR += p5-Bundle-Perl6
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-C-Scan
SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo
SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Mini
SUBDIR += p5-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build
SUBDIR += p5-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-FastMmap
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Mmap
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
SUBDIR += p5-Calendar-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Assert
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Assert-More
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Clan
2002-08-06 13:11:37 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Datum
SUBDIR += p5-Cdk
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Chained
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Lvalue
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Named
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Adapter
SUBDIR += p5-Class-AlzaboWrapper
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ArrayObjects
SUBDIR += p5-Class-AutoClass
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Autouse
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Base
SUBDIR += p5-Class-BlackHole
SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3
SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3-Componentised
SUBDIR += p5-Class-C3-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Closure
SUBDIR += p5-Class-CodeStyler
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Constant
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Container
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Contract
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Data-Accessor
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Data-Inheritable
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Date
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Default
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Delegation
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ErrorHandler
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Factory
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Factory-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Field
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Fields
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Generate
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Gomor
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Handle
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Hook
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ISA
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inner
SUBDIR += p5-Class-InsideOut
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inspector
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Loader
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MOP
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MakeMethods
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Measure
2000-07-12 18:23:23 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MethodMaker
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MethodMapper
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MixinFactory
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Multimethods
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Multimethods-Pure
SUBDIR += p5-Class-NamedParms
SUBDIR += p5-Class-OOorNO
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ObjectTemplate
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-DB
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Observable
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ParmList
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Prototyped
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ReturnValue
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Roles
SUBDIR += p5-Class-STL-Containers
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Singleton
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Spiffy
SUBDIR += p5-Class-StateMachine
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Std
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tangram
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Throwable
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tom
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Trigger
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Virtual
SUBDIR += p5-Class-WhiteHole
SUBDIR += p5-Class-XPath
SUBDIR += p5-Clone
SUBDIR += p5-Clone-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-Clone-More
SUBDIR += p5-Clone-PP
SUBDIR += p5-Code-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Commands-Guarded
SUBDIR += p5-CommitBit
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Any
SUBDIR += p5-Config-ApacheFormat
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Auto
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-Config-General
SUBDIR += p5-Config-INI-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Config-IniFiles
SUBDIR += p5-Config-IniHash
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Model
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Objective
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Properties
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Record
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Setting
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Std
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Tiny
2001-05-19 23:39:26 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-ConfigReader
SUBDIR += p5-ConfigReader-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Contextual-Return
SUBDIR += p5-Coro
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Curses
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Application
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Forms
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-UI
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Widgets
SUBDIR += p5-Cvs
SUBDIR += p5-DB_File-Lock
SUBDIR += p5-Danga-Socket
SUBDIR += p5-Data-ACL
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Bind
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Compare
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dump
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dump-Streamer
SUBDIR += p5-Data-DumpXML
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper-Simple
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Flow
SUBDIR += p5-Data-GUID
SUBDIR += p5-Data-HexDump
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hexdumper
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hierarchy
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Lazy
SUBDIR += p5-Data-ObjectDriver
SUBDIR += p5-Data-OptList
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Postponed
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Properties
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Random
SUBDIR += p5-Data-RoundRobin
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Serializer
SUBDIR += p5-Data-ShowTable
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Stag
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Structure-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Swap
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Table
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Taxonomy-Tags
SUBDIR += p5-Data-TemporaryBag
SUBDIR += p5-Data-TreeDumper
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Types
SUBDIR += p5-Data-UUID
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validate
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Visitor
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Calc
SUBDIR += p5-Date-DayOfWeek
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Easter
SUBDIR += p5-Date-EzDate
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Holidays-DK
SUBDIR += p5-Date-ICal
SUBDIR += p5-Date-ISO
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Leapyear
1997-04-28 21:19:10 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Manip
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Pcalc
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Range
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Roman
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Set
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-DateConvert
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Christian
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-FrenchRevolutionary
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Hebrew
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Cron
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Easter
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-ICal
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-NameDay
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Random
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Sunrise
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Fiscal-Year
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Baby
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Bork
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Builder
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DBI
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Duration
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Excel
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-IBeat
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-ICal
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Mail
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Pg
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Roman
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Functions
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-HiRes
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Incomplete
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Locale
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Precise
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Set
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone-LMT
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Util-Astro
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Util-Calc
SUBDIR += p5-Decision-ACL
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Arena
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Caller
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Constants
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-CoreStack
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cover
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cycle
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-DProfPP
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Diagram
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-EvalContext
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Leak
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Leak-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-LeakTrace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-LexAlias
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Messenger
2001-05-19 23:39:26 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Modlist
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ObjectTracker
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-PPPort
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Peek
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Pointer
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Profile
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Profiler
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Required
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-RingBuffer
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-STrace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-SimpleTrace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Size
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-SmallProf
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StackTrace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StealthDebug
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Symdump
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Timer
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Trace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-TraceCalls
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-TraceUse
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ebug
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ptkdb
SUBDIR += p5-Dialog
SUBDIR += p5-Digest-TransformPath
SUBDIR += p5-Dir-Project
SUBDIR += p5-Directory-Scratch
SUBDIR += p5-Env-PS1
SUBDIR += p5-Env-Path
SUBDIR += p5-Errno
SUBDIR += p5-Event
SUBDIR += p5-Event-ExecFlow
SUBDIR += p5-Event-Lib
SUBDIR += p5-Event-RPC
SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Class
SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Handler
SUBDIR += p5-Expect-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Tidy
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-AutoInstall
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Command
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Constant
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Depends
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-FSA-Rules
SUBDIR += p5-File-Append-TempFile
SUBDIR += p5-File-Attributes
SUBDIR += p5-File-Attributes-Recursive
SUBDIR += p5-File-BaseDir
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-File-BasicFlock
SUBDIR += p5-File-Binary
SUBDIR += p5-File-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-File-Cat
SUBDIR += p5-File-Copy-Recursive
SUBDIR += p5-File-CreationTime
SUBDIR += p5-File-DesktopEntry
SUBDIR += p5-File-DirSync
SUBDIR += p5-File-ExtAttr
SUBDIR += p5-File-FTS
SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Object
SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule
SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule-Filesys-Virtual
SUBDIR += p5-File-Finder
SUBDIR += p5-File-Flat
SUBDIR += p5-File-Flock
SUBDIR += p5-File-FnMatch
SUBDIR += p5-File-Grep
SUBDIR += p5-File-HStore
SUBDIR += p5-File-HomeDir
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-File-Lock
2000-03-01 21:30:30 +01:00
SUBDIR += p5-File-MMagic
SUBDIR += p5-File-MMagic-XS
SUBDIR += p5-File-MimeInfo
SUBDIR += p5-File-Modified
SUBDIR += p5-File-NCopy
SUBDIR += p5-File-NFSLock
SUBDIR += p5-File-Path-Expand
SUBDIR += p5-File-PathConvert
SUBDIR += p5-File-Pid
SUBDIR += p5-File-Policy
SUBDIR += p5-File-Random
SUBDIR += p5-File-ReadBackwards
SUBDIR += p5-File-Remove
SUBDIR += p5-File-ShareDir
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurp
SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurp-Tree
SUBDIR += p5-File-Sync
SUBDIR += p5-File-Tail
SUBDIR += p5-File-Temp
SUBDIR += p5-File-Tempdir
SUBDIR += p5-File-Type
SUBDIR += p5-File-Util
SUBDIR += p5-File-chdir
SUBDIR += p5-File-pushd
SUBDIR += p5-FileHandle-Fmode
SUBDIR += p5-FileHandle-Unget
SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual
SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual-Plain
SUBDIR += p5-Filter
SUBDIR += p5-Filter-Template
SUBDIR += p5-FreezeThaw
SUBDIR += p5-Gearman
SUBDIR += p5-Gearman-Client-Async
SUBDIR += p5-Gearman-Server
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-ShapeFile
SUBDIR += p5-Getargs-Long
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-ArgvFile
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Declare
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Long
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Mixed
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Popt
SUBDIR += p5-Glib2
SUBDIR += p5-Gnome2-GConf
SUBDIR += p5-Google-Checkout
SUBDIR += p5-Gtk2-Spell
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-AsObject
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Case
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-WithDefaults
SUBDIR += p5-Heap
SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Hook-LexWrap
SUBDIR += p5-IO-All
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Async
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Capture
SUBDIR += p5-IO-CaptureOutput
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Digest
SUBDIR += p5-IO-KQueue
SUBDIR += p5-IO-LockedFile
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Multiplex
SUBDIR += p5-IO-NestedCapture
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Null
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Pager
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Prompt
SUBDIR += p5-IO-String
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Tee
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Toolkit
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Tty
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Util
2000-01-26 06:57:13 +01:00
SUBDIR += p5-IO-stringy
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Cmd
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-DirQueue
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Locker
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Mmap
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Mmap-Share
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Open3-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-PubSub
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run3
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-ShareLite
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Shareable
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-SharedCache
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Signal
1996-10-24 10:17:09 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Include
SUBDIR += p5-Inline
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-ASM
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-CPP
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Files
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Filters
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Java
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-TT
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Tcl
SUBDIR += p5-InlineX-C2XS
SUBDIR += p5-Ioctl
SUBDIR += p5-Iterator
SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-IO
SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-Misc
SUBDIR += p5-Iterator-Util
SUBDIR += p5-JQuery
SUBDIR += p5-Java
SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-Lexical-Persistence
SUBDIR += p5-List-Cycle
SUBDIR += p5-List-Group
SUBDIR += p5-List-Permutor
SUBDIR += p5-List-PowerSet
SUBDIR += p5-List-Rotation-Cycle
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple
2000-01-29 13:45:26 +01:00
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-PGetText
2000-02-09 05:41:32 +01:00
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-gettext
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-libintl
SUBDIR += p5-LockFile-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Accounting-SVK
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Accounting-SVN
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Agent-Logger
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Config
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Email-EmailSend
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-FileShared
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Log4perl
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Message
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Message-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Report
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Trace
SUBDIR += p5-Log-TraceMessages
SUBDIR += p5-Logfile-Rotate
SUBDIR += p5-Luka
SUBDIR += p5-MRO-Compat
SUBDIR += p5-Mac-FileSpec-Unixish
SUBDIR += p5-Make
SUBDIR += p5-Make-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Memoize
SUBDIR += p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU
SUBDIR += p5-Method-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-Mknod
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Convert
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build-Kwalitee
SUBDIR += p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Compile
SUBDIR += p5-Module-CoreList
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Dependency
SUBDIR += p5-Module-ExtractUse
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Find
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Info
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Info-File
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Load
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Load-Conditional
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Loaded
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Refresh
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Release
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Reload
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Reload-Sel
SUBDIR += p5-Module-ScanDeps
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter-PBP
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Versions-Report
SUBDIR += p5-Moose
SUBDIR += p5-Net-DBus
SUBDIR += p5-Number-Bytes-Human
SUBDIR += p5-OLE-Storage_Lite
SUBDIR += p5-OOTools
SUBDIR += p5-ORBit
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Accessor
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Array
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Declare
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Enum
SUBDIR += p5-Object-InsideOut
SUBDIR += p5-Object-MultiType
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Realize-Later
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Signature
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Tiny
SUBDIR += p5-P4
SUBDIR += p5-P4-Client
SUBDIR += p5-PAR-Dist
SUBDIR += p5-PAR-Packer
2003-09-29 04:19:59 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-PCSC-Card
SUBDIR += p5-PHP-Serialization
SUBDIR += p5-POE-API-Hooks
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Child
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Daemon
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DebugShell
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DirWatch
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-IKC
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-JobQueue
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Logger
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Pluggable
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-RSS
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-RSSAggregator
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-TSTP
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Devel-Profiler
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Exceptions
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Session-MultiDispatch
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Stage
SUBDIR += p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array
SUBDIR += p5-POSIX-strptime
SUBDIR += p5-PPerl
1997-04-18 14:10:56 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Package-Constants
SUBDIR += p5-PadWalker
SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-ForkManager
SUBDIR += p5-Params-CallbackRequest
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Check
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Classify
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Coerce
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Validate
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-PerlConfig
1999-09-05 22:25:03 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-RecDescent
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Yapp
SUBDIR += p5-ParseLex
SUBDIR += p5-PatchReader
SUBDIR += p5-Path-Class
SUBDIR += p5-PathTools
SUBDIR += p5-Penguin
SUBDIR += p5-Penguin-Easy
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Builtins
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Export
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Form
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Junction
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Rules
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Say
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-eol
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-MD5
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-symlink
SUBDIR += p5-PerlMenu
SUBDIR += p5-Pipeline
SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Coverage
SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Tests
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Background
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Daemon
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Fork
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-PID-File
2002-11-08 22:18:18 +01:00
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-PIDFile
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-ProcessTable
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Queue
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Reliable
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Project-Gantt
SUBDIR += p5-Rcs
SUBDIR += p5-Rcs-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-ReadLine-Gnu
SUBDIR += p5-ReadLine-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Readonly
SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Assemble
SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Bind
SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Shellish
1996-10-24 15:48:24 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Religion
SUBDIR += p5-ResourcePool
1996-10-24 15:48:24 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Resources
SUBDIR += p5-Return-Value
SUBDIR += p5-Rose-DateTime
SUBDIR += p5-Rose-Object
SUBDIR += p5-RunApp
SUBDIR += p5-SSN-Validate
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Dump
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Log
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Mirror
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Statistics
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Web
SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Defer
SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Listify
SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-Util-Clone
SUBDIR += p5-Scope-Guard
SUBDIR += p5-Search-Binary
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Array
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Crontab
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Infinite
SUBDIR += p5-Set-NestedGroups
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Scalar
SUBDIR += p5-Shape
SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Base
SUBDIR += p5-Shell-EnvImporter
SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Source
SUBDIR += p5-ShipIt
SUBDIR += p5-Smart-Comments
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Array
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-ArrayOfArrays
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key-DateTime
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Key-Top
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Maker
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Tree
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Versions
SUBDIR += p5-Spiffy
SUBDIR += p5-Spoon
1997-07-10 01:20:25 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Storable
SUBDIR += p5-Stream
SUBDIR += p5-String-Approx
2001-08-25 01:00:02 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-String-CRC32
SUBDIR += p5-String-Checker
SUBDIR += p5-String-Ediff
SUBDIR += p5-String-LRC
SUBDIR += p5-String-Parity
SUBDIR += p5-String-Random
SUBDIR += p5-String-RexxParse
SUBDIR += p5-String-Similarity
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Exporter
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Install
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Installer
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Multi
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Name
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Override
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Uplevel
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-WrapPackages
SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Mmap
SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Sig
SUBDIR += p5-Sys-SigAction
SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Syscall
SUBDIR += p5-System2
SUBDIR += p5-Taint-Runtime
SUBDIR += p5-Task-Weaken
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ANSIColor
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ANSIScreen
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Animation
SUBDIR += p5-Term-CallEditor
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Encoding
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Menus
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ProgressBar
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Prompt
1998-05-22 04:08:40 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Query
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadKey
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine-Zoid
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadPassword
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Screen
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Shell
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Size
SUBDIR += p5-Term-UI
SUBDIR += p5-Term-VT102
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Visual
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Assertions
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Base
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Benchmark
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Class
SUBDIR += p5-Test-ClassAPI
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Cmd
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Data
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Deep
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Dependencies
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Differences
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Exception
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Expect
SUBDIR += p5-Test-File
SUBDIR += p5-Test-File-Contents
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Group
SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTML-Tidy
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Harness
SUBDIR += p5-Test-HasVersion
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Inline
2007-04-26 22:40:01 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Test-JSON
SUBDIR += p5-Test-LectroTest
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Log4perl
SUBDIR += p5-Test-LongString
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Manifest
SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockModule
SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockObject
SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockRandom
SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockTime
SUBDIR += p5-Test-NoWarnings
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Number-Delta
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Output
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod-Coverage
SUBDIR += p5-Test-RandomResults
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Reporter
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Script
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Singleton
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Strict
SUBDIR += p5-Test-SubCalls
SUBDIR += p5-Test-TAP-HTMLMatrix
SUBDIR += p5-Test-TAP-Model
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Tester
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Unit
SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize
SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Warn
SUBDIR += p5-Test-XML
SUBDIR += p5-Test-XML-Valid
SUBDIR += p5-Test-YAML-Valid
SUBDIR += p5-Test-use-ok
SUBDIR += p5-Text-LevenshteinXS
SUBDIR += p5-Text-vFile-asData
SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Apartment
SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Pool-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Thread-Queue-Duplex
SUBDIR += p5-Thrift
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Array-Pack
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Array-Sorted
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-CPHash
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DB_File-SplitHash
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DB_FileLock
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-File
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-FileLRUCache
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-Indexed
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-Regex
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-Sorted
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Hash-TwoWay
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-IxHash
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-RefHash
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Restore
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-ShareLite
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Watch
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-iCal
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Clock
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Duration
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Duration-Parse
1999-06-27 19:48:40 +02:00
SUBDIR += p5-Time-HiRes
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Interval
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Local
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Period
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Piece
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Piece-Range
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Progress
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Stopwatch
SUBDIR += p5-Time-modules
2000-01-26 06:57:13 +01:00
SUBDIR += p5-TimeDate
SUBDIR += p5-TraceFuncs
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Binary
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Binary-Dictionary
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-DAG_Node
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Node
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple-View
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory
SUBDIR += p5-UI-Dialog
SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-exports
SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker
SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-require
SUBDIR += p5-Unix-Statgrab
SUBDIR += p5-User-Identity
SUBDIR += p5-VCP-Dest-svk
SUBDIR += p5-VCP-Source-cvsbk
SUBDIR += p5-VCP-autrijus
SUBDIR += p5-VCS-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Want
SUBDIR += p5-WeakRef
SUBDIR += p5-Workflow
SUBDIR += p5-XSLoader
SUBDIR += p5-Yada-Yada-Yada
SUBDIR += p5-accessors
SUBDIR += p5-aliased
SUBDIR += p5-base
SUBDIR += p5-capitalization
SUBDIR += p5-enum
SUBDIR += p5-forks
SUBDIR += p5-gearmand
SUBDIR += p5-iCal-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-mixin
SUBDIR += p5-mocked
SUBDIR += p5-orz
SUBDIR += p5-prefork
SUBDIR += p5-reaper
SUBDIR += p5-rpm-build-perl
SUBDIR += p5-subatom
SUBDIR += p5-threads
SUBDIR += p5-threads-shared
SUBDIR += p5-usb
SUBDIR += p5-version
SUBDIR += p65
SUBDIR += papi
SUBDIR += pas2dox
1998-01-21 08:08:49 +01:00
SUBDIR += patch
1997-07-01 09:49:23 +02:00
SUBDIR += pccts
1998-07-13 01:00:13 +02:00
SUBDIR += pcre
SUBDIR += pcre++
SUBDIR += pcsc-lite
SUBDIR += pdcurses
SUBDIR += pear
SUBDIR += pear-Config
SUBDIR += pear-Console_Color
SUBDIR += pear-Console_Getargs
SUBDIR += pear-Console_Table
SUBDIR += pear-Date
SUBDIR += pear-Date_Holidays
SUBDIR += pear-Event_Dispatcher
SUBDIR += pear-FSM
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_BBCodeParser
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Common
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Common2
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Form
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Javascript
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Page2
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm2
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_Controller
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_Livesearch
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Select
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Select_Common
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Table
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_Flexy
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_IT
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_Sigma
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_TreeMenu
SUBDIR += pear-I18N
SUBDIR += pear-Math_Fraction
SUBDIR += pear-OLE
SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_Info
SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager
SUBDIR += pear-PHPDoc
SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit
SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit2
SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit3
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Beautifier
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Compat
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_CompatInfo
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Parser
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_ParserGenerator
SUBDIR += pear-Pager
The phpDocumentor tool is a standalone auto-documentor similar to JavaDoc written in PHP. It differs from PHPDoc in that it is MUCH faster, parses a much wider range of php files, and comes with many customizations including 11 HTML templates, windows help file CHM output, PDF output, and XML DocBook peardoc2 output for use with documenting PEAR. In addition, it can do PHPXref source code highlighting and linking. Features (short list): -output in HTML, PDF (directly), CHM (with windows help compiler), XML DocBook -very fast -web and command-line interface -fully customizable output with Smarty-based templates -recognizes JavaDoc-style documentation with special tags customized for PHP 4 -automatic linking, class inheritance diagrams and intelligent override -customizable source code highlighting, with phpxref-style cross-referencing -parses standard README/CHANGELOG/INSTALL/FAQ files and includes them directly in documentation -generates a todo list from @todo tags in source -generates multiple documentation sets based on @access private, @internal and {@internal} tags -example php files can be placed directly in documentation with highlighting and phpxref linking using the @example tag -linking between external manual and API documentation is possible at the sub-section level in all output formats -easily extended for specific documentation needs with Converter -full documentation of every feature, manual can be generated directly from the source code with "phpdoc -c makedocs" in any format desired. -current manual always available at -user .ini files can be used to control output, multiple outputs can be generated at once WWW: PR: ports/112744 Submitted by: Gerrit Beine (<gerrit.beine at>)
2007-05-29 18:15:08 +02:00
SUBDIR += pear-PhpDocumentor
SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid
SUBDIR += pear-System_Command
SUBDIR += pear-Text_Diff
SUBDIR += pear-VFS
SUBDIR += pear-Validate
SUBDIR += pear-Validate_Finance
SUBDIR += pear-Validate_Finance_CreditCard
SUBDIR += pear-Var_Dump
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Parser
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Serializer
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Transformer
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Tree
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Util
SUBDIR += pear-XML_XPath
SUBDIR += pear-apd
SUBDIR += pecl-bbcode
SUBDIR += pecl-bcompiler
SUBDIR += pecl-expect
SUBDIR += pecl-hidef
SUBDIR += pecl-htscanner
SUBDIR += pecl-json
SUBDIR += pecl-operator
SUBDIR += pecl-runkit
SUBDIR += pecl-statgrab
SUBDIR += pecl-svn
SUBDIR += pecl-uploadprogress
SUBDIR += pecl-vld
SUBDIR += pedisassem
SUBDIR += perforce
SUBDIR += performance
SUBDIR += perlconsole
2001-03-04 13:36:33 +01:00
SUBDIR += perltidy
1999-10-03 23:58:31 +02:00
SUBDIR += pharmacy
SUBDIR += php-dbg
SUBDIR += php-dbg2
SUBDIR += php-xdebug
2004-07-19 09:56:59 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-dio
2004-07-19 09:57:27 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-gettext
2004-07-19 09:57:56 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-mcve
2004-07-19 09:58:23 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-ncurses
2004-07-19 10:01:06 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-pcntl
2004-07-19 09:12:19 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-pcre
2004-07-19 10:01:34 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-readline
2004-07-19 10:02:01 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-shmop
2004-07-19 10:02:28 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-sysvmsg
2004-07-19 10:02:56 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-sysvsem
2004-07-19 10:03:26 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-sysvshm
2004-07-19 10:04:47 +02:00
SUBDIR += php4-tokenizer
2004-07-19 11:02:02 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-gettext
2004-07-19 11:03:10 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-ncurses
2004-07-19 11:03:40 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-pcntl
2004-07-19 09:12:57 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-pcre
SUBDIR += php5-phing
2004-07-19 11:04:08 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-readline
2004-07-19 11:04:37 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-shmop
2007-02-09 09:31:42 +01:00
SUBDIR += php5-spl
2004-07-19 11:05:55 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-sysvmsg
2004-07-19 11:07:17 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-sysvsem
2004-07-19 11:07:44 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-sysvshm
2004-07-19 11:08:46 +02:00
SUBDIR += php5-tokenizer
SUBDIR += phpbt
SUBDIR += phptags
SUBDIR += physfs
SUBDIR += physfs-devel
SUBDIR += picasm
SUBDIR += picp
1999-11-01 05:04:08 +01:00
SUBDIR += picprog
SUBDIR += pikdev
SUBDIR += pinstall
SUBDIR += pkg-config
SUBDIR += plan9port
1998-11-15 23:55:14 +01:00
SUBDIR += pmake
SUBDIR += pmd
SUBDIR += pmk
SUBDIR += poco
SUBDIR += poco-ssl
1999-12-30 13:38:57 +01:00
SUBDIR += popt
SUBDIR += portlet-api
SUBDIR += poslib
SUBDIR += powerpc-binutils
SUBDIR += powerpc-gcc
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += ppl
1996-11-26 09:24:08 +01:00
SUBDIR += prcs
SUBDIR += premake
SUBDIR += preps-gui
SUBDIR += prepstools
SUBDIR += present
SUBDIR += privman
SUBDIR += projectmanager
SUBDIR += prototype
SUBDIR += pstreams
SUBDIR += psvn
1999-07-05 08:35:07 +02:00
SUBDIR += pth
SUBDIR += pth-hard
2004-12-20 13:20:35 +01:00
SUBDIR += ptmalloc
SUBDIR += pty
SUBDIR += ptypes
SUBDIR += publib
SUBDIR += pushmi
SUBDIR += pwlib
SUBDIR += py-Breve
SUBDIR += py-Jinja
SUBDIR += py-TurboJinja
SUBDIR += py-anonfunc
SUBDIR += py-argparse
SUBDIR += py-asn1
SUBDIR += py-astng
SUBDIR += py-babel
SUBDIR += py-bison
SUBDIR += py-boto
SUBDIR += py-celementtree
SUBDIR += py-cheetah
SUBDIR += py-ciphon
SUBDIR += py-cjson
SUBDIR += py-cog
SUBDIR += py-configobj
SUBDIR += py-coro
SUBDIR += py-ctypes
SUBDIR += py-cxx
SUBDIR += py-dateutil
SUBDIR += py-dbus
SUBDIR += py-decorator
2004-07-27 02:20:03 +02:00
SUBDIR += py-dialog
SUBDIR += py-distorm
SUBDIR += py-durus
SUBDIR += py-elementtree
SUBDIR += py-epsilon
SUBDIR += py-event
SUBDIR += py-ez_xml
SUBDIR += py-ezpyinline
SUBDIR += py-fam
SUBDIR += py-fileutils
SUBDIR += py-flakes
SUBDIR += py-fortran
SUBDIR += py-freebsd
SUBDIR += py-fusefs
SUBDIR += py-game
SUBDIR += py-gamin
SUBDIR += py-gdata
SUBDIR += py-generate
SUBDIR += py-gobject
SUBDIR += py-grouch
SUBDIR += py-icalendar
SUBDIR += py-ice
SUBDIR += py-instant
SUBDIR += py-istring
SUBDIR += py-json-py
SUBDIR += py-kid
1999-03-28 04:53:59 +02:00
SUBDIR += py-kjbuckets
SUBDIR += py-kqueue
SUBDIR += py-levenshtein
SUBDIR += py-libgsf
SUBDIR += py-ll-core
SUBDIR += py-lock_file
SUBDIR += py-log4py
SUBDIR += py-logilab-common
SUBDIR += py-lxml
SUBDIR += py-magic
SUBDIR += py-mx-experimental
SUBDIR += py-myghtyutils
SUBDIR += py-ncurses
SUBDIR += py-nose
SUBDIR += py-notifier
SUBDIR += py-notify
SUBDIR += py-ocempgui
SUBDIR += py-ode
SUBDIR += py-omniorb
SUBDIR += py-optik
SUBDIR += py-orbit
SUBDIR += py-parsedatetime
SUBDIR += py-parsing
SUBDIR += py-pefile
SUBDIR += py-period
SUBDIR += py-plex
SUBDIR += py-ply
SUBDIR += py-pmock
SUBDIR += py-pp
SUBDIR += py-pqueue
SUBDIR += py-protocols
SUBDIR += py-protocols-devel
SUBDIR += py-psyco
SUBDIR += py-px
SUBDIR += py-pycallgraph
SUBDIR += py-pydasm
SUBDIR += py-pytz
SUBDIR += py-pyutil
SUBDIR += py-qt4-assistant
SUBDIR += py-qt4-core
SUBDIR += py-qt4-dbus
SUBDIR += py-qt4-designer
SUBDIR += py-qt4-designerplugin
SUBDIR += py-qt4-qct
SUBDIR += py-qt4-qscintilla2
SUBDIR += py-qt4-script
SUBDIR += py-qt4-test
SUBDIR += py-rbtree
SUBDIR += py-repl
SUBDIR += py-resourcepackage
SUBDIR += py-reverse
SUBDIR += py-rlcompleter2
2002-03-22 11:37:44 +01:00
SUBDIR += py-ro
SUBDIR += py-roxlib
SUBDIR += py-ruledispatch
SUBDIR += py-sendfile
SUBDIR += py-setuptools
SUBDIR += py-simplejson
SUBDIR += py-simpleparse
SUBDIR += py-simpletal
SUBDIR += py-simpy
SUBDIR += py-sip
SUBDIR += py-spark
SUBDIR += py-sqlcc
SUBDIR += py-statgrab
SUBDIR += py-tables
SUBDIR += py-tconfpy
SUBDIR += py-testgears
SUBDIR += py-testoob
SUBDIR += py-trace2html
SUBDIR += py-turbocheetah
2007-01-07 11:13:56 +01:00
SUBDIR += py-turbojson
SUBDIR += py-turbokid
SUBDIR += py-twisted
SUBDIR += py-twistedCore
SUBDIR += py-twistedFlow
SUBDIR += py-twistedRunner
SUBDIR += py-unit
SUBDIR += py-urlimport
SUBDIR += py-urwid
SUBDIR += py-usb
SUBDIR += py-utils
SUBDIR += py-vmaps
SUBDIR += py-wsgiutils
SUBDIR += py-xdg
SUBDIR += py-xoltar-toolkit
SUBDIR += py-yaml
SUBDIR += py-zconfig
SUBDIR += py-zopeInterface
SUBDIR += py_otp_interface
SUBDIR += pybaz
SUBDIR += pychecker
SUBDIR += pycount
SUBDIR += pylint
SUBDIR += pymacs
SUBDIR += pyobfuscate
SUBDIR += pypersrc
SUBDIR += pyrex
SUBDIR += pythk
SUBDIR += pythontidy
SUBDIR += qca
SUBDIR += qdevelop
SUBDIR += qmake
SUBDIR += qmake4
SUBDIR += qprog
SUBDIR += qsa
SUBDIR += qscintilla2
SUBDIR += qscintilla2-designerplugin
SUBDIR += qssl
SUBDIR += qt4
SUBDIR += qt4-assistant
SUBDIR += qt4-corelib
SUBDIR += qt4-designer
SUBDIR += qt4-libqtassistantclient
SUBDIR += qt4-linguist
SUBDIR += qt4-makeqpf
SUBDIR += qt4-moc
SUBDIR += qt4-porting
SUBDIR += qt4-qdbusviewer
SUBDIR += qt4-qt3support
SUBDIR += qt4-qtestlib
SUBDIR += qt4-qvfb
SUBDIR += qt4-rcc
SUBDIR += qt4-script
SUBDIR += qt4-uic
SUBDIR += qt4-uic3
SUBDIR += quilt
SUBDIR += radrails
SUBDIR += ragel
SUBDIR += raknet
SUBDIR += rapidsvn
1998-05-16 19:43:29 +02:00
SUBDIR += re2c
SUBDIR += readline
SUBDIR += regexx
SUBDIR += regexxer
SUBDIR += replay
SUBDIR += rhtvision
1998-12-20 19:00:32 +01:00
SUBDIR += rinfo
SUBDIR += rlog
2001-08-12 13:07:24 +02:00
SUBDIR += rlwrap
1999-12-23 15:16:45 +01:00
SUBDIR += robodoc
SUBDIR += root
SUBDIR += root-doc
SUBDIR += rote
2000-05-29 06:23:18 +02:00
SUBDIR += rpc2
SUBDIR += rpm-spec-mode.el
SUBDIR += rth
SUBDIR += ruby-amstd
SUBDIR += ruby-aspectr
2001-08-22 10:04:04 +02:00
SUBDIR += ruby-avl
SUBDIR += ruby-bsearch
SUBDIR += ruby-byaccr
SUBDIR += ruby-cache
SUBDIR += ruby-calendar
SUBDIR += ruby-cvs
SUBDIR += ruby-date2
SUBDIR += ruby-dialogs
SUBDIR += ruby-ecore
SUBDIR += ruby-eet
SUBDIR += ruby-event-loop
SUBDIR += ruby-fam
SUBDIR += ruby-filelock
SUBDIR += ruby-filemagic
SUBDIR += ruby-flexmock
SUBDIR += ruby-game
SUBDIR += ruby-gconf2
SUBDIR += ruby-gemfinder
SUBDIR += ruby-gems
SUBDIR += ruby-gettext
SUBDIR += ruby-glib2
SUBDIR += ruby-gnomevfs
SUBDIR += ruby-gnustep
SUBDIR += ruby-intl
SUBDIR += ruby-io-reactor
SUBDIR += ruby-jttui
SUBDIR += ruby-libglade2
SUBDIR += ruby-locale
SUBDIR += ruby-metaruby
SUBDIR += ruby-mmap
SUBDIR += ruby-ncurses
SUBDIR += ruby-p4
SUBDIR += ruby-poll
SUBDIR += ruby-property
SUBDIR += ruby-racc
SUBDIR += ruby-rbbr
SUBDIR += ruby-rbison
SUBDIR += ruby-rbprof
SUBDIR += ruby-rbtree
SUBDIR += ruby-rcov
SUBDIR += ruby-rjudy
SUBDIR += ruby-robjectteam
SUBDIR += ruby-rrb
SUBDIR += ruby-rreadline
SUBDIR += ruby-rudl
SUBDIR += ruby-sdl
SUBDIR += ruby-setup.rb
SUBDIR += ruby-slang
SUBDIR += ruby-strongtyping
SUBDIR += ruby-sysvipc
SUBDIR += ruby-term-ansicolor
SUBDIR += ruby-textbuf
SUBDIR += ruby-thrift
SUBDIR += ruby-tzfile
SUBDIR += ruby-wirble
SUBDIR += ruby-zoom
SUBDIR += rubygem-activesupport
SUBDIR += rubygem-analogger
SUBDIR += rubygem-builder
SUBDIR += rubygem-daemons
SUBDIR += rubygem-eventmachine
SUBDIR += rubygem-facets
SUBDIR += rubygem-fastercsv
SUBDIR += rubygem-fastthread
SUBDIR += rubygem-gem_plugin
SUBDIR += rubygem-highline
SUBDIR += rubygem-hoe
SUBDIR += rubygem-inline
SUBDIR += rubygem-json
SUBDIR += rubygem-needle
SUBDIR += rubygem-parsetree
SUBDIR += rubygem-ptreloaded
SUBDIR += rubygem-rake
SUBDIR += rubygem-rapt
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgl
SUBDIR += rubygem-rscm
SUBDIR += rubygem-rspec
SUBDIR += rubygem-rtags
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-debug
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-debug-base
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-prof
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby2ruby
SUBDIR += rubygem-rubyforge
SUBDIR += rubygem-rubyinlineaccel
SUBDIR += rubygem-stream
SUBDIR += rubygem-transactionsimple
SUBDIR += rubygem-tzinfo
SUBDIR += rubygem-zentest
SUBDIR += rudeconfig
SUBDIR += rudiments
SUBDIR += rvi
2000-05-29 06:23:18 +02:00
SUBDIR += rvm
SUBDIR += safestr
SUBDIR += scandoc
SUBDIR += scons
SUBDIR += scsh-install-lib
SUBDIR += sdl12
SUBDIR += sdl_sge
SUBDIR += sdlmm
SUBDIR += sdts++
SUBDIR += sedsed
SUBDIR += semantic
1997-11-09 11:33:56 +01:00
SUBDIR += sfio
SUBDIR += sfslite
SUBDIR += sfslite-dbg
SUBDIR += sfslite-noopt
SUBDIR += sgb
SUBDIR += sgl
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += shapelib
SUBDIR += shmap
SUBDIR += showgrammar
1999-04-26 20:48:47 +02:00
SUBDIR += shtool
SUBDIR += sid
SUBDIR += sigslot
SUBDIR += silc-toolkit
SUBDIR += simgear
SUBDIR += simian
SUBDIR += simpletest
SUBDIR += simulavr
SUBDIR += skalibs
SUBDIR += smake
SUBDIR += smc
SUBDIR += smv
SUBDIR += soapui
SUBDIR += soup
2003-05-07 17:54:12 +02:00
SUBDIR += sourcenav
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += spdict
SUBDIR += spin
SUBDIR += splint
SUBDIR += srecord
SUBDIR += st
SUBDIR += stfl
SUBDIR += stlfilt
1998-12-18 04:10:29 +01:00
SUBDIR += stlport
2000-01-09 20:49:03 +01:00
SUBDIR += str
SUBDIR += strace
SUBDIR += stringencoders
2001-04-16 21:40:59 +02:00
SUBDIR += styx
SUBDIR += subclipse
SUBDIR += subcommander
SUBDIR += subversion
SUBDIR += subversion-perl
SUBDIR += subversion-python
SUBDIR += subversion-ruby
SUBDIR += subversive
SUBDIR += sunterlib
SUBDIR += svk
SUBDIR += svn_load_dirs
SUBDIR += svndelta
SUBDIR += svnkit
SUBDIR += swig11
SUBDIR += swig13
2000-08-22 03:59:08 +02:00
SUBDIR += swigruby
SUBDIR += synfig
SUBDIR += sysconftool
1999-06-06 19:34:14 +02:00
SUBDIR += t1lib
SUBDIR += ta-lib
SUBDIR += tailor
SUBDIR += tavrasm
SUBDIR += tbb
SUBDIR += tcl-memchan
SUBDIR += tcl-neo
SUBDIR += tcl-trf
1997-07-21 18:10:50 +02:00
SUBDIR += tclcheck
1999-04-30 19:21:41 +02:00
SUBDIR += tclcl
SUBDIR += tclgetopts
SUBDIR += tcllib
SUBDIR += tclmore
1999-09-24 06:12:23 +02:00
SUBDIR += tclreadline
SUBDIR += tclthread
SUBDIR += tcltls
SUBDIR += tclxml
2001-08-30 07:39:51 +02:00
SUBDIR += tdl
1999-06-23 21:54:23 +02:00
SUBDIR += templ
SUBDIR += terminality
SUBDIR += thrift
SUBDIR += tide
SUBDIR += tigcc
SUBDIR += tinylaf
SUBDIR += tinyq
SUBDIR += titano
1999-06-29 07:32:54 +02:00
SUBDIR += tkcon
1996-07-30 12:59:05 +02:00
SUBDIR += tkcvs
SUBDIR += tkinspect
SUBDIR += tkmerge
SUBDIR += tkp4
SUBDIR += tla
SUBDIR += tmake
SUBDIR += tnt
SUBDIR += toh
SUBDIR += towitoko
SUBDIR += tpasm
SUBDIR += tpg
SUBDIR += trio
SUBDIR += truc
1997-02-25 05:21:17 +01:00
SUBDIR += tvision
SUBDIR += u-boot
2000-01-26 06:57:13 +01:00
SUBDIR += uclmmbase
2001-02-15 18:44:55 +01:00
SUBDIR += ucpp
SUBDIR += udis86
SUBDIR += umem
SUBDIR += upnp
SUBDIR += upp
SUBDIR += uppaal
SUBDIR += ustl
SUBDIR += valgrind
SUBDIR += valgrind-snapshot
SUBDIR += varconf
SUBDIR += vb2c
SUBDIR += viewvc
SUBDIR += vstr
1997-05-30 18:10:49 +02:00
SUBDIR += vtcl
SUBDIR += websvn
SUBDIR += wininfo
SUBDIR += winpdb
SUBDIR += wizardkit
SUBDIR += wxGlade
SUBDIR += wxGlade-devel
SUBDIR += xdg-utils
SUBDIR += xfc
SUBDIR += xfce4-dev-tools
SUBDIR += xlslib
1997-05-07 23:02:17 +02:00
SUBDIR += xmake
SUBDIR += xorg-macros
SUBDIR += xparam
SUBDIR += xtl
SUBDIR += xtla
SUBDIR += xwpe
SUBDIR += xxgdb
SUBDIR += xxl
SUBDIR += yasm
SUBDIR += z80-asm
SUBDIR += zeroinstall-injector
SUBDIR += ztcl
SUBDIR += zthread
SUBDIR += zziplib
1994-09-11 13:27:58 +02:00
.include <>